"Well, since we all agree that there is no objection, let's start!"

Sun Li smiles, claps his hands and focuses everyone's attention on him“ Since everyone believes in me, I have only one request, and all the next actions will be under my command! "

At this time, Chen Chuhe seems to have figured it out, and now he can't understand what Sun Li is going to do, but he thinks he can also help: "well, just follow doctor sun's instructions, and we'll do it."

Sun Li said to Chen Chuhe with a smile, "thank you, director Chen, for trusting me so much!"

With these words, Sun Li turned around, and his momentum suddenly changed. The combination of self-confidence and dignity made Sun Li have a different charm.

"Please start shaving Wu Jing's head now and bring me a surgical marker."

Sun Li entered the working state, exuding a calm state.

The emergency room also began to rotate in an orderly way. The state of Sun Li's body led everyone to carry out their work with confidence and steadiness. This scene made Chen Chuhe feel surprised. He underestimated Sun Li.

"Call the operating room on the seventh floor and tell them to prepare for the operation later."

Zhao Rui nodded excitedly. She hasn't seen the emergency room work together for a long time. Now the atmosphere of the emergency room makes her enjoy it very much.

"Give Wu Jing another injection of diazepam."

Under the leadership of Sun Li, some measures for Wu Jing have finally worked, and Wu Jing's vital signs have stabilized.

Seeing that Wu Jing's life finally calmed down, other medical workers took a long breath. Next, we put our eyes on Sun Li. It's up to us to see what Sun Li can do!

Sun Li came to Wu Jing in no hurry, seemingly indifferent. In fact, Sun Li's attention has already been focused, and the power of perspective has been working. His eyes that can see through everything have already seen through Wu Jing's skull.

Since Sun Li obtained the perspective ability, his memory has become particularly excellent, can be said to be unforgettable, that is, with such a good memory, Sun Li can clearly remember Zhang Yue's brain structure, also can write that amazing post.

Although the human brain is different, it is similar, so when Sun Li uses the perspective power to pass through Wu Jing's skull and come to Wu Jing's skull cavity, he can better lay a good foundation for the next judgment.

"The patient had disturbance of consciousness, and at the same time, the patient's eyeball focused on direct fixation, which was determined as thalamic hemorrhage."

In his mouth, Sun Li spoke to himself and kept his hands on the other side. With Sun Li's action, the surgical marker made a mark on Wu Jing's shaved head.

"The patient has vomiting, accompanied by epileptic symptoms, it is concluded that there is lobar hemorrhage."

With Sun Li making a mark on Wu Jing's head, everyone below is stunned, accurate judgment, detailed understanding of Pathology, which is a doctor who knows nothing about mixed eating and waiting for death! This is clearly an experienced brain doctor to make the judgment!

"Because there is an external force hitting the brain, so we can't rule out the situation of vascular cracks."

Sun Li is engrossed in the operation, holding a surgical marker pen between his bony fingers like a flying butterfly, while Sun Li dances beside Wu Jing like a beautiful dancer, which is both pleasing to the eye and shocking!

Accurate! That's accurate! Sun Li's action will inevitably give us the illusion that Sun Li is not an emergency doctor, but a senior brain doctor!

Watching Sun Li's enjoyable performance beside Wu Jing, Zhang Nan Nan and Chen Chu he opened their mouths one after another and shocked their eyes.

"Xiao Zhang, do you know what's going on in your brain?"

Chen Chuhe turned around in shock and asked Zhang Nannan.

Zhang Nan was also surprised: "director Chen, I know the structure of the brain, but I really can't do it with such accuracy..."

"Can't you do it?"

Chen Chuhe muttered to himself: "do we really find treasure in the emergency department this time?"

Suddenly, two people seem to think of something at the same time, two people turn to look at each other at the same time, exclaimed with one voice: "that post! Only that post has such a detailed introduction to the brain

"No way! Impossible, impossible Chen Chuhe shook his head one after another: "that post can't be written by him. He is too young and has too little experience. He can't write such a profound article. His behavior only means that he has read and studied the post seriously!"

Chen Chuhe was deeply shocked: "Sun Li is really a genius. He can remember so many complex things just by learning. His learning ability is really powerful! We see him

On one side, Zhang Nan looks at Sun Li thoughtfully.

"Unconscious movement of limbs, hemorrhage of putamen in brain, massive hemorrhage in brain, must be operated immediately!"

When Sun Li determined the last bleeding point like a leisurely court, he walked down slowly. At this time, Sun Li even had an amazing momentum that could not be looked directly at, which made Chen Chuhe feel oppressed! Unable to look directly at Sun Li's shining eyes.

"Are you the chief surgeon from the brain department?"

Sun Li said to Zhang Nannan with a little ease. Looking at him now, the wind is light and the clouds are dim. It seems that the terrible diagnosis which is extremely accurate and requires high mental and physical strength just now is not what he did. However, behind Sun Li, the accurate and delicate bleeding points appear on Wu Jing's head as if they were drawn by a computer.

"What are you going to do! I'll see how you deal with it! When something happens, I won't kill you! "

Zhou Jian shrinks in the corner, gnashing his teeth jealously.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Nannan." Zhang Nan reaches out his hand to Sun Li. However, as an excellent doctor in the new generation, Zhang Nan also has his pride in his heart.

"The bleeding point is determined well. It can be seen that you really have two brushes. It seems that there are some misunderstandings about you." Zhang Nannan said to Sun Li seriously: "you must have seen the post on the forum to have this kind of judgment. However, although your action just made me marvel, the exact result may not be as easy as you think."

At this time, Chen Chuhe also sobered up. He was stunned by Sun Li's performance just now. With Zhang Nannan's drive, he became rational. Yes! That's the brain! It's intracranial! It's an organ that will die within millimeter! How can Sun Li judge so accurately! But when Chen Chuhe saw the extremely standard points and lines on Wu Jing's head, he silently exclaimed that he would be very suitable for surgery if he was so stable!

Chen Chuhe, sober up, breathes a long breath. Now he has begun to believe that Sun Li is a talent. He also decides that even if there is an accident in this operation, he must keep Sun Li down and train him well, although in his mind, there is a great chance of failure in this operation!

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