# Boar Hunting (3)

Allies approach from the front and rear of the target aircraft in preparation for further attacks. At worst, he believed in the defensive force of the gas and was willing to defend it with a shotgun. There was also the effect of concentrating on the ability to disrupt incidentally.

[Alamo 3! Alamo Leader, respond if you're alive!]

Squad Leader will page the pilots under attack. The response returned immediately.

[Village Alamo 3. No injuries.]

The pilot is calm, but his voice is shaking violently. However, because he said he was unharmed, it was either because of tension or because of the vibration of the gas. Phew. The squadron commander lets out a sigh of relief that makes the communication channel tingle.

[Good. What's the status of the gas? Can we make it back to the base?]

[The flap is stiff but can be manipulated in any way. RPM on the left engine is dropping. And……. Well, it looks like it's leaking fuel. Looking at the speed...... I think it's a close bingo.]

Bingo was a slang that meant the minimum amount of fuel needed to return home.

‘You have a low chance of dying. ’

Winter reduced the volume of communication channels that were shared with the fleet. An attacker named Thunderbolt was famous for his tough cuffs. Survival rates of pilots were particularly high. Escape will be possible in the worst case, unless it is completely destroyed.

A new symbol appeared on the command terminal screen. It was a rapid response team that was contemplating this situation. The problem is they're on the helicopter. I thought it was some kind of helicopter in the flying yard, but it was a very low-altitude airplane. High-speed through the rear of the squadron.

PickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPickPic. The buzzer draws Winter's attention. A signal from 2nd platoon that Grumble had been spotted and used as an anti-tank. A solid red line is drawn from one of the vehicle symbols on the electronic map. Progress path of launched missiles. When Grumble appeared, he did not need permission to use firearms.

The winter asked while controlling the platoon spacing.

“Lieutenant Foster. Where do you think the enemy is? ”

The enemy here was certainly not a mutant group. The worrying poster finds a place on the map.

“Maybe this is it. ”

The coordinates taken by the COO were closer than expected. The point where we just crossed the horizon. The distance was only about 5 kilometers, both inside and out.

“On what grounds?"

“The power and tracking of enemy missiles. If it was a full-scale missile, Alamo 3 would have been airborne. It also means that the missile did not have its own radar because it was deceived by thermal disturbances (flares) alone. So the conclusion is portable, and the range can be up to six kilometers. ”

This knowledge was rarely accessible in winter. Not included in Trait Officer training. What use would he have for anti-aircraft missiles in the fight against plague?

“But I don't think we'll be firing at maximum range. because Alamo 3 runs out of missile fuel even if it's just a few miles away. Given the evasive maneuvers, approximately 5 kilometers is the right line for the attack. The only point of ambush within five kilometers of where the missile came from is here, at the foot of this mountain. ”

Therefore, the operations officer's prediction was almost true.

In fact, the officer was asked what he should know, so the poster was a little curious while answering. But the question didn't last long. It seemed to recall the peculiarity of winter.

The rapid response team moves at an incredible rate towards the point indicated by the Ops Officer. Their symbols blink to the level of teleportation whenever the information on the electronic map is updated.

Even if they need help, troops closer than David's Winter task force are available. This side won't come back.

‘The treatment must be quite harsh……. ’

If there was a Chinese soldier who was captured alive, his treatment would be truly merciless.

It's not a wild guess, but the Chinese soldiers have already been captured alive on Calphine 5. Thanks to the torture and confession he received, Yang Yong-bin confirmed that there were no more nuclear weapons or bioweapons.

They didn't even know where the scattered comrades were.

The list seemed to have kept the ambush point of the commanding troops confidential to his men as well. Or undefined from the beginning. If the goal was just to create a public ghost, where and how to attack what wouldn't matter.

Winter, when coordinating major operations with the touch screen of the command terminal, muttered like a soliloquy.

“I don't feel like I'm fighting. ”

Touch and drag. In a control system that was enhanced to the specifications of the Civil War, vehicles belonging to the mission unit responded with a vigilant response to computerized command. It meant waiting quietly for orders in the middle of combat. I didn't have to raise my voice on the radio.

The communication officer answered as he vomited.

“You're doing fine, though. Defensive warfare at the Children's Base was an exception. ”

And Operations Officer Foster helped. Keep your eyes on your terminals.

“I was cautioned before the handover, but I think my superiors were reluctant to evaluate you. ”


“Yes, you've been promoted exceptionally fast. You may be offended... ”

“No, not at all. There's actually a lot of flaws. It's not stinginess, it's discretion. ”

The conversation ended there. Even a one-sided assassination was not as relaxing as a commander. Vehicles obsessed with the enemy are often out of line. Distracted mutants may protrude into danger if the target is attacked by themselves. I had to keep him awake.

How long has it been?

“Alamo 3 is finally making an emergency landing. ”

Winter frowned slightly at the comms officer's report.

“Emergency landing?”

“Yes! You're going to land on the second lane. We are close to the attack path of our mission troops. We've lost comms…… Marigold's orders are to move from our side to that location! ”

The instructions also appeared on the winter terminal. The expected landing point blinks yellow.

“Why didn't I escape……. ”

“The gas is suddenly deteriorating, isn't it? It might be safer to make an emergency landing if it's difficult to make it to the safe zone. You don't have to come out. ”

Attackers that strike enemies in sight are built to withstand anti-aircraft cannons. Therefore, it will be safe to fall among the variants. assuming that there are no grumbles or birth babies.

Eventually, we need to speed up.

"We can't afford to see more casualties from Chinese military attacks. ’

The thought of winter measured the distance on the map.

“The shortest distance is 21 kilometers……. That's far, Lieutenant Evans! Any other support?”

“Alamo's on his way back because he's out of ammo. And, uh, Marigold will be dispatching a squadron of predators shortly. ETA, 13 minutes! Until then, we must leave it to chance. ”

When I examined the terrain, I had to cross over. As an uninhabited stream of water during this season, the cause was an upstream dam that completely opened the gates to restrict the pathways of mutants.

Deep, rough currents are not only varied, but also military vehicles.

Winter frowns slightly.

“What else is there besides Predator? ”

“Nothing. Just us! ”

The U.S. military was now devoting its full attention to the eradication of mutants. It means that the troops are full of excess power. The rapid response team has already gone elsewhere.

The eyes of the operations officer who heard the exchange turned towards winter.

“How do I do that? If we keep pushing the mutants, the Futa Point, the bridge in the river, will soon become a bottleneck. We won't be able to cross it until we've wiped it out. ”

The original plan was to focus the sympathy of the variants into a pair of narrow legs. Although methods of blowing up bridges or knocking out airborne troops were discussed, they considered it a safer option than finding other ways to scatter them, or rather than wreak havoc with a blocked mutant group.

In other words, to shorten the time, you have to pass before bottlenecks start.

The deputy commander, who was aware of the situation, communicated.

[Sir, you have to ignore the mutants here and run at full speed to arrive just like the Predator. I think we should proceed with the operation as it is. The time until we get there will be in the sky.]

“What if the enemy threat is greater than the firepower of an unmanned drone? ”

[It's unidentified for aerial reconnaissance...... but there's a chance.]

“Deadler can't even catch it with a missile. ”

[…… Yes.]

Deadler, the baby is not the only one who hangs on Grumble. The other troops reported an example of being stuck to Ghoul. In this case, even infrared did not distinguish well. The target is too small to maneuver a missile there.

“And what if the canopy or fuselage were broken and endangered against the common variants? Well, the highway would be a mess, wouldn't it? ”

[It's not unlikely. Would you like to divide the troops? We can't have holes here. If there's a gap in the siege...]

Breaching mutants will be a problem if they emerge from the rear of an ally. It may not be a great threat, but it can't be ignored, so the pursuit of this area will be braking. The reorganization time will be that slow, and a lot of mutants will live to escape.

The command must have issued a rescue order with this in mind.

The rest depends on the judgment of the Winter Commander.

“Let's send reinforcements. I'm pulling out the Engineers.Depending on the condition of the aircraft, we may be able to disassemble them. We're going to need a medic.”

It's hard to guarantee the details of the pilot right now. I was lucky to be safe, but as a commander, I always had to assume the worst.

Does the attacker have a Fuel Dump? ’

If not, you should be concerned about the fire after landing. The pilot inevitably has to deal with the mutants with one pistol. On the assumption that he's healthy enough to fight.

“Captain, take command. I'll see you in a minute. ”

No one objected to winter's decision to move forward together. The combat strength of an individual Engineer is never low, but it is slightly unsuitable for normal combat due to the nature of the equipment.

[Good luck.]

“You too, Captain. I'm sure it's nothing. ”

Winter immediately paged Lt. Montgomery of Engineering and Lt. Cho Yunchang of Medical Corps.

“You know the situation. Engineering, the medics need to step up. I will lead the river beyond the Independents under my command. Engineers will take forward and flank, followed by the medics. Do you understand?”

[Yes sir.]

[…… uh, um, yes.]

“Stay with the slow vehicles and stay with them in a battle formation. ”

Captain Jo Yunchang was greatly embarrassed. He was an experienced doctor, but not an experienced soldier. His training consisted of attributes like winter. But it was something I had to go through someday. Military doctors and medics are professionals who heal their allies when they least expect it.

The tactical officer with the exchange of eyes grabbed the radio in the car.

“Corporal Dowell! All the way to the coordinates! Engine's going to blow! ”

[Are you suggesting we break formation?]

“Engineering will cover you! ”

Corporal Dowell was a skilled soldier dispatched to operate armored vehicles. You took the spell to run so that the engine would explode. Gaaaaang! The comms officer looks down on the sharp gushing sound of exhaust. We had an argument over the hour, but he was still drunk.

Kwung, Kwung, Kwung!

The body flutters back and forth like crazy. This adds a round-rolling heavy machine gun gunfire to the inside. It was a remote turret of a commanding armored car that had been rarely given a chance to fire. The wobble was the shock of nearly 20 tons of cars beating four mutants at once. Although not visible to the external observation cameras, it would have been crushed well under eight wheels. Blood splattered on the viewing lens, burning the darkness of the night.

‘It's actually not that hard. ’

In the judgment of winter. Grumble will take care of the drones, otherwise he'll be overwhelmed. If there's a force to command even if it's too much to handle on its own. The time to endure was within an hour.

Artwork Reviews

# Today's featured song, Alex Boye, "New Born."

# Stringent

I don't like the tightness of recent food.

For starters, there used to be a lot more sauce than cotton, but nowadays there's not enough sauce to make you squeak. It doesn't rub very well just by basics. The cold noodles, too, have so little seasoning that eventually the cotton is lumpy and dry...

The neighborhood I moved to is even worse. in the industry. I even add a quarter of the ramen saree to the fritters...

I'd rather eat a delicious meal even if I could pay more...

# Q&A

Q. UNLIMITED ONE: Big Toon by the last banner of @ Yang. So far...

A. Listings see the possibility of the end of winter as well.

Q. FNLSHSK: I had a dream today, writer. When will this dream come true, when 8 books per cartel are in front of me and 7 to 1 cartel on the right?

If the reader wants it so badly, he can dream like this!! Engage !!

A. But there are up to nine e-books. - No alliances.

Q. Eternal_Valkyrie: @ Is that Chinese army lady still alive? And we'll make it to Panama in one piece, just like the failed Vietnam War in the United States, from southern Mexico to Panama.

A. We are unable to answer questions about a particular person's life or future development. And yes, it's hard to get to Panama... heh. As you can see,

Q. Qvex: @ If I don't have sympathy here for Chinese Americans and innocent refugees... the reality is... I have a problem with refugees in Europe.

A. Yes. Even though the reality is much better, the public opinion of refugees is not good. Writing

It's easy to guess.

Q. Eloarloulkranz: If you're playing in @ 40,000 years, you're playing on The Eye of Terrorism? I'll be waiting for you in the warp!!

A. Huh? Weren't you already in warp?... That's weird.

Q. SnowWind: Throw in 13 @ coupons! Buy me something delicious!

A. Thank you. I bought pizza last weekend. It's been a long time.

Q. QGEGEGQE: If there is no magical element like physical immunity that is fashionable in @ Fortress, then advanced weapons are awesome.

A. Yes. Modern weapons are very powerful. If we're going to take down those chariot shells with knives... we're not human.

Q. KTH @ I think the final appearance of the variant/major organs such as brain and heart move to the centre of the body where endoskeleton and exoskeleton protection is easy/bilateral walking is poor in mobility and balance so use of quadriplegic walking/use of tools and add hands to wood or wall/have/have hump to store overlapping tentacles/nutrients with wide vision/Toss the bile tract due to lack of endocrine knowledge

A. You're imagining a creature that's almost universal. I'm going out on an individual basis, and I think it's more efficient. Haha.

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