# premonitions, San Ardo heritage (1)

The day after Operation Obvious Liberation was unveiled. A large task force, commanded by Captain Capston, rises along the Salinas River. The goal is to conquer the San Ardo heritage. Thanks to the winter's defense of the Salinas Dam, the oil remains intact and intact.

The riverside inheritance looked like an artificially constructed desert. The ground flattens out a single lid, making it noticeably yellow in color compared to its surroundings. If you look to the east where the terrain is rising, even the ridge where vision is lost, you are bending so much as the eye is dizzy. There were no rules. And for the mutants that started running from there, there were no rules.

What a ruin. It was in a running car, but winter smelled of hazy crude oil. It wasn't because of the mood. Some of the genetic facilities may be in trouble. There were no signs of foul play on the air patrol, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

A noise maker cries out in a distant place like thunder. It will disperse mutants that are swarming with operational noise.

[At 2 o'clock, a large group of variants, about 250 miles away. I'll blow it from the meerkats.]

The call sign for the chariot troops was still meerkats. Two chariots running from Yagi turn the turret to the right of the mission. Two bursts of saturation. Boom! It was a new cannonball with shotgun in its aluminum shell. Nearly a hundred variants collapse like waves.

“Wow, what is that? Awesome. Awesome. ”

Yura Squad Appointer Hanbyol's Elasticity. In a winter truck, she was distracted by the sight beyond the bulletproof glass. I mutter to myself like this. Die! Don't get up! It's the sound of seeing a small number of mutants staggering past the 2,200 shoals.

“That thing can't even get here. ”

Another squad member, Moon Su Chan says. He looks at his enemies with a telescope lens on his gun and decides he doesn't need to worry. Winter was the same.

"If it's fatal to human standards, it's a deep wound to the variant. ’

More than half of the mutants survived. However, their worn and worn clothing branches are soaked in fresh blood. Even though it looked like a walking corpse, the mutant was also a living creature. I couldn't hold out long with a hole in my stomach and chest.

Winter looked at the junction point with the telescope. Hungry things walking around with their feet tucked in. The youngest in the front is impressive. He's got blood in his lungs. I had red cough several times. Shake and fall. Soon it will be hard to get back up again.

Bang, bang!

Second shot of the chariots. Tungsten's showers hit the mutants. I could hear the sound with my eyes. The sound of the body shattering, the sound of solid ground shattering.

In the meantime, the mission team has entered the southern hemisphere. Mutants have appeared everywhere. Whether they have seen the slain before or the intelligence of the beast is cautious. Commander Capston is giving the order.

[Switch to landing combat at at at current location. Squad 1 will set a perimeter south to east to refinery and oil storage, and Squad 2 will advance north to Sart Creek. Remaining troops and reinforcements take control of the central refinery and secure the northeast perimeter. Proceed as planned, but report the situation thoroughly.]

Winter jumped from the car to the ground. Kwung. The sound coming from your toes is heavy.

There is a silhouette beyond the bush. A variant crouches like a cat and peeks over here in secret. Winter aims at the machine gun. A variant that understands human weapons protrudes like a seizure.


The strain convulsions seemed to be mechanical. Stand and tremble, then kneel. You continue to bleed from the hole in your body. Sometimes, a piece of it. A machine gun, thicker than a rifle, scratches the inside. Jubbuck, Jubbuck. The sound of walking is clearly approaching winter. The mutant looks up on his knees and clamps his teeth.

Winter kicked the mutant. Then take a big step down on the fallen one.


A much heavier blow than usual. The ribcage collapses. The boy shook his foot in that state. Whenever I feel like my ribs are being torn apart, groan, groan. Sharp bone fragments pierce through the heart, causing the mutant to exhale on the last day.

‘Is it this heavy? ’

Winter was testing its changing weight. New protective clothing, Centurion. It weighed only 25 kilograms and was designed to protect against the damage caused by mutants.

In addition, a sudden bag of 500 machine guns weighs 16 kilograms.

Combined with weapons and other equipment, winter weighs over 50 kilograms.

The shooting continues. Not many shrubs for mutants to hide in. It's just difficult to deal with the drilling rigs and the variants around the oil rigs. Winter shot five in the eye. And a rapid forward and overwhelming fire. Sprinkle about 30 feet. There was no need to reload, thanks to the sudden bag.

“Everyone okay? ”

At the end of the shot, twenty people wearing the same protective clothing jump uncomfortably. It was the entire legion of the Jin and Yura squads. Other than that, each squad is struggling.

“Phew, I felt it when I was riding, but this is really, really not a joke. ”

Just running a little fast, Yura's face is already glowing.

“If you want to give new equipment, don't you need to have a minimum adaptation period? ”

Once seated, the dust is sharply buried. It's always a cynical line, but this time it's hard to see him picky. Winter was the same idea.

‘I think it's too soon.... ’

It was yesterday afternoon that the Alliance received the Centurion's protective clothing. But as of today, the blockade command has instructed me to test my protective clothing in action.

But we have to keep our complaints to ourselves. Winter asked me to be true.

“Environment is the environment. We need to conserve firepower to minimize the damage to the pipeline or refinery, so soldiers are in danger. ”

This was also true. There were pipes everywhere. If it breaks, the repair workers won't be able to do much. We had to rely on air transportation for all materials in the first place.

Therefore, the chariot stations that cannot be fire-controlled are inserted into the outer boundary. One dose each, northeast, southwest and west. Since a new cannonball has been used to make a shotgun shot, it will exert overwhelming power against mutants.

The stone was still rocky.

“I think you're treating Mormoth as a refugee. ”

“Chief Park. We're not the only ones who suffer. We're in the middle of an operation, so I'll hear the rest later. Everybody off the visor. Don't forget to fix it. Afterwards, they radio in. ”

The protective clothing was fitted with a visor to protect the face. If you lower this and lock it, the normal variant has no way to bite the wearer. In other words, it is completely safe from direct infection. Communication should also be over the radio.

"Did I mention I can withstand the biting power of the beta ghouls? ’

The guarding performance in the catalog was that.

Winter brought troops up along roads and railroads. The other troops are deployed from left to right. Humvees and armored trucks follow the line.

It was as big as a bustling city. From the south to the center of the refinery, the crew had to walk more than a kilometer. The under-staffed crew is already sweating. Even though the blade is still fresh and the protective clothing has a separate cooling device.

Winter found mutants protruding from behind the drilling.

“Hostiles at 11 o'clock! Wait, wait, wait! Stand back 10 meters! ”

The pipeline that runs side by side along the road prevents you from shooting freely. The nearest pipeline is only 30 meters away. Winter also shakes hands with the subsequent vehicles. Get away from me. I picked up my fist at the right distance. Humvee shooter prepares to fire.

At the same time, Winter cries out to both squads.

“Based on me! Hey, you're too far back! Get closer, and aim as high as you can! ”

Winter delayed the shooting of the crew. Mutants, as always, run with their tongues ripped out. The momentum reduces distance. In front of a more real sensation, the crew was nervous with their whole body.

“Now! Fire! ”

The upper half of the mutants exploded. It was an order to shoot high, and the aim was over long ago.

Tata, Tata, Tata!

Excessive firepower pours out on fallen and starving mutants. Especially one.

[Argh! Why isn't he dead?!]

Maybe it was too close. They think they're alive, they're being shot at. Screaming dull on the radio. Panic is contagious. Winter cried out loudly.

“Stop! Hold your fire! Cease fire!"

Difficult to finish. Worse Jinsuk will go and stop him himself. Grab the rifle, pump it up. But it was already after I used more than a hundred feet.

If the method of sharpening the magazine, even immature people can refrain from consuming it. Anyway, it's cut in 25 to 30 rounds. That was not the case at all.

‘I don't like it when reloading is unnecessary. ’

500 horses, total auto fire, 46 seconds to kill.

This was a disadvantage and an advantage. At least there won't be any firewall. When dealing with overwhelming numbers of variants, harsh speakers can be very helpful.

Shortly after, Winter approached the first control facility in the refinery with combatants. Troops Charlie, 2nd and 3rd Troops have joined forces while clearing other routes. Troops 1 and Gun Troops are occupying the bridge of gunship across the field. Lieutenant Sullivan was also in charge.

Three squadron captains cling to winter, with their own troops on the perimeter.

“There was a lot of gunfire back there. What happened? ”

Third platoon colonel Higgs' question. Winter shakes her head.

“It's nothing. Were you guys okay on the way over? ”

Winter's voice echoes through the full plate. The two lieutenants identify each other. 2nd Platoon Commander McCoy answers.

“It was the intermittent ones that popped up, but we had mediums, too. Two people were attacked, and they were fine. I think one of them is sick. ”

Heavy duty workers are those wearing protective clothing.

Then Lieutenant Higgs testified.

“On our side, we just smashed him to pieces. I thought it would be okay to stop a rifle. The centurion, it seems, is worth it. ”

Winter nods, pointing to the buildings to occupy.

“I have time to spare, so let's go safely. We've got four squads of Medic here now, so we're going to head back in. This building isn't that big anyway. ”

McCoy asks.

“What would you do in order? ”

“I'll go in with reinforcements twice. Then second platoon, third platoon. What do you think?”

“No objections. I'll cover you.”

Higgs also agreed with his head.

Winter led the legion of the Jin Dynasty. Where the crude pipeline ends for transportation of the vehicle. One tanker was abandoned, and several cars were abandoned in the parking lot. A variant tied to a seatbelt struggled in the car. But I don't think I have the strength. It was awfully dry.

Approach and silence with a single shot.

The inside of the car is full of dry feces. You must have been locked up a long time before you got infected.

‘Of course. If you were infected early, you wouldn't starve like that. ’

Mutations that enter metabolic inhibition survive on an annual basis without nutritional supply. Oxygen is separate.

Winter has now entered the building from the front. Single-story facilities the size of a typical house, but the interior was complex because it was full of facilities. It leads to a narrow exterior.


To the mutant who took a leap after the triumph, winter passed on her left hand.



Screaming behind your back, Winter raises your right hand.

“It's okay. I'm fine. Don't shoot.”

The gloves were bulletproof.

The mutant grabs the hand of winter and chews hard. The gums are crushed in front of you. Even with blood flowing and teeth falling out, the hunger never ceases. Step aside, step aside. A piece of broken teeth protrudes outward. There was only a slight pressure for the winter.

Winter grips the chin of a variant like a handle. Variant torsion, but this one weighs over 100 kilograms. It doesn't get swept away. You put down your gun and pull your right hand behind your shoulder. Afterwards, he took the weight of his entire body and hit the mutant.

The lower jaw falls out of the strike. He stumbles, this time grabs his neck and strikes again. Once, twice, three times. The more times I go, the more I struggle. Broken eyes come out of the depressed face. Releases the neck. The squatting mutant trembles at your feet. Winter lifts a crowbar that breaks down the door. Shine up, take my head down with the edge of the line.

It was an act to show.

People are scarier than monsters.

Artwork Reviews

# Naver Store Soft Hold

Enstore Associations are said to be on hold for the time being.

The reason is... it's called violence.

I was very disturbed when I got the recommendation to fix the seal breaker, but this is worse. I thought it would be okay to fix the adult scene.

This is the first time a series has been put on hold due to violence... and there are more violent novels already up there...

So that's what happened. Those wishing to make a one-time payment, I'm sorry, but we'll have to wait a little longer.

# Q&A

Q. Onion Mushroom: @ Writer. Honestly, what's your relationship with the White Bean writer? I'm sure Vargas is more than a mile away from the writer's sympathy.

A. Alcohol taxes will increase 400% in 2040 at the World view per Ossuary. At the same time, the white bean who was still using a separation could no longer drink a can of beer a day, so he became angry and became a black bean. And instead of beer, you're drinking black bean oil from a samurai cup, and you're transforming the Bavarian genus into marine mystery horror food.

Official settings:)

Q. Mazikar: @ Somehow this novel is deeply penetrating into my life. To the extent that I can no longer distinguish this from mine. in middle school!

A. That's a big deal. because if you can't distinguish yourself from this novel, you're under a lifelong curse.

Q. Missouri: @ Read more today ~ By the way, will the new monster be a commander? It happened when there were intelligent plays that were backwards and protected and not used to be.

A. Trickster's already playing commander.

Q. rumen: Do you have a lot of fans of Winter in @ publications? The attitude of the public defender is too different.

A. Of course. Lots of them. And the major himself... Hahaha.

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