The Little Mute’s Life Was Stolen, and the Wealthy Boss Comes To Spoil Him

Chapter 50: I long so much that I can call your name

Chapter 50 I long so much that I can call your names

Tang Wan was carried by him to a simple open kitchen.

 In fact, this manor is very simple, and it seems that only the outside gate can be seen.

 Everything around seems old, and there are not even many complete furniture.

But it wasn’t because Tang Wan used to make a living by picking up garbage. If it had been another kid, he would have started to make trouble long ago.

 Tulus was also surprised that Tang Wan was so calm.

 He actually saw this kid’s photo in Lu Lin’s circle of friends.

 At that time, I just thought that my good brother had found a child to raise and play with.

It’s just that this kid is extraordinarily good-looking, which makes him feel a little itchy.

 It looks so good, it should be okay to take it back and raise it, right?

 Tulus actually thought about whether to **** it for several hours. After all, his family has good genes and none of the cubs are ugly.


 No one in the family is worry-free.

 Including himself.

 He is very self-aware.

Looking at Tang Wan who was neither crying nor fussing, Tulus felt like he wanted his ten-year-old brother to come and see him.

  Don’t cry and fuss all day long about going to play some racing car. Wouldn’t it be better to just accept the feeding?

 Thulus was thinking as he placed Tang Wan on the wooden table very close to his hand, then picked up a pink bear apron and prepared to cook.

 Just when he was firing, he didn't forget to say to Tang Wan: "Sit down and don't be naughty."

Tang Wan nodded obediently, and then kept watching Turus' movements with his eyes.

That look in his eyes was really focused, which greatly satisfied Tulus' desire to take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

He had a bit of a **** expression on his face, but he was happy in his heart.

  Hehe, take her home and put her in a grizzly coat, she will be very cute!

 Then let her roll in the snow and take her to ski.

 I have more children than Lu Linhui!

 Thulus felt happier when he thought of this, and even hummed a ditty.

 Because he didn’t know what Tang Wan liked to eat, Tulus made a food that couldn’t go wrong.

 Took out the sausage and bread, fried them briefly, then picked them up and handed them to Tang Wan.

 Even took the time to warm up a glass of milk for Tang Wan and put it in front of her.

 He said in unskilled Chinese: "Che (eat

 Every word has the flavor of dialect.

Tang Wan didn’t want to laugh, but she didn’t hold back and curled up her face a little.

However, Turus didn’t realize that Tang Wan was laughing at him, and thought Tang Wan was laughing at him because he liked these foods.

He suddenly became excited, took out pickles from the refrigerator, put a few slices for Tang Wan, and said, "Young man, you can't eat too much."

Tang Wan nodded.

  Stretched out his hand from the panda's paw and picked up the bread in front of him.

However, Turus narrowed his eyes.

 His eyesight was very good and he did not miss the scar on Tang Wan's finger.

 It’s strange, how could such a small cub get such an injury?

Turus knew the wounds very well. He could tell almost at a glance that the wounds on Tang Wan's hand were made with some kind of sharp instrument. It seemed that someone wanted to cut off her fingers!

  But without success.

Turus did not think that his good brother did it. He just thought that Lu Lin suddenly adopted this child, and he made some guesses.

Suddenly, a half-cup of unfinished milk appeared in front of Tulus.

 A small hand raised the milk glass and placed it in front of him.

 Tulus didn’t know what Tang Wan wanted to do, so he didn’t make any move for a while.

However, Tang Wan stretched his hand forward again and said "ah" in a low voice.

Tulus was stunned for a moment when he heard Tang Wan's voice. Then he took the milk glass handed over by Tang Wan, raised his deep eyebrows, and smiled extraordinarily.

 “For me?”

 “Ah!” Tang Wan nodded.

 She saw that there was only a cup of milk heated, and she was sure that this strange brother had not made it for herself, so Tang Wan drank a little and then gave it all to him.

 Drinking alcohol will make your stomach feel uncomfortable.

 Need to drink some milk for relief. Tang Wan doesn’t know why he knows this knowledge.

Her memory is a little fuzzy.

 It’s just that I subconsciously don’t like drinking.

 But she doesn’t hate this strange brother, so she doesn’t want him to feel uncomfortable.

 The next second, she heard Turus speaking in Chinese with that strange tone.

 “Call Duoduo (brother).”

Tang Wan didn’t know what he wanted to do, so he just imitated his example and opened his mouth, “Ahhhhhhhhh”.

 She has been called mute since she was sensible.

 She no longer mind others making fun of her with her physical defects.

As long as you don’t care, you won’t be hurt or sad.

Tang Wan knows that this kind of mentality is not good.

She has read many books and understands many truths, but she just chose a way of living in which she would not be harmed in a helpless environment.

  She knew she was pessimistic, but she had no choice and no way to save herself.

Just living every day, she used up all her strength, and she still had the strength to make a sound.

 The strange thing is that among the friends I have met during this period, they do not seem to notice anything "abnormal" about themselves.

 They regard themselves as normal people.

 How wonderful.

Tang Wan is happy and happy in her heart.

 How wonderful.

 She is not a silent monster.

 Even if the tone of a word is not pleasant.

 But they are willing to stop and listen to themselves "talk".

As expected, this strange brother didn’t laugh at himself.

He just shook his flamboyant white hair, and his blue eyes were as full of dreamy beauty as the sea that Tang Wan had never seen before.

 “No, it’s Duoduo.”




 In the end, Turus burst into laughter.

Tang Wan looked at Tulus with confusion as he laughed and tilted his head, like a well-behaved little kitten.

 Tulus hugged Tang Wan, rubbed her head, and said, "Be good, be good."

His body temperature was very high. The moment he hugged Tang Wan, it was like the warm sun dispelling the cold, the ice melting, the snow melting, and the spring flowers blooming.

Tang Wan likes their smiles and fresh life.

 Just get close to them and look at them.

This little grass growing in the corner that no one cares about seems to have felt the same sunshine and enjoyed the same wind as them at a certain moment.

 Even if it was just for a moment, it made her extremely happy.

She carefully put down the bread smeared with sweet jam so that the food on it would not stain Tulus' clothes.

 Then recite it silently in your mind.

elder brother.

 Brother Lu Lin.

Lu Ze, Gou Xi, Fu Wenzhi, Chen Shuo, and the names of those grandmas.

 She slowly lowered her eyelids, hiding her disappointed mood, and cheered up again.

She longed so much that one day she could call their names.

Use your lost voice to make your own voice in a world that doesn’t seem to be expecting you to come!

 I love you all!



 (End of this chapter)

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