The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 161: Old friends and new friends

This is the second time Yelv has come to Song Kingdom. Compared with the first time, he is more calm and has always been looking forward to it.

The year before last, Yelu served as an envoy to the Song State, representing the Liao State. He drew a portrait of the Lord of the Song State and met a good friend, Yun Yanhui. Although the two countries are far away from each other, he would take the opportunity to ask someone to send a letter to say hello whenever someone came to Song State.

This time, Yelu's dress is semi-official.

Since the beginning of this year, the wind of aquatic plant landscaping has blown from the Song State to the Liao State, making the whole of the Liao State extremely obsessed. Even the Liao Emperor did the same. Of course, the Liao Emperor wouldn't take care of it himself, but the bamboo forest listening Zen jar had stayed in his bedroom for a long time, and the palace people were taking care of it.

This month, Song State will hold an aquatic plant landscaping exchange meeting and send an invitation to aquatic plant landscaping enthusiasts in Liao.

The aquariums of Liao were all aristocratic and high-ranking officials who played well, and it was impossible for all of them to go to Song State. So, almost according to the mission's standards, some people were selected.

Yelv Niaoxiu has both the experience of being an envoy to the State of Song and his artistic accomplishments, so he was selected to learn and exchange, and became the head of the exchange team-and also shouldered the responsibility of purchasing agent.

Yelvu also raises aquatic plants himself, and unlike others, he prefers to pick wild plants. I heard that the most elegant literati in the Song Dynasty went to pick up the wild, instead of using the ready-made raw materials sold in the shop.

The aquatic landscape is three-dimensional, and when Yelvyu is playing with the aquatic plants, he feels that he has a higher degree of control over the picture when he is painting, which makes him not happy.

Yelukula knows that the organizer of this aquatic plant landscaping exchange meeting is Kaifeng Mansion, and the organizer is Shuijingji, and the major shareholder of Shuijingji is his good friend in Bianjing, Yun Yanhui. Lu is more willing to go to Bianjing.

The Yelu track team traveled for a month and arrived in Bianjing. This time it was an "academic exchange", so there were no big fanfare to come to many officials, only simple personnel came to receive them.

In addition to Liao people, the aquatic plant landscaping exchange meeting also invited people from other neighboring countries.

Seeing that there was no Yun Yanhui among the receptionists, Yelu grabbed an official from Kaifeng Mansion and asked: "I and Yun Yanhui in the mansion are good friends. May I ask if he is not, is he responsible for receiving other missions?"

The official said with a very good attitude: "You are a friend of Yan Ge'er, no. Although Yan Ge'er was not arranged for reception work, he came here today. He must be looking for you, but he was only temporarily tripped by things. Stopped."

Yelu asked straightforwardly: "What's the matter?"

The official hesitated and said: "It's...a family ugly, it's inconvenient to spread out."

Yelu curled up: "???"

Before asking, the official has hurriedly left. Yelu was puzzled for a long time, and had no choice but to find Yunyan by himself. He found a post house to lead the way, and then went to Kaifeng Mansion.


In the past two years, there have been many changes in Bianjing, not architectural, but more novel objects sold on the street.

But Yelu was eager to return to Yunyan, so he didn't take a closer look, and went to Kaifeng Mansion to ask for a visit.

Because of Yelu's special identity, soon, the judge from the Fuzhong came to receive him personally. Hearing that Yelu had come to find his friends in a personal capacity, he said to take him to the living room and wait for a while.

Considering that Yelu was from Liao, the judge followed him closely, intending to follow him until he was sent out of the house.

Yelu didn't think about that much, and walked into the meeting room with the judge.

I didn't want to unexpectedly encounter Yun Yanhui on the road, Yun Yanhui was chasing a cow-colored cat, but the cat was extremely flexible, jumping left and right, Yun Yanhui couldn't catch his basic hair.

Yun Yan ran back and shouted: "Don't run, thief cat! See if I won't kill you!"

Yelu curled up: "..."

Judge: "..."


Don't say that Yelu is curvy, even the judge thinks that this kind of Ge'er is really rare.

"Brother Yan!" the judge yelled.

Yun Yan was stunned and stopped.

Yelu said hello in embarrassment, "Yanhui, I heard that you have housework to be busy, so I went to the door by myself. Didn't it bother you?"

"Ah, no, Hailin, I was about to find you in the afternoon." Yun Yan chuckled back, "I made you laugh."

"Brother Yan, what did you do just now? Could it be that the cat is..." The judge suddenly thought of something and asked hesitantly.

Yun Yan turned back and became a little angry, "Yes, that's it! Da Mao's three children are its species, you can tell by looking at the color of the coat!"

Yelu curled up: "..."

——This is exactly what the Kaifeng government officials call the family ugly.

Half a month ago, Da Mao suddenly gave birth to three kittens.

The cat was pregnant for about two months, during which the belly would only bulge in the later stage, and I couldn't see it if I didn't pay attention. Yun Yanhui had been busy with work for a long time, and he didn't notice it. Therefore, until Da Mao gave birth to a child, the whole mansion did not know that he had added a baby.

Yun Yanhui was quite displeased. The several mouse trappers in the mansion had always been active within the mansion, each had a site. The kitten's father must be a wild cat outside, sneaking in and making a big hairy belly...!

Although it was an animal's instinct, he was still so angry that he didn't know what to do until the child was born. Moreover, Yun Yanhui has always felt that it is necessary to control the number of births of female cats in six hairs.

After all, this is ancient times. Without modern pet medicine technology, mother cats can easily get sick when they have more children.

Today, Yun Yan caught the male cat to take a peek at Da Mao, and then rushed on it, but the male cat was hiding in hiding for so long, and he could not catch it.

The judge had to comfort him, "Forget it, there will always be a chance."

"Yeah..." Yun Yan looked a little unwillingly at the direction where the male cat was escaping, and said to Yelu, "Hai Lin, sorry, I made you laugh."

Yelu shook her head blankly, not understanding the attitude of people in Kaifeng Mansion towards cats, "Then, what should you do with your mother cat child from now on?"

"When they are three months old, they will marry." Yun Yan said back.

This is the usual practice of the Song people. Three cats per litter is considered to be less. It is impossible to keep every litter. Kaifeng Mansion now has enough cats. Six hairs are in their prime and will not be retired. When it is time, so I will marry the kitten out, that is, to someone in need.

Yelu felt very interesting about the customs of the Song people, and Yun Yan returned to him to tell him the rules when marrying a kitten.

Yelu curly cries out for inspiration, and wants to make a picture of hiring a raccoon slave.

"Well, the portrait you drew for me last time, I still preserved it well." Yun Yan said with a smile back.

The two recounted the old story, and Yun Yan also listened to Yelu's curiosity. This time their exchange group came with an humbly learning spirit.

For the waterweed lovers in Daliao, perhaps the biggest trouble is the explosion of the tank. Because they are generally rough in raising aquatic plants, and they like everything a lot, the phenomenon of tank explosion often occurs in the end. Some people even disagree.

Yelu said with emotion: "I have blown the tank twelve times...Some plants are really hard to control, but when I think about the beauty of the scene, I tirelessly continue to deal with it..."

Yun Yan comforted him back, "Come slowly, everyone can discuss it at the exchange meeting."

Yelv Claw also showed Yun Yan the tank he drew by himself. In terms of the setting alone, it is definitely a first-class level in the aquatic world of Liao. It is a land and water scene, with underwater plants and aquatic animals clumping, and the water is a cliff. , Occasionally weeds, an old man with Dai Li on the edge of the cliff is fishing.

"It's a pity that you didn't bring this tank, it's so artistic!" Yun Yan replied with praise.

"You still have taste!" Yelu complained, "I have a colleague who said that the scenery I built does not conform to common sense, and no one has such a long fishing rod."

Yun Yan smiled secretly, this is obviously an exaggeration of art.

However, although Yelu's dressing is good, it is still a bit lower than the domestic level of the Song Dynasty. The literati and poker here are really good at playing.


A few days later, the aquatic plant landscaping exchange meeting was officially held. Yelu wanted to go to Daxiangguo Temple to see the new murals there in recent years, so Yun Yan took him back.

When he arrived at Daxiangguo Temple, Yun Yan went back to see Ran and Xiaobao as usual, and put Yelu's shoes in the hall. He would not move for a few hours anyway.

No, I first saw Shuangyi outside the courtyard.

"Shuangyi, why are you here?" Yun Yan shouted back to Shuangyi who was bored, sitting on the wall and resting his cheek on the wall.

He jumped down on the wall with both hands and pointed to the courtyard, "Send someone with a broken leg over to get a bone."

With the gate open, Yun Yan looked inside. Although he couldn't see the patient, Xiao Bao was indeed dispensing medicine. A gentle young man was standing beside him, staring at Xiao Bao's movements, asking questions from time to time. Then, I don't know if it is a pilgrim or a family member.

Yun Yan replied: "Oh! Why did you break the human leg again!"

The young man inside looked over in amazement.

Yun Yan covered her mouth back, and realized that her voice was a little louder by accident.

Shuang Yi was anxious, "What nonsense, he was hit by a carriage, I kindly sent him to the doctor!"

Yun Yan replied: "I misunderstood you..."

Yun Yan felt that he could not be blamed, but Shuangyi had a brilliant record.

Shuang Yi said angrily: "You don't care about me at all. When did I hurt someone and sent me to see the doctor?"

Yun Yan replied: "..."

The young man inside: "..."

Yun Yan whispered back: "Don't tell me, who is that inside?" He felt that the person was frightened.

"I don't know, a passing outsider insisted on helping me and sent someone over together, saying that I was a weak woman who couldn't carry the patient, but I almost had to carry him with him." Shuang Yi also whispered. "The body is weak."

"That heart is quite kind." Yun Yan said back and walked in.

"Brother Yan." Xiaobao yelled, and then introduced to the people around him, "Donor Shen, that's my brother, Yun Yanhui."

"Shen Shizhu" heard the name, but his eyes widened, "Yun Yanhui? But the inventor of scented tea, that Yun Yanhui?"

All the people present were stunned. Didn't you say that this was an outsider? How can you even know something that most locals don't know?

Yun Yan looked back and looked again, confirming that he did not know this person, "Excuse me, what is Xiongtai...?"

The donor Shen blushed, and said, "Under Shen Kuo, in the middle of the word, the people from Qiantang travelled to Beijing with his father and eunuch, but because he had heard about Yunlang's deeds a long time ago, I was a little bit ashamed. I hope to forgive me."

Yun Yan covered her mouth back, tears in her eyes.

Everyone: "???"

Shuangyi: "What's wrong with Brother Yan, so gaffe?!"

"It's nothing." Yun Yan muttered to himself, covering his face, "Hey! I want to stay in Qingshi..."

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