The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00267 # Valley of Death

# Valley of Death (13)

A part of the Co-op Guild has come to winter. Director Liliana Green was an attractive woman. The age of the director was unexpected for winter. I thought he was more experienced and refined.

Green raises the tail of one mouth faintly, just in case you noticed.

“You sound surprised. ”

“I'm sorry if you're upset. You're a lot younger than I expected. ”

“Oh, that's offensive. There's no one who hates the idea of looking young. ”

I'm actually young. She wipes the smile off her face.

“I was surprised, in fact, that I was chosen. They wanted him to ignore me quietly. because the dominance of those idiots is usually between their legs. ”

One of the men who came with him noticed Greene, clearing his throat with a stiff look. He is sweating cold with the face described above. Before the meeting, my shoulders looked very stiff.

“Wipe your sweat with this. ”

When winter reached out the handkerchief, the man was dumbfounded and accepted. I opened my mouth as if to say thank you, but I was embarrassed because there was no sound coming from my locked neck.

“Is it all right if I go to the negotiation room? ”

Greene replied relentlessly to the grumpy winter.

“Relax. You're nervous in front of the major. There won't be any problems in the field. ”

“ ……. ”

She appears to be a superior masquerading as a subordinate, judging by her attitude. I left the relationship and looked quite familiar.

Winter, when the wet handkerchief was returned, said to Green,

“Just in case, Yang Yong-bin's list is not someone to ignore as a woman. ”

Green nods softly.

“I think so, too. I just want us to think we're doing something obvious. If you start to look shallow, your vigilance will collapse. I wonder if this will benefit or not.... ”

And she gave me a reason to come.

“Would you mind taking a look? ”

Winter received reports of Operation Fair Strike. Despite today's printed date on the cover, pages in thick documents had a lot of injuries to the touching edges. Every chapter with clips had a thorough underline and note.

Someone whispers to Green. One hour and 40 minutes. She nodded to winter.

“The only information we have on Yang Yong-bin's public listing is the major's statement. Now, the ministerial greetings show that the CIA and the DIA have a lot of information, but they're far from understanding the person, Yang Yong-bin. He is rarely seen as a Chinese Elder and has no faction. ”

“No faction? ”

Winter revolts with some surprises. It's not just gangsters that are important to your faction in China. Commander Sierra also emphasized his fence. She said, China was too big a fence for individual care. Each one of us has to find his own way.

Green is vaguely positive.

“Yes, it is originally the first generation of the Thai Party, but for some reason it is presumed that they have lost their friends in the past. It seems like the middle agreement between factions was that he became a Army Commander. Since his inauguration, he has a tendency to keep his faction in line to use people. ”

It is presumed, and it seems to have been an agreement. Either way, it was not clear.

“Anyway, that's why I came to check on you one last time. Is there anything missing in the report, the look, tone and posture of the publication……. something inappropriate or insufficient to include in the official report. Anything else is fine. ”

She clears her stomach nervously. It seemed to be heavier than it seemed.

Winter recalled a meeting held on the sea.

“It was a very gentle and gentle gesture at first. ”

“Did you feel empowered? ”

“No. I wouldn't look like a soldier if I wasn't in uniform. ”

“My leg hurts. Have a seat for a moment.”

Green sits close to the chair, holding a pen over the winter.

“How accurate do you think the conversations in your reports are? ”

She added calmly here before winter even answered.

“I don't doubt you. It's just that the human memory is blurry and distorted. It's a record of a fairly long meeting. Some inaccuracy was inevitable. ”

But in winter, she was suspicious. The reliability of the report is linked to Hawthorne's miracle problem. Therefore, doubt was more like a clerical consideration. Understanding that anyone who is in winter will have to feel burdened. Without this, there is no accurate statement. It must be the wisdom gained by experience.

Winter glanced at me in writing and replied.

“It may not be perfect, but most of it will be. I'm pretty confident in my memory. ”

In fact, it is both good memory and correction of memorization.

‘It's a lot of corrections now, but not right after we got back to the Piquad. ’

Calibration delays due to low ratings, namely the time it took for the "memorization" to occur, did not interfere with the report. Corrects memory errors and fills gaps. Therefore, reports are unlimited. Greene passes naturally, watching the winter with the eyes of an informant.

“Excellent, so at what point did the listing go smooth? Was it the same until the end? ”

“Not really. ”

“Can you point it out here? ”

Winter, when the pen was handed over, displayed a gap of emotion in the dialogue.

“Hm. The misery of a life just to live. There was an emotion here once. ”

It wasn't Green's voice. Beyond the shoulders of winter, a man covered in cold sweat was looking through the report in winter's hands. The man who began to concentrate turned into a completely different person. Green adds a question.

“What was the publication like when you said this? ”

“I felt devastated. He smiled and looked like he wanted to cry. ”

cognitive dissonance over a lost country. Is it the know-it-all kind of self-deception? A muttering green winces at one eye. Winter knows that feeling. Rarely are they as solid as the lies they tell about themselves.

Green and his superiors again expressed dissatisfaction after hearing a statement that the listing appeared pleasant when the nuclear missile was launched.

I wonder how much closer the exchange of opinions was to a consultation.


Green, who saw the clock, stood up. I have nothing more to tell you, and because the time is near, I prepare for the negotiation people to leave.

“Thank you for your cooperation. It helped a lot. ”

Winter received a handshake from her.

“I hope everyone's back in one piece. ”

“ ……. ”

None of the negotiators expected success. We just have to negotiate that we can't ignore the possibility that Yang Yong-bin's samples are real, that they will converge on zero, and that we will fail like an explosive public opinion because the lives of the hostages are at stake.

Those who left soon appeared on the screen. Armored vehicles carrying them are accompanied by a humvee for escorting them back and forth. The split screen illuminated the movement of the fleet from various angles in the sky and earth. Chinese military forces from the power plant met with the negotiation board. Surprisingly, Yang Yong-bin's publication came out.

[Welcome. I'm sorry I'm not ready for an empty house.]

[Pleasure to meet you, General. I didn't think you'd show yourself.]

Green's voice was much different from what he had heard on the radio.

An old publication like a local grandfather replied with the same gentleness that winter remembers.

[You don't have the power to do anything about me.]

We didn't take the samples, the hostages were in the yard. I didn't hear anything that was omitted. We don't even search the Narrows Guild. In fact, the public also wanted to have videos and records. This was his war.

Negotiations took place in a tent set outside the power plant. Traces of the Independent Squad that used to be stationed there. A camera on the green suit button illuminates Yang Yong-bin's public listing.

[Now, we don't have much time for each other, so let's ask each other directly. What have you prepared?]

Greene returned the same question to the public question.

[What do you want, General?]

[What do I want....]

Thoughtful Listings. Winter doubted whether it was indeed a decoration. As long as the purpose of negotiation was provocative, it was unlikely to have prepared a reasonable demand.

‘Maybe it really came out without a thought. ’

You can't rationalize a madman. Though he's rationally insane.

[First, I want to acquire territory.]

[Where do you want it?]

[The border between Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska would be nice. There must be two wind farms in Colorado. I need you to hand them over. Let's draw 100 kilometers across. Ah, I must say, at this point in time I demand that everything on that land be put to rest.]

Then, on the screen showing the White House, the president heard the secretary whisper and frowned. It could be seen by Hunt's cynicism sitting near winter.

“A nuclear terrorist wants a nuclear missile. ”

A large screen in front of the Situation Room projected farms and wastelands near the power plant with some stagnation. An unpaved road between the wheat fields is strangely embedded with a bullet silo next to it. The view is familiar to the winter. I've been wandering around in a world that's gone.

In fact, the deployment of ammunition in the United States was like this, and the land that Yang Yong-bin requested was the largest distribution of nuclear silos in the mainland.

The public continued to raise impossible demands.

[And the Meyer base in Washington, D.C. I guess peace without restraint doesn't last long. When the repatriation is over, hand over San Diego's harbor and backyard. If we can secure the Panama area, we'll have to accept the canal as well. 30 kilometers north and south. I'll give you the garrison. You will be responsible for your defenses. Let's replace the harbor and canal costs. I think it's enough to permit the freedom of passage back here and transfer the identity of the Chinese refugees.]

The intent to drive negotiations into a raid was too blatant.

Green, however, calmly replies.

[OK, let's look at it positively. But there is one condition that must be preceded.]

[Condition... What's that?]


Green emphasizes the words with a space.

[Prove that the Mogellonian prototypes you have are real.]

[Is there any way to prove it?]

[Yes, just hand over one of the pathogens first.]

[You're making an impossible request.]

Whether Greene tilts his torso toward the listing, the focus on the screen goes down.

[Right? You know, Mogelons are a complication of several pathogens in symbiotic relationships. One sample alone means you can't develop a vaccine. but it's possible to determine the authenticity. Until this judgment is made, the home country cannot respond to any negotiations.]

You can see Green's face through the camera on the other side of the table. Even the slightest smile on your mouth goes beyond calm. However, the publication was also relaxing.

[I don't think so. We may make great progress with just one component of the complex to create a means of destroying the station.]

[Show minimal loyalty, General. even at this very moment, thinking about the people you've caused. Citizens of China who are protected by their home countries, and American citizens who inherit their Chinese heritage……. Don't you feel sorry for them at all? Isn't it your duty to protect them, the People's Liberation Army?]

Of course not, but this was a question that was asked in case the video was released.


Whether he knew it or not, the public response was light.

[The basic premise of the Civil War doctrine for the defense of the nation is the sacrifice of the people. Can't even describe it as a sacrifice. Obviously. The duty of the people of China is to protect our country. The only difference between me and them is the uniform, the training, and the armed presence. Moreover, they are American citizens who inherited Chinese descent... …. If they don't have Chinese minds, they're just Americans.]

He clamps his waist upright.

[And no innocent civilians. The general of your country burned Tokyo to the ground.]

Artwork Reviews

# No innocent civilians

As many of you know, it's very well known, but it was General Curtis Remay who led the Japanese mainland raid at the end of World War II.

Unlike what the public said last week, that was before the Tokyo Air Strike. And it's not because Yang Yong-bin didn't know it.

Let me warn you in advance if anyone points out that this is not the case.

# Q&A

Q. Bug: I think @ Hyun would like to quit. Doesn't Greyman assassinate people? If I give it to you, I'm gonna fuck my country up.

A. Again, that's a difficult question to answer. I hope you understand.

Q. Karphis: What @ evil forces! Heil Scalorchen is the truth! It's like Lady Solitaire giving chocolate to a solo captain! All hail Scaloven!

A. What a horrible, horrible thing to say...

Q. QGEGEGQE: Even if @ Crochen snored, he didn't scratch his penis. How about a scratch on his arm?

A. I'm not going to answer any questions like this next time. Seriously. Seriously...

Q. Novelis Buffer: @ Seung-man has 0% reliability, so it's as small as 1% reliability!

A, three years, no good readers in this novel.

Q. Coco: Did you know that your novel is paid for here?

A. I didn't know. I don't think the publisher knew. They are collectively pursuing complaints, so I'll contact them.

Q. Dongdong Bridge: Is it only when the mutants and reinforcements of @ zombies are resistant? So if a tiny island nation were wiped out by ordinary zombies when there was no mutant, then it would still be normal zombies?

A. Yes. unless it's spread elsewhere.

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