Scorpion looks at Sun Li unexpectedly, then turns to see Xiang Qianyu, Zhao zhilao and others.

"That's right. With your cooperation, let the old man wake up early, and you can leave early. Why should you be so resistant?"

With a enchanting smile, she changed from a ruthless woman to a charming one: "young people are still on the road, not like you old guys."

"OK, then I won't disturb you. You can discuss it here. If you need anything, just open your mouth. I'll come back half an hour later." The scorpion winked at Sun Li: "you'd better discuss with these old guys. It's also a matter of life and death!"

After scorpion left, Qian Yu and Zhao zhilao looked at each other, and their eyes were full of despair and helplessness: "what can I do! Only half an hour! It's not enough! "

"It's all your fault! You young man, you are really arrogant and lawless! We're here for a while. Maybe we'll be let go. As a result, you insist that you can cure it! There is no way for us in this room. You can have a way to fart! "

Zhao zhilao transfers his hatred to Sun Li. He slaps the table with resentment.

"Young man, your behavior just now is really not very calm!"

Qian Yu also said that all the doctors in the house resented Sun Li.

"Ha ha." Sun Li chuckled: "if I remember correctly, all of you here are celebrities in Yanjing medical field. Dr. Zhao zhilao, you seem to be the director of surgery of the Ninth People's hospital. Mr. Qian Yu, you seem to be an associate professor of Yanjing Union Medical College Hospital. And Dr. Tian, you don't seem to be an ordinary person. I've read all your medical papers, But I can't see from your paper that you are so pessimistic. How can you, as a respectable doctor, not even have this confidence? "

Sun Li said here, his eyes swept the crowd: "I'm not as good as the little doctor of Yanjing hospital."

"Well! Yellow mouth

Seeing Sun Li's performance, Zhao zhilao uttered a cold snort of disdain: "you don't know what disease the patient upstairs has. How dare you be so arrogant? You don't call it faith, you call it death! "

Having said that, Zhao zhilao turns his head and seems unwilling to continue talking with Sun Li.

"Young man! I really don't know what to say to you. If it can be cured, we must have gone up for treatment. Who doesn't want to go home! Why are we still in this house? That's what we really can't do! "

Qian Yu looks at Sun Li with a bitter smile.

"The patient was in a coma because of the immune system disorder caused by massive necrosis of the internal tissue. According to the test report they gave us, there were many hidden diseases in the patient's body, which suddenly broke out and caused a chain reaction. We were really at a loss. If we were in the hospital, maybe we could do something else, but the family just didn't go to the hospital, Although they also have some medical equipment upstairs, it's not enough! "

Qian Yu took great pains to explain to Sun Li. At last, he sighed: "you young man, you are really implicating us!"

Sun Li, with a smile on his face, looked at the people in the house full of sad color and gave them another dose of material: "do you know who is lying upstairs? As far as I know, his name is yuan Wangcai. "

"Yuan Wangcai!"

Everyone's face suddenly changed, and everyone felt that a cool air rushed straight from the spine to the tianlinggai.

"How can you be sure that the old man upstairs is the dog king! Are you sure? Don't you think Dog King has emigrated

Judging from your reaction, all of you know the name of the dog king, but it's impossible that you don't know it. More than ten years ago, the major hospitals in Yanjing took over serious stabbing and slashing patients, which are more or less related to the influence of the dog king.

Sun Li shrugged indifferently: "I'm not sure, but it should be true!"

"Dog King..."

Zhao zhilao gently read the name in his mouth, and his eyes were uncertain.

"Now do you still believe that you will do nothing? Will they let you go in the end?"

Sun Li spread his hands and tilted his head to look at the people in the room.

"Alas! Forget it, forget it

Qian Yu collapsed in despair. He had given up, because he knew that if they were really gathered here because of the dog king, they would not be able to get away if they did not give an account to these people. However, they really have no way!

"You are so relaxed now. I really admire your attitude."

Looking at Sun Li's relaxed face, Qian Yu shook his head.

"Well, I said, do you really give up? Don't you think of a way? " Sun Li pulled out a stool and sat down beside Qian Yu. He looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "you still have 20 minutes. That woman will be back in 20 minutes."

"Come back! Anyway, I can't help it. I'm the one with the worst life. If they are powerful, they can take it away! " Zhao zhilao was furious: "you keep talking here. It makes us even more scared. What do you want to do! Do you have a way or something? "

"Yes, I have a way!"

Sun Li nodded seriously.

"You see, you said you couldn't help it! What are you talking about here? " Zhao zhilao didn't respond to what Sun Li said. He was furious!

But for a moment, Zhao zhilao was stunned. He turned his head and looked at Sun Li foolishly, as if he didn't believe his ears: "what do you say? Would you repeat that to me? "

Sun Li laughed and said word by word: "I said I have a way!"

"Ha ha ha, what do you say? You said you had a way? You're kidding! I don't believe it Zhao zhilao laughed as if he heard a big joke: "if you can save the dog king and everyone, the sow will be in the tree!"

He was full of disdain and didn't believe Sun Li at all.

Although he didn't believe it, some people did. After hearing Sun Li's reply, Qian Yu, the doctor named Tian, and all the doctors in the house came to Sun Li one after another. Their eyes were bright and they looked straight at Sun Li.

"Really? Don't lie to us! You are so young, do you really have a way? "

"There's no point in cheating now! If you cheat, we'll beat you up now! "

"They don't have as many advanced medical equipment as our hospital. Are you sure you can?"

"The dog king is critically ill. Are you sure you can sober him up with such a serious illness?"

A series of barrage of general problems from the mouth of the public, the moment will submerge Sun Li.

Originally, in the case that everyone felt desperate, Sun Li's sudden confidence made everyone seem to see the dawn of hope. A crowd eagerly surrounded Sun Li.

"Stop, stop, stop! Listen to me first Sun Li opened his mouth and said in a loud voice, "don't worry, everyone. Let me finish."

"Hum!" Zhao zhilao sat in the corner and looked at the crowd crowing around Sun Li, with a sneer.

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