Sun Li's voice sounded slowly in the rear: "how? Why don't you try? "

He slowly came forward and looked at Jin Zhuang with a playful smile.

Jin Zhuang was stunned and turned his head to Fu Kaiyuan. Fu Kaiyuan nodded to him gently. Then Jin Zhuang stepped forward. He held his head high and his face was full of disdain for Sun Li: "I'll try it. How can I study dermatology for so many years and see so many skin patients in Yanjing hospital and be afraid of you, a little emergency doctor?"

Hearing Jin Zhuang's words, Sun Li tilted his mouth slightly. He said to Jin Zhuang indifferently, "you have said that. If I don't let you have a try, I can't say it. Oh, yes, but there's one thing I have to make clear to you. I agree that you will come to see Miss Yue. I don't know whether she agrees or not."

Jin Zhuang was stunned for a moment and turned his head to Yue Wanqing: "Miss Yue, let me help you to have a look! I think I'm much better than Sun Li. I don't know where he cheated you! "

Jin Zhuang's voice trembled when he spoke to Yue Wanqing, because he thought that if he could help Yue Wanqing to take care of her illness and hold her thigh, it would not be easy in the future!

Yue Wanqing really just heard from the dog king that Sun Li's medical skills are superb. She really hasn't seen them with her own eyes, so at this time, she hesitated.

But Hong Jian didn't think so much. He looked at Jin Zhuang directly. Just now, Jin Zhuang's Irrationality made him very angry. He looked at Jin Zhuang and said in a stuffy voice: "you have to help the eldest lady see a doctor, right? No problem! But not everyone can see the first lady's illness. Say, you want to help the first lady see a doctor. If you can't see it well, what kind of price are you going to pay

Jin Zhuang is stunned, and Fu Kaiyuan behind him is also stunned, because he doesn't know that if he can't help Yue Wanqing to see a doctor, he will have to pay a price

"Er..." Jin Zhuang suddenly didn't know what to say, but when his eyes turned to Sun Li, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his hand and pointed straight at Sun Li: "why should I pay the price! I don't need this Sun Li! You can't be unfair because of Sun Li! "

Listening to Jin Zhuang's childish voice, Sun Li shook his head with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Sun Li took a look at Jin Zhuang and said casually, "they don't say what price I pay, because I can take good care of Yue Wanqing's illness."

Jin Zhuang rubbed his ears. He thought there was something wrong with his ears. He looked at Sun Li like a fool: "what did you just say? Can you say that again? "

Sun Li shrugged and ignored Jin Zhuang.

"Just you? You even have not observed the patient's symptoms, you say you can cure the patient's disease? Living in a dream? "

Jin Zhuang had a sneer smile on his lips. Originally, he thought that Sun Li might really have some strength, but now it seems that Sun Li is just a kid who speaks wildly and is ignorant, which is not worth mentioning at all.

"Well, this boy is totally living in his own dream. He thinks the world revolves around him. What does he say? Brain damage is severe. If you have a disease, go to treat it quickly! "

Xiong Yang also yelled at Sun Li with a sarcastic smile behind him.

"Who are you?" Sun Li tilted his head and looked at Xiong Yang: "do you have your share here?"

When Xiong Yang heard Sun Li's words, he couldn't help choking. Sun Li's words choked him. His face turned red and he pointed to Sun Li's hesitation!

Fu Kaiyuan is still arrogant glance at Sun Li, only think is a clown, not worth mentioning.

Lou Zhenye is standing in the back, because he has made a fool of himself. He knows the current affairs as a hero. He doesn't want to hit the gun without thinking. Now he just needs to serve Yue Wanqing well. As for Sun Li, who made him unable to get off the stage, Lou Zhenye uses his spare light to sweep over: "if he really has strength, I'll admit he's wrong, But if he pretends to be a wolf with a big tail, don't blame me for being rude

Sun Li waved his hand and said to Jin Zhuang casually, "well, Miss Yue looks very different. So her illness is inconvenient for too many people to see. Since you don't believe me, and you have so much confidence in yourself, let's do it. Let's make a bet."

Sun Li bowed his head and rubbed his nose. His voice was stuffy because his nose was blocked: "we don't bet anything else, let's bet. Who can take good care of Miss Yue today?"

When Jin Zhuang heard Sun Li's words, he looked at Sun Li nervously as if he were a psychopath: "what's wrong with you! Who can see a doctor for a day? It will take three days to cure a cold

Everyone present felt that Sun Li was joking. In fact, as Jin Zhuang said, treating a disease is a process. Even a cold can be cured in three days, not to mention skin diseases, which are extremely difficult to treat!

Sun Li huffed and said lazily, "I can take good care of Miss Yue in one day! You can't. It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. If you don't dare to bet with me, get out of here and don't jump with me! "

When Jin Zhuang heard Sun Li's words, he was very angry. He said angrily, "you are looking for trouble! You don't respect the scientific basis! That's what you're doing! "

Jin Zhuang is very angry and trembles. He stares at Sun Li and thinks whether he has any conspiracy.

"Jin Zhuang! Don't be frightened by him! I see, he is bluffing you! Although I don't know what the condition of Miss Yue is like, it seems that it's not an easy disease to treat. How can it be cured in one day? Sun Li is not sure. He's just bluffing you and making you dare not bet with him! "

Xiong Yang, standing at the back, said triumphantly that he thought he had found out Sun Li's loophole.

"Don't be afraid! You bet with him! I see you promised to bet with him, and he would not dare to take it! "

Fu Kaiyuan also nodded when he heard Xiong Yang's analysis. He also thought Xiong Yang's words were very reasonable. Sun Li was bluffing people.

"Go! Don't be afraid

Fu Kaiyuan stood behind Jin Zhuang and said softly.

When Jin Zhuang's eyes were fixed, he suddenly thought that Sun Li was scaring him. He stepped forward and confidently said to Sun Li: "good! I bet you! But I'm sure I can't cure Miss Yue in one day. If you are so confident, let's make such a bet

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