# Exams (2)

This is when new people came in. Bold fighters. The man in the lead searches the room, fixing his gaze on winter and Joanna. His impression frowned.

Chadwick gestures.

“Say hello to each other. This is Captain Colin Fowler and others from the White Skull, and this is our new Winter lieutenant and FBI supervisor Joanna Gibson. ”

The man shoots gracefully.

“Thank you for your generous introduction, Potter Team Leader. ”

“You're welcome.”

The captain pulled down the half-skeletal mask. A crooked mouth and scar are revealed. The winter that took place on the bench and Joanna salute first. The captain looks at it with complex eyes. First winter, then Joanna. The back was pretty long. I spit it out with an uncomfortable face.

“A supervisor is a woman. Trouble.”

Joanna speaks quietly.

“You've been quite rude since the beginning, Captain. ”

“If you're offended, I apologize. But I'm giving you some serious advice, so why don't you ask someone else to send it? This is no place for a woman. ”

Should I intervene? I'm worried about winter. However, Joanna herself was silent. In the meantime, the captain chose his seat. Sit down and sigh for a long time before washing yourself dry as if you were tired.

“Agents, and lieutenants. I may look like a son of a bitch, but I'm a man who hates gender discrimination. Some women are better than others. Everyone will admit that except for the Texas townspeople. But there is one thing I cannot deny. Once a month, a day when a woman is forced to weaken.... Do you know how your predecessor died? ”

“Yes. I heard you got caught in the crossfire. ”

“Multiple hits. The stake was fatal. ”

The captain pokes at the top of his right eye.

“The bullet went through my skull and into my brain. 5.8 millimeters, sold by the Chinese to gangsters. I wish I'd died in a heartbeat, but I've been alive for three days and three nights. ”


Johanna's reaction deepens, and the captain frowns.

“You can't just play superintendent here. It's a waste of one man's strength. Everyone must be prepared. It means it's hard to treat one person as special. ”

“I'll make sure you don't have to worry. ”

“Is that so? She probably hasn't had her menopause yet. ”

“It's my hobby to kill people on periods. It's very helpful for relieving stress. ”


Captain Fowler snorted.

“I'm looking forward to it. Let's see what you got after the briefing. As long as the lieutenant is by your side, so is he. I only believe what my men see for themselves. You'll have to prove you're not just a Hollywood star. ”

“I understand.”

Sharp conversations were shorted in response to winter. Joanna's complexion hasn't changed a bit, but she's regenerating the physical tension she's been feeling since winter.

I think there is still time until the full start. There are still a lot of vacancies. Winter took out the notebook. Square. It may look like you're taking notes, but what you're actually writing is a message to Joanna.

Tap your knees under the table. She turns her attention away without color.

Aren't you offended?

Joanna pulls out her notebook like winter. Her insides are quickly written in reliable handwriting.

I would be lying if I didn't mind, but I understand. Anyone with a life-threatening problem has to be sensitive. I'm used to it, because it's not the first or second time I've been in a field like this.

I'm glad Anne is okay…. Even so, there's a problem with that from the beginning. I don't think the commander always has to make a reasonable decision. What are the chances that one person is going to explode that day if something so urgent happens?

"That's right.

"Pretending not to be discriminatory, intentionally misleading, or stressed out by long-term missions. I don't like it either way.

"The writing is pressed down. Thank you for being angry on my behalf.:)

Slightly. Winter glances over the sentence she wrote. It's not exactly emotional, but as I became more and more obsessed with it, I felt deeper and deeper. Hmm. There's no need to explain.

The investigator, who pierced his lip with a pen head, writes down again.

If that's the CIA, I think it's a distraction because there's inter-agency competition, but you're just a military contractor like winter. He was from Force Rickon, so he must have had a thing for women. I'm a Marine, but it's another problem to reveal it openly. I'm even a supervisor. Accumulated mental fatigue is probably the biggest problem. and so on and so forth.

"That's what anxiety is all about.

I don't think we can do anything in this environment. People have limits. It reminds me of a baby I saw on the way from Fort Baker to Angel Island. Assuming I've been through that consistently, I wonder if I can do better than you.

"I don't know, it's great just to see the understanding I'm showing you now.

"I got it through trial and error. When I was on long-term missions, I used to be irritated by my colleagues and subordinates for no reason. Usually I'd make up with apologies and shakedowns after returning, but sometimes I couldn't. even though we saved each other's lives. I said something I couldn't say. Every time I saw his face, I could hardly stand the awkwardness.

I have a deep heart.Can a good person be this frequent? Winter feels real when it's like this. Just as all senses peel off the skin, so is virtual reality. This could be a shortage of old times. It may be hard to convince a winter who has lived a lifetime.

That's the public Joanna Gibson, and I personally think he's an asshole.

In a surprise line, winter almost burst into laughter. Rarely, when I had fun with my dry heart, my immunity to laughter weakened. Winter turned to pen.

What, were you suddenly embarrassed?

He seems to be pretending too well.

After drawing the emoticon again, she finishes the pillow.

Let's talk about the rest later. We will soon be discovered. "

Winter replaced the answer by dropping the pen. Joanna switches the page and makes a long note of whether she was worried about getting caught. In fact, they are filling a chapter with pop songs. Baby, baby, oh, cake, baby, baby, oh...

Then, his face was serious all the time. A joke with added consideration. Winter lets out a sigh of laughter.

The seat was filled step-by-step. As the strikers distinguished themselves by their colors, the masks of those coming in armed were the colors of their skeletons. It was only part of the camouflage pattern, so it was hard to recognize if you hadn't noticed. Even more so from a long distance.

Each time, winter was introduced. In addition to the White Skull, there were other aggressive strikers such as the Blue Skull, the Red Skull, and the Black Skull. Considering the various support teams, the entire force is at an enhanced 1 critical level.

‘Not a lot. ’

The size of the maritime city is comparable to the San Francisco metropolitan area. The population may be less than that, but it is certainly more than a bustling metropolitan area. If you conducted a long-term operation with less than 200 troops, the accumulated fatigue would be significant. Despite the refugee organization.

Chadwick snaps his fingers.

“Now that we're all here, let's get started. ”

The screen on the front was illuminated. A map will appear marked with the Operation Lamp Station. It was new information from the beginning for the winter when the data had not yet been studied. The operation isn't just happening here.

“In advance of the full briefing and meeting, I have two pieces of news for you. Which side do you want to hear the good news, the bad news or? ”

An officer raises his hand.

“Bad news first. I don't want to hear the good news until later. ”

Chadwick nods.

“Of course. I'll start with the good news. ”

Fierce laughter spreads. The head of the Information Bureau shrugged his shoulders and changed the screen. One picture is projected. It was a giant artificial island in the middle of the ocean. The coastline of the island, which extends just to fit the terrain, runways and base sizes without altitude, is completely natural.

Multiple vessels are visible depicted along the beach. Most were civilian vessels carrying refugees, but one area was infested with military vessels. Winter distinguished its form. At least it wasn't the U.S. Navy.

Chadwick continues.

“A cymbal from Hawaii. Yesterday, at 15pm local time, an old Chinese military group protested while occupying Johnston Island and accepted a conditional surrender. So, in the midst of a noble trap are two 94-style nuclear submarines, 24 nuclear missiles. Excellent. The nuclear threat in anarchy has been dramatically reduced. All right, let's give it up for everybody. ”

A helpless clap fills the room.

“Then the bad news. ”

The head of the Intelligence Agency slashed his head, and he looked overwhelmingly depressed.

“The GNOME we were looking for, Chang Cheng 9 or Ching Gun 9, has left the siege. ”

The crowd shudders. Disappointed sighs stream out. Someone taps his eyeball and grunts.

“You're good at cooking. ”

One of the CIA agents is holding out.

“Make sure the value of the name is clear. ”

“Names? They all look alike, right? ”

“They mean a Communist blacksmith. where Chinese reds fled 10,000 kilometers away from democratic oppression. on foot. This was during World War II. ”

“Is that 6,000 miles on foot...? That's great, but what's the name of the sub you're proud of being chased around? ”

“It's like putting anything together and cosmetizing. ”

Chadwick clenches his fingers as if for the first time.

“That's all the chatter. Well, speaking of which, these damn Moby Dick crew members may believe the name of the ship is their mission. Fleeing now will someday lead to the resurrection of our country. At least the political officer on that ship is out of his mind. Haha.”

Chinese vessels are boarded one by one by one by a Communist political officer in charge of history-making.

Winter came to mind.

‘Maybe it has something to do with the mood of these Chinese navy people……. ’

Another ship, a political officer on a submarine with a nuclear missile, would be a very loyal member of the Communist Party. In the beginning, the Chinese military itself was closer to the Party than the state itself.

If there was a maniac in the middle and he took the lead, the United States would be nothing more than a country of imperialists. I wouldn't even think of surrendering, not even compromise. In the previous world view, there was little experience associated with the Chinese military, but there was a kind of madness that was unique to them.

In the age of the Apocalypse, anything is easy to rush into.

Artwork Reviews

# Web fiction and web games

Nowadays, I think the way web fiction works is a lot like how web games work.

Everyone, relax.

I'm going to write the same novel.

# Q&A

Q. RGZ95: @ umm... Sudden Attack 2... So scary/I wish my face had turned dirty in winter.

A, um... how many legs have there been since they've had two legs?

Q. Ironclad: @ This is all because space development is not done. When space development is done, a lot of people will recover their sympathy by sweeping away everything that could be made money in a bad place.

A. Yes. Destroyed and mining the planet's crust, ancient artifacts emerging from it, dead bodies resurrected, all living things united, brother moons awakened, etc.

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