The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 174: Song Dynasty Class A Cuju League

Yun Yanhui pitted the future emperor very smoothly. He didn't expect that Zhao Zongshi's acting skills were so good, his talent was amazing.

If it weren’t for the absence of Laying in this era, I would feel that Zhao Zongshi would be able to go for further training, and there is still a ready-made "godfather"...

The final result was that the confrontational game, which people called "Zhuqiu" at the time, was won by the red team.

Technically, that is, "in vain", because there is no interference, the blue team wins, and both sides have good and bad.

Zhao Youwu announced the results of the competition and presented them with awards.

The audience applauded very enthusiastically for this lovely game.

In the whole game, Zhao Yunchu was different from the coach on the opposite side. He stood there and shouted for cheer. After the game, he didn’t celebrate his success. He ran to cling to Yun Yan and returned. He complained: "I knew you must be the Pope who is waiting for someone to come. Falling down at the same place..."

Yun Yan sweated back for a while, but he did not expect that Zhao Yunchu would give this shameless act such a decorative term, and he would fall down when someone came...

Zhao Yunchu still remembered that when he pulled Ge Yan to see him Cuju, Ge Ge was not interested and wanted him to end soon, so he asked him to fall down when someone came, but he didn't think it was very good. , So I still chose a brutal collision (Yun Yanhui: excuseme?).

"Don't care about these details, I ask you, does your palace raise a team?" Yun Yan asked him back.

Many high-ranking nobles who like Cuju will make their family slaves form a team and will compete with friends. Just like today, it is a private entertainment.

Since there is no trouble in life, he concentrates on practicing to please his boss, and his skills are generally good. If there is any Cuju tournament, of course these people cannot be excluded. They are likely to be the first shortlisted teams and even win the championship.

"It used to be there, but it was later separated and never regrouped." Zhao Yunchu replied.

"I think so..." After all, when Zhao Yuanyan was retiring, Yun Yan was particularly low-key, and Yun Yan recalled, "To start the league, I have to get a feel for it first. After a round of comparisons, maybe I should create a few stars."

Zhao Yunchu didn't know about it yet, "What league?"

Yun Yan told him about the professional Cuju competition. Zhao Yunchu heard it and felt that it was the same as the food festival. He was more concerned about the other things, "Which government is still choosing to call it?" I think our Dali Temple is very good."

It can basically be confirmed that even if Yan Ge'er does not second the past, he will often run there.

"Nonsense, you guys from Dali Temple are too busy to run the league when they come," Yun Yan replied, "Kaifeng Mansion also has no time to do it. People with reliable time will handle this matter."

Zhao Yunchu lowered his head and pondered.

A few days later, news came from the palace that after Renzong abolished Pang in the name of childlessness, he moved to a secluded residence in Lenggong.

Baiguan had been mentally prepared for this. In fact, they were all thinking that after the Chinese New Year, they would ask the official family to choose a good family again, so as to enrich the harem.

For Renzong's age, it is a bit too much to have no son yet.

Yun Yan received the summons back and went to the palace to meet him.

I went there and found that many clan families were there, including the Zhao Yunchu brothers and their father Zhao Yuanyan.

And Renzong, who had just divorced his wife, was very refreshed.

Yun Yan replied to his heart not knowing what was wrong, and honestly practiced etiquette.

Zhao Yuanyan asked Yun Yanhui to stand on their side very affectionately. Seeing that Zhao Yunchu became more and more motivated, Zhao Yuanyan liked Yun Yanhui more and more.

Zhao Yundi winked at Yunyan back, very dishonest-after he was scammed by Zhao Yunchu a long time ago, Zhao Yuanyan and the princess were very strict, and he was equivalent to being banned.

Zhao Yunchu originally wanted to pull Zhao Yundi, but thinking about that Yan Ge'er is not a vegetarian, so he coldly watched his brother being abused.

Zhao Yundi whispered: "Brother Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I will come to see me often in the future. Let's work together on big things."

There is something in the words.

Yun Yan smiled back at him: "Okay, are you trying to retaliate against Zhou Huilin? I heard that you have suffered a big loss, I am interested in this."

Zhao Yundi's expression was distorted in an instant, and the knife was so cold that it hurt him enough. He glanced at Zhao Yunchu, and felt that the two boys grew up with a darker heart than the other.

Zhao Yundi did not dare to speak any more, but Renzong clapped his hands and called everyone to be quiet, and then said: "I have made things clear to you, and Yun Yanhui is here now. I will tell you again. This is one of Cuju League. I decided to hand it over to several clan palaces to handle the matter."

Yun Yan almost choked on her own saliva in return, but it's no wonder that Zhao Yundi said "conspiracy together"!

However, it makes sense to think about it. At the time, he was still thinking, who would understand Cuju and be reliable when he is free?

Needless to say the oil and water in the Cuju League, these clan families are in high positions, each of which is raised with high salaries, and has family wealth, and will not drown oil and water.

On the contrary, they are missing an opportunity like Zhao Yuanyan to use for the officials to show their talents, so let's not say that they don't make a big profit, and they can't wait to pay for it.

Because most of them were not dispatched, the family members were very free, and because they were free and the family had money, they would eat, drink and have fun when they had nothing to do. There are not a few who have a Cuju team...

As for the officials, there is no need to worry about how to persuade the ministers that this matter of running the league is not a serious government affair, and there is nothing to prevent.

In this way, these people turned out to be excellent candidates!

Yun Yanhui also admired Renzong, he thought for a long time, but he didn't expect to start the clan.

Looking at it again, it was Zhao Yuanyan's family who took the lead, and there were no worries. This one is very reliable and can shake the place, so he immediately said that he will do his best to assist the princes and county princes.

Renzong is very happy. He said that with the Eight Uncles, this league will definitely go well.

Zhao Yuanyan also gave a guarantee before retiring.

On the way away, all the clan families were very happy, thinking that this errand was very good, and everyone was very happy.

Zhao Yuanyan pulled Yunyan back and said, "Brother Yan, to be honest, my king's Cuju skills are pretty good, but I don't know anything about how to organize the game, it's still a league."

Yun Yan returned to mad sweat, thinking that the way you were full of confidence in the temple just now made me think you were confident. Well, anyway, I still played the ball, otherwise this is equivalent to the seat of the chairman of the football association being seated by a person who knows nothing, then it's over...

"You said, this Great Song Cuju League..."

As Zhao Yuanyan said, he was interrupted by Yun Yanhui.

Zhao Yuanyan took a moment to react. Although he didn't understand this kind of activity, he still had enough IQ. "You mean, there will be Grade B and Grade C?"

"Naturally, the highest level is in the first division, followed by the second division, this round of the first division, the bottom ranked, must be relegated. Of course, let's step by step, first get the first division. "Yun Yan said back.

Zhao Yuan pondered for a while and sighed: "It's still a young man's brain that is easy to use. This is all for you to play with."

Yun Yan thought back to his heart, it’s okay, what if you know that there are international competitions, but we don’t call the Hercules Cup, we can call the Nuwa Cup Cuju World Cup...

Zhao Yunchu inserted a sentence next to him: "It's not that young people are easy to use, or Yan Ge'er is easy to use."

Zhao Yuanyan laughed.

Zhao Yunchu was still unsatisfied, "There are young people like the second and third brothers..."

Zhao Yundi, who was inexplicably hitting the arrow, complained: "Daddy, the first brother is getting worse and worse!"

"When he was a kid, if you played with him more, he wouldn't be like this." Zhao Yuanyan didn't mean to stand on Zhao Yundi's side at all, but instead accused him, "Think about what you did?"

Zhao Yundi thought to himself, then he helped the first brother understand that he actually has a habit of breaking sleeves, is he a good brother or a bad brother?

Zhao Yundi never dared to ask this, otherwise he was afraid that his leg would be interrupted by Dad again.

Zhao Yuanyan also helped Yun Yan introduce back to the other clan who took the errand, and everyone discussed how to do the league.

Each of these clan families with special experience in playing can name a few private teams or Cuju artists that they feel are good at playing Cuju.

—It seems that they are indeed selected people who are interested in Cuju.

Halfway through, Zhao Yundi said that he was urinary urgent, so it was convenient to go by himself.

Zhao Yunchu's second brother, Zhao Yunliang, was originally a sleeper, and at this time he was about to fall asleep on Zhao Yunchu, and was woken up by Zhao Yuanyan.

This time, with the exception of the boss Zhao Yunxi who is not in good health and can't work hard, Zhao Yunchu is still busy with the dispatch of Dali Temple most of the time, the remaining Zhao Yunliang and Zhao Yundi must seriously participate in it.

Anyone with long eyes can see that this is a great opportunity.

Yun Yan came back here, because Zhao Yuanyan gave enough face, so other clans looked at the posture, and then thought that Yun Yanhui also had a bit of face in front of the officials, so they treated him very well, so they proposed to him, and even more. Yes, I agree from the bottom of my heart.

Yun Yan was in a good mood when he went up and down so smoothly.

He decided to set aside time to inspect several teams.

For the participating teams in this first league, Yun Yan's idea is that at that time, they can be selected publicly. Those who meet the conditions will enter the list of candidates, then fight, and finally compete for 20 teams, which are the official first-level teams.

At the beginning of the league, of course, they can't let it develop. In order to better commercialize, they will select several seeded teams, not only private teams with their own sponsorship, but also some grassroots Cuju teams from the private sector.

It just so happens that Hu Hanlin will also have a newspaper there. When that happens, it will be an excellent propaganda tool for starmaking operations.

Speaking of this newspaper, Yun Yan had to go to the Hanlin Academy immediately after he returned. He met with Hu Hanlin not long ago. The old man was thinking about the name of the newspaper, and he thought of a particularly educated name for Datong.

Yun Yan rolled his eyes back: "It's called "Tokyo Daily", it's simple and easy to understand, and has a high degree of acceptance." Just like when he started Kaifeng Fubao, he really didn't name it casually.

When Hu Hanlin thought about it, his name was simple and unpretentious, but it was indeed very easy to understand, and he felt back to the basics, so he agreed.

Yun Yanhui urged him to ask the official to write the title of the "Tokyo Daily". Hu Hanlin was a little unwilling. In fact, he wanted to find a famous literary or calligrapher to write the inscription.

However, after Yunyanhui’s long experience, for the majority of the people in Tokyo, the appeal is not as big as an official. It is not a flattery. It is purely out of commercial considerations. Then he threatened: "Does your old man think the official is not big enough? We might as well collect Taizong's words from the previous information."

Regarding Renzong as a person, he might actually use the latter in his inscriptions and calligraphy, but he would be happier if he wanted to use Taizong's characters.

Hu Hanlin almost vomited blood, so he had to agree.

Before going to the Imperial Academy, Yun Yan had learned something from Zhao Yunchu that made him feel very unspeakable.

Zhao Yunchu: "Do you remember that when we came out that day, the third brother said he was going to change clothes and left?"

Yun Yan nodded back.

Zhao Yunchu: "Now it's making trouble, he is involved in a book by Yu Shi."

Yun Yan was puzzled back in his heart, "What do you think about him? Did he urinate and defecate in the palace?" Then Zhao Yundi could cause trouble.

Zhao Yunchu: "..."

Zhao Yunchu had a black line, and hurriedly said, "No, no, it's because he molested the guards in the palace..."

Yun Yanhui is also full of black lines, Nima, just molesting the court ladies, the guards are all elders, this spreads out...hey, wait, the guards?

"...Zhou Huilin?"

Zhao Yunchu nodded.

Yun Yan sighed back to the sky, "I knew it was endless!"

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