"Then their people smashed our hospital. Dr. Sun was afraid that they would do something extraordinary in our hospital, so he cooperated with them and went with them. President Ouyang, this is probably the case." Zhao Rui's nose is red. Obviously she cried just now. She said to Ouyang Bing in a small voice: "President Ouyang, you have to save Dr. Sun quickly! Those people look fierce. If something happens to Dr. Sun, what can we do? "

It turns out that Zhao Rui's phone call just now was to Ouyang Bing. Most people in the hospital know that Sun Li is Ouyang Bing's person. In a hurry, Zhao Rui can only remember Ouyang Bing.

"These thugs! It's against the law! Don't they know? Dare to come to Yanjing hospital in front of so many people to coerce a doctor to follow them! Are the people here lawless? "

Ouyang Bingxing's eyes are round and her pretty face is cold. After receiving Zhao Rui's phone call, Ouyang Bing comes to the scene for the first time. When she learns of the situation, Ouyang Bing is very angry. She doesn't understand how anyone can be so lawless!

"No! I want to call the police right away

Ouyang Bing's eyes are full of worry. She is afraid that the longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous Sun Li's safety will be!

"But we've already tried to call the police. They said that they can only call the police tomorrow morning at the earliest! But tomorrow morning it will be too late! "

Zhao Rui clenches her hands nervously. They have tried to call the police, but they don't know what's wrong with the police station. They tell them that they don't have a spare police force now.

"Are these people really lawless now?" Ouyang Bing angrily patted the wall: "I want to call vice president Zhou and vice president Zhao! See if they have anything to do, if they have nothing left to do. "

Ouyang Bing clenched his teeth: "then I can only call my grandfather!"

Ouyang Bing said he would do it as soon as he could. He took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Aiguo and Zhao Fengyi respectively. However, the tone of the two masters was full of dissatisfaction with being disturbed when they were sleeping: "what are you doing! Isn't that such a small thing? Need to call us so late? I can't believe what they dare to do to Sun Li

At first, the two vice presidents didn't want to pay attention to Ouyang Bing, but at Ouyang Bing's bitter request, the two vice presidents rushed to the emergency hall from home.

The two vice deans who arrived at the emergency hall were shocked by a suitcase of RMB that was still on the ground at random, and then they asked about the situation very well.

"Oh, in the middle of the night, a group of people in black came and took Sun Li away? He said that he invited Sun Li to treat his illness. What do you have to worry about? After the illness is cured, Sun Li will come back naturally. What are you afraid of! Don't worry about that smelly boy

Zhao Fengyi is huffing and doesn't care.

"That's right. What a big thing. Is it possible to arouse the masses?" Zhou Aiguo glanced at the box of money thrown on the ground, and his eyes brightened slightly: "besides, haven't they already given us the money for compensation? By the way, I've taken the money. Now I'll put it there. Come back to me when I repair the emergency hall. "

As soon as Zhou Aiguo's words were finished, he went to the suitcase, where Qian puckered up and held it in his arms.

"You! How can you do that! " Ouyang ice gas straight stamp feet, she and this did not expect that the two look upright full vice president in private should be so dignified, careless hypocrite! The doctor in the hospital had an accident, and his first reaction was not to find a solution, but to stare at the money first!

"What's the matter with us! Sun Li is not my son. Why do I care about him so much? "

Zhao Fengyi glanced at the box of money held in his arms by Zhou Aiguo. He thought about how much money there was in the box and how much he could get.

"Yes! Sun Li is an adult. He has hands and feet. Even if he can't handle it, he can't run! "

Zhou Aiguo and Zhao Fengyi can't be more suitable. For people like them, who are addicted to corruption, if it's money, it's like using a crooked brain. What's more, Zhou Aiguo looks at the box in his arms, and the money in this box is worth millions at least.

"It's a good night to come out!"

Zhou Aiguo narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"How do you know he can run away! There are more than ten men in black! How can he run

Ouyang Bing was really angry. She yelled at them for the first time.

"Oh! Don't worry about that son of a bitch! What can happen! "

Two hands will hand a swing, don't care about the same voice said.

"How can we not care! When Dr. Sun Li was taken away by them, he felt really dangerous! Especially Zhao Hu, the leader, looks fierce! "

Zhao Rui can't help it! Her anxious tears whirled and her small chest contracted rapidly.

"Zhao Zhen!"

Zhou Aiguo, who was about to leave, heard the name and suddenly stopped: "is that Zhao Zhen you're talking about a man with a thick face?"

Zhou Aiguo turns back in a hurry. He grabs Zhao Fengyi who has gone out again.

"Well... It seems to be, and it's tall, dressed in black, and looks like a murderer!"

Zhao Rui answers carefully.

When Zhou Aiguo heard Zhao Rui's description, his eyes suddenly brightened“ That's it Next, the joy on Zhou Aiguo's face couldn't be concealed. He quickly pulled Zhao Fengyi aside.

"What's the matter! Big night! What a mystery

Zhao Fengyi is a little reluctant.

"Let you earn money, you still don't earn it!" Zhou Aiguo was excited: "Zhao Hu! Haven't you heard the name? Last time I didn't tell you why the big leader of the Ninth Hospital made a fortune! It's not that they sold the medical equipment to a big head named Zhao! "

"It is said that those second-hand medical equipment were sold to Zhao Hu. After filling up the loopholes in his hospital, he made a net profit of 3 million yuan! Then the vice president of the Ninth Hospital gave the big boss behind Zhao Hu a random look at the disease, and the light diagnosis fee was given this amount! "

Zhou Aiguo held out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand?"

Zhao Fengyi guessed.

"Too few! Five hundred thousand Zhou Aiguo brightened his hair excitedly: "finally, the big boss of the Ninth Hospital gave me the address of the big boss behind Zhao Hu. Do you know where they live? They live in Linjin villa! Can ordinary people live there? I tell you, we're going to make a fortune! What does it mean that Zhao Hu is so anxious to bind people in the middle of the night! It shows that the boss behind Zhao Hu is in need of a doctor at this time! Although we haven't seen a doctor for some time, no matter what, we're better than Sun Li! Let's send another batch of medical equipment to Zhao Hu. They don't think it's a timely help! Now, we can finally make up for our bad debts! "

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