The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00269 # Valley of Death

# Valley of Death (15)

Despite receiving the updated instructions, the negotiation council did not retreat easily. They tirelessly repeatedly assumed the authenticity of the sample. The negotiations could have been made public in the future, or even today. Even the strongest citizens must be enough to question it.

[What about this?]

Green suggested a calm new color, as if to when he had raised his voice.

[People from the home country's Centers for Disease Control come here with equipment.]

Yang Yong-bin's publication acted strangely.

You want to keep them under my protection? Are you okay with that? There will be a lot of people who don't like it.]

In short, he asked if he would use more hostages. Don't you have a lot of hostility towards the citizens?

Green raises his chin, keeping his lower back straight.



[Yes, release as many as you can. Isn't that how no one loses money?]


[As I said before, verifying a sample is a basic condition for establishing a negotiation. That's what we're going to do under your supervision. There's no way research is going to leak out. The researchers just need to let them know if the samples are real or not.]

Can you believe that?]

The merchant quietly places the banner.

[For example, we could threaten the researchers and tell them to report false results.]

[You're crying again.]

You must be tired, but you must have some emotional debris. Green's smile was spotless. Winter decided that her merit was aimed at the public along with the public.

[General, we have the means to ensure each other's trust. But if you just say it can't be done, you'll have to assume the samples are fake. Because it's fake, it's for a different purpose, so you can't accept any forward-looking conditions.]

[Let's say you accept.]

The old list changed the topic.

Is the price confirmed as I proposed?]

[Don't change your words. I mentioned that sample verification is a fundamental condition for negotiation. In other words, real negotiations only begin after the authenticity.]

[Maier Outpost. I asked for.]

[So we're talking about conditions.]

[I need to get there.]

Green, whose words have been cut off, reveals an unpleasantness in the right line. However, the publication is immeasurable.

[Tell me, is there a chance?]

[You said you would review it positively.]

[Well, it seems to me that you have no intention of accepting.]

The general's attitude was almost harassing.

[Isn't it a big example of what you do when you don't even have an idea and you look at it positively?]

[With unacceptable conditions, it would be a big example of intentionally sabotaging a meeting.]

Green frowns and clenches his jaw with a clenched fist. In winter, both attitude, emotion and posture were calculated. Speaking plainly, you got a good shot. The workshops that were dispatched together were positioned so that the audacity of the two people could be seen in the attached cameras.

[Unacceptable conditions.... Now you're telling the truth.]

A general smiling calmly, speaking. Green insists.

[Then let's be honest with the general. The reason I want to be transferred there is not to be impotent, but just to insult this country, the United States, to provoke people.]

[Why shouldn't I? An end to negotiation is the process of establishing the right and wrong of the warring party and the pride of the nation beyond Bondi Cili.]

[Let's change our position. Suppose China is healthy, not the United States, and I have the sample, and we offer the General a negotiation. If you were asked to fund a U.S. military garrison, is there any chance, if at all, that you would accept it?]

[That depends on the situation, right? Even if the ancient palace is just a ruin, if the future of humanity is at stake, I can give it to you.]

Once again, Greene ignores you lightly.

[As you may know, next to the Meyer base is Arlington National Cemetery. It's a haven for Australian spirits. I wish there was American history buried there.]


[That's not all. Cross one road, the Pentagon. Cross one bridge, the White House. There's the Smithsonian, the Lincoln Memorial and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.]

In other words, it is relatively small. For example, the Lincoln Memorial was not exaggerated by Temple of the American Spirit. The most revered statue of President and the obelisk in front of the monument are depicted as symbols of the state in numerous media.

As the general asks, all of those places will be within range of the Chinese military artillery.

Green now folds his arms and twists his legs.

[How do you like America?]

The courtyard was instructed to abandon negotiations anyway.

[Do you think people will lose their minds if you just taunt them with this trick?]

[I don't know what you mean.]

He says he doesn't know, but he adds.

[It wasn't my intention, but don't be fooled by me. You're in a mess.]

[What makes you so sure?]

Communications leading to Calpine 5, dominated by the Yangyeongbin party, are all blocked except for the channels open for negotiation. The publication has therefore achieved its objectives, but there is no way to confirm the results.

But he said:

[Because I believe in the savagery of Americans.]

Winter was embarrassed.

"Was that a mistake? You shouldn't be saying that right now. ’

Taunting was a provocation, but it was an adverse effect on the spread of chaos in American societies.

Greene was shaken for a moment because it was the same idea as winter. But they dig without missing an opportunity.

[So the American people will be stupid and violent?]

Despite the emphasis on American citizens, stupidity, and aggression, the publication was kind enough to affirm her intentions.


However, the malice remained.

Why not? It's because greedy capitalists have privatized your country and enslaved money. Capitalists, entrepreneurs, and even the president of the United States, who hold most of the country, have to go to the annual event and bow their heads.... When ordinary people fear the end of the world, they build a solid wall with money and power, under the protection of private armies, and consume the end of the century with gambling, banquets and auctions. You can't say there isn't.]


[That's when they turned education into obscene commercialism. Exclusively for advanced education, it attempts to kick up the ladder, divide the dominant rank, and strengthen the subjugation of bourgeois and privileges. So the Americans are stupid. So you guys are savages.]

It didn't look like that at all, and even in winter, China was a communist country. To them, capitalism is simply a process of building the cornerstone of communism by increasing productivity.

However, believing it truly was a separate matter.

Green reminds me of the fact that Yang Yong-bin doesn't have a faction.

Winter stuttered in my arms. Round and firm. It was a beautiful community watch that I still had because I didn't deserve to keep it or leave it there. I thought it was broken but I couldn't help it, but there were no surprises. The needle, minutes and seconds remained still because the reel was not detected.

"Wouldn't Sierra Leone have laughed if he heard it? ’

They would have laughed at themselves, at the country and the public, either way. Even though he was a corrupt man, he was quite a realist, even if he did not exclude evil from good.

If there were so many people, the world would be much different from the world we lived in and the world we lived in.

The Armed Forces commander is still alive, so the Navy commander may as well be alive. Now you won't be able to change the situation. Hatred has a long life.

‘If you edit the video…… it won't help. ’

It was winter when I thought of a way to expose the insults to American citizens separately. However, it is difficult to say that this is a good way to look at the video spill ahead, and considering Hunt's concerns about winter. After the whole thing goes public, it's bound to be backfired.

Listing declared.

[I believe in your misdeeds.]

It is true that the presidents of the United States thank the Jewish community every year, and it is true that American public education has failed. But winter thinks.

‘Lies concealed by truth are the most dangerous. ’

The slow reaction of the Co-op Manager Green was due to a time of caution. A quote on the publication was plotting to divide the United States. Before the plague, extremist ideas can spread easily in these extreme times.

She asks, just to buy time.

[Rather, it was more of a Chinese accusation.]

However, even the publication was positive.

[You're right.]

And I burst out a suppressed smile.

[I admit, the republic was a barbarian kingdom.]


In spite of the public outrage, I convince them that Green is the last.

[General, let's stop fooling around.]

Are you kidding me?

[There is no China as you know it. And if you're as stubborn as you are now, there will be no new China.]

[I've heard similar things, but China is here. The spirit of the state does not go away.]

[Country is a set of individuals and is just a tool. So if you don't have citizens, you don't have countries. Are you denying this simple fact?]

[Of course. Country is more than a collection of individuals. There are countries, there are people. A man with no identity is nothing but an animal. Society makes people. And society is made naturally. I don't think the process of being created is consciously controlled. That's not a good word to say right now.]

[Good. Then what about your duties as a Liberation Army officer?]

The publication reacted with the suggestion that it did not know English.

[What are you talking about? I'm not sitting here because of that duty.]

[I know that you are doing this because of the emergency rules of engagement. What to do when an attack causes a state to collapse and fail to receive normal orders. But General, before the rules of engagement, we also have to leave our nationality, and we have a duty to protect anyone in the military. to refuse non-humane orders.]

Hearing this far, the General ignores Greene and appoints one of the Co-op Guild members.

[Can you tell me your identity card?]

Suddenly, he hears the interpretation of the interpreter and asks me if I am embarrassed.

[I'm not a representative. And why do you ask that?]

[I asked because you're the only one who looks like a soldier. The soldier's duty is to speak to the soldier.]


Winter did not recognize the configuration of the Co-op Guild, but it seemed to be true what the listing said.

You're not gonna tell me?]

[Brody Avery, Air Force Commander.]

[Air Force commander. That's good.]

Yang Yong-bin nodded.

[So let's assume, Commander, that this is the situation. You're an underground nuclear silo. And your country has already evaporated under nuclear attack. No senior division responds to communications. But you still have your orders before the government disappears. A list of coordinates for the targets your base was supposed to fire when the all-out nuclear war broke out.]

The publication that was waiting for an interpreter said again.

[If you press the fire button as instructed, humanity will be doomed. Then should you press the button or not? Respect and trust as a soldier.]

In fact, it was a question with an answer. But it was also a work ethic that could not be denied to soldiers.

Having been thinking about it for a long time, Commander Avery shakes his head after seeing Liliana Green, the headmistress. And here's the answer.

[must be pressed.]

Why is that?]

[If it is not a war crime, the soldier cannot voluntarily judge the order. Civil genocide in an all-out nuclear war situation is a strategic exception to war crimes.]

The merchant turns his gaze on Green. But there's still a colonel's word.


Commander Avery emphasized.

[But I'm not going to press the launch button.]

The publication responds moderately.

[I understand. But you can't blame your colleague for pressing the button.]

Green intervenes.

[Please stop. That's enough ulcers.]

[I only asked the soldier because he told me his duty. Why is this an ulcer?]

[It's different. China was not attacked by any country. If the sample you have is genuine, then the only developing country in Mogellons is China. So this blatant suppression is just proof that the sample is fake.]

She takes a deep breath and says,

[Change your mind now. Free the prisoners and hand over the samples. Then there will still be opportunities to dream of the future. Even if the samples aren't real, at least for your men. You can save your life, too. I'm proposing a legal deal.]

The public is silent for a moment and whispers to the translator. Then the translator approaches Greene again and whispers to him, "No leaks." A shadow falls over Green's face.

[It's too late. That's very kind of you. Let's end it here today.]

Yang Yong-bin stood up and turned halfway around. It was a unilateral pseudo expression that I would no longer respond to the conversation. Greene sits and stares at the listing, and then slowly wakes up when it's about to go public. And said hello to the back of the publication.

[I can't help it. I'll see you tomorrow.]

But tomorrow will not come to the public to celebrate the night of the siege.

“What did you just whisper in my ear? Huh? Is this important? ”

A noisy situation room question travels over the radio and into the receiver in the narrow ear. Soon after, the reply returned.

“You want me to be good at this... Are you teasing me? ”

Someone complained, but winter felt that it could also be the truth of the publication. Given the contempt of speaking of Chinese savagery, It was different from stage to stage, and many contradictions could coexist in one mind.

Winter told Hunt.

“There's really nothing for me here. ”

Although he did give up his seat, the right to a full speech at the president's table did not come down to one major. The other yard was full of stars. The field headquarters feels like a relay or branch office for Washington, D.C.

Hunt grins.

“Why, do you want to join the strike team? ”

“I think it's better if we use our ability to engage. ”

If someone had told you, you would have heard that confidence is too much. But Hunt nods seriously.

“Yes, it is. But, Major, you'll have to get used to it. Because you're becoming increasingly important. I'm sure many of you felt the same way. ”

“My seniors? ”

“The patriots of this country are recognized for their courage and dedication. ”

And he cleared the table. So far you've been lying, muttering. And then they tell a story to the winter.

“You know what? In the meantime, last night's battle record with Major was over 10 million hits within an hour of uploading. This means that the people who caused the riot are watching the video without being angry. that the Pentagon's official channels are very uniform by region. During that time, the police and the army will be able to sigh. The person who set the upload time will be delighted. ”

“ ……. ”

“Have you ever heard of a soccer game over there in Africa where the civil war broke out for a while? That's the case. Major, you can be proud of yourself for being more than just a Super Bowl or a World Series man. How big do you think the bonds at the exhibition are because of you? Haha!”

Winter asks Hunt, smiling at himself.

“How's the operation going in the other region? ”

“That's why I'm asking... Oh, my intranet is a mess. ”

It was only online PX that was still accessible, and the winter laptops were also limited.

“Fortunately, this is a success. They call it Boar Hunting on the front line. ”

“Boar hunting? ”

“It looks like the mutants are about to leave for South America to preserve the population. There's a unilateral pursuit going on in this fan America root. ”

“That's... good. ”

“Yes, thank God. ”

The laughter disappears from Hunt's face.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me. It seems that God has not abandoned us yet. ”

“ ……. ”

“But if you die, then the story will be much different. We'll give up on helping ourselves. God helps those who help themselves. ”

It felt strange. Winter clearly remembered the conversation with the Military Officers. We've helped ourselves enough.

It's really unpredictable how it's going to go.

Artwork Reviews

# 9 e-books, 3 paper books

Nine e-books came out in the last seven days. I didn't know it, and I barely knew it yesterday.

In the case of three paper books, it's actually normal to come out now. But it hasn't come out yet because the publisher has asked for a short extrapolation of the thread as a paper addendum.

Perhaps as soon as you hand over the manuscript, you'll start printing.

So it's going to take a little longer.

# Q&A

Q. Karphis: @ Polonium... is a precious ingredient of tea that Fuzar only gives to his closest friends. As expected, Zachariah is great. And I'm not the only one who knew the name of Lady Solitaire... who knew the name of Salve Fortune. He's a great man...

A. What's great about it? It's just a crazy couple.

Q. Suck on the concept: @ writer, I think there are many pieces in each painting, but isn't that disadvantageous? And why did you start in Jorah?

A. Novelis recognizes a one-time volume limit of 13.4 KB. So I'm not raising that much.

And that's why I started in Joara... when I thought that Joara's management mind was better than Munfia's. It's not clean or anything, just relative.

Not right now, of course. It looks like he's comparing Satan to the devil.

Q. Nari: (Strategy) Yang Yong-bin's goal is to ruin China anyway. Do you want to ruin America? Internet in advance (??) to spread the occupying facts and protoviruses, and to negotiate with Patone under ridiculous conditions...

A. The purpose itself. Psychology is hard for me to explain. Interpretation is the reader's domain.

Q. Qvex: @ Now that you mention it, how old are you? Personally, I'm curious.

A. 40K +31... is a joke, 31 years old.

Q. Antichrist: @, this author is giving sympathy to readers who saw Scalochen lick zombie water and see him drink a sip of water in three days, promising only one more happy ending. How horrible and dreadful is this old thing?

A. What should I say if I @ these comments? I don't resemble Won Vienna, so I'm not terrible or scary.

Q. Deathandeath: @ will be singing Donna Nasong with her left hand for the Ossuary and her right hand for the rice breaker.

A. Tunguska's compassion is consumed as soon as it is born. Please try to be compassionate. Donna, Donna, Donna...

Q. Clean Rain: @ (Strategy) Is it possible for winter at the Charnel House and others to find the body using a substitute? If so, does the alternative also have an ego? Or is it just a living protein doll? Or are they conscious, but self-castrated because they can't keep up with the rapid growth of the body? (Approximate) + Can you let me know if there's any music you're listening to? I want to share a little life with you.

A. Systemic replicas promote growth from the same state as plant humans to adults without ever waking up. So I have to say, there's a consciousness before there's a self. There have been ethical issues mentioned during the year.

And there's no music that I listen to while I'm writing. I'm a poor old concentrator, so I can't write very well when I play music.

Just listen to a lot of original music, write it all down here... Search for Playing for channel if you like. There should be something pretty good on the playlist.

I'm going to recommend one piece at a time.

Q. QGEGEGQE: @ atmosphere looks like the Final Boss Raid, but it looks like there's still time to finalize, but the sample is real and once it's recovered, it's finalized.

A. The samples were real! The Little Prince of the Charnel House ends!

There is no final boss in this novel. Maybe you can call him "the boss" in some sense... and of course not fight or anything...

Q. RUINTING: @ atmosphere is endless.

A. Going down is the end of the series. Maybe. Trust the author.:)

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