The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 128: Hidden merit and fame

The accompanying guards put down their drinking bowls and surrounded them round and round. They didn't drink much at all, but An Sujun's people were already drunk and not decent.

Liu Yong's drink woke up suddenly, he and Shao Tingyi stared at Yun Yan back.

Yun Yan returned to his skin and laughed and said without a smile: "In the next year, Yun Yan returned to the Kaifeng Mansion, and this time I was ordered by the emperor to hold the auction of flower tea." He pointed to Zhao Yunchu, "As for him, it is really Zhao Yunchu, but Responsible is the case of An Su's collusion between officers and merchants to peddle tea."

However, the two of them put the two cases together and helped each other, Zhao Yunchu covered Yun Yanhui, and Yun Yanhui acted as an undercover agent for Zhao Yunchu.

Shao and Liu seemed to understand in an instant, why every time Zhao Yunchu talked with the envoys of the Liao and Xia countries, Yun Yanhui was in the general meeting, and they also understood that the official sent this Dali Temple official to do a promulgation. It's really not just because of his relationship with Shao Tingyi.

The most basic function of Dali Temple officials is to handle major cases.

Zhao Yunchu also reserved and said: "Today, it is better to congratulate you with double happiness."

First, the auction negotiation was successful, and the second, the smuggling case was completed.

Only then did Shao Tingyi understand that, in fact, the court had already suspected him for a long time. He just kept quiet and asked people to come and investigate under the guise of the flower tea. However, he was still calm and said in a deep voice: "You guys are thinking too well."

Shao Tingyi slapped his hands. On the courtyard wall, dozens of archers suddenly appeared, aiming their bows at them.

"These are all my confidant guards, so you are refilling the wine—oh, look like this, you are still taking the medicine in the wine—but they won't touch it." Shao Tingyi said coldly, "If it is changed. For one thing, it’s okay for you to play medicine, but in An Sujun, do you think you can get out alive?"

Liu Yong also settled down and said: "The entire An Su army is under the control of the Zhijun. Young people are still too naive."

There are only dozens of people led by this mission plus guards. They are all here. Killing two people may be enough. However, there are more than 100 guards in Shao Tingyi’s guards, and they are all hidden in the ordinary corps on weekdays. Very brave, and adept at arching horses.

In addition, Shao Tingyi is also a military attache, and these people will be shot faster if they cut before him.

There was a little smile on Zhao Yunchu's face.

Yun Yan replied lazily: "Could it be that you are the only one who can pretend to be B... high-five?"


Yun Yan replied silently and stretched out a hand.

Zhao Yun didn't even look to the side at first, and reached out and slapped him three times.

Pop, pop, pop.

As a result, a rain of arrows shot in from a more outer place, and shot all Shao Tingyi's troops who were aiming inside!

Shao Tingyi looked back in a panic, he didn't understand, where did this arrow come from!

Looking at the number, there are at least two hundred people, but, in such a short period of time, how could Zhao Yunchu buy someone under his nose? Moreover, An Sujun was under his control. Not only did he read all of Zhao Yunchu's correspondence, he showed no signs of dispatching troops, nor did he notice that Song Jun entered An Sujun elsewhere.

Where did this magic weapon come from?

Liu Yong was frightened and approached Shao Tingyi, "If you dare...our people will not let you go..."

It is true that if they are all dead and those officials will not be able to escape consciously, because they have also been dragged into the water, then they are likely to attack Zhao Yunchu and the others, and the probability is particularly high.

However, Zhao Yunchu said sternly: "Today to celebrate, the An Su army officials have already come here, it doesn't matter if they don't come, it doesn't matter—"

Shao Tingyi's eyelids twitched and suddenly felt bad.

Zhao Yunchu: "After all, we don't need to live."

Shao Tingyi: "..."

Zhao Yunchu: "The army has surrounded the An Su army. I have obtained permission from the official family. I do not need to go through the trial of Dali Temple to behead all officials related to tea trafficking. If you want to resist, then just wait for the army to besiege the city."

If there is no trial, there is no room. How many people need to be killed will be cut first and then played.

Liu Yong almost collapsed, "How can it!"

This is not the usual style of the imperial court at all. He has envisaged a lot of his own endings, but it does not include such.

Of course, this can only prove that he really doesn't understand Renzong.

"This is the benevolence of the officials, since you should have been sentenced to death for a long time." Zhao Yunchu waved his hand, and the guards surrounded by the officials in the courtyard stepped forward, subdued these people, and executed the torture on the spot. On the spot.

However, Shao Tingyi and Liu Yong didn't understand the death. Where did the people who helped Zhao Yun first play a mantis catching cicada, and the oriole in the post scene came from.

The people outside guarded the yamen, while the people inside searched for the characters on their list with knives. There may be resistance, it is a **** battle, but because there are only a few people who have not drunk or eaten, the resistance is very small.

According to the routine of ordinary officials, after the first offender is killed, the accomplice should be discussed again. However, Zhao Yunchu has obtained the approval of the special case. Anyway, the An Sujun Yamen is already rotten, so I collected it from Yun Yan back these days. All relevant people were chopped off.

These people have no bargaining opportunities, and they have been quickly wiped out.

By this time, the garrison in the city hadn't even reacted. In fact, they didn't even know what was happening until soldiers from the state army elsewhere came to change defenses with orders and left their posts in a daze.

After the bloodbath of the Zhijun Yamen, Zhao Yunchu and Yun Yan walked out to meet the two hundred people with their hands outside. Zhao Yunchu had to signal in person before they could come into contact with the blockade of the Yamen.

If Shao Tingyi was still alive, he would recognize that these people were wearing the clothes of the Liao Army and Xia Army.

But when they opened their mouths, they could discover that this was actually a group of Song people, and Shuangyi was even among them.

—In fact, this is a drama of Mingxiu plank roads darkening Chencang. In ten days, Zhao Yunchu and the other two countries negotiated more than the scented tea auction.

From the letters that Zhao Yunchu needed to send to the officials, to how to get the supporting Song army into the city, it was all done with the help of the other two countries.

Renzong is willing to fix up with the two countries. Naturally, they can't just sit idly by. Since the first emperor of the Song Dynasty, they have been at peace for so long. Besides, there are still advantages to doing things, so they can get more tea.

Besides, they are also afraid of being infringed on their own interests by smugglers. Fighting against smuggling should be a common thing. If things go on like this, can serious businessmen go to the bargaining market and pay them taxes?

Therefore, they helped Zhao Yunchu to pass the letters through the diplomatic channels of the two countries. This Shao Tingyi could not and dare not intercept, and let the guards go out to play and slowly exchange identities with Song Jun.

In fact, Yun Yan returned to the original plan more intensely. He hated these people too much, and even wanted to directly let the guards of the Liao and Xia envoys take advantage of the situation and cut the BOSS Shao Tingyi first.

However, after thinking about it again and again, it is better to hit all at once, especially to tick out his hole cards. This is one of the reasons why they did not let Xiaobao directly dispense the poison—there is also the fear that the poison will taste too great. , Was tasted.

Moreover, Zhao Yunchu also thought that it was not good to use people from other countries, so he kept secretly.

Zhao Yunchu knows Yun Yanhui no more. He once said: "I think this plan is a little different from yours in the past."

In the past, Yun Yan's ideas were extremely detrimental, but this time, he didn't even make Shao Tingyi and the others too embarrassed before they died.

Yun Yan was silent for a long time, knowing that so many people were about to die, but in fact he was relieved and felt sad. After staying in the Northern Song Dynasty for so long and growing up again, this is his other hometown. He has developed a certain sense of belonging, so at this time, he is completely in no mood to play anymore.

Officials erected monuments in Kaifeng Mansion to ban officials, but in such a place, it is necessary to ban officials with blood.

Yun Yan looked back at the sky that seemed to be also stained with blood, and let out a sigh of breath, hoping that those officials could take a warning, and corrupt people would always follow suit.

There is no leader in the An Su army group. As the person with the largest official position and the initiator, Zhao Yunchu had to stay in An Su army for a while, sitting in the office and giving orders to make this place function normally, so that people did not know that Zhijun had an accident.

It was not until the successor came to take over that the people in the Ansu Army knew that the Zhijun Yamen had been purged.

At the time when An Sujun was in an uproar throughout the territory, Zhao Yunchu and his party had left here quietly, and went away, hiding their merits and fame.

This trip was so thrilling.

In fact, the people accompanying him didn't even know the real situation. The guards were not even ordered until that day. Fortunately, the people who came were specially selected by the officials, and they were reliable.

The funny thing is that many people doubt Yun Yanhui's identity.

He had a prior history, so until the way back, they were a little confused whether this person was Zheng Feibo or Yun Yanhui, and whether one of these two identities was really a fiction.

In any case, the way back is always brisk.

Except for the last day, this is probably the easiest business trip for other people. It’s a good meal and a good life. Shangguan is also easy to get along with. There are stories on the way...

Halfway through, Yun Yanhui was telling everyone a story, but was interrupted.

Because their carriages are good, they often "overtake" when walking on the official road. At this time, they surpassed a family of three in a donkey cart.

The couple must be in their 40s or 50s. They were holding a four or five-year-old child, and they didn't know where they were. The child was constantly yelling in dialect. The child's voice was harsh, causing Yun Yanhui to silence temporarily.

The couple in the team kept quietly comforting them. They seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the look they kept looking at as they passed by. The woman couldn't help but twisted the child, whispered and told him to shut up.

-These people are all dressed up as officials, who knows if they will be troubled by an unpleasant one? The people don't fight with the officials.

Yun Yanhui was interrupted to tell the story and looked at the family, but unlike the others, he listened to the child's scream, but the more he heard the doubt on his face, the moment the car passed them, He patted the cowl and said, "Stop!"

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