The dog king said with a smile, just sober, he gave people the feeling that he was no longer the frail old man, just a sober Dog King, that pair of burning eyes with God between the opening and closing, it has a powerful, decisive momentum.

"Old master!"

The scorpion whimpered to go forward, lying on the dog King's thin body, crying not like the appearance, only at this time, the scorpion really like a girl!

"It's all right, it's all right! The old man is sober, isn't he? "

Wang Cixiang touched the scorpion's head, and then turned to Sun Li with some difficulty: "I can see the light again today, it's up to you, sir! You have great talent! I'm sorry for you

The dog King respectfully said this sentence. Since he can know who helped him, it shows that although he was not active during the coma, his perception of his body still exists. He feels that there is an external force in his body that has been helping him fight against the disease until he conquers the disease. This force is extremely powerful in the dog King's perception! Although he didn't know what it was, he knew very well that everything was the means of the collapsed young man!

"Little things, little things!" Sun Li lay on the floor and waved his hand casually. He said plainly.

Until now, scorpion still can't believe her eyes when she looks at the sober Dog King. She can't figure out how this young man who looks like bragging can do it. Without the help of others, she can solve the problem of the old man who has so many powerful doctors by herself.

"May I have your name, sir?" The dog King solemnly opened his mouth. Although he didn't know the details of Sun Li, he should be respected just by his ability.

Sun Li could be a little better at this time. He stood up and said calmly, "next Sun Li, next son, next son, Muzi Li."

However, scorpion still can't stand Sun Li's insipid attitude. In her impression, all people who come to see the dog king, no matter how old or young, will at least respect the dog king, while Sun Li is not humble.

"What are you doing! I really think you can be so arrogant after a coincidence is cured? " Scorpion looked at Sun Li discontented said, and then she turned and looked at the dog King: "old master! This Sun Li is arrogant! Who knows how he confused you awake, I'm afraid it's a coincidence, I don't trust him! There are many doctors downstairs. I'll let them show you later! "

Scorpion's words said that he thought he would get the support of the dog king. Who ever thought that the dog king heard scorpion's words and suddenly turned pale. He looked at scorpion and said in a deep voice: "red scorpion! How can I talk to my husband! I know my illness! If it wasn't for my husband's help, I would have lost my life! It's my honor that you have the ability to help me! How dare you not respect your husband? Dare to question him! Apologize to your husband

The dog king is worthy of being the dog king. His face sank, and even the temperature in the room dropped two degrees. The amazing dog King's respect for Sun Li made scorpion incredible. But the obedient scorpion still turned his head, looked at Sun Li, and said coldly, "I'm sorry! I didn't know you were so good. I apologize to you

Sun Li smiles. He ignores the scorpion for the time being. Instead, he turns his head to the dog king and says, "Mr. Yuan, you're too famous. I'm just a little doctor. It's the doctor's bounden duty to save the life and heal the wounded. But today, in order to make Mr. Yuan wake up, I've tried my best to find 73 hidden diseases on him, It may take a while for me to treat you. "

The dog king thought that Sun Li was just coming to help him wake up from coma, but in vain he heard that Sun Li would help him treat the hidden diseases in his body. The dog King couldn't believe it. He suddenly closed his eyes and suddenly opened them. Seeing that Sun Li was still standing in front of him, the dog King trembled with excitement: "Sir, I thought I was hallucinating, sir's talent! It's rare in the whole country that I'm willing to help a bad old man for many times. I won't forget yuan Wangcai! "

The dog King struggled to get up, but the pipes stuck in his body made him feel uncomfortable. In a fit of anger, he pulled all the pipes away and bowed solemnly to Sun Li Yi, saying: "I can feel my husband's efforts when he rescued me. That is to pull me back from the death line. My husband is my life-saving benefactor! And now my husband even said that he would help me eliminate the hidden diseases in my body! These hidden diseases make me feel like a thorn in my throat. If you can really eliminate them one by one, you will give me a new life of yuan Wangcai! Yuan Wangcai has nothing to repay for the sum of the two! Sir, if anything happens in the future, I, yuan Wangcai, will go through fire and water with one order! "

"Old master!" Seeing that the dog king gave this big gift to Sun Li, the scorpion worried about the dog King's body rushed to help him.

"Is he really so powerful?" Scorpion listen to Dog King's description, it seems that Sun Li really has two brushes, scorpion can't help looking up at Sun Li.

After the king bowed, with the help of scorpion, he lay back on the bed again. The dog king in a good mood even got better.

But at this time, Sun Li said: "Mr. Yuan, your body has been damaged due to the excessive use in your youth. In addition, you are very old. So although I can cure the hidden diseases in your body and protect you from these pains, it is impossible for you to recover to the state of your youth."

"Ha ha ha! I know that! " Dog Wang said with a smile: "I know my body is rotten to the bone. It's the greatest luck for me that my husband can cure those hidden diseases!"

Suddenly, the dog King seemed to think of something, he looked at Sun Li and said: "Mr. so talented, I do not know where to go?"

Before Sun Li spoke, scorpion, who knew the inside story, said: "it seems that he is a little doctor in the emergency department of Yanjing hospital."

"Oh?" The dog king was a little surprised. He didn't wonder why Sun Li, who was so skillful in medicine, was willing to see a doctor in the emergency room of a small Yanjing hospital. However, in a moment, the dog King responded: "ha ha, I really admire Mr. Sun Li's realm! You are in a good mood, sir

"I thought that if my husband had nothing to do, he could stay with me. On the one hand, it was convenient for me to see a doctor, and on the other hand, I could take good care of him. But since he has his own job, I won't say much about it."

Dog King is lying on the bed, looking at Sun Li with adoration.

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