The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 165: New product launch

This day was Bai Yutang’s holiday. After he got up, he practiced in the courtyard. After the practice, he saw four cats standing on the courtyard wall.

One big one and three small ones are the children with big hairs. Da Mao grabbed a kitten and jumped off the wall. The kitten on the wall was pulling the edge of the wall and looking down, meowing in his mouth.

Da Mao jumped up again and continued to **** the other two down. Then he licked their bodies and brought back the kittens who wanted to run away from time to time.

Bai Yutang lived in the area where Da Mao was stationed, and Da Mao's nest was also here. The three kittens have been two months old, and I found three households who need cats among the officials in Kaifeng Mansion.

However, everyone has discovered that Da Mao may be a mother for the first time, so he takes good care of the three kittens, never separates, and sleeps with them every night.

Bai Yutang knew why everyone refused to do the job of sending the three kittens away. In the end, he was the only one who came. At that time, he agreed, but now he hesitated.

The sun rises, the warm sunshine is shining on the ground, Da Mao yawns and sleeps with the three kittens in his arms.

Bai Yutang knelt down to touch Damao, but Damao just glanced at him, and then went back to sleep.

Bai Yutang thought that Yun Yan had given him something back, and he lost it, so he ran back to the room and turned over the elephant-shaped doll—it is said that this was given by the eighth princess.

Bai Yutang gently pulled out the three sleeping kittens, and then stuffed the puppets in. Da Mao didn't notice it, holding the puppets and continued to sleep soundly.

The three kittens were not as vigilant as the big cats, they were still asleep after leaving their mother's arms.

Bai Yutang picked up the kittens, put them in the basket, and then took them to their new owners.

The new owner gave Bai Yutang a string of small fish dressed in wicker, and he transferred it to Da Mao.

When Bai Yutang went back, Da Mao had already discovered this scam. He was looking for a kitten in the yard, but found nothing. He jumped on the wall and meowed again, but there was still no answer.

Da Mao's eyes seemed to be blank, and he didn't know what was wrong.

This place has always been safe, and it has always lived here with peace of mind, but why did its children disappear?

Bai Yutang couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly he didn't dare to pass, but after standing for a while, he still walked under the wall.

Da Mao gave a miserable cry and jumped down.

Bai Yutang put the fish in front of it and said in a low voice, "This is their bride price..."

Cats are easy to leave home. If they are not raised since childhood, and the three kittens have been weaned, Damao may soon start to take them outside and drive them away.

Da Mao won't remember them anymore when they wait until they get acquainted in their new home and then go home. It should be said that long before that, not long after today, Da Mao would forget.

But now, Da Mao tilted his head to look at the little fish, as if he understood, he bit on the little fish.

But it didn't understand it again, because soon, it dragged the remaining small fish and prepared to keep it for the kitten to eat.

Da Mao searched for a long time in Kaifeng Mansion, but there was no trace. Finally, he came back, lay in the nest, hugged the elephant puppet, and fell asleep tiredly.

In the afternoon, Bai Yutang saw this scene from the window, wondering if he should be fortunate to have the puppet sent back by the Yunyan. The way Da Mao sleeps with the puppet is really uncomfortable for him.

In order to get rid of such emotions, Bai Yutang decided to find Yun Yan back.

In fact, Yun Yanhui also invited a lot of friends, and went to the "Hao Shao Se" shop today to participate in a tasting event jointly held by them and the spice shop. However, on the Kaifeng Mansion side, today it happened to be Bai Yutang's turn to rest.


Bai Yutang came to Hao Shao Se and took out his invitation letter.

The idle man at the door took a look and immediately invited Bai Yutang in. Upon entering, Bai Yutang found that Gongsun Ce was there, so he simply walked to him and said, "Mr. Gongsun, you are also there."

"It's Yutang, you are here too." Gongsun Ce smiled slightly, "Brother Yan told me that if I don't come, I will regret it, so I will come. I thought it was not popular here, but now I don’t use us. Suspension of the scene, it seems that Yan Ge'er said it is true."

Bai Yutang thought to himself, isn't he the only one who didn't think so much?

They went into the back room together. The front is the place for trading, and today the scent is in the back.

When I took a look, I found that there were many incense vessels of different shapes in the house. They were beautifully made. Some were surrounded by mountains, some were lotus flowers, and some Chang'e was backed by the moon wheel.

Gongsun Ce took a look around with interest, and found that many people present were both looking forward to and wondering, and were still discussing in a low voice.

"Didn't it mean that the new incense device this time is a royal style?"

"Yes, I heard that the nobles in the palace have been replaced."


Gongsun Ce doesn't doubt this. It shouldn't be bragging. Yan Ge'er has always taken the upper-level route, but he is curious. Why does it compare with those palace workshops? Although these incense vessels look exquisite, they don't seem to make the royal family stunning, right?

At this time, Boss Hao came out and saw that the people were almost there, he closed the door, ordered someone to light the incense, and then clapped his hands again. At this time, someone came out with a bottle of wine.

It also included Yun Yanhui, who walked to the table of Gongsun Ce and Bai Yutang with a wine jug, poured wine for them, and then sat down.

When everyone saw it, they were amazed, because the jug hadn't even a lid, and it was a whole body.

When the hip flask is poured, the yellow wine will flow out of it.

"This is a reverse pot." Boss Hao lifted the pot and showed it, "The water inlet is at the bottom of the pot."

——It is not so much the Pinxiang meeting, now everyone knows, this should be a new product launch.

Everyone saw that there was a small hole in the bottom of the pot, which was not blocked, but it did not leak.

"If the water enters from below, won't it all leak from the mouth of the pot?" someone asked.

Boss Hao smiled and said nothing, everyone naturally knew that this was a business secret.

Bai Yutang knew that there must be something in it, but he couldn't tell it for a while. He looked at Yun Yanhui and found that Yun Yanhui had a smile at the corner of his mouth, so he wanted to ask Yun Yanhui when he looked back.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Ah, look at these incense!"

Bai Yutang and Gongsun Ce looked to the side. They were originally immersed in the wine vessel. Only then did they realize that, at some point, the incense and the cigarettes burning on the incense vessel had changed direction and began to float downward! However, at this time, there is clearly no wind in the house!

"Is it because of the impurities in the incense, so it sinks?" Someone questioned so.

Bai Yutang also looked at the incense suspiciously. He didn't believe that Yun Yanhui would make such a mistake--no, Yun Yanhui still smiled.

Gongsun Ce took a closer look, but concluded: "No, it was caused deliberately. Look at the scenes caused by the flow of cigarettes."

Everyone took a closer look and discovered the beauty.

Between the quietly standing mountains, there are more clouds of smoke, like white clouds, wrapping around the mountainside, like a fairyland; among the blooming lotus petals, there is also a light white smoke, making it a little more ethereal. ; Even on the moon wheel behind Chang'e, which was originally a bit dull, there are wisps of white clouds, which are like flowing clouds, flowing diagonally downward...

At this moment, everyone held their breath, for fear of breaking the beauty in front of them.

Boss Hao explained at this time: "This is a reversed incense. After burning the incense, the cigarette will flow downwards, hence the name. It is like a reversed pot, and it is a new product in our shop."

There was silence for a while before someone shouted in a split voice: "How much! I bought it!"

——This is the only way to break the current situation. Everyone rushed to stretch out their hands and asked to buy one, two, three or four.

Boss Hao's eyes narrowed with a smile, "Don't worry, this censer is going to burn a special incense, I have to explain to you first..."

"It's okay!"

"That's right, it should be!"

"This incense device is too delicate, I want to say, I should burn everything."

"...What to do, I want every one!"


Bai Yutang and Gongsun Ce are probably the most calm people apart from the boss, mainly because they have met Yun Yanhui for a long time. However, it took a long time for Bai Yutang to return to his senses and praised, "What an exquisite incense device, what a fun back incense!"

Gongsun Ce also praised: "Brother Yan is getting more and more terrible. No wonder you can do it every time..."

I haven't said the following things, but everyone knows that it is to find an official to advertise.

In fact, the biggest purpose of the merchants is to make their own things become imperial offerings, isn't it to "advertise", the royal family uses it, it proves that this is the best. In this era, the royal family is the biggest national idol, which has attracted everyone to follow suit.

And Yun Yanhui is just a little more pure in advertising. Although he said to the outside world that good things should be dedicated to the officials. It doesn’t matter to him that Guangzong Yaozu and the famous Liwan are nothing to him. He thinks that the official advertising is really effective. Is exceptionally good, better than his laborious marketing...

And he was able to succeed completely because of the high quality! Officials are willing to have wood!

Boss Hao found Yun Yan back in the crowd, looked at him, and looked far away.

Although I had thought that it would be very popular, Boss Hao was still very excited after seeing it. Just looking at these people, you can know the status of the new products after they are launched.

In fact, this day has indeed become a day for the soaring family brand of Hao Shao Se.

After the first International Food Festival of Daxiangguo Temple was successfully held, Haoshaose successfully gained nationality. From this day on, from the day when the reverse pot and the reverse censer were on sale, the good burning color has established its position and compelling status in the industry.


When the new product launch conference was over, Yun Yanhui, Bai Yutang and Gongsun Ce returned to Kaifeng Mansion together, and when they walked out of the shop, a heavy snow fluttered in the sky.

Yun Yan looked up, "The winter in Bianjing is getting colder and colder."

The Little Ice Age has not yet passed, and there are still many more winters like this.

Gongsun Ce nodded, "This year's relief is also released earlier than in the early years. I hope that the situation this winter will be better than last year."

There are many vendors on the roadside selling things with their stalls. Seeing this weather, many people packed up and went home. Only a few of them refused to leave. They just borrowed the eaves of the roadside shops and moved them under their eaves.

Yun Yan returned to the three people and saw a woman with two thin eight or nine-year-old children, carrying things with difficulty, and going under the eaves to continue doing business.

They stopped at the same time, and then turned aside, not in a hurry to hide from the snow or go back, but went to help the woman move things.

Three big men helped, and quickly moved everything over.

The woman brought the child to salute, "Thank you to the three princes, and the slaves are grateful."

Yun Yan saw the two children dressed in thin clothes and squatted down. When they shook their hands, they were cold, and there were signs of work. He asked: "It's such a cold day, the lady should take the children back. The government is not. Have you given out grain and charcoal?"

The woman smiled bitterly, "The charcoal is only enough to burn at night. There are patients and elderly people in the family who can't bear the cold. Therefore, you have to make more money to buy charcoal. The government has already helped part of it, and the rest has to be done by yourself."

There are many reasons for poverty in this world. Some are poor due to laziness, and some are poor due to illness. Listening to this woman's words, and looking at the cocoons on her hands and the craftsmanship of the goods on the stall, I am sure it is the latter.

However, looking at her pile of needlework and supplies, business is probably not good.

With Bai Yutang's temperament, he couldn't look at it. He touched his arms and was about to donate generously, but Yun Yan held his hand back.

"I'm coming." Yun Yan said back.

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