Zhao Hu's strong body shrank together. He nervously kept rubbing his hands the size of a PU fan. His fierce face was embarrassed at this time.

Zhao Hu is so formal and happy.

Sun Li asked with a smile: "if you have anything, just say it. Why don't you do this when you tie me away?"!.

When Zhao Hu heard Sun Li's words, he looked at Sun Li with a bull's eye the size of a copper bell: "then I'll say it?"

"Come on, come on, there are so many ink marks!"

Sun Li waved his hand and said.

"Well, maybe I was impulsive when I was in Yanjing hospital. I was worried too!" Zhao Zhen was embarrassed: "I hope you don't blame me, I know my behavior is not very good!"

Zhao Zhen did not know where to take out a pen, wrote down a series of numbers and handed it to Sun Li.

"This is my phone. If you have something to do, call me. Although I'm not as powerful as the old man, I can still solve some small things!" Zhao Zhen glared at the ox's eyes and said: "if you have something to tell me, I can solve it without looking for the old man!"

Sun Li accepted the card with a smile: "you should not have finished speaking, right?"

Zhao Zhen scratched his head and said in a small voice: "finally, I hope you can say a few words for me in front of the old man. I know the old man respects you very much, so your words work. I'm afraid my behavior in the hospital offends you, and the old man will blame me!"

Sun Li laughed: "I know, I know."

He waved to Zhao Zhen. In Zhao Zhen's uneasy eyes, sun stepped into the gate of Qingshui elegant residence.

At this time, it's almost dawn. Sun Li is walking in the high-end community decorated with birds singing and flowers, and finally owns a valuable house in Qingshui elegant residence. It doesn't make Sun Li's mood surge.

He took out the door key in the black bag by the bright street lamp, and saw clearly that it was an inductive magnetic card, which said "21 floors of 3 buildings".

Sun Li followed the guide to find 3 buildings. He looked up at the high-rise building with compound structure, the highest one is only 21 floors.

"I don't know which room is on the 21st floor." In Sun Li's heart, he said, "it's embarrassing that I can't find it for a while."

No matter, first up again, Sun Li through induction magnetic card into the corridor, in the elevator press the button of the 21st floor.

When the elevator "Ding" stopped on the 21st floor and saw the scene in front of him, Sun Li knew he didn't have to look for a house.

Because there is only one door in front of you when you walk out of three 21 storey elevators, it is obvious that dog king is the transformation after buying the whole 21 storey.

Sun Li gently smile: "this rich man really can play! I'll live here for the time being. I'll change when I have a new house! "

He went to the door, stuck the magnetic card on the door, and the door opened with a beep.

The magnificent decoration, luxurious and magnificent spacious room suddenly appeared in front of Sun Li, it is obvious that the room is often cleaned.

Sun Li raised his eyes and glanced at the decoration of the room. He nodded: "well, it's not bad!"

Since he acquired the perspective ability, Sun Li's vision is also much higher.

Sun Li, who had been tired all night, had no spare time to look at the layout of the room. He threw himself into the wide and soft sofa of the living room and fell asleep.

Sun Li, who was on the night shift last night, doesn't have to go to work this morning. Just sign in this afternoon.

At noon, Sun Li washed his face and went out.

"Go to work!"

He is well aware of the truth of his guilt. When he is not strong enough to fight against everything, it is better to keep a low profile.

"The community is so big that it's not convenient to drive. It's not as comfortable as my little bike!"

Sun Li realized that there was no need to drive to the hospital, so he didn't go to the underground garage to pick up the car that dog king gave him. He also thought about his little Phoenix bike and when to push his bike out of the rental house.

When he got to the hospital, Sun Li went to the emergency office to say hello, and then went to the emergency hall first. Last night, he remembered that the emergency hall was in a mess. He didn't know what the situation was like.

When Sun Li came to the emergency hall, he found that the emergency hall had been restored to its original appearance.

"They're quite quick."

What Sun Li didn't know was that before the hospital went to work this morning, a group of construction teams came and quickly restored the emergency hall completely. Dog King was afraid that he had a place to do something to make Sun Li dissatisfied.

"Dr. Sun, are you ok?" In the emergency hall, nurses who heard about the situation last night showed concern for Sun Li.

"Nothing." Sun Li replied with a smile.

"Thanks to Zhao Rui last night! We were all flustered when we saw the scene. Fortunately, Zhao Rui was clever and called our vice president. This little girl is really good. She was worried about you last night and kept crying. "

Here, Sun Li just knew that it was Ouyang Bing that Zhao Rui was looking for last night.

"Then I have to thank Zhao Rui." Sun Li thought, he asked the nurses around: "do you see where Zhao Rui has gone?"

"She's in the stairwell, isn't she? I just met her there with a man. It seems that I have something to do with Zhao Rui? "

The nurse held out her hand and gave Sun Li a general direction.

Sun Li nodded and walked in the direction the nurse pointed to him.

As soon as he got to the door of the staircase, Sun Li heard the quarrel inside.

"Ozzie! I told you we're not fit! Why do you always pester me? Are you interesting? I didn't know the dirty things you did before, so I reluctantly agreed to talk with you. Now I know, do you think it's possible for us? "

Zhao Rui's angry voice came from the stairwell, and the one who communicated with Zhao Rui was a feminine male voice.

"Ruirui! Give me another chance! My mother has seen you, she likes you very much, you promise me, let's try to get along with each other again, I will change, I will change anything for you! "

The feminine male voice pleads in a low voice.

"No way, no way! Besides, I have a boyfriend now. Don't pester me! "

Zhao Rui resolutely refused.

"What! How dare you have a boyfriend? You bitch, we've only been apart for a long time, and you've found a new boyfriend! You have to be shameless Hear Zhao Rui say she has a boyfriend, Yin soft male voice changed, he shrieked loudly.

Sun Li, who was standing at the entrance of the stairwell, became a little angry when he heard the voice of a feminine man. He knew that he couldn't ignore it.

"Do I have a boyfriend to do with you? When are we together? I tell you Ozzie, don't pester me

"You bitch! Aren't you just a little nurse? How dare you talk to me like that! Believe it or not, I'll kill you

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