Zhao Rui looks at Sun Li's side face infatuated with her face. I don't know what she thinks of. She lowers her head red.

"What's the matter?"

Sun Li looks at Zhao Rui.

"No, nothing! Little chili Zhao Rui is fearless in everything, only in front of Sun Li, she is as timid as a frightened deer.

"Go to dinner!" Sun Li waved and went to the hospital canteen.

In the afternoon, Sun Li didn't see the woman with the mask coming back to the hospital, but Sun Li saw Zhang Nan.

"Dr. Sun Li!"

Sun Li was busy taking a break. As soon as he started reading his own medical magazine, which is very influential all over the country, called "medical exploration", he saw Zhang, a brain scientist, pushing his door to the south.

Through the last perfect operation for Wu Jiao, Zhang Nannan has been praised as one of the leaders of the young generation of medicine by the hospital. He is highly valued by the leaders in Yanjing hospital and has become the idol of the young generation of doctors.

After that operation, Sun Li was already at the same level in Zhang Nannan's arrogant heart, and Zhang Nannan still had a suspicion in his heart, which came from that paper! But also from that operation, Sun Li and Zhang Nan Nan have become good friends, but this situation is good in the emergency room, because everyone in the emergency room knows that Sun Li's medical skills are really extraordinary, and in the eyes of people in other departments, they are full of doubts.

"How can Zhang Nan, who is highly skilled in medicine and has great prospects, become friends with Sun Li, who is nothing?"

But only Zhang Nannan himself knew that he was only a surgeon in the craniotomy operation that made him famous, and the person who could really make the operation successful was Sun Li with a light face!

Sun Li put down the Journal of medical exploration, raised his eyes, laughed and asked, "what's the matter?"

Zhang looked south at Sun Li, his eyes a little dignified, he said: "Sun Li, how did you offend Zhao Fengyi and Zhou Aiguo?"

Although he knew that he and the two vice presidents were not very good at dealing with each other, he didn't seem to offend much when he said he wanted to offend them.

"What's the matter?" Sun Li's face is still with a cool smile.

"It seems that Zhang Fengyi and Zhou Aiguo are specially prepared to deal with you. What have you done to make them so angry?"

Zhang Nan asked suspiciously, because in his opinion, at the level of Sun Li, it is impossible to offend the vice president directly!

Sun Li shook his head. He really didn't know how he offended the two vice presidents. He even let the two vice presidents come to deal with him. Did he say that there was something wrong after he came out of the dog King's house that day?

"Never mind, you don't have to worry."

Sun Li lowered his head again and started to read the medical magazine in his hand. In his mind, he just had a little bit of communication with the two vice presidents. To say that the two vice presidents were really not afraid to deal with him, Sun Li didn't use the dog king, only Zhao Zhen could deal with this small problem.

Zhang Nan looks at Sun Li, who doesn't care at all. He is really worried. He is just like this. I despise ordinary people. Once I do, I will really recognize you as a friend.

"Sun Li, I know you are really good at medicine, but you really shouldn't be arrogant. Look at you, why is such a high skill only famous in the emergency room? It's not because you don't like those social activities? Except for director Chen Chuhe and I, you don't communicate with other doctors much. How can you do that? You should also manage your network carefully, otherwise there will be an accident in the future, and no one will help you except director Chen Chuhe and I! "

Zhang Nan was really worried about Sun Li. He gave Sun Li some advice: "I said, if you don't like this, you can communicate with other doctors more, and you can run more in other departments, invite them to dinner and give them some gifts. At least someone will speak for you. Otherwise, the two presidents will really start to deal with you this time. What should we do?"

Sun Li smile, raised his head, light said: "they dare to deal with me? Let them try. "

Now Sun Li does have the strength to say this, but Zhang Nan doesn't know.

"Sun Li! You can't do this! You know, that's vice president! At least I've been working in our hospital for more than ten years. How can a new doctor break hands with them? I think they can deal with you specially. It's all for your face! If you don't want to go to them and ask them why, you can't admit your mistake

"Ha ha," Sun Li said with a smile, "I'll admit my mistake to them? Do they deserve it? "

Sun Li was disgusted when he remembered the reputation of the two vice presidents for bribery and corruption.

"I said I would deal with them! How dare they deal with me? That's just right! I'll take them this time! "

The way Ouyang Bing was bullied by these two old foxes is still vividly in front of Sun Li.

"Alas! You don't listen to me! Forget it, forget it! I'll go and discuss with Director Chen what to do! It is estimated that director Chen also knows the news. "

Zhang Nan looks like he hates Sun Li. He is in a hurry to find Chen Chuhe.

Sun Li gently shook his head. No wonder director Chen Chuhe saw Sun Li's desire to stop talking this morning. He didn't want to, but he couldn't explain to Zhang Nan clearly, because the less people knew about the dog king, the better. Besides, he didn't want to use the dog King's power until he had to.

Sun Li put his "medical exploration" in the drawer and never looked at it again. He thought of the dog king and suddenly remembered that it was time to see a doctor with the dog king.

Sun Li stretched his waist and decided to go to the dog king this weekend to treat the hidden disease in the dog King's body. He thought of the scorching cold scorpion with a bad smile on the corner of his mouth.

He had an agreement with scorpion that he could do whatever he wanted after he cured the dog King's hidden disease!

On the back page of the medical journal that Sun Li put on the bottom of the drawer, there was a paper that Sun Li would be very familiar with if he saw it, "some conjectures from intracranial structure and brain structure -- on brain control." This influential journal of medical exploration has devoted a lot of pages to the introduction of this paper. For those who don't know the author of this paper, it uses the words "a medical expert who pioneered intracranial treatment". Obviously, the Journal of medical exploration also attaches great importance to this paper and its author.

However, it is not known who contributed this paper to the Journal of medical exploration. At the end of the film, there is a short sentence: "if the author of this paper sees this report, please contact me as soon as possible." At the back of the contact, there is a "ice" character, followed by a string of contact information.

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