"Sun Li, a little doctor in the emergency department."

Sun Li arched his hand to Zhao Zhen and said calmly.

Sun Li's calmness makes Zhao Zhen look at him more. It's hard for ordinary people to be still so calm in front of him. You know, Zhao Zhen is the top hitter in the old master's line. He is also a famous son Zhao Zhen on the road!

"Sun Li, right! Are you so confident that you can cure my patients? "

Zhao Zhen looked at Sun Li, full of gloomy meaning said.

"I have to see the patient to know if I have confidence, but what I know is that if you are in a stalemate, the patient may be in danger!"

Sun Li patted his sleeve and said to Zhao Zhen in a casual tone.

Hearing the sudden shock in Zhao Yan's eyes, he gave Sun Li a deep look: "boy! You're smart! But I hope your medical skills are as good as your brain! "

After that, Zhao Zhen stretched out his hand and pointed to Sun Li: "take him away!"

A group of people in black came forward and sandwiched Sun Li in the middle. They were about to take Sun Li away.

"Brother Zhen, I will follow you, but you make a mess of our emergency hall. How can I be in the mood to treat patients?"

Seeing the man in black walking towards him, Sun Li spoke slowly.

"Hum!" Zhao Zhen turned around and snorted: "boy! You have a lot of guts He kicked the leather box full of RMB at Zhao Rui: "you know this little nurse, don't you? Take the money! It's your maintenance fee. "

"But if you go to see a doctor, it doesn't improve." Speaking of this, the ferocious light in Zhao Zhen's eyes flashed: "this money will be your corpse collection fee!"

As soon as Zhao Zhen's words were finished, he left the emergency hall without looking back. Behind him, Sun Li kept up with Zhao Zhen with a smile.

"Dr. Sun!"

Zhao Ruiguan didn't kick the box of money beside her. She took a step forward full of worry and choked in her voice.

"It's all right, it's all right! Don't worry! Just go to see a doctor! I'll be back tomorrow! "

Sun Li turns around and gives Zhao Rui a reassuring look. Then he buries his head and sits in the Land Rover opened by Zhao Zhen and others.

When Sun Li and his party disappeared far in front of all the people in the emergency department, the panic stricken people were relieved.

"I'm scared to death. I'm scared to death! This is the first time I've seen you! How brave Dr. Sun is! Just follow them on the bus. What shall we do! Or call the police! "

"Is it useful to call the police? I didn't hear the leader just now say that it's useless to call the police. They all dare to come to our hospital at night to rob people. What else dare they do? "

"What shall we do! Just let Dr. Sun go with them? Listen to that, if Dr. Sun really doesn't cure the disease, it's really dangerous! "

"What else can I do! I hope Dr. Sun's medical skills are superb! You can cure it

Zhao Rui stares at the direction where Sun Li is taken away and holds her hands tightly together. Suddenly, she seems to think of something, turns around and rushes to the emergency office“ I hope she can help Dr. Sun Li! "

On this side, Sun Li was taken to his destination.

"Linjin villa!"

This is one of the few villas in Yanjing. The house price of the villas that can be built in Yanjing is also an astronomical number, and Linjin villa is a model among them. People who can live here are rich or expensive! Expensive, also expensive! The general rich do not even have the qualification to buy a house in Linjin villa!

Sun Li, however, was taken to the largest villa in Linjin villa by a group of people in black.

"Open the door

Outside the villa, dozens of people in black were patrolling. Seeing Zhao Zhen's return, they opened the door in a hurry.

"Did the doctor find it?"

After the door opened, a woman with enchanting appearance and hot figure came out. When she saw Zhao Zhen, she asked coldly.

"Found it! Found it! How big a circle have you been looking for? This is the doctor I tied up from the emergency department of Yanjing hospital! " Seeing the young woman, Zhao Zhen said respectfully, "Scorpio, how's the old man?"

"It's not very optimistic. A group of doctors are watching. It's no use at all. I hope you can find it back and use it." Said the coquettish woman, known as scorpion, in a cold tone opposite to her fiery figure.

"And the doctor? Where is it? "

Scorpion's eyes completely passed Sun Li and looked behind Zhao Zhen.

"That's what it is

Zhao Zhen pulled Sun Li out and motioned to the scorpion.

"So young? What's the matter with you? It's no use for a young doctor. I want you to find an older one

The scorpion frowned and looked at Zhao Zhen with bad eyes. Rao Zhao Zhen, a two meter tall man, saw that the Scorpion was full of bad eyes. He couldn't help but shrink his neck. He felt a little afraid: "I smashed the Yanjing hospital so late, so I only found him, but he should be very capable!"

Zhao Hu patted Sun Li, eyes full of threat, said: "is not ah!"

Sun Li lightly a smile, indifferent reply way: "must let me see the patient first, then can give you the conclusion!"

Scorpion some accident looked at Sun Li, did not expect that this young man can be so indifferent.

But Scorpion will not look up to Sun Li, as the right arm of the old man, scorpion has never seen any big waves.

"Come in! The old man is upstairs. "

Scorpion frowned and made way, while Sun Li's mobile phone had been confiscated when he first stepped into the villa.

"You should tell me who let me see a doctor."

Sun Li followed Zhao Hu and looked at the luxurious decoration in the villa. He couldn't help but wonder about the patient.

"The old man's surname is yuan!" Zhao Zhen turned his head and glared at Sun Li: "if you should ask, if you shouldn't, close your mouth!"

"Yuan?" If Sun Li thinks about it, suddenly, Sun Li's eyes coagulate and he is shocked: "is it him?"

Sun Li thought of a name that even he, who was not a Yanjing person, had heard, a name that he always thought was the existence of the story.

If it's really this person, then it's all right with the people in black and living in "Linjin villa"!

Yuan Wangcai, a legendary Dog King!

"Dog King?" Sun Li carefully called out the name.

"I want to die, don't I?"

Zhao Zhen suddenly turned his head and showed his fierce face!

"It's him!" Sun Li sighed in his heart.

Yuan Wangcai, the dog king, was once a legendary figure. Fifty years ago, yuan Wangcai, who was only 20 years old, came to Yanjing alone. There was only one man and one dog. With his own ruthlessness and ruthlessness, he killed a bloody road in the underworld of Yanjing. In order to commemorate the dog who accompanied him to fight to death, he set up the gang "dog grave"!

Although "dog grave" has now become the largest entertainment center in Yanjing, at the peak of "dog grave", there was an old saying that the day in Yanjing belongs to the country, but the night in Yanjing belongs to yuan Wangcai!

Although in recent years, the country's anti evil and anti Mafia campaign has forced the dog grave organization to turn more work to the public, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the dog grave is still a giant!

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