The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 123: Overnight at the mountain temple

When going out, everyone knows how to get there at the right time. Therefore, Zhao Yunchu said so, and no one has any other words. After all, when allocating rooms, even if everyone wants Zhao Yunchu to stay in a room, he insisted on staying with others. Take the lead.

Originally arranged, it was actually another young official, but although Zhao Yunchu was very sweet in front of Yun Yanhui, in the eyes of other people, it was so terrifying, not only because of his official position, but also because...

"Sizheng seems to be Zhao Yundi's younger brother..."

Yun Yan replied: "..."

Yun Yan mingled among the crowd, and when he heard this, he felt speechless.

Everyone gave an "Oh" intently, "But Sizheng seems to be a decent person!"


The man hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that! I didn't hint at anything... It's just that I was afraid that I was sleeping irregularly... After all, he is a superior."

This is also a reason.

Although everyone sympathizes, no one is willing to exchange with him. Who would want to live with the leader? Those who want to flatter will not choose this, just afraid that flattering will hit the horse's legs.

"Forget it...oh, it's a big deal to keep your eyes open all night."

Yun Yan couldn't stand it anymore, "I'll come... I'll change it with you."

Everyone looked sideways, looking at Yun Yan back.

During the day, Zhao Yunchu, as the governor, was in the middle when he was on the road, and he didn't say a few words when he returned to Yunyan, so no one thought they were familiar.

Now, Yun Yan stepped forward fearlessly, which inevitably made everyone surprised and strange.

Yun Yan blinked innocently, "What's the matter, Si and I are getting young, I'm not afraid."

Everyone: "..."

Usually Yun Yan said this back, everyone might laugh, and the clan's clan's relationship? Why don't you say that you are a son of the royal family?

Moreover, no one can say that he is a family member so openly.

But because Yun Yan knew the apprentice's appearance before returning, now they are a little hesitant.

Although it sounds ridiculous, but what if it's true...

"Don't you believe it? Don't believe it, but don't you want to change it?" Yun Yan asked with a smile back.

The young official naturally nodded in a hurry and changed!

But other people, when they saw Yun Yan's face with a hippie smile, they didn't realize that he was joking, and they all groaned: "Scare us to death, they thought it was true."

After all, they are still arranging...

Yun Yan laughed back and was about to speak when he saw Zhao Yunchu passing by holding the bedding.

Although the weather was not too cold, the beds in those guest houses were bare, so the monks found some cushions and were given to them. Zhao Yunchu personally went to hug them.

Yun Yan went back to take a bed, "Xiaochu, I changed rooms with Xiao Song, and I will sleep with you tonight."

Zhao Yunchu laughed at that time, and said a little coquettishly: "Then you have to go to bed early, don't stay up late to disturb me."

"Okay." Yun Yan replied casually, and looked back and found that everyone was petrified.

Everyone: "..."

This tone, this attitude, let alone that they are getting small, some people believe that they are brothers!

Everyone can't help but reflect: Why does anyone think Yun Yanhui is joking after the time when he got out of Zen Master? I blame Yun Yan for the ridiculous joking content...

No matter how you reflect on yourself, you must believe in Yun Yanhui next time, so that you won't be so gloomy. Yun Yanhui entered the room with Zhao Yunchu.

In fact, sleeping in the same room with Zhao Yunchu is a welfare for Yun Yanhui.

Because even if Zhao Yunchu were to take the lead, other people couldn't tell him to squeeze with a group of people. In fact, the other rooms were crowded with several people. The taller people might not be able to sleep in the bed, and they had to hit the floor. There are also people like Shuangyi, who would reveal their identity and go directly to the utility room with the bed quilt.

If Yun Yan Hui and Zhao Yunchu were sleeping, they would have to be a lot quieter and could still sleep in the bed.

When they entered the guesthouse, they could see through the dim candle light that the conditions here were not very good. They had to clean the bed first.

Not every temple is as rich as the Daxiangguo Temple. There are no pilgrims in a temple like this in a small place, and it may not even be able to eat tea. The scale of this temple is pretty good, but there are not many monks and they are not diligent enough to clean the guest houses often.

And because there are woods and water next to this place, others may think the environment is elegant, but for Yun Yanhui, it is a terrible thing. Such an environment symbolizes that there are many bugs.

Yun Yan returned to clean the bed, and he was relieved. In fact, he came out this time and brought a bed sheet with him, which was also laid now.

Zhao Yunchu: "Brother Yan, are you sleeping in it?"

"No, no... let's sleep in." The bed was leaning against the wall, and Yun Yan looked back and felt a little responsive, and rejoiced again in his heart, and changed the room with someone. If you share a room with someone else, let alone be so picky, I guess. People don’t clean it a few more times. Just look outside and you’ll know that most of the room’s candles are out. I’m so tired during the day that I want to sleep when I lie down.

Zhao Yunchu was very obedient and crawled into the bed to sleep.

Yun Yan went back and scanned the bed again, and then fell asleep cautiously. He was originally a very big and carefree person, all because of the sequelae of the gu sequelae, the fear of worms, but now he has become like having a cleanliness addiction.

Yun Yan didn't turn off the light when he returned, and he put the lamp next to him. He didn't feel anything strange, and gradually felt relieved, "Okay, go to sleep..."

Zhao Yunchu said, he was still riding a horse during the day, and he was more tired than Yun Yanhui, so he fell asleep in a short while.

Yun Yan fell asleep after counting a hundred sheep.

In the dream, Yun Yan saw Yun Huanniang again. This girl was holding a purse and confessed to him pitifully, but he avoided it and repeatedly explained that they were inappropriate. Yun Huanniang's original pitiful expression suddenly changed, she became a bit cruel, and then inside her purse embroidered with mandarin ducks suddenly moved.

Yun Yan looked back and was frightened at the time. He stared at his purse, and saw a scorpion popped out of the purse, flying into his hand, holding the flesh on his arm not loose.

Yun Yan felt a piercing pain in his heart, and pointed to Yun Huanniang who was out of breath, speechless.

With so much pain and dim consciousness, Yun Yan saw a figure shaking in front of him, and was pushed open his eyes again, only to realize that he was dreaming just now. But when he touched it, the pain was real. He fixed his eyes and saw that Zhao Yunchu still had a dead centipede in his hand.

This centipede is very big, **** wide, and the palm of an adult is as long as the palm of an adult. Zhao Yunchu wrapped one end with something. It was not completely dead yet, and one foot flicked from time to time.

Yun Yan was so frightened that tears were coming out. He immediately sat up, but did not dare to lean against the wall, and froze in place and shivered.

When Zhao Yunchu saw him like this, he quickly opened the window and threw the centipede far away. Then, he sat over, lifted the sleeve of Yun Yan's back and looked at it, and said, "I'll ask the mage if there is any centipede wine. I will wipe it for you. Click."

The centipede bites a person and it hurts. Yun Yan woke up from a dream with the pain. To detoxify the centipede, he must be poisoned and rubbed with the wine soaked by the centipede on the wound. This is a folk earthwork.

"Don't, don't go." Yun Yan returned one hand and grabbed Zhao Yunchu's finger. He didn't feel the pain on his arm when he saw the centipede. It was just that he was suffering from phobia, and he just felt breathing right now. It's all cold, and it's extremely unsafe to sit here, and I'm afraid that another centipede will come out from somewhere.

Zhao Yunchu was stunned, "I also brought some ointments, but I didn't know that it wouldn't work to deal with this centipede poison." He said, he was going to get the ointment, but Yun Yan turned back and refused to let it go.

"Brother Yan, if I don't go out, I will take some ointment in my bag." Zhao Yunchu said.

Yun Yan replied with tears, "Then you take me."

Zhao Yunchu: "..."

Zhao Yunchu was very helpless. Fortunately, he was so strong that he simply bent over and hugged Yun Yan back. Just because Yun Yan refused to let go, he couldn't bear it back, so he could only hold it in his arms.

As soon as Yun Yan got out of the bed, he felt much better, "I always feel that there are bugs on the bed, and I didn't even dare to move."

Zhao Yunchu: "Well, then I put you on the ground?"

"No way, no!" Yun Yanhui quickly hugged his neck, Zhao Yunchu's waist was bent down, and he couldn't put him down in a daze. Where Yun Yan dared to go down to the ground, he didn't wear any shoes, he always felt that bugs would pop up on the ground at any time, it was terrifying.

Zhao Yunchu had to stand up straight again, only to realize with hindsight that Brother Yan was really frightened. Also, after that time, he was sick of being afraid of insects, and he couldn't see it. Not to mention that he was bitten. The house in Jingzhong is usually very clean. Even if he occasionally sees centipedes, they are only as small as a finger. This is remote. A palm the size of a hand suddenly appeared in the place, and even Zhao Yunchu was taken aback at first.

Zhao Yunchu just hugged Yun Yan back, feeling that he was clinging to him, he wouldn't go anywhere, just relying on him wholeheartedly. This was an experience he had never had before.

So Zhao Yunchu became more gentle, found out the ointment, and said, "I'll sit down and raise your legs."

Zhao Yunchu sat on the edge of the bed, told Yun Yan to sit back on his lap, and shrank into his arms, seeing that Yan Ge'er's feet were indeed raised, and even the bed was reluctantly. In this way, it is even more important to hold Zhao Yunchu so as not to lose balance.

Because Yun Yan held back tightly, Zhao Yunchu was able to let go of his hands and concentrate on giving him medicine.

The ointment was applied to the wound, and it was refreshing and cool, which immediately suppressed the burning pain.

However, what troubles Yun Yan now is not the pain at all, but the fear in his heart, where he dare to sleep.

It's just that it doesn't work like this. Zhao Yunchu hugged him, sat with his back against the head of the bed, and whispered: "Brother Yan, just sleep like this, don't worry, I hold you, and if there are bugs, they will bite me."

Yun Yanhui only felt that he was in the vast ocean now, and only Ye Guzhou, Zhao Yunchu, allowed him to shelter, but he was indeed dependable, so he just sat and lay down on Zhao Yunchu and fell asleep.

And Zhao Yunchu was so dependent on him for the first time. Although he didn't kiss, his actions now seemed to be more intimate than when he was in Gu.

Zhao Yunchu noticed that Yan Ge'er's breathing gradually eased, and his tight body relaxed. He was softly sleepy in his arms and told him not to go to sleep, so that he could feel the sweetness of the moment for a while.

He wanted to use more force so that Ge Yan could be rubbed into his body, but he couldn’t disturb Ge Ge’s sleep, just like his current situation... In the end he could only drop a gentle one on Ge Ge’s head. Kiss.

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