In the daze, Sun Li only felt that he had a headache. In his last memory, he seemed to faint in the path outside his home. Where am I now?

Sun Li struggled to open his eyes. Suddenly, Sun Li was startled and drew back, because in front of him was a fluffy round object.

"What is it?" Sun Li screamed and panicked.

"Why, do you need such a fuss?" The fluffy round object suddenly made a sound to speak, also showed a mouth of big yellow teeth, discontented to Sun Li complained.

Sun Li fixed his eyes and put his heart into his stomach. It turned out that a man was squatting in front of him. He was dressed in rags and sloppy clothes. His hair, which had not been taken care of for a long time, hung down and covered his face. It was then hairy. Sun Li struggled to get up and found that the day was still bright. He could not help but let out a sigh of relief“ Fortunately, I didn't faint for a long time

"It's the next day! You think you just fainted

The man squatting in front of Sun Li said that his hair in front of him was pulled away, revealing his unforgettable face.

"Old... Old beggar!"

Sun Li had no time to wonder why he fainted all day. He stared at the man who had changed his life!

"Old beggar! I finally see you! Since you gave me that sculpture, my body has had some changes! Explain to me quickly

After he got the perspective ability, Sun Li once went back to the street where he met the old beggar to look for the old beggar, but he never got anything. When he saw the old beggar here again, Sun Li took the old beggar by the hand for fear that he might run away.

"Explain it to me quickly. What's the matter with all this?"

Although he has perspective ability, Sun Li is still facing this unfamiliar thing, and his heart is still a little flustered.

"What change? What are you talking about? Why don't I know! " The old beggar buttoned his nose and put it on his ragged clothes. He looked at Sun Li with big eyes and didn't know.

"You lied! That's what you call the turning point! You said it

Sun Li does not stick to it.

"Oh! Speaking of turning point, I think of the big dish chicken you invited me to eat again! How delicious The old beggar's eyes were empty, and he put out his tongue to lick his lips. But in a moment, the old beggar changed his appearance. He turned to Sun Li and said, "when it comes to food, I'm hungry. You don't know. I didn't eat yesterday afternoon. I came here to see if I could eat. Unexpectedly, I met you on the ground. I'm old and can't carry you, I can't help it. I have to guard you all night! "

Looking at Sun Li's stupid face and not knowing his hint, the old beggar couldn't help saying in his heart, "this melon boy still has to cheat!"

"Remember a poem I chanted when we parted that day? When you meet a dragon, do you know where to turn it The old beggar is sitting in danger. If there is something wrong, he looks at Sun Li and says.

"Ah? Where is it? " Sun Li can't keep up with the thinking of the old beggar.

"Here, here! You come with me The old beggar saw that Sun Li cooperated with him so much that he couldn't help grinning his big yellow teeth happily. He pulled Sun Li up and ran.

Sun Li trots with the old beggar. On the way, Sun Li uses his perspective ability to look at the old beggar. But for the first time, Sun Li encounters a situation that he can't see through. The old beggar's body is like a fog. He can't see the whole picture at all. At this time, Sun Li finally wakes up and realizes that the old beggar's presence around him is not without purpose, However, he still pretended not to know and cooperated with the old beggar.

"Right here! Here is the dragon When they finally arrived at their destination, the old beggar held out his dirty hands, pointed to the name of a bright shop "spicy crayfish" and said, "this crayfish is the best to eat!"

Sun Li was stunned and laughed. He looked at the old beggar and said, "come on, let's go in and eat whatever you like! I have enough money now! "


The old beggar showed his big yellow teeth and grinned.

I don't know how long the old beggar didn't eat. Five kilos of crayfish were eaten by the old beggar in a short time, leaving only a table of shrimp shells. Sun Li couldn't help admiring the old beggar's appetite.

"Come on, what's the matter with me."

Sun Li looked at the old beggar and finally finished eating. He sat up straight, looked at the old beggar with his eyes, and said in a flat voice.

"Ah? What can I do for you? What are you talking about! I just saved you by passing by! " The old beggar blinked, still quibbling.

"Ha ha." Sun Li chuckled. He didn't say much. He just looked at the old beggar and didn't say a word.

Finally, the old beggar was a little hairy by Sun Li. He groped in his file for a long time in a rage. He took out a wrinkled thread bound book full of grease and smashed it directly on Sun Li: "damn! I'm kind enough to save your life. You can die if you treat me to a meal! And suspect me of an attempt? What's my intention! What does your abnormal body have to do with me? There is no way to find my responsibility! "

As soon as he finished, the old beggar stood up, lifted the curtain and left in a hurry.


Sun Li reaches out his hand to catch the old beggar, but grabs nothing. Sun Li stares at his palm, and some don't believe that he didn't catch the old man.

When the old beggar left, Sun Li turned his attention to the book he had thrown to him. Sun Li gently picked it up. The black book covered with grease could not see what was written on the cover. Rao Shi, with Sun Li's outstanding vision, only vaguely recognized that there were three small characters written in traditional seal script: "Hualong Jue!"

"Is there really a formula for transforming the dragon?"

Sun Li was a little surprised. He quickly stuffed the book into his pocket, paid for it, and went out to his rental house.

But in the place where Sun Li can't see, the old beggar stands on the top of the high-rise building, the wind blows, and his hair is blowing and dancing with the wind, and the old beggar's face no longer has the posture of pretending to be crazy and acting silly. Now his momentum is like the abyss, he doesn't get angry and has the feeling of being unpredictable.

The old beggar's sight slowly changes with Sun Li's movement track. The wind seems to be mixed with the old beggar's words: "it's not that I don't tell you, but that we can't break the inheritance before the time comes."

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