# Exams (6)

First of all, a week ago, an anonymous projectionist leaked inside data from the Department of Homeland Security, which is spreading unrestricted online, causing disruption. The original name of this paper, called Apocalypse Papers, is "The Incidence and Determination of the Initial Spreading of Diseases," and in Memorandum, the introduction reveals that it was written by the Minister of Homeland Security, Pelletier, as a joint study of bioweapon defense strategies headquarters and a multidisciplinary agency, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. What are the 4,700 pages of top secret and controversial?

The facilitator was a pair of male and female announcers. Following the female anchor, the mated male anchor relayed additional information in a clear Eastern accent.

"The most shocking thing was also the source of the epidemic. In the meantime, the dominant hypothesis has been that Mogelons originated in a densely populated area on the east coast of China, and it turns out that in fact, the sparsely populated inland region of Tibet, China's military ballistic base, originated. The Chinese government systematically concealed it. The date of the first occurrence of Mogellon was about a week earlier.

The order of the female anchors returns.

Therefore, the Mogellons bioweapon hypothesis is gaining power. Republican Senator Barbara Buzman criticized the current administration for partial responsibility for its Asian policies, commenting that China's military ambitions destroyed the world. Democratic Congressman John Burr, on the other hand, said China is still a potential victim, and asked us not to compromise national security in a rash way.

Winter, when I listened, sighed. Joanna looks like she's chewing the worm. The short chewing profanity was unfiltered. It's an investigator who didn't hate blatant discrimination.

Winter asks.

“Why wasn't there a press conference? ”

Given Jung Jeong's pursuit of number 9, the news should have been blocked. At least it was off-limits to San Francisco. That's why I was surprised.

The news was to be taken seriously by the Chinese. At the same time, I had to react defensively. They're very nationalist. A group believed that Mogelons were an American conspiracy to bring down China.

“Since it was distributed online, it would have been pointless to designate it as a prior censorship event. There would have been scoundrels trying to use it for political violence. I suspect a document breach. ”

She taps the table with an unworthy expression.

“Besides, this operation is classified. Different jurisdictions. I don't think there's going to be much cooperation between departments. ”

Interdepartmental cooperation. The operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency could have been obstructed by senior Homeland Security, or the organization's vastness could have been an obstacle to effective communication.

Even though the former didn't make sense, the latter was very likely. Homeland Security has been expedited since 9/11. by mixing dozens and dozens of organizations that have existed before without action.

‘Thanks to me, I was once so incompetent that I didn't have an answer. ’

There were also three institutions involved in media control that came to mind immediately. Defense Ministry of Public Affairs, White House Secretarial Office, Department of Homeland Security. In the face of an unprecedented disaster, all administrations were unreasonable.

The restaurant is quiet. Everyone is setting the table down.

“Idiots. Who's going to be responsible if there's a nuclear meltdown on the mainland? ”

A disappointing monologue represented a common sentiment.

But it was only the beginning. Tales of Anchor Fair exchanging like a conversation.

Meanwhile, this document assesses the critical role of Chinese fishing vessels in the spread of early infections. Especially in Japan, it was a dominant hypothesis that infection had originally spread around Narita International Airport, but it was confirmed that the Japanese government had not failed to block Narita. What they couldn't protect was the long shoreline.

"Yes, this was actually an argument that had been raised before, but it had always been pointed out as a secondary cause. The legend was that the coast collapsed after starting Narita and destroying the metropolis of Tokyo. But if you look at the satellite images in the document, there were signs of infection in other areas before the Narita blockade began. It was coastal without exception. This means that the order has changed.

"There are some reports that the fishing boats that landed simultaneously transported refugees in bulk.

"Yes, it is easy to control large vessels. But if countless small fishing boats were simultaneously pushed in, which country could stop them? We couldn't stop the United States.

The man's words were stained. Co Facilitator to spot the stain

"Does the explosion of infected vessels in North America mean that the Chinese are responsible?

"Documentation only presents possibilities. But Chinese fishing boats have been a problem for a long time. Wasn't the world's fisheries ravaged by swarms? I believe that China's unmanned attitude toward other countries combined with the plague has brought about disaster.

Winter shakes her head. Radios may be relatively free-spirited compared to air waves, but journalists were essentially the same law. I was formally neutral in the outside world.

The female facilitator noted the partner's inappropriate comments.

"William, what you just said was very inappropriate.

"Well, that's what I heard. I'm sorry, listeners.

We will inform you for accurate reporting. The official position at the White House is that the end documents are just one reference. The signs of infection identified on the Japanese coastline may be just a mass outbreak. Isn't that right? "

"Yes, some experts do not trust the end document. That's how messed up Japan's startup was. You know, when the first infected were found at Narita Airport, the police and the SDF had a command dispute. Traffic police intercepted an emergency rescue team.

"That's shocking. Where did you get that information?

That officer is now at the Western Refugee Camp. The conflict between the Japanese military and the Japanese military that began in the Empire is notorious. The rigidity of Japanese bureaucracy is well known beyond that. Do you think the only thing that's working in Japan's disaster response system is the Earthquake evacuation manual?

Even talking about fixing it is irritating. The male anchor seemed to have a hostility towards refugees or a sense of superiority.

This is what some Americans think. The accepted winter lifted the tableware that had been neglected.

On the other side, Joanna eats like an appetite. The fork moves more sharply than the tip. But she was also obliged to eat. They also needed to supplement their health consumption during the morning. He continued to moan as if he didn't eat, and emptied his bowl like winter.

Winter asked.

“What does Anne think? ”

“What do you mean? ”

“I'm guessing the Chinese fishing boats were the main route of infection. You think that makes sense? ”

I've never heard a story like this before today. Even in winter, when the end-of-the-world experience resulted, the new end was a series of unfamiliar threats and unfamiliar quarters. Especially this one that may be the 27th and last.

However, I thought that the answer would come back even after asking.

Surprisingly, Joanna nods cautiously.

“I wonder if I'm objective.... Yes, I think it's possible. ”

“Is that so?"

“Approximately six years ago, there were about 5,000 registered Chinese fishing boats. But the fishing vessels that were licensed to operate off the coast of China at the same time were estimated to be one million. 30 million fishermen. If they've filled the boathouse with refugees, they can move a billion people. Even if the documents were true, it would never have been incompetent by the Japan Pirates and Maritime Security Agency. ”

“The Maritime Security Agency refers to the Japanese Maritime Police, right? ”


The number the investigator spoke lacked a sense of reality. It's a continental country.

“But Anne, how did you find out about this? ”

“We spoke briefly at Corona Triumph. There was a drug bust in Los Angeles against a gang in the city. Fishing boats were also major vehicles. ”


“It was also a joint operation with the CIA. because the FBI's jurisdiction is limited to United States territory, territory, territory and air space. We needed to figure out a network of mainland China. So we've been together for about two years. And it turns out I know things. Most of the time, it was to listen to a bad sound. You know winter. There are a lot of negotiations where you have to pretend you don't exist. ”

“Did you say you were objective or questionable because of your bad feelings towards the gangs? ”

“I'm a person, too. Filter it out. It's all over the place. ”

And she sighs. It seems to be stuck on a hard old idea.

The sound of the female anchor flowing out between the brief silences echoes.

A second weekend after the document was leaked, a massive protest and violence occurred across the country yesterday. In particular, looting attempts have been made against Chinatown, and a single citizen has been shot and killed in Chicago Millennium Park. Victim is second generation Chinese immigrant Daniel Kwan. The acquaintances couldn't hide their sadness that he was a sincere and exemplary American. The perpetrator, Royce Melvin, was immediately subdued from the scene by protesters. Police are investigating the existence of perpetrators and accomplices. May Mr. Kwan sleep in peace.

After a soft voice with no emotion, the radio caught the angry crowd for a moment. The screams that you scream are mixed up in confusion, converging with only one meaning: anger. Here, even inside the restaurant, there were a handful of people who felt empathy for that anger. Fuck all you Chinese bastards. It was hard to hear in winter because it was not a clear monologue, but it was clearly a problem that there were many. It was a moment of concern that I was working with them.

In light of this situation, at 11: 00 a.m. today, President McMillen called for people's harmony and rational judgments through public discourse. Let's hear it for ourselves. "

A new voice appeared shortly after. It was the training of a president I had once encountered in the journal.


He summoned his people and remained silent for a long time, saying:

4 Billion Dead

Hmph. Johanna returns to the present. Winter listened quietly.

Mankind is disappearing. It's becoming an undocumented history. Soon, in the near future, America may become a lonely country. There will be no neighbors to love even if you want to love them. If you want to save, you won't have any siblings. If they want to keep it, they will not have a life to keep it. Gentlemen, we are fighting extinction.

I know. We are not gods. I am incapable of taking responsibility for all the tragedies in the world. So I'm not going to lead America on a reckless adventure. Even if I am trapped in the harsh realities of limitations, through the crossroads of necessity and necessity, and I am thus a traitor to conscience and humanity, I, as President of the United States, will protect the welfare of my people before the justice of the country. because in a democracy, the people are the countries. You are the United States.

Again, You are the sovereigns of the United States. If you want to see a country protected by death by countless patriots, look at yourself! So I urge you all to appeal. America must not destroy America!

Remember the heroes who fight disease at this very moment. They are risking their lives to protect your country, your country, your endangered country, your people, not only your origin, your profession, your gender, your age, your property and your religion. We cannot let their virtuous devotion be in vain. Within the borders of the United States of America, we are one. must be one.

"Do you remember Private Danny Chen's death? He was a young hero who wore a military uniform to protect America. But reality betrayed his ideals. Just because his parents were immigrants from China, he was continuously lynched by his colleagues. The pain didn't stop until the day the hero decided to kill himself. Who can be so righteous? Are you doing the right thing?

On October 3, 2011, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, a 19-year-old hero killed himself. It's now buried in Valhalla, near New York. The whole U.S. cried at the time. You cried. Where did the tears go?

It's time to cry again. It's time for tears to come together. Let's not forget the death of one American, Daniel Kwan. We mourn his death. We are America. Let us rely on each other by faith. Leave it to politicians to shred, attack and slander.

May we have the spirit of our ancestors in one country. May our own limits be expanded every day. I wish I could forge a new destiny in the face of the coming apocalypse.

And at the very least, when God gives us an opportunity, we can reach out to those in need. May you never be an American who spits on miserable people and beats them to death. May everyone who fights for their country come into their arms.

America, let's move forward together. Friends of the Union and the Alliance will prevail. God bless the future of mankind. Sincerely,

Artwork Reviews

# <UNK> ⁄

By default, winter's birthday is coming up. It's December 21st. I wish the world would be destroyed that day.

# Q&A

Q. Xyno: Writer @. How do I get the writer involved? Should I hit cheap with raw material coupons?? Or should I be canned??

A. That's what I'm curious about. What should we do? I think we can do that if the North is destroyed...

Q. Master Column: My blood pressure has finally dropped and I've been eating meat for a long time, and it's like drinking. Again, meat is love. Tunguska also eats a lot of meat.

A. Yes, it is. Meat is love, but it's expensive. Expensive...

Q. The director: It's a song by @ Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The lyrics suggest that the problematic atmosphere of modern society matches the novel. Are you telling me that both the gaming world and the outside world cannot escape californication?

A. I believe that text is a means of conveying meaning, and that meaning is complete within the reader. So what you feel is of utmost importance.

Q. Blue Crystal: Have you ever voted for that Q.N.A.? I'm going to ask you to make it overwhelmingly long.

A. I don't think it is advisable to press a few opinions with multiple opinions. Anyway, thank you for liking Gadrip the writer. Haha.

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