Yanjing hospital can become one of the most excellent hospitals in China. Apart from the best medical equipment and a large number of excellent doctors, the most important thing is its system called "medical seminar", which is held every three months. At the meeting, we will summarize the work of these three months and discuss the medical problems in these three months. Of course, we should pay attention to the following aspects, Like small hospitals, big hospitals have fights wherever there are people. Factional fights are even more common in Yanjing hospital. Therefore, the hospital seminar held every three months has become the best time for factions to fight against each other.

Most doctors are not clean under their hands because of the atmosphere they have experienced. They eat kickbacks, take red envelopes, bully new people, and all kinds of corruption are very common. Ouyang Bing, who came back from studying abroad, hated this phenomenon. However, Ouyang Bing wanted to change it, but she could do nothing. Although she had some famous papers published, her medical literacy was not weak, However, in terms of her qualifications and real strength, she still lacks the effect of setting the tone by one stroke. If Ouyang Bing's father hadn't had some influence, Ouyang Bing might have been out of Yanjing hospital long ago.

Therefore, Ouyang's ice situation is weak, which was discovered by Sun Li when he attended the medical seminar as an official doctor for the first time.

Qin Han, the president of Yanjing hospital, and other high-level hospitals were in the United States for inspection, so he did not attend the seminar. Only Ouyang Bing and two other vice presidents sat on the leadership seat.

"Next, let's welcome Dr. Sun Li sun, who was given the title of resident by Ouyang Bing's vice president tebi, to make his inaugural speech." Vice president Zhao Fengyi said with a smile from the rostrum.

There were sparse applause on the field, and most doctors were watching coldly. According to the truth, a new doctor who has just become a formal doctor is not qualified to speak at the medical seminar of Yanjing hospital. But somehow, Sun Li has this qualification, and in Zhao Fengyi's words, vice president Ouyang Bing's special approval accentuates his pronunciation.

Wang Fushu sat down and clapped his hands happily. Originally, Ouyang Bing just wanted Sun Li to introduce the magical effect of traditional Chinese medicine when she took office. He wanted Sun Li to tell us that medicine needs to absorb all kinds of things. However, when Wang Fushu told Zhao Fengyi that Ouyang Bing had approved Sun Li's transformation, the nature of all this changed, Sun Li has become Ouyang Bing's lineage, and Ouyang Bing's making Sun Li's inaugural speech on stage is tantamount to a provocation to the corrupt forces! It's like pushing Sun Li to the top of the storm. It's a victory!

Ouyang Bing is worried in her eyes. She suddenly feels that she has hurt Sun Li.

In fact, when Sun Li entered the meeting hall, he had already noticed the unfriendliness of the atmosphere. However, when a doctor has the power of perspective, what can he fear?

Sun Li went to the rostrum with a huff, took out a manuscript from his pocket which he found out from google this morning, opened the crumpled speech manuscript, and Sun Li read it feebly.

"Ouyang Bing is looking for this kind of goods to support the scene now? That's too bad! "

Seeing Sun Li's performance on the stage, Zhao Fengyi was powerless and had no self-confidence. He couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Zhou Aiguo, another vice president beside Zhao Fengyi, gave a laugh. He whispered to Zhao Fengyi: "I remember that this manuscript was written by one of my disciples before, and I dare to use it directly if sun and Li are not changed. I don't have the ability, but I have the courage. "

They look at each other and smile. Ouyang Bing can't find this Sun Li. Ouyang Bing can find this kind of goods now, which shows that Ouyang Bing has become indifferent.

Ouyang Bing looks at Sun Li, who is powerless on the stage, with a slight sigh of relief. In her impression, Sun Li is not such a person, and Sun Li's performance must be because Sun Li obviously feels the strange atmosphere on the stage, and uses this kind of performance to deal with the victory. Ouyang Bing thinks so.

But this time, Ouyang Bing is wrong. The reason why Sun Li is powerless is because he is sleepy! Last night I went to bed too late. This morning, Sun Li was really sleepy. The reason for using this manuscript was that he didn't have time to write it. He had to rush to find a manuscript to deal with it. To be honest, Sun Li was very happy to become an official doctor.

"... so, I will be a good doctor."

Sun Li listlessly read the last word, bowed to everyone and went down from the stage.

"Well, well, Dr. Sun Li's inaugural report is really wonderful."

Zhao Fengyi took the lead in clapping with a smile. This time, most doctors on the field began to clap with him.

Ouyang Bing nodded on her cold face. Now she still thinks that Sun Li uses this move to deal with the killing. "But since then, even if it's not from my department, it's better, because I really appreciate Sun Li. I'll be working in surgery if there's no accident. Surgery just belongs to my jurisdiction, I can take care of her a little bit more

Sun Li stepped down from the stage, found his own position, narrowed his eyes and began to feel sleepy.

"Judging from Dr. Sun Li's inaugural report, he is really an ambitious man! Our hospital is short of such young people with dreams and aspirations! Originally assigned to you in surgery, since Dr. Sun Li is so energetic, let's make a small adjustment. How about going to the emergency department? "

As soon as Zhao Fengyi's words change, he wants to change Sun Li's post.

Hearing this, Sun Li's eyes suddenly opened. Before he spoke, Ouyang Bing had already opened his mouth: "vice president Zhao, Sun Li, I've learned that he not only studied surgery in University, but also has been engaged in surgery since he came to our hospital. Will the sudden transfer not be very good?"

Ouyang Bing is a little worried and his tone is short, which shows that Ouyang Bing's city is not deep. How can such Ouyang Bing fight Zhao Fengyi, an old fox.

"Ah! Xiaobing, what you said is wrong. Young people should accept more challenges so that they can improve, don't you think“ Zhao Fengyi said to Ouyang Bing with a smile.

Zhou Aiguo then said: "yes, vice president Ouyang, I think what Lao Zhao said is reasonable. Sun Li, a young man, looks excellent, so we should let him exercise more."

"But... But..."

What else does Ouyang Bing want to say? It's an emergency department. It's the first line to face patients directly. It's the place where doctors' professional quality is most examined. It's the place where conflicts are most likely to break out and accidents are most likely to occur. The most important thing is that emergency department is not her jurisdiction!

"It's all right! Vice President Ouyang! I can do that! Believe me

Sun Li saw that the two old men bullied Ouyang Bing and couldn't speak. He was a little angry. He gave Ouyang bing a reassuring look and said.

"Ha ha! Xiaobing, you see, Sun Li has agreed. You don't have to say much. It's so decided. Young people are really confident! How nice

Zhao Fengyi's city hall is deep and light, so he settled the matter.

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