Standing in the room, the scorpion holds her chest in both hands and leans her delicate body against the wall. She stands silently in the corner, her mouth with big red lips pursing slightly, and the butterfly knife "PATA" on her jade hand closes. The scorpion recovers her cold face, which is used to seeing blood. The colder her face is, the colder her eyes are, The scorpion with big red lips is more and more sexy.

Sexy, enchanting, cold, but dangerous, these points mixed in the scorpion, let the scorpion show a more amazing charm.

Scorpion has not yet seen how Sun Li really treats his illness. This time, she wants to have a good look.

Sun Li took a look at the scorpion standing in the corner. His heart could not help but "plop plop" a little faster.

"Little red!" Sun Li waved to the scorpion. The scorpion looked at Sun Li coldly. She didn't like Sun Li to call her Xiao Hong, but she didn't think it was good for Sun Li to call her Xiao Hong.

Sure enough, scorpion only heard Sun Li full of disgust and said: "don't you stand here, didn't I say that? I don't like to be seen when I'm treating! Get out! Get out! I'll call you later! "

"Hum!" Scorpion didn't want to move, but seeing the dog King's eyes looking at her, scorpion couldn't help but snort. She glared at Sun Li fiercely, turned around and left the room. Sun Li heard scorpion murmur: "don't look, don't look, what's the big deal!"

Sun Li smiles and shakes his head. It's not a matter of whether to look or not. It's because there is a scorpion standing here. Sun Li has no way to concentrate on treating the dog king.

The dog king looked at the mutual communication between Sun Li and scorpion, with a teasing smile on his face. He looked at Sun Li: "my daughter, who had no father or mother when I was a child, was brought up by me, and has been working for me all the time. Maybe I have seen too much bloodbath. When I treat others, I have a cold face, that is, I have a different attitude towards you, Mr. Sun."

Sun Li saw that the dog King seemed to introduce his girlfriend to him. He couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He waved his hand and didn't speak.

"Haha, Mr. Sun, I'm sorry. Xiaohong has not only developed her good skills, but also has a double degree in economics and management from Durham University, which ranks third in the UK. She looks beautiful. That's really excellent."

The dog King winked at Sun Li and said with a smile.

"Don't say that! Let's hurry to treat you! "

Sun Li quickly stood up and reached out to treat the dog king.

"Ha ha, it's really childlike. Mr. Sun has a lot of skills. It doesn't seem that he didn't pay. When it comes to girls, I didn't expect Mr. Sun to be so shy."

The dog King laughs. For the first time, he thinks that Sun Li is just like a man. Otherwise, the mystery and powerful medical skills that Sun Li brings to the dog King make the dog King doubt whether Sun Li is human or not.

"Come on, come on! Let's start the treatment! " Dog King lying on the bed, looking at Sun Li: "how do I need to cooperate with you?"

When Sun Li turned his attention to medicine, his whole body changed, his eyes were shining, and his whole body exuded a sense of self-confidence, which made the dog king on the bed look upright. He sighed in his heart: "what a confident and handsome young man!"

"Mr. Yuan, lie down first." Sun Li's voice was low and steady, showing infinite confidence: "Mr. Yuan, you know better about your illness now than you do. It's the root cause of your illness when you were young, so you need to cure it thoroughly. Not at this moment, you need my treatment and future recuperation."

Sun Li then flatly said: "my treatment is the main, after each treatment I will tell you some precautions, you pay more attention to it, the treatment process also does not need you to do anything, lying in bed with it."

When the dog king heard Sun Li's steady voice, he couldn't help but be sure. However, even so, he was a little worried and asked, "Mr. Sun, how long can I cure those hidden diseases in my body? If you need any help, just let me know and I'll arrange it! "

Sun Li raised his eyes and took a look at the dog king, said faintly: "no, I'm enough, but if you want to cure all your diseases, at my present level, it will take about half a year, but the treatment is simple, don't worry."

With that, Sun Li began to take action. He took the lead in raising the dog King's left arm.

The dog king was a little curious. He thought that his left arm was hard to lift except for the occasional sudden pain. So when Sun Li raised his left arm, the dog king didn't understand why.

"Mr. Yuan, has your left arm been injured before?" Sun Li carefully observed the dog King's left arm. In fact, he had already used the perspective power to observe the internal situation of the dog King's left arm.

"Ah? What injury? Why can't I remember? "

Dog King can't understand the situation at all. In his impression, his left arm is very healthy. Why does Sun Li say this?

"Here it is." Sun Li said faintly. He stretched out his hand and drew a circle about 5cm above the dog King's arm joint with his fingertips.

Following Sun Li's arm, the dog King clearly felt a warm flow of heat flowing along Sun Li's fingers to his arm. He gathered in the area of Sun Li's painting. In the next moment, the feeling of crispness, numbness, itching and pain suddenly surged into the dog King's arm.


The dog King couldn't help but take a breath. He looked at Sun Li with shocked eyes.

"What's going on? How can my arm feel so bad! "

Sun Li glanced at the dog king. In order not to let the dog king have too much doubt, Sun Li had to find an excuse. He replied, "relax, this is a warming therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. It stimulates the acupoints to repair the tissue in your arm."

As soon as Sun Li said this, dog king suddenly remembered that his left arm was not unhurt. When he first came to Yanjing, he had no choice but to fight fiercely. In another fight, his left arm was hit hard by a man who said he was a trainer. The hit position was exactly the circle sun Li had drawn!

At that time, the dog King couldn't move his left arm. After that, he used many methods to restore his arm's ability to move. Because in the future, there was no accident with his left arm. The dog King slowly forgot about it. Today, under Sun Li's hands, it brought the dog king back to this incident.

"I remember! My left arm was injured before Rao is still shocked by such a powerful man as dog king, who is used to seeing big storms and waves, and Sun Li's amazing performance: "but it's decades old! I've forgotten! I didn't expect you to find out, Mr. Sun! "

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