# April Vengeance (14)

Mosquitoes that stick to mutants die. An animal that has dug up an infected corpse has a stomach ache. Dirty blood and flesh are toxic. What impact does it have on humans? No one to eat, no more human experiments.

A lot of thoughts come to mind.

The intelligence level is too high for a variant. He speaks a basic vocabulary around η ghouls. At a level that mimics human ignition. Completed sentences cannot be.

Moreover, the man was preserving a lifetime of memories. I recognized the boy's face and told him his name.

If it were not a variant, it would be the result of eating what should not be eaten. Decreased intelligence and rotting skin. How much did he take? How long did he take? The back was very important. If intelligence destruction were progressive, corrupt men could change at any time.

At least now.

I can't move a ticking time bomb. But killing him won't do. It was an important sample.

We must overwhelm them without a sound. One stroke would do it. Winter approaches the man. Hands out, pretending to accept kindness. It was a stabbing raid. Strikes with reduced strength but faithfulness to purpose. A blurry fist punches a man.


‘The reaction rate……! ’

Correct. Not the most urgent. A painful man rolls with instinct. With more agility than expected, winter was not on time. The corrupt man has broken the shelf. You dodged the humans faster and more noisy. and cry out in tears.

“It hurts! It hurts! Why, why, why did you hit him? Why are you being such a baby? ”

You hear the freak's choir. The sound of monsters picking up a commotion. Winter frowns and fires a rifle at the man. Just two feet. Both calves are torn. It wasn't a fatal wound. It's an important specimen, so I'm not going to kill it. The pain of not being able to escape during the fight was enough.

Finish the fight and stop the bleeding with first aid. We'll have to postpone the worry of dragging him around later. There's a battle coming. We need to knock this guy out first.

“Shhhhh! Blood! It hurts! Look at this! That's better! Here comes the blood! ”

The man howls. His ugly face is filled with horror. I tossed the shelf to winter. This is a formidable attack. The man smashes the reinforced glass with a frightened fist while the winter passes by. Thanks to that, I was bleeding to my forearm. But better than a wounded leg. I ran with my arms instead of my legs. This was also unexpected in winter.

He ran out of the store. It's like avoiding a boy and turning to a mutant.

Darkness flashes. It's a flash of fire. Three 30-gauge magazines burn out in 16 seconds. In the direction of the sprinting winter, the clustered plague has not made a step forward. Rather, it pushes away. It is a group that has reduced the number in the first place. If it were the first size, I would have pushed it to mass.

It was not yet winter's adaptation to enhanced combat skills. How far is it possible and how far is it impossible? The boundary is unclear. Improper adaptability is a dangerous tool.

This fight will still be possible. Hiding in the tavern was for the safety of a corrupt man. In the middle of a battle, I wasn't even sure if I could take the men. I thought he was just a survivor.

Inside the line pushed into the shell of Grade 14 "Personalized Weaponry Skills", there was a captain who had been left in a hurry. Winter has broken through to that point. Aside from those who survived, it's like an opening full of corpses. It was not hard to run on the soft ground. Various effects of calibration.

Rather, it was an obstacle to the mutants. It's hard to get my speed up. It's hard to concentrate. Things that were less than human in the first place. Winter unleashes overwhelming firepower against those who stumble constantly. The more you pour, the more favorable the environment will be. It's close to a swamp made of corpses for mutants. The sound of shells pouring out flutters. Smoke rises from the inside of the flap. Quickly take out the barrel and pour water. The boiling sound was a moment.

The captain still has dozens of magazines left. There was a lot of grenades.

‘Don't miss it. You don't have to die. ’

Winter chases the runaway man away, bewildered. Mutants did not attack corrupt men. They only run toward winter with their teeth slammed in. The man with the arms and legs traverses the plague unwittingly. He disappeared out of sight.

Do they regard men as their own? I didn't think it was mutated.

Suspended from embarrassment, winter sprinkled three grenades and a flash bang almost simultaneously. Even if you just threw it, it is a correction attached to the Throw. Three-second delay on grenades. Winter falls flat on the ground after three bullets hit the nearest three, protecting their eyes and ears.

The resonance of the blast was skeletal. Vibration so intense it makes your molars ache.

There was a hand in front of the eyes of the winter when he stood up straight away. Catch and break. He stepped on his shoulder and kicked his head.

Twenty more were killed by grenades. The debris is clogged in my body. But even the undead find it hard to hold on. It was due to the overlapping noise and intense flashes in the room. The calm shooting of winter breeds death. Sharp gunfire. The beeping tone follows.

By the time you think you're almost done, there's a new wave coming. It looks like you've run to the ones on the fourth floor. It was an embarrassing winter here, but I changed my mind when I heard the thumping on the ceiling. Hold the Captain in one hand. I shot nine shots in half with my remaining hand against the wall. It would be dangerous to get stuck, but there was a vent here.

Point the pistol at the vent for multiple kicks. I shot them to listen to what was inside. You exchanged weapons immediately and sharpened the rifle magazine. It was a few drum magazines.

‘It might be hard to use later. ’

Loads of magazines can easily cause malfunction. Better to use it when your rifle is in good condition.

I love you!

While I was maneuvering the twenty-foot speaker, something was waiting for me. Winter caught me by the snow. The body fluids burst when hit, shattering bones with grip. Root. The feeling of crushing the soft bones of a fetal variant. Throws a boom as a bomb. A linear biobomb hit the ceiling and exploded over the heads of the mutants.

A primal scream erupts. Winter has defeated the vanguard ranks first. As expected, the followers howl through the air. It was often because of two eye injuries. The face is melting. The healthy bump into the unstable.

Tung, Tung, Tung, Tung, Tung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung, Dung. The combination of Combat Sense and Insight and the number read as a warning of Survival Sense. It was six coming in without an interval.

It's a bit lacking... Winter counted the remaining distances. After a while, the little monsters plummet from the ceiling. The jumping power is great compared to the small body. I was bouncing towards winter, and it seemed like it was firing. That's a small mouth. It was easy to catch me because I avoided talking. Seeing them bounce around like they can't even detonate themselves.

New variants are functionally unbalanced. What happens when these things turn out to be reinforced.

Winter shakes her hand vigorously. Another poison. A strain that breaks its neck by itself. Avoiding or pushing away the still-lived ones, they begin to inflate. After you've killed and thrown the remaining five, the first one explodes. Phew! Phew! There was a strong explosion at the height of the chandelier.

A later shot. Scratches the uninterrupted area first. As always, fighting is important to make a margin.

Winter infiltrated the margins of his contribution. Blind and burning hands. A narrow and perilous road that runs through it. Eliminate only tangible threats in between.

The only means of determining the host was the smell and hearing of the blind mutants. I heard they tried to catch each other and smell it. Then, yaaaah! Scream and I'll let you go. There were a number of times when I caught what I just caught. Thanks to you, even the healthy ones are stuck. I can't escape from the spider silk made of rotten hands. I only stare at winter with my eyes. Aaaaaaah!

Tatattan! The moment of gunfire is the most dangerous. Because the path of life twists and shrinks. We need to evacuate the area immediately. Otherwise they'll be buried or bitten. Melee Combat was useful. In the middle of a continuous hit, it was easy to adapt to the enhanced technique.

Oh, dear. Winter pulls the stride out of your pocket. Swing and shoot with a single shot. The sound of glass shattering. The perfume is scattered. The stench spreads fiercely. The variety's sense of smell has been severely disoriented. Spider silk became more sticky.

Finally, I escaped the raging maze of winter. It was a onboard casino with red lights on it. Walk backwards and aim for anything that's intact. Ta-ang! The tangled crowd hears the gunfire and turns. At that rate, it was an intertwining speed. Those who stare directly at you are the targets. A series of shots. There is a wide board and a round wheel next to it. Bullets popped on the wheel. A clear sound of iron rolled over the 38 numbers. Winter when I see it slim. There is a switch on the side of the wheel.

What comes to mind is past history seen through closed circuits. In fact, when you gamble, it is a wheel that is rotated by hand, and when you do not gamble, it returns to the exhibition.

Winter stood there and emptied one of the magazines. Let the pellets pour into the wheel.

And raise the switch while only the blind remain. Teaming, ting, ting. The ball would have stopped at one number, but not a lot of shells. A continuous, clear splash draws in the lost sight of mutants.

‘I want to be at least as attractive as the noise downstairs……. ’

A luxury cruise is a five-star hotel above the sea. Soundproof was faithful. Even the unseen, the constant descent of survivors during their escape can be problematic.

Winter retreats quietly. Varieties of hideous facial skins stream around the wheel board. The peculiarity of breaking down because of the pain was also like those who jumped out because they were passionate about gambling.

It's time to go after the runaway man. The trace highlighted by "Tracking" was a red hand print. I think I drenched my hands in blood from my legs. I flipped up and down and ran like this. It looks ridiculous, but it's actually a threat. It was more physical than a beta ghoul. Particularly, its sense of balance is at a level that is difficult to see in variants.

Winter chases its trail with water poured into the heat. The sound of water vapor scattering. I used it fiercely in short and violent engagements. You'll have to change your firearm when you get back.

It wasn't enough for the steel to shatter. The Battle Sense affirmed the judgment of winter.

The trail leads down the central stairwell.

In the relaxation allowed by silence, winter once again reflects on the male identity.

A monster with intelligence and emotion. There is a history of emotional distance. Specialty mutant Humpbacks. They may have engaged, but the creature is clearly afraid. As if the reason for existence is not combat. A lot of pus had something in common with men and old monsters.

No, I'm guessing fast. There was no clue where to settle. The pus is also found in normal variants. It's the product of immunorejection.

Maybe it's a clue to the vaccine. Although it is Mogellons vaccine that is not made without Bondi's Epidemic Immunity……. Just in case. The poison was a very different worldview.

It's best to capture it somehow. Winter focused on reality. The blood trail fades. This means less dirty man's bleeding. However, until now, there has been no sign of a man stopping anywhere. Recovery seems to be more than human.

There was no interference with the pursuit. The outer perimeter. The center of the fourth-floor deck was empty, and the anterior and posterior decks were blocked by bulkheads.

Immediately after entering the third floor, you can see the restaurant. The largest, most lavish restaurant with floors. Across the street was the Grand Gallery.

In the middle of a large hall is a corrupt man. But it wasn't just men.

Winter muttered.

That's a little harsh, don't you think?

Artwork Reviews

# Authentic nonconformity

I had hoped that one day I would try to use a legitimate silence. Not to be indecisive, but given the status of the Enstore sale, I didn't think it would work...

# Q&A

Q. Onion Mushroom: @ Awesome. Was there a self-contained infection...?

A. Well. What do you think? Huh. Ketaro made a long comment about who he was, and some of them were true and some weren't.

Q. PAM: There's nothing wrong with @ Korea if you look up. This one was interesting, too. It's like the news is watching a drama or a movie.

A. Yes, it's a difficult time to be a writer. Reality surpassed the novel... but the shaman was behind the president! If he'd written a novel before this, he would have been judged as a novel that was thrown away. Hahaha.

Q. QOEWH: I have a question for @. People's emotions are so vivid with AI, no matter how much control AI is, something's wrong. Question: Is there a world where emotion is as vivid as this among other players except winter? If so, how many?

A. Well, the answer is spoiler, but it's not important...

No, sir.

Winter's TOM rating and aptitude are unrivaled. The problem is that the environment is a floral talent.

Q. QOEWH: My guess is that the original producers are not frying chicken, they're pretending to be, and they're monitoring everything. Aren't they obscure?

A. Hahaha. No, no, no.

Q. Nesstor: If the geography of the Korean Peninsula is mentioned, Korea....? What is that place? (Laughs)

A. Well. How about that? Huh.

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