It was a woman in her thirties who had just pushed the door in. Her face was frosty, her body was hot, her chest was high, her white face was covered with a pair of black glasses, which covered her proud eyes slightly, but her proud and cool posture could not be covered.

She is Ouyang Bing, the vice president of Ouyang in the mouth of Wang Fu's book.

Wang Fushu's face changed as soon as it changed. He immediately wore a flattering smile. His eyes narrowed into a slit on his fat face. He said to Ouyang Bing in a servile manner, "Vice President Ouyang, when did you come here? It's really exciting for you to come here in person for a small matter."

Ouyang Bing took a cold look at Wang Fushu and said in a tone of no emotion: "how can I come here if I don't come here? Have you been pushed over? "

Wang Fushu was choked by Ouyang Bing and couldn't speak. He could only lick his face and smile.

But in the twinkling of an eye, in order to hide his embarrassment, Wang Fushu quickly pulled Sun Li to his side and said, "this is vice president Ouyang. Don't you always admire vice president Ouyang, Xiao Sun? Today, I see a real person! how! Isn't it beautiful? "

Ouyang Bing heard Wang Fushu's words, glanced at Sun Li, said nothing, then turned to the hospital bed.

Sun Li looked at Ouyang Bing in surprise. Although he didn't admire Ouyang Bing as Wang Fushu said, he had heard about the famous vice president of Ouyang for a long time. The president of Yanjing hospital is not only young, but also very beautiful. The most important thing is that he has excellent medical skills.

In Sun Li's opinion, Ouyang Bing is not only too young, but also amazing in appearance.

"Tell me, how do you judge? How can we say that the cause of the disease is in the lung? " Ouyang Bing went to the bedside, nodded with the girl's mother, said hello, reached out to touch the girl's forehead.

"Body deficiency, white face, with severe cough, my preliminary conclusion is due to the lung."

"Oh? Just a few simple reasons can determine that the cause is in the lung? Want to know simple cold also can cause cough Ouyang Bing turned around, his cold face was not smiling.

Sun Li opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't say that it was because he saw it through perspective. If he said that, it would be strange if he was not caught as a mental illness.

Ouyang Bing shook his head, walked by Sun Li and came to Wang Fushu: "what kind of examination has the patient had?"

Wang Fushu slightly wiped the sweat on his forehead and carefully replied: "this patient had a comprehensive examination when he was just hospitalized, but he didn't find out the exact cause."

"And the inspection report?" Ouyang Bing raised his eyebrow: "bring it to me."

Wang Fushu trotted all the way, took the inspection report back, respectfully handed it to Ouyang Bing, said: "Ouyang vice president, all the inspection reports are here, please have a look."

Ouyang Bing picked up the inspection report and looked at it carefully. When she turned to the last page, her eyebrows suddenly wrinkled: "everything is normal?"

Wang Fushu bent over, with a flattering smile on his face, replied: "our final examination result is that everything is normal, and the girl is now weak, my inference is due to malnutrition."

"Is this caused by malnutrition?" Ouyang Bing wrinkled good-looking eyebrows, sharp eyes swept the respectful Wang Fushu, and then looked at the girl on the bed with doubts, "then how are you going to treat?"

"After we have determined the cause of the disease, we have been injecting glucose into the patients recently to strengthen their nutrition." Wang Fushu smiles with him.

"Oh? Does that work? " Ouyang Bing looked at the weak girl lying on the bed and asked.

"Not at the moment." Wang Fu Shudun, lowered his head, eyes flashing.

"Well, first treat according to your treatment method, and then come to me if it still doesn't work." Ouyang ice after a look and found nothing different, so decided to prepare to the next ward.

"Okay, okay." Wang Fushu sighed and nodded back.

In fact, Wang Fushu clearly knows that the cause of the girl's illness is not malnutrition, but because he has no way to determine the cause. In addition, he does not care much about the patients. He is afraid that Ouyang Bing will see the clue, so he has been very nervous all the time. Hearing Ouyang Bing's intention to leave, Wang Fushu can't help but relax.

He fooled around here, and Sun Li didn't play any role in this diagnosis, so he could find a reason to kick Sun Li out of the hospital. Thinking of this, Wang Fushu raised his eyes and looked at Sun Li with pleasure, but suddenly found that Sun Li ran to Ouyang Bing from his original position.

"What does he want?" Wang Fushu suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"Vice President Ouyang! The cause of the patient is not malnutrition at all. The symptoms of malnutrition should be dwarfism, emaciation, loss of subcutaneous fat and hair loss. The patient does not have any of these symptoms and has a severe cough, so the cause of the disease will not be malnutrition! "

Sun Li stopped Ouyang Bing, who was about to leave, and said.

Ouyang Bing looked at Sun Li and asked coldly, "you spoke just now. I haven't asked you. Who are you?"

"My name is Sun Li, and now I'm a doctor under director Wang." Sun Li straightened up: "I also ask vice president Ouyang to pay attention to the patient's condition, and don't make a hasty judgment“

Ouyang Bing frowned: "Sun Li? How come I haven't heard your name

Sun Li scratched his head awkwardly and said in a low voice, "now I'm still in the internship period."

"Damn it, this boy should be looking for trouble for me. It's a burden. We have to get him out of the hospital quickly!" Wang Fushu saw the scene in front of him, cursing in a low voice, but he also walked up quickly. When he came to Ouyang Bing, Wang Fushu's face turned into a flattering smile: "Vice President Ouyang, this boy is an intern who just came to my department. He doesn't know anything. Please forgive me, don't blame him!"

Then Wang Fu Shu turned his head and yelled: "little sun! The inspection report is there! Vice President Ouyang has seen it. What else are you talking about! I've reminded you several times! Don't be so ignorant! Why don't you listen now! Do you want to do it or not! If you don't want to do it, get out of here as soon as possible! "

Sun Li looked at the hypocritical Wang Fushu and felt sick. "Director Wang, you think it's malnutrition, but the cause is not necessarily malnutrition!"

Wang Fushu's cold eyes flashed by and looked at Sun Li full of oppression. However, he found that Sun Li was not affected by him at all. He was still standing in the same place. He couldn't help laughing angrily: "ha ha, OK, Xiao Sun, you may be tolerant now! You dare to fight me! Who gave you the courage to make you so arrogant? Now you admit a mistake to President Ouyang and me in front of me. I can forgive you! "

Ouyang ice hands shoulder in one side, looking at two people.

Sun Li recalled that he saw the scene inside the patient's body and strengthened his judgment.

Wang Fushu suddenly became furious and his voice was eight degrees higher: "little sun! I don't say more about you to save your face! I tell you! The inspection report is there! Go and see for yourself! Don't pretend to understand! Our hospital doesn't need a doctor who doesn't obey the management like you! Now pack up and go home! "

Just then, Ouyang Bing suddenly cut in and said, "don't make a noise, Sun Li, right? Well, you tell me, this patient is not malnourished. What's the reason for that? "

"Vice President Ouyang! Don't pay attention to this boy! He doesn't know how to praise... "Wang Fushu opened his mouth and just said a few words, but he was interrupted by Ouyang Bing's wave. Ouyang Bing motioned to listen to Sun Li.

"Lung, the patient's disease is in the lung!"

Sun Li narrowed his eyes and said.

"Are you sure?" Ouyang Bing asked.

"I'm sure!"

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