The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 142: Secrets of Demolition (Part 2)

Brother Yun from the demolition office has come to Chengnan Cross Xiejie for countless times. Last time, he almost made everyone cry for a run, which made many people feel a little bit sorry, and talked about it after he left.

Although this little brother is a member of the government, he has a very good attitude. He is responsible for their persuasion, but he has never ranted loudly. He always explained the policy in a gentle voice. He didn't get angry when someone drove him away. Look at the people running red eyes, what is it like?

However, when Xiao Brother Yun came to Cross Xiejie again this time, everyone found that he was not affected at all, but he looked happy.

Brother Yun called everyone together, and couldn't hide his excitement.

Everyone is thinking, this time, what conditions will the government offer? Will you add money?

Little Brother Yun blinked and said, "The last time we asked, our officer agreed."

At this moment, many people are still confused.

Request, what request?

Little Brother Yun saw that no one was responding, and was anxious, "You won't change your mind anymore? It's about the demolition and resettlement in Puguanze!"

Suddenly there was an uproar.

"What? Lie, move to Puguanze?"

"I don't could there be such a good thing."

"Tsk, is it okay to move there, but we have to pay for the money?"

-This seems to be really possible. After all, many people are eyeing the houses there. It stands to reason that they can't buy them if they have money.

"My god, is the government crazy?"

Brother Yun raised his voice: "Don't believe me, it doesn't hurt. The money comes from us, and the conditions are the same as before." "Is there anyone who crosses the street?"

"I don't know, but I'm the only one responsible for this, so I will invite our officer..." The more he said, the smaller his voice became. Because at this moment, there was a bit of silence on the scene, and everyone stared at Brother Yun strangely.

Brother Yun seemed to be frowned upon, "You, don't keep talking..."

"Brother, are you true?" someone asked.

This incident was amazing, and they were still in shock now, and they felt that this little brother Yun was too responsible, and even helped them apply to this point. You know, they thought it was a joke last time, and they didn't think that Brother Yun could do it.

Brother Yun nodded, "Really, but there may be a limited number of places, because the place is too difficult to buy, and we can only get the places after a certain relationship. Therefore, we should adopt a first-come, first-served rule. If you sign a demolition agreement later, you may not be able to live in Puguanze."

Everyone: "!"

You look at me, I look at you, no one dares to speak first.

Finally, an uncle asked the second-rate son last time, "Hu San, didn't you say last time that you get the resettlement house in Pu Guanze, do you just move? Then you move or not?"

In an instant, everyone looked at Hu San.

Hu San was seen shaking his body, and then straightened his waist, "Move! Why not move! It's a **** if you are cheap! Where is the agreement, I will press my fingerprints now!"

Brother Yun was overjoyed, and took out the agreement from his baggage, almost like a little rabbit, jumped to Hu San's side, and looked at him with bright eyes, "You can't go back."

Everyone looked at him in such a naive way, and couldn't help but say in their hearts that it's a ghost if you regret it!

Everyone watched Yun Xiaoge very carefully take Hu San to read the terms again, and heard Hu San say impatiently: "Okay, well, I don’t understand, anyway, if there is a discrepancy with what I said before, I’ll Go to your place!"

As expected, Hu Jia Saburo, who is called "Hun San".

Brother Yun winced, "So I'll read it again for you..."

Hu San pressed his handprint.

Brother Yun said again: "Register here again. Now the foundation is being laid, and the road is blocked there, but you are the head of the household. We can make unified arrangements at that time and check the progress of the house regularly.

Also, some of the houses we chose are located by the lake. You can choose me first. Of course, I didn’t ask you to choose the lake. But I went there to see it. The lakeside scenery is better. , You can see the lake view as soon as you open the window..."

Brother Yun was still chattering, and Hu San showed a complacent expression. The residents around you, look at me and look at you, found that they had been preempted by a second-rate man, and then they rushed forward.

"I sign too! I sign too!"

"Go away, I'll talk about it first!"

"I want a lake view room—"

The residents of Shizixie Street scattered in threes and fives, discussing their new houses non-stop.

Relying on the information bombardment brought by the Kaifeng Fubao during this period, everyone has an incomparable understanding of what Puguanze will be like.

And their agreement states that they will move in only after the house is built. So I'm not worried that it won't meet the promised appearance, if it doesn't, then they will rely on not moving. Brother Yun has said that it is a breach of contract by the government. At the feet of the emperor, are they afraid of being a hairy?

—After all, they are the proud people of Tokyo City, they can think clearly!

Brother Yun organized the papers in the original place, folded them carefully and put them in the bag, then greeted everyone and walked out.

Brother Yun has completed most of the task-and some residents need to think about it-his footsteps were as easy as flying, and when he reached the street corner, there were rapid footsteps coming from behind.

Hu San hurried to catch up, bowed slightly, smiled more than ten years younger than himself, and said affectionately: "Brother Yan has worked hard, and he has come so many times in person. How do you think I am doing?"

Brother Yun smiled and said, "Not bad."

Hu San smiled, "Next time there will be such a thing, please leave it to me."

"That's natural," Little Brother Yun patted him on his shoulder, "Thanks to you this time, Xiao Hu, there are still some unsigned, so I will trouble you to have a snack."

Hu San nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, I won't go home anymore. I'll just be in my lake-view room every day! Don't worry, I see those people, as long as you go back and say, maybe you will be blamed by your family. Sign up soon, isn’t it because the one who signed late won’t be able to live in Puguanze!"

Brother Yun smiled slyly, "Naturally, but our demolition office will definitely try our best to serve everyone. We can get as many houses as we can, so as not to let the residents suffer."

Hu San also showed a knowing smile, "Yes, yes."

After Brother Yun left, Hu San relaxed a little and looked at his back with emotion.

If only a few years ago, he would definitely not believe that he would help this kid surnamed Yun. In fact, at that time they were being beaten up by this kid. Later, after the surname Yun was forced to leave Daxiangguo Temple, they also celebrated.

But I didn’t expect that before long, he would come back with a more terrifying identity...

Thinking about the scene that this person performed in the cross street again, God knows that when his eyes are red and weeping, Hu San's legs are going to weaken, and he has to keep hooligans and yell at him...


Yun Yan walked slowly back to the demolition office-here is the office where Kaifeng Mansion was temporarily borrowed, and some people are in the capital office, but everyone basically wanders outside during the day.

Because of the large number of people, even the yard was full of office workers. When Yun Yan went back in, a group of colleagues were arguing.

"What's the matter?" Yun Yan asked back.

Although the demolition office is obviously in charge of the Kaifeng government and Bao Zheng is in charge, everyone knows that it is the big red man in front of the government that gives the orders.

Yun Yan asked back, those people stopped arguing immediately, looked at each other, and one of them stood out and replied: "It is for a family of unsophisticated people who are discussing. The residents of this street are poor, and most of them are poor. I agreed, because we promised that we can arrange to work in Puguanze. However, one of them has repeatedly added requests and is greedy. Therefore, we are arguing about this matter."

"We don't know whether we should agree to his so-called'last request' or take coercive action..."

"No, you can't use compulsory behavior." Yun Yan shook his head back, "The biggest requirement of this matter is that it can't be implemented. Yushi is watching here."

"What should I do then? This person is really hateful. He opened a hotel and not only asked us to give him a shop in Puguanze for free, but also to compensate him for the profit that the hotel should have. He calculated that he could live seventy years old. To make profits for the next thirty years! He also said that we have taken advantage of him, not counting his son's."

Yun Yan was also a little speechless when he heard it back, "This is too much."

"Yes, we persuaded him in every possible way, and he was killed. Isn't it because we were too gentle before, and all the conditions were agreed."

The man said angrily, "We are only adhering to the principles of work and cannot let the people suffer. However, we are not taken advantage of. Is our money for nothing?"

That is, these are the small treasuries of the officials. Yun Yan said in his heart.

"Well, you said he opened a hotel...Which shop did he drink in?" Yun Yan returned to ponder for a moment.

"Why, did we break the channel for him to drink?" someone said excitedly.

Yun Yan replied with a smile but a smile, "Stick with him for a month or two, and then talk to him, I believe his attitude will be much better."

In fact, Yun Yan has even more detrimental methods, such as finding the relevant department to check him at intervals of three to five, so as not to let the guests in.

When I heard that Yunyan had a clever way back here, other people also gathered around to find out. There are not a few tricky nail houses in which area.

Fortunately, Yun Yanhui has ample experience and responds according to the actual situation.

Seeing that the situation was going well, Yun Yan felt that he was expected to complete the task, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. If he wanted to achieve this efficiency, he could be regarded as unprecedented.

Yun Yan was back at the moment when he was triumphant. He suddenly heard people exclaiming. When he looked back, he turned his head and saw that a pink animal rushed from the left to the right in the crowd, screaming, and was finally caught.

The man picked it up, Yun Yan took a closer look and couldn't help but said, "Is this dog fine? Why is it pink!"

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