Sun Li is so careless that he forgot to close the drawer. "

Wei man mumbles. After Liang Hongfei pulls her to the toilet, Wei man says to Liang Hongfei, "just put me in the living room. I want to watch TV for a while."

"There are so many things. You'd better go back to bed!" Liang Hongfei complains, but despite complaining, she still helps Wei man to sit on the sofa.

"What do you want to eat! I'll do it for you Liang Hongfei reached out to Wei man's chest and said, "I don't know how you grow. You are so big and soft!"

"Oh! All right! Stop it! Don't bully me if I'm hurt! " Wei manjiao smiles and avoids Liang Hongfei's grasp. She says, "there are some dishes at home. You can steam some rice for us."

Liang Hongfei shook her head and said helplessly: "OK! You are the patient, you has the final say! "

Then Liang Hongfei went to the kitchen.

Wei man looked at the drawer opened under the coffee table and just wanted to reach out and close it, but she suddenly remembered something.

"No! He should not have found it

Wei man's face turned red. She stretched out her hand nervously, groped in the drawer and took out the small black box.

Seeing that the small box was in good condition, Wei man took a long breath. She gently opened the box and said to herself, "Alas, people without husbands can't help it!"

But when she saw the two things in the box, Wei man was stunned. Generally, she would put them carefully after she finished using them. At this time, she found that the two things in the box had been moved. She picked up the remote control to have a look, especially the switch on the remote control. It didn't close tightly!

Wei man flushed from her neck to her face. She didn't know where to put her nervous hand.

"He knows! Sun Li must have seen it! oh dear! What am I supposed to do! How shy! Will he think I'm a dissolute woman? "

Wei man's head was in a mess. She quickly put the things away and put them in the drawer. She quickly closed the door of the drawer.

Thinking of what happened in the bedroom and Sun Li just now, if Liang Hongfei didn't just show up, maybe

Wei man thought of it, but she didn't dare to think about it any more. Then she remembered that her personal things had been played by Sun Li in her hand, and she suddenly felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter.

"Really! Feifei will not come early or late, but at that time! "

Wei man's heart, it seems that suddenly some blame Liang Hongfei, her eyes such as silk looking at the drawer of the coffee table, can't help but clip his legs.

After Sun Li returned home, he had nothing to do. If he got up to work, he felt that time passed slowly. However, if he was idle at home, lying in bed and doing nothing, time passed quickly. As soon as two days passed, Sun Li's weekend would be so dull, and it was time for him to go back to work in the hospital.

"Good morning, Dr. Sun! I gave you a cup of tea

Early Monday morning, Sun Li just came to the emergency room office of Yanjing hospital and sat down. Zhao Rui appeared on time and handed Sun Li a bright red apple.

"Have you had breakfast, Dr. Sun? I'll buy it for you. "

Zhao Rui flashed her big eyes and looked at Sun Li in a clear voice.

"Ha ha, thank you, Ruirui. I've eaten it. Go and help yourself! I'll be fine here! "

Sun Li said to Zhao Rui with a smile that Sun Li was full of love for this pretty little nurse.

"Well! Dr. Sun, please call me if you have something to do

Zhao Rui nodded, turned around and left with a jump.

Sun Li looks at Zhao Rui's back and smiles from the bottom of his heart.

Not long after Sun Li got to the office, he saw director Chen Chuhe frowning and walking into the office with a worried face.

"Director Chen! What's the matter? "

Sun Li looked at Chen Chuhe as if something had happened. He could not help but ask.

"Alas Chen Chuhe sighed for a long time and said to Sun Li, "vice president Zhao Fengyi is gone!"

"Ah! Really? What's the matter! I don't know! "

Sun Li pretended to know nothing and asked with wide eyes.

"Just last night, I went to a party. As a result, I suddenly had cerebral congestion. If I said no, I would not. I always remember that he was in good health." Chen Chuhe sighed, then said: "but to be fair, his absence is also a good thing. A lot of bad atmosphere in our hospital is rooted in him and Zhou Aiguo!"

Sun Li smiles and doesn't speak.

Chen Chuhe is a doctor with real medical ethics. Because he was afraid that Sun Li would make others jealous and jealous, he did a good job in protecting Sun Li. All along, Sun Li's deeds only spread in a small area in the emergency room, but gold always shines. Slowly, the news of Sun Li's excellent medical skills spread to the emergency room and the hospital.

For a waste doctor who just started to perform poorly in the medical seminar, his sudden glow and fever will always make many people blush, especially when the title of "little miracle doctor" came out of the emergency room, which made many doctors in other departments sneer one after another.

Some doctors who know the truth, such as Zhang Nannan and Chen Chuhe, naturally don't say anything. Others who are scared of Sun Li naturally listen to Sun Li's words and don't say a word, such as Zhou Jian and Wang Fushu.

But other doctors certainly don't think so.

"A doctor in a broken emergency room, the title of a little miracle doctor, isn't all bullshit!" Jin Zhuang, a dermatologist, talks about Sun Li, who has been in the limelight recently. He has no business with Sun Li, but he also looks down on Sun Li.

"Can the emergency room be a miracle doctor? I'm kidding. What's a doctor's job in the emergency room? It's just to have a check-up, and then judge which department should be responsible for the disease. The rest is what we should do. What little miracle doctor, isn't that what Sun Li asked for? "

Xiong Yang, a doctor of internal medicine, despises Sun Li even more. When Sun Li was silent, he would not say anything. However, when Sun Li gradually became famous, Xiong Yang could not bear it.

"Sun Li?" When Fu Kaiyuan, an orthopedic doctor who is known as the Twin Star of Yanjing hospital together with Zhang Nan, heard the news that Sun Li was treated as a little miracle doctor, his face was filled with disdain: "little miracle doctor? Isn't this the way that charlatans often use? "

With a sneer, he realized that it was a very important thing to quarrel with Sun Li.

For a time, the attitude of the young doctors in the whole hospital to Sun Li changed from the past disdain to the present hostility.

"We didn't say we were a miracle doctor. How dare he be called a miracle doctor? What qualifications does he have? "

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