At this time, Yue Wanqing also gently removed the mask from her face, which was supposed to be a beautiful face like a flower, but it was destroyed by the butterfly like erythema on both cheeks and the scale plaque across the bridge of the nose, which made people feel nauseous.

Everyone frowned when they saw that Yue Wanqing's real appearance was like this. Only Sun Li looked at Yue Wanqing with a free look and gave her a smile,

But then Sun Li turned to Jin Zhuang.

Sun Li couldn't say anything to Jin Zhuang. He could only point at Sun Li, who was so trembling that he couldn't say anything.

"What? Is it lupus erythematosus? "

A room full of whispers.

"Lupus erythematosus is not a skin disease!"

A doctor should know something about this disease. Xiong Yang heard the name of Yue Wanqing's disease and muttered to himself: "it's an immune connective tissue disease!"

After hearing the two people's positive judgment of the disease, Ouyang Bing was shocked, and then looked at Sun Li with worry. No matter how she said that Sun Li was not good or how she was angry with Sun Li, at this time, she was still very concerned about Sun Li.

"That's lupus erythematosus! It seems that in modern history, since the onset of this disease, there is no news that lupus erythematosus can be cured! "

Ouyang Bing's worry in her eyes is about to spread out. She turns her head to Chen Chuhe and says anxiously, "is it certain that yuewan Qing is suffering from lupus erythematosus?"

Chen Chuhe nodded slowly, and he also turned his worried eyes to Sun Li. Since Sun Li and Jin Zhuang are sure that they are indeed lupus erythematosus, and there are examination and diagnosis results on the table, they should not cheat. However, if they are really lupus erythematosus, what should Sun Li do!

Ouyang Bing still can't believe it. She rushed out and took the inspection report on the table in her hand. After reading it, Ouyang Bing's face showed a helpless look.

"What should we do?"

Now Ouyang Bing has been thinking about how to keep Sun Li, instead of letting Sun Li resign according to the bet. No matter how Sun Li makes her angry, Ouyang Bing suddenly understands that he doesn't want Sun Li to leave at all.

"But just now they said that the bet between Sun Li and Jin Zhuang was proved by director Lou!" Ouyang Bing turned his eyes to Lou Zhenye: "how can I open my mouth later so that they can give up this bet?"

Ouyang Bing some chagrin patted his forehead.

Jin Zhuang was blocked by Sun Li and couldn't say a word, but immediately, he reflected that he was gambling with Sun Li. Although he was killed by Sun Li just now, Jin Zhuang thought that what Yue Wanqing got was lupus erythematosus, and he was a little happy!

"I'll see what you can do for me!"

Jin Zhuang looks at Sun Li viciously. He is already ecstatic in his heart.

In fact, it is needless to say that everyone present can conclude that Sun Li lost, lupus erythematosus. Since the discovery of this disease, there has been no successful cure.

As for the miracle? None of the people present believed that the miracle would happen in Yanjing people's Hospital, because in everyone's opinion, foreign countries with extremely advanced medical conditions could not conquer the disease, let alone Sun Li, an unknown little doctor.

Sun Li raised his eyes and glanced at Jin Zhuang: "what's the matter? I remember the bet you said is that if you can confirm the condition, and if you have preliminary results, now you have no results at all, will you give up? "

Jin Zhuang glanced at Sun Li and said with disdain, "I didn't give up! I'm not like some people. I know how many pounds I have. I've determined my condition. At least I've finished half my gambling. "

Jin Zhuang raised his head and nostrils to Sun Li: "I'll finish half of it. You don't have to finish more. You just finish half of it too!"

Sun Li looked at Jin Zhuang's arrogant posture and shook his head indifferently.

"You don't think I have nothing to do with lupus erythematosus, do you?"

Sun Li narrowed his eyes in a flat tone.

"What? Hahaha, what are you talking about? " Jin Zhuang seems to have heard some of the funniest jokes: "don't tease me, OK? If you can cure the disease, the sow will be in the tree! "

Xiong Yang heard Sun Li's answer, hit it hit it mouth, he has determined that Sun Li this person, there must be a problem in the brain.

Even Fu Kaiyuan, with a proud face, laughed when he heard Sun Li's words.

Ouyang Bing and Chen Chu he frown at Sun Li. They don't know what Sun Li will do, and they don't know how they should help Sun Li win the game after Sun Li loses the bet.

"You can't!" Jin Zhuang pointed to Sun Li and said, "you just can't do it. You can't cure Yue Wanqing. She's a terminal disease! You can cure Yue Wanqing's illness with the key. Not only will I resign, but I will also take off my clothes and run around our hospital! "

Hong Jian stands behind Yue Wanqing and hears Jin Zhuang's words. His eyebrows suddenly wrinkle. Although he knows that Yue Wanqing's illness is very difficult, seeing Jin Zhuang's posture that can't be cured at all makes Hong Jian very dissatisfied. Especially, Jin Zhuang's arrogance makes Hong Jian feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't come to you for treatment. Do you have to post it? Now it's said that it can't be cured, and you're still so sick, aren't you? "

Hong Jian scolds Jin Zhuang.

Jin Zhuang took a look at Hong Jian. He was a little swollen. He looked at Hong Jian and shook his head. He pointed to all the people in the emergency room: "if it can't be cured, it can't be cured. I can't, he can't, and they can't. as for Sun Li, the waste firewood that can't be cured, it's even worse!"

Hong Jian is furious. He is about to step forward to clean up Jin Zhuang. He is held by Yue Wanqing.

Yue Wanqing turned her eyes slowly to Sun Li and said softly, "Dr. Sun, is there really no way for my illness?"

Sun Li grinned and threw it away. The apple core he had eaten crossed a beautiful arc and fell into the garbage can ten meters away. Sun Li stretched lazily and said in a faint voice: "don't listen to him talking nonsense there. Who says I can't do it!"

Yue Wanqing heard Sun Li's steady voice and showed a big smile.

Although she didn't know what the result was, she was grateful to Sun Li, the handsome man who saw her face for the first time.

"Well, you see, the man who pretended to be the most hanged has been inflated and wasted an afternoon. It's really boring!"

Sun Li's mouth was turned to Jin Zhuang's direction. Then he waved to Yue Wanqing lazily and said, "let's go! Come with me, and I'll see a doctor for you! "

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