"I know. I'll deal with it when I get back to the Bureau."

After hearing Sun Li's words, Lin Wan'er nodded to Sun Li seriously. On her delicate face, she was even more serious.

And Lin Wan'er, with her childlike face and huge breasts, now shows such a serious look on her delicate face. The lovely look on her body makes Sun Li smile inexplicably.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Wan'er gave Sun Li a white look. She didn't know why she was looked at by Sun Li at the moment. Lin Wan'er still had some bad feelings in her heart, so she raised her head and said angrily to Sun Li: "speak up! Where are you going? I'll go back to do the things you told me after I've finished sending you

Although Lin Wan'er feels ferocious, she doesn't have any ferocious temperament. She looks very cute.

"Ha ha ha."

Seeing this, Sun Li couldn't help laughing. He shook his head to Lin Wan'er and said, "OK, OK, you can take me to Jingbei West Road later."


Lin Wan'er looks at Sun Li again. Then she steps on the accelerator and drives the police car. As she drives out of the police car, Lin Wan'er toots her lips, which makes her very cute.

At present, seeing Lin Wan'er's appearance, Sun Li is not angry. On the contrary, he thinks that Lin Wan'er's appearance is full of loveliness, because Sun Li can clearly feel Lin Wan'er's concern for him and what he says to Lin Wan'er. In fact, Lin Wan'er listens very attentively.

"What are you doing on Jingbei West Road?"

On the way of driving, Lin Wan'er finally turned to Sun Li and asked curiously, "Sun Li, you just came back from the hospital and experienced such a dangerous situation. Why don't you go back to have a good rest and run around?"

Hearing Lin Wan'er's voice full of caring words, Sun Li couldn't help squinting his eyes, and there was a trace of warmth in his eyes.

"It's OK. I'm helping in a medical research institute now? I didn't go well two days ago. I'm fine today. Go to the Research Institute for a walk. You don't have to worry about it. "

Sun Li turned his head and said with a smile to Lin Wan'er.


Lin Wan'er said, "who cares about you?"

Obviously speaking insincerely, Sun Li couldn't help laughing even more.

Next, the car gradually quiet down, two people are quietly feeling, this hard won time alone.

Finally, the police car stopped at the intersection of Jingbei West Road. Sun Li opened the door and got off from the co pilot.

"Go back early, you!"

Lin Wan'er leaned her head out of the driver's seat and wrinkled her nose. At the same time, she said to sun Lijiao.

"I see!"

Sun Li turns his head and looks at Lin Wan'er with a sunny smile on Junlang's face.

When Lin Wan'er saw what Sun Li looked like, her face suddenly turned red. She didn't say anything else, but went back to the car again. After she tooted her lips, she drove quickly towards the police station.

Today, although it's hard to be free, Lin Wan'er, who originally wanted to have a good rest after hearing the task assigned to her by Sun Li, is in a hurry to go back to the police station. Although she talks to Sun Li in a mixed way, in fact, the most urgent thing in her heart is to go back to the police station, Finish the task that Sun Li gave her quickly!

Although she does not forgive others, in fact, as long as it is related to Sun Li, Lin Wan'er will treat it with great care.

Sun Li looks at the direction Lin Wan'er is leaving, his face is a faint smile, then he turned his head and stepped into the Research Institute at the intersection of Jingbei West Road.

"Miss Sun."

After seeing Sun Li step into the gate of the Research Institute, the guard at the gate smiles respectfully at Sun Li.

Although Sun Li didn't come to the Institute for a long time, people in the Institute had already heard of Sun Li's name before he came. After Sun Li came, some achievements made in the Institute quickly spread all over the Institute.

It can be said that if the atmosphere of a place is good, then everyone in the place will be affected by this atmosphere.

At present, Ouyang's acting house is one of the models. Although the doorman has no academic achievements, he has great respect for the people who have made academic achievements, and the doorman with high quality will not look down on people.

The guard knows that this young man has great medical literacy, so he has only respect for Sun Li. Although he is much older than Sun Li, he still has respect for Sun Li!

"Ha ha, you worked hard."

After hearing the greeting, Sun Li turned his head and said to the guard with a smile. After a few greetings, Sun Li walked into the Research Institute.

Then, Sun Li stepped into a small building behind the Research Institute.

"Mr. Sun, here you are!"

Just after Sun Li Gang entered the small building, Luo Yi, who was looking down under the microscope and didn't know what to do, raised his head and looked at Sun Li. He was full of surprise and said, "didn't you say something happened today, maybe you can't come?"

With the help of Sun Li, Luo Yi entered this research room, because originally Luo Yi's major was about the urinary and reproductive system. Although his professional quality in this research institute was a little poor, compared with his stay in the clinical medical college, he liked the current environment very much.

And Luo Yi is also able to deeply feel that he has indeed been making progress!

Therefore, Sun Li and Luo Yi, who have given him great help and helped him to enter the Research Institute, are full of respect and reverence. It can be said that Sun Li is infinitely tall in Luo Yi's heart.

"I'll come and have a look when things over there are finished."

Sun Li smiles and nods to Luo Yi.

After that, Sun Li looked up and looked beyond the research room. Although the research room is not big, it has all kinds of equipment. It can be said that the construction of this research room alone, without more than one billion yuan, can not be built at all.

It is also because of Ouyang's existence that such a large amount of funding can be obtained. Otherwise, ordinary research institutes could not have such a scale at all.

"Xiao Sun, here you are!"

When Sun Li came to his test bench, Ouyang came out of the partitioned office behind him and looked at him with a slightly heavy face.

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