Finally, in the expectation of doctors, Lou Zhenye finally came.

At the gate of Yanjing people's Hospital, slowly came three cars, two Audi, in the middle of which was a low-key luxury Rolls Royce.

"This... This is not director Lou, is it?"

Wang Fushu was full of doubts when he saw the current situation, because in the Chinese system, louzhenye's standard car for civil servants was Audi, but what happened to the Rolls Royce, which was in the middle of the world.

But the next form dispelled Wang Fushu's doubts. The door of the rear Audi A6 opened, and Lou Zhenye came down from the car with a faint smile.

Lou Zhenye is more than 60 years old this year. His face is long and thin, and his hair floats in front of him neatly. However, Lou Zhenye has some baldness. His neatly combed hair originally wanted to cover his baldness, but it didn't cover it, which makes him look neither fish nor fowl. He is very happy. He is thin, but he likes to wear a big suit, which makes him feel like a monkey.

"Director Lou!"

Wang Fushu welcomed him with a warm smile: "director Lou, you are here at last! We've been waiting for you for a long time! Welcome director Lou to Yanjing people's Hospital for inspection

Wang Fushu warmly stretched out his hands, but Lou Zhenye glanced at Wang Fushu from the top down. He reached out to touch Wang Fushu's thick palm and took it back.

"Welcome director Lou to inspect the work!"

All the doctors standing at the door said in unison.

"Well, Hello Lou Zhenye gently frowned, pretended to nod, full of officialdom.

He was dissatisfied with the reception of Yanjing hospital. He was the director of Yanjing health department! How come out to meet him is just such a small formation, such a small formation, how can you show your face in front of that!

What has not been done, Lou Zhenye has the Yanjing people's Hospital on the resentment.

Lou Zhenye's eyes swept through the crowd at the door. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly brightened. With a smile on his face, he walked towards the doctors standing at the door, passed through the crowd and came to Fu Kaiyuan. He patted Fu Kaiyuan on the shoulder affectionately: "Xiao Fu! Ha ha, I didn't expect your uncle Lou to face so much! Can let small pay you to come out to meet me personally! How are things going? Did you have a good time? "

Lou Zhenye's face is full of smile, and his kind talk with Fu Kaiyuan makes everyone admire him.

"I've heard that Fu Kaiyuan's family is not simple. I didn't expect that even director Lou Zhenye was so polite to him!"

A group of doctors thought in their hearts that the scene in front of them made everyone start to re-examine their attitude towards Kaiyuan. Even Wang Fushu was staring at the scene in front of him. He really didn't know that Fu Kaiyuan had something to do with Lou Zhenye!

Fu Kaiyuan looked at him and said with a smile, "Uncle Lou, long time no see!"

"Ha ha! Yes! I haven't seen you for a while! " Lou Zhenye laughed. He patted Fu Kaiyuan on the shoulder: "I've heard that Xiao Fu is young and promising for a long time. Today, I saw that you really deserve your reputation."

"Well, how is your father?"

Lou Zhenye talks to Fu Kaiyuan about his family routine. He puts everyone beside him on one side. People on the other side have no choice but to stand in the same place and wait.

"My father is in good health recently, and he often talks about Uncle Lou!"

Fu Kaiyuan chuckled.

"Ha ha ha! Good! That's good! " When Lou Zhenye heard Fu Kaiyuan's words, he laughed happily. He held Fu Kaiyuan's hand tightly and said enthusiastically: "I'll visit your father another day! By the way, uncle Lou is now the director of the Department of health in Yanjing. He can still speak. If you have anything, just come to see Uncle Lou! "

"Thank you, uncle Lou. I see!"

Fu Kaiyuan nodded with a smile.

Lou Zhenye's action to deal with Kaiyuan made all the people present focus on Fu Kaiyuan, especially his deep family background, which made Fu Kaiyuan shine. For a while, Fu Kaiyuan was in the limelight.


When Lou Zhenye was full of happiness, he suddenly saw a shoe beside the big pillar. He frowned and said, "who is behind the pillar? What are you hiding there! Come out quickly

Who knows, the people behind the pillar didn't seem to hear what he said and didn't move at all.

Lou Zhenye, who likes the scene and cares about face, suddenly feels that his face can't hang. He straightens up and looks at Wang Fushu: "what's the matter! There's a man behind the post! What's the matter with you

Hearing Lou Zhenye's words, he Shanming, Jin Han and others secretly smile behind their mouths.

"Sun Li, the unlucky guy, just hit the head of the mold!"

Hearing Lou Zhenye's question, Wang Fushu could only reply with a dry smile: "that's also a doctor in our hospital. He was a little uncomfortable just now, so I asked him to have a rest in the back."

"Uncomfortable?" Lou Zhenye frowned: "even if he is uncomfortable, how can he ignore me when I talk to him? What the hell are you doing! I'm here, and he won't come out to meet me? "

Wang Fushu obviously feels that Lou Zhenye is not happy. He smiles awkwardly and runs to the back of the pillar. As a result, he sees that Sun Li falls asleep against the pillar!

"Dr. Sun! Dr. Sun

Wang Fushu shook Sun Li's arm.

"Well?" Sun Li asked in a hazy voice, "what's the matter with me“

"Chief Lou is here! You can't just go out and meet me

Wang Fu's book was sandwiched between two people. He really didn't know what to do. He didn't dare to offend either side.

"Oh! All right Sun Li responds half asleep and half awake. He follows Wang Fushu out of the pillar.

"Hello, director Lou!"

After Sun Li walked out of the post, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and said lazily that he didn't know how he was today. He was too sleepy!


Seeing that Sun Li looked like this, Lou Zhenye gave a cold hum and turned around.

Sun Li walked to the back of the crowd again and stopped.

Wang Fushu always laughs at Lou Zhenye in embarrassment.

"Uncle Lou, don't be angry. It's a waste doctor in our hospital! He still has problems in his head. You don't have to see him in the same light! "

Fu Kaiyuan saw that Lou Zhenye was obviously unhappy and began to persuade him.

Lou Zhenye nodded and glanced at Sun Li standing behind the crowd. He cleared his throat and said to the doctors.

"Today, I came to Yanjing people's hospital not to check work, but to accompany a distinguished guest to see a doctor!"

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