The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00272 # Season when roses seeds

# Season when roses seeds (8)

The tyrant was waiting for the autumn at the fading flower garden. The place was filled with dense rose scents made by his direction, and only one person could walk through it.

Green roses were not present in the world of Bondi. Autumn was also a class that was not in his world.

“Ah……. ”

Familiar voice, elastic with surprises. When I heard this, I slowly looked back with a deep sigh. A man like a snake was given a funeral to his master. There are bruises on the face. Afterwards, there was a beautiful season when unrealistic landscapes were taken away. The existence of autumn wear red on the green background was very intense. Despite being a self-gifted or compelling costume, Gogol iron did not like the intensity. I felt a sense of grandeur. Softness matched her.

‘I didn't feel like it was mine, so I tried to refuse.... ’

Fall's favorite clothing was a gift of winter, and it was green. So the tyrant suspected that his preference for green was a sign of winter imprinted on his body. Like the economic emotions he felt for the fall. But now even such doubts have faded. Precisely, I have no doubt.

Maybe it's just a good color for the autumn and imagination. Not a subject, but an objective basis. I decided to think so. It's hard to be troubled anymore. It's irrational.

The special secretary senses your discomfort and bows once again. And he took a step back, as if he were treating the king. The autumn, left in a desolate space, comes quietly to the tyrant. I feel like it's getting darker somehow. The streets disappeared, but the silence remained. It felt like I had digested my tongue. My heart is full of tears. It was not autumn, but feeling towards the underling who did something unnecessary. However, the responsibilities of the employee are the responsibilities of the employee. That was the principle of iron.

Luckily, the conversation pops in the fall.

“It's been a long time, Chairman. And what a surprise. I thought you weren't gonna call me anymore. ”

Hair poured down in front of my shoulders in abundance on a polite greeting.

I agree that the momentary seduction of Gogol iron will not be late.

“I did. I tried to cover for you. ”

I was just about to give up the deal. That's why it's been so long.

“Maybe you changed your mind. ”

“It would have to be accurate to say that nothing has changed since the beginning. Even if you can't change it, you're right. ”

“…… I think so. ”

Autumn was a little embarrassed by your candid attitude. But he was always looking for economics. It was pointless to hide.

“Apologize first. My assistant gave you a hard time. ”

“I'm fine.”

“Don't you resent it? ”



“I didn't think it was your order. ”


“You don't like that kind of deal. ”

It was precisely a hardened mindset.

‘I don't trade that way. ’

The tyrant felt both gratification and discomfort.

‘Cheap thing. ’

Once again, anger toward the lateral muscles. This was also an outrage toward him.

While the president was deliberately drawing attention, special secretary Kang Young-il put the fall into an economic recession. Then we'll have no choice but to make a deal.

But that was a loyal excuse. This talented sadist only wanted to trample on beautiful things with sadistic tastes. That's why I'm in the shadow of Gogol.

A cunning and versatile tool told the tyrant,

“I'm sorry, but I still don't know your criteria. ”

After I was angry enough, Gogol replied.

“A fair price does not make a fair trade! Even the process of paying for it is justified! Otherwise, he would have raped me with a knife! I have the power to resist anything, punish anything! Why do you think I pay taxes? ”

You must pay the taxes you have to pay, and you must find the taxes you can pay. It was an accounting guideline for the comet group. Because that was the most legitimate way to pay for your country.

Tyrant despises man, but respects him as a commodity and as a trader. Even the most foolish and worthless humans have the right to sell themselves and destroy themselves.

Therefore, there is no threat. Of course, this is the basis of tyranny. It was a threat in autumn, but a normal deal for Gogol was made in exchange for the lives of the same children and the treatment of those with refractory conditions. Anyway, he didn't hurt anyone, he just paid the price. Those young people were destined to die anyway.

“I had no idea. Forgive me. I will never do this again. ”

The special secretary asked for the president's forgiveness. Sneakiness was a useful human being, so the tyrant was furious around here. I hate to pretend I don't know, but where in the world can I trust a human being? If there is blood on the blade, it is the guilt of the man holding the scabbard. The same goes for negligence.

In this age of indifference to man, it was a truly good world for man-eating beasts.

Ganshin would have been intoxicated by his acting. Satisfaction for making those who worship foolishly feel superior. It's not time to throw it away yet.

Fall's words wake you up.

“You've been in a lot of shape. ”

and the additional concerns of looking at the slide.

“Are you eating right? Sleep well? ”

Just! The old boy stamps his staff in an unfit color.

“Cough... Cough. Which side are you worried about? ”

“Would you believe me if I told you I'm the chairman? ”

“That's funny.”

Ko Gun-chul was ahead.

“Let's take a walk. I told her to prepare a meal. ”

Shit, just... Nervous sound when a titanium shaft hits a stone floor. The body that was weakened by insomnia and eating disorders was difficult to walk without a staff.

The attending physician diagnosed the cause of dietary disorders as stress. It's an obsession to check your own control. It's an impulse to go hungry, suppress the most primitive appetite for survival, and gain confidence that you can control yourself that much. The president easily convinced the explanation. The attending physician, who was trembling at the thought of being beaten like before, acted like a man who had fallen short of anger when the tyrant did not get angry.

‘Come on, just make a copy of this body. ’

There was no objection to copy transplant. The body of the old body is only as hard as the old one.

However, until the preliminary body is completed, it will have to endure the current state. I didn't want to save my brain as post mortem insurance.

Add to that a sense of denial. What will you tell him in the fall? What would he look like? His original body is being disposed of.

Ko Gun iron said without turning his head.

“I'll make it up to you. ”


“I will pay you for your injustice. Of course I'll give you a hundred times what you deserve, and a hundred times the difference. It'll be enough to forget the past. ”

“…… isn't it too much? ”

When I was asked, Gogol stopped and looked back.

“You'll need it. ”

“It has nothing to do with my situation. ”

“Are you saying that you will not be paid for anything that does not meet your standards? ”

“I know it's upsetting to say this, but there must be another reason to pay you that much money. You can't pretend you don't know. ”

That should be enough to repay the full amount of your child support loan. Then you'll have some time to spare with your brother still alive. It's okay to send money to him in the middle of winter. If I could help, I'd be embarrassed to look for you. ”

Autumn looks at you with a painful look. But there was still no hatred. I used to hate it, but not now. It was the same fact as what I said before. That was confusing for you. It was a deal I couldn't give up.

‘I will remain as myself. I want to protect the self he remembers for his dead brother.... ’

I felt confused. I'm curious about Gogol. Would that idiot feel the same way in the middle of winter?

“I know what you're worried about, but this has nothing to do with my dealings. If you don't believe me, take it for me. Whether you can convince me or not, I have to pay the price. ”

The chairman regained.Don 't you dare defy me. That's the only problem.

“… OK. I appreciate it.”

This made the deal even more difficult. Gogol iron is unwilling to give up exclusive access to the physical reality of the body now, and the autumn position is economically breathtaking.

But it was natural. No regrets for the tyrant. Autumn's workplace is an affiliate of the comet, and the tyrant is her employer. It's really, really irrelevant to the deal.

In fact, there are rare people who are not. More than half of this country's economy is the territory of tyranny and indirect control over fewer.

Therefore, his invitation was an extension of his work for the fall. At least nominally.

Different aromas overlapped while I was walking. Suddenly, at the right time, the tables were ready. Silver dishes glisten on pure white tables. It was an unparalleled banquet based on past standards in which all human meals were physical.

“Sit down.”

Shadows were cast on the look of autumn's appreciation.

“I've never had a meal like this before. ”

The shade was the commodity value that he expected. Human standards are bizarre, and commodity value is rare.


The tyrant waits for no opponent. Stir the boeuf tar with chopsticks. The meat loaf is loosened and the broken yolk is mixed together. It smelled of light pepper and butter. Put the crumbled raw meat on the crunchy bread and chew it out loud. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The crisp, salty flavor mixed with vinegar and salt was followed by the crisp texture of the meat. It's a very light steak with a soft inside taste. Every time I chewed, it was juicy. You swallow and wait for the tyrant to react.

There was no commotion.


Isn't it normal to have more intense vomiting than usual? As he laughed at himself, Gogol resumed eating at a slow pace.

“If you don't eat it, you're rubbish. ”

The words he throws without looking. The autumn sighs heavily. The hands that I had on my knees were finally on the table.

Her diet was poor even in virtual reality. She ate in real life and starved in virtual reality. A real meal is an ambient energy pack. There wasn't even a typical ramen on the list.

In this age, eating only ramen did not mean eating in physical reality. It means filling the body's calories with energy packs and eating ramen in virtual reality. That was the least Korean meal of the time.

Virtual meals are cheaper than physical reality, but they are not as cheap. Physical food became a symbol of affluence, and the price of fictional food soared. Cheap is relative to everything. The food service industry received royalties from food that was only an electrical signal. It was an intellectual property right to reproduce taste.

It was the same after death. Poor people of class F are still required to pay royalties. After death, you have to make your own food. To ease the hunger of fiction.

To tell you the truth, the cost of food for modern Korean income is not even slightly lower than in the past. Governments use the lowest world-class obesity rate as evidence of successful welfare.

That's why the autumn passive meals are more rewarding. It was unlikely that it was a false sadness. One of the drivers that has brought you up to where you are was the look of desire.

When the appetizer was removed, Autumn asked.

“You called me here today, just for a meal? ”

“For now.”

“Why else? ”

“Let's eat and talk. ”

It will be uncomfortable to eat.

But eventually there was a lot of food left. A tyrant with an easy meal should not eat much, and autumn did not show appetite from the beginning. She wipes her mouth with a napkin early, silent, until the end of her meal.

“Can you tell me now? ”

The chairman who placed the tablecloth looked at the fall. Whenever I still see it, my vision gets caught in the hook.

“I'll make you an offer that is separate from the deal, but relevant. ”

“What……. ”

“From today onwards, work with me. ”

Because of his weakness, he followed a drowsiness driven by a short meal, as well as a febrile patient who calmed his breath due to irregular heartbeats.

“I don't think you know the world of people yet. You want to say no, but you've never seen it from the same height as me. So I'll show you. It's a moral code. It's a tool of profit. The public good is only in the public good, and society is only a system that generates that benefit. And sin is a small price to pay for many things. That's why the sinners never cease to sin. ”

“What do you mean…. ”

“Do you know what the benefits are? ”

“ ……. ”

“Profit is all that fulfils desire. Money, pleasure, and other things that satisfy desire. ”

I smiled at the autumn staring quietly.

“Therefore, everything of a person is always meaningless in front of the greater good. That's what they call progression in segae. renewing norms and systems for the greater good. ”

Autumn now understands the president's intentions.

“You think a world like yours will change my mind. ”

“Yes. It's those worthless norms that make you hesitate. ”

A physical relationship without love. And a taboo on incest. Autumn shakes her head.

“I won't change my mind. ”

“Are you prophesying without experiencing it? ”

“No matter what the world is, no matter what other people live in, it doesn't matter to me. So far, so ever. ”

Instead of avoiding the wrong things, we avoid the desperate things of winter. There's a common denominator between the two, but I can't say it's the same.

“So, you're saying no? ”

Towards Gogol steel, which reveals an uncomfortable planting, Autumn shakes its head once again.

“I accept your offer. ”


“We need a caregiver now. ”

Is this the body after all? The tyrant snorts.

Artwork Reviews

# difference

A lot of people have said encouraging things about the last review. First of all, thank you.

However, there were many criticisms against those who spoke out beyond encouragement.

It's my fault. I'm not inexperienced, I should have anticipated... That was reckless.

I apologize for any frustration this may have caused.

I just left an impression, and I got blamed for it.

As I mentioned a few times before, opinions can vary from person to person. It is not right for a small number of opinions to be criticized.

# Realm of Readers

Just as writers have a realm of writers, readers have a realm of readers.

It is the reader's natural right to see and comment.

However, repetition of the same opinion over and over again on a question that has been confirmed by the author as a writer in multiple answers is likely to be coercive.

And don't think your opinions are correct.

For example, in Chapter 1, "Reality Parts are unnecessary, so I recommend reading them. Someone ran it for me." Let the reader decide whether they need it or not. I felt like this, so people can refer to me enough just to leave a note.

Now that I feel like this, I don't want you to have to fix it from now on. Since most readers feel this way, why don't you write it down? The offer is OK.

Finally, an opinion that has been offended is no longer an opinion. Because what I'm trying to say is emotion rather than opinion.

# Q&A I'm going to pick three today.:)

Q. Square corner: @ (Strategic) Do you think the world needs this kind of leadership in order to change (approximate) the right direction, or do you need a large number of people who insist on change as the main character does? I'm sure you need both, but I wonder which one you think is more important.

A. I think the latter is more important. The world of people is about other people, and being positive of change means being positive of someone who is trying to make a difference.

Q. Nyar: @ I think this is an unnecessary comment, but I think the real-world part is really necessary in the context of this novel and the development of the repairs to the end... Isn't the real-world part actually reduced by the absurd comments? Rather think… (short)

A. It's true that you've downsized the reality part, especially the comments. The original idea was that it was more frequently inserted in the middle. In fact, it was in the beginning. But we took the idea of disrupting flow and turned it into a form that ended one episode and brought it all together.

So I'm not ignoring the opinions at issue. to the extent that it is acceptable. After that, I was just having trouble hearing the same comment.

But this time, you can see how sad it is to have a whole chat.

It's embarrassing because we can't take it anymore.

Q. Trade Wagon: @ Just out of the blue, what happened to the astronauts at the space station? We'll have to take shifts and get supplies.

A. I don't know if it's going to be mentioned in the future, but the writer's idea is still alive. because the Vandenberg base, where the rocket launcher is, is still in the hands of the U.S. military, and Houston is fine.

It's true that the United States doesn't have any space projectiles that we can use right now, so we owe it to Russia, but it's a different story when we go into the military. Even if it's not ammunition, there are a lot of preliminary projectiles stockpiled for satellite fire in case of nuclear war. It's not that hard to supply space stations if you just try.

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