Zhao Fengyi gave a cold smile and looked down at Sun Li: "I don't know if I can cure it easily. I only know that no matter what, I'm much better than you, a little bastard who just became an official doctor for a short time!"

"Wait a minute!" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

"What's the matter! Dr. Li, do you also think that Sun Li is too arrogant! "

Zhao Fengyi is interrupted by Li Weixing fiercely. He turns around and sees Li Weixing walking slowly towards him.

"Son of a bitch! Did you see it? Even Dr. Li of Yanjing Union Medical College Hospital can't see you anymore! You're still smug! I don't know if you want to be shameful

Zhao Fengyi is elated. Today, he is in the limelight. This time he will go back to Yanjing hospital, and his reputation will be even higher.

"Ha ha! Lao Li, what are you going to say? " Zhao Fengyi smiles to welcome Li Weixing who is walking towards him.

But immediately, Zhao Fengyi's smile froze on his face, because he found that Li Weixing didn't pay any attention to him, walked straight past him, and walked towards Sun Li!

"Just now I thought your name sounded very familiar. Now I finally remember it! It's really you Li Weixing came to Sun Li and said with a little excitement in everyone's surprised eyes: "Hello, Dr. Sun! I've heard your name. I'm Li Weixing from Yanjing Union Medical College Hospital! "

Zhao Fengyi frowned at Li Weixing: "Lao Li! What are you doing! How can you say good words to this little bastard? "

Li Weixing turned his head and frowned at Zhao Fengyi: "vice president Zhao, I don't know how confident you are that you can cure Mr. Yuan's disease just like Dr. Sun."

Li Weixing paused and then said, "you don't understand the situation at all. How can you talk nonsense?"

Zhao Fengyi was stunned when he heard the speech. He suddenly burst out: "Li Weixing! Can I say that as an old doctor who has been working in medicine for decades, I can't compare with a little bastard who has just become an official doctor! Li Weixing! I didn't expect you to be with this little bastard! "

After hearing Zhao Fengyi's words, Li Weixing raised his eyebrows and said slightly discontentedly: "do you think you can also pull a patient with tissue lesions and necrosis up to 5% from the death line?"

Li Weixing turned his head and said to Sun Li sincerely, "Dr. Sun, I'm really sorry. I misunderstood you just now and slandered you unwittingly. I'm here to apologize. Please forgive me."

Sun Li raised his head and looked at Li Weixing with great interest. He didn't know how the doctor knew about his deeds. Yanjing Union Medical College Hospital? Which hospital is Qian Yu in?

"How do you know so well? The pathological change degree is 5%, what difference does that have with dying fast? Little bastard can do it? Do you think he is Hua Tuo's rebirth? I think you're with this little bastard! That's bullshit

It's a terrible data that the disease rate of the body reaches 5%. Therefore, Zhao Fengyi can tell what it looks like when he is dying. Zhao Fengyi knows that all the people who are studying medicine know what this data represents, and everyone looks at Sun Li with suspicion.

Li Weixing shakes his head. He has nothing to say with Zhao Fengyi. At first, he doesn't believe it, but Qian Yu doesn't lie.

Scorpion tilts her head and looks at Zhao Fengyi like a clown all the time. She finally speaks in a cold voice: "I remember who you are! That day, Mr. Sun was treating the old man. You were so busy that you pulled a truck of medical equipment to come here. Although we are not short of money, don't take us as the culprit! At that time, so many famous doctors could not deal with the old man's illness! Just you? So it's easy to get rid of? You're kidding! Do you think you are Mr. Sun? "

Scorpion disdained to look at Zhao Fengyi, said: "in addition, don't miss scorpion, Miss scorpion called me, I am so familiar with you?"

Scorpion's words have proved Sun Li's ability from the side! This makes the whole dinner party boiling! If Sun Li's ability is really like what scorpion admits! Then Sun Li's ability is too terrible!

Zhao Fengyi is stunned. He suddenly feels that the situation has exceeded his expectation. He turns to Wang Fushu. However, Wang Fushu, who has long been aware of the change in the situation, has been hiding in the corner and no longer talks.

Zhao Fengyi swallowed his saliva, a little nervous, but he didn't want to lose face, he still clamored: "I don't care whether Sun Li did it or not, even if Sun Li did it! What a brilliant doctor he is! I'm still his Dean! I said let him go and he'll have to go! Who am I? I am the vice president of Yanjing hospital! I have more resources than him! My contacts! The value I can create! Hundreds of times more than this little bastard! How can he compare with me

Zhao Fengyi blushed and screamed hysterically: "I'm going to talk about it today! As long as I am the vice president of Yanjing hospital! Then I won't let this little bastard be in Yanjing hospital! "

Zhao Fengyi is completely crazy!

"What if you are no longer the vice president of Yanjing hospital?"

"How much value can you create by a man with a bad brain? Ten million a year? Or 20 million? "

The middle voice suddenly rang out, which seemed to have infinite dignity, making the whole party hall suddenly become silent!

We went to seek fame, and a figure appeared in front of the crowd. The white haired old man's tiger eyes were full of power, and he was full of domineering power. Behind the old man, who was as powerful as the abyss, dozens of strong men followed him closely.

However, the momentum of dozens of tough men is less than that of the old man, who is naturally the king of dogs!

"Mr. Yuan!"

"Mr. Yuan!"

"Old man!"

The first time the dog King appeared, everyone stood up and said hello to him.

"I didn't expect the dog king to come! I've heard that the dog King's health was not very good some time ago. Now I see that he is full of Zhongqi. It seems that what Li Weixing said is true. It's really Sun Li who managed the dog King well! "

"That Sun Li is too mysterious! I haven't heard his name before. This time, it really surprised us! We looked down upon Sun Li just now. In fact, they didn't pay attention to us at all! "

The people in the party hall began to whisper.

When he saw the dog King appeared, Xu Hui could no longer restrain his fear and collapsed on the ground. If the scorpion could make him feel afraid, then the dog king made him despair!

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