# Boar Hunting (6)

Two days later, on July 8, the Winter mission unit was notified that it would be placed in the rear until all equipment had been inspected. The newly built Node was a fortified state university. It was accompanied by other joint task forces of the same position and a large force from the mainland.

“How long do you think it will take for the final maintenance? ”

The one who was asked in the winter was a supervisor-level technician who was stationed in a field garage. There is no set day, and just taking a break, he smiles, sweated and withered.

“I can't be sure. Normal maintenance doesn't end that quickly. It's just below the maintenance window. Plus, the vehicles weren't in good shape. I've endured military maintenance so far. I scratched the inside of the frame, and it was very common for bones and flesh to come out. ”

“Is that so……. ”

“Yes, new recruits are breathing heavily. Above all, there are too many of them compared to the maintenance capacity. It's growing in real time. Well, the most dominant of them all is that. ”

The boss pointed out the rec room window. I see a trolley being towed by a rescue vehicle. The heavy turret leaves a mark that cannot be mutated. A deep, burnt mark. Like Alamo 3, a remnant of the Chinese military ambush in the valley was traced of an anti-tank rocket attack.

“If it had been lightened by the Civil War specifications, the crew would have died instantly. After all, Abe (trolley, Abrams) is the most beautiful in its original form. ”

Fort Roberts' chariot squadron, meerkats, was also an undiscovered sphere. Old age means the form before the disaster. Extremely powerful, but it's a waste to deal with mutants. The gloves were so thick, it was extremely fuel consuming. Consume 500 gallons (1,900 liters) of petrol each time.


You hear Howling, a very tall decibel. It was not a dog or wolf howling, but a mechanical noise that occurred when the microphone associated with the speaker was absorbed back into the microphone.

“Here we go again. Shut up.”

The mechanic's boss flinches his ear. A sip of beer and then I say it again.

“I don't think those crazy terrorist bastards will surrender.... Kill them all. ”

The last one was a loud murmur.

"I am the Juwei School of Liberation Army shamans.

Chinese sounds familiar to winter come from a large speaker. I thought I'd never see her again after I'd been separated from her at sea in San Francisco, but now she's here to advise her old comrades to surrender. The voice was being broadcast throughout the western plains of Central Plain.

She is also a member of the National Anthem.

“I don't know what you're talking about, but isn't that a nagging voice because you're Chinese? ”

Listening to ongoing recommendations, supervisors seek empathy for their bad feelings. But the voice of the actor and singer can be annoying. Excellent aesthetic.

“Well…. ”

Winter blurs the words. It's useless to say no. That was the entire American military atmosphere on this base. As far as the whole front line is concerned, there is very little damage. But a man's life was at stake. A sniper brings Satan down. Soldiers have always been anxious to exterminate mutants.

The greater hatred that would come out of that anxiety would have been Yang Yong-bin's last hope. A plan to plant the seeds of self-destruction in the United States and fertilize it with blood.

‘There are too many people who don't work that way. ’

The most common reactions experienced in winter were what to do, on a level. Though the opposing Pokémon tend to be polite, since they are opponents. Reason was usually a servant of emotion.

Tang River.

An empty can thrown by your supervisor protrudes from the edge of the trash can. One of the guards, lying on the couch, awoke and muttered quietly. Boss grunts and picks up cans. You can't even put this in. I guess I'm really tired.

“Why don't you take a break? ”

The boss smiles freshly again.

“We're the only ones who can't rest and roll over compared to the ones who are really going to die. If you really want to die, I'll ask you then. Thank you for your concern, but I think it's really important for the major to be here during his personal maintenance time to check on his progress. Aren't you tired?”

“I'm resting in my own way. ”

“Where the hell are you going? ”

The boss who saw the watch got up from his seat.

“I'll be going back now. If you don't like the sound of snoring, you might want to find another place to rest. ”

“Thank you for being a good fit. ”

“Let me tell you something. ”

After my boss left, there was no reason for winter to remain.

Winter leaves the Field Depot Recreation Hall, looking to move into the assigned barracks for the task force, but he hesitates for a moment. With a large garrison, it would have been okay to use a vehicle, but it would have been a bother for the main driver.

Occasionally, the university campus heard gunfire and violence in neighboring towns. The next battlefield of the task force was right there in the city of Davis. A multitude of mission troops couldn't just sit around until the maintenance is complete. After a few days of rest, everyone will be put to market. That way, the fallen are either wandering around or hiding.

The Boar Hunt was handed over by other troops.


In the direction of the stadium attached to the university, the frenzied screams and fast beats were heard. This is where the gastronomic performance is currently taking place. Not only the private cheerleading squad, but the popular stars who want to work for the soldiers, or need such images, have come to visit. More people come because of the winter.

Winter has always preferred a quieter place.

On the south side of the campus are artificial lakes and walkways that contain river water. It was a long, weed-infested park with five uninhabited seasons, but commanders are deployed to manage it with long standing garrisons in mind. For the rest of the mentally exhausted soldiers.

Now, only basic herbs have been made, but I have recovered a lot of my past. Even though there are rare dried blood stains on the benches and the stones.

As the sound went away, the strange silence covered me. This was the essence of the "since the end of the world". The emotion of walking through the ruins has its own way of condemning the heart. Other world audiences are also moderately satisfied.

What's the matter?

The motor of the lawnmower approaches. The soldier who pushed the handle sees winter, hesitates for a moment, then simply salutes and passes by. And again static.

In winter, sitting on a bench underneath the octagonal sperm, you seldom feel the vibration in your pocket and take out the four Warrior terminals. A mobile messenger application authorized by the Department of Defense has stacked incoming notifications. One of them stands out.

Jang Yeon-cheol: He still asks for a name.

“ ……. ”

It was about Song Yeong-kyung, who asked winter to name her child. A wife who was abandoned by her husband who left the Multi Promotion Council. There were a lot of people around her who were sympathetic to her loss. Min-wan said in his old phone call that he was the representative of the Neutral Party. It was because the director chose to postpone the disagreement in order to safely transfer the absence of winter.

Mother abandoned the name of the baby that Father had named for her.

Winter called. A cheerful voice that is afraid of the signal ringing.

[Ah, little boss. Is today a good day?]

“Yes, I took a few days off. ”

[Wow, that's great. I'm always worried that you won't get sick because you're so busy. I've never slept before.]

“You didn't have to cry, did you? ”

The mischievous question that brings up the past has created a brief gap.

[Er... I hope you can forget about that...]

“I don't want to.”


I feel cloudy beyond the handset. The first time he cried was on the phone. I was speechless and crying, so I wasted my limited time. And so far I was ashamed. It is now officially a bureaucrat for the military, but the attitude towards winter is the same as before. It was a rare type

“By the way, the Honorable Congressman. ”

I heard she's in the military now.

“Did I make it clear that I can't be goddess? ”

This was the reason why we have still postponed our decision about simply naming the baby.

[Of course, but he asked if you promised him a name.]

“I promised. But using it differently is another problem, isn't it? If you want me to decide, tell them to solve their own misconceptions. Don't let it go, or decide for yourself. ”

[Deputy Director says he's encouraging, rather than letting it go, but, um, I get it. You must be exhausted in so many ways. I'm sorry to bother you with something trivial.]

Her thirst for influence is to quench her grudge. Minwan also saw that, and recently, Jangcheol was also worried about the same thing.

The story has moved on to the biggest issue of recent years.

“How are you feeling? ”

[It's an alliance, no worries, but Chinese stationery is literally the worst. It's hard to believe that the military and police are from the mainland, so they deployed our people. Vigilantes were also recognized as a police cooperative organization. like a Texas Ranger.]

“Jung must have liked it. ”

[Yes, well. He's kind, but he's a little vain.]

The assessment of discipline was the same whether it was winter or both.

“So, no Chinese opposition? ”

[Yes, the death-dead response.]

“I'm worried that borrowed people will behave arrogantly.... ”

[Rest assured. Why do you have the Chinese who received it before? Hangouts and hatchlings.]


They were the ones who delivered a secret letter to the Lumberjack's camp.

[Director of the Andean Agency elected them as security assistants. Uh, actually, it was Director Min's will. Anyway, I liked that everyone was quiet even though they were gangsters.]

Of course I had to leave nature and habit.

[No trouble at all thanks to you. I thought Korean allies would be noisy if they went, but I also think the little commander made a great decision at that time.]

“No more compliments. ”

[It's not a compliment, it's a fact.]

“…… anything else? ”

[Other, Other……. Yes, the creation of a Chinese refugee base has been suspended. Instead, I heard that they are sending the troops that they have received so far away.]

“Where to?”

[We don't know that yet.]

Hmm. Winter considers their battlefield. Although it seems unlikely to send low reliability troops this way, if you create an excuse to fight the remnants of the list, you are more likely to be cut off for the more hostile citizens of China. It was a fine line to greed in the White House beyond the Ministry of Defense. The president is currently being accused of being too emulsific for Chinese refugees and citizens. When a society is tested, human rights is always tested.

[Hey, boss.]

Yeon-cheol wakes up the silent winter's attention.

[You asked me to find out before.]

“Like what?"

The horror of what the Japanese gangsters had done.]

“Ah, that. ”

[It was designated secrecy, and there was a reason Sheriff Kathleen cared so much.]

And momentary smoking. What is it? Did you eat a person?

Roughly the straw was true.

[Th-they ate people systematically......]

“ ……. ”

[I heard they killed people who didn't help... Phew.]

Young or young women who are elderly, disabled, and men who die in droves and are inconsistent with the sex ratio. It would have been a pretext to reduce useless mouths while also empowering the community.

‘Is that what pork is? ’

It looks like Tadaatsu Ryohei, the chairman of the main hall, was entertaining winter. It reminds me of the young man who used evil as a pig to his younger brother. In fact, he would have been treated as dirty just by leaving and returning. Still, it's probably winter.

“Well, don't ever tell anyone. ”

[Of course! It was no secret. If this becomes known, refugee hatred will explode again…….]

Smoke takes a deep breath and asks for forgiveness in winter.

[Oops. Commander, I'm sorry, but I have to hang up.]

“It's okay. I'll call you back when I have time. ”

[Yes, sorry.]

I hang up saying I'm sorry twice. He is also a federal official. Today is Saturday, but there was a work call due to the nature of the region. Winter touches the disconnected phone, sends a few winds, then dials another number.

Artwork Reviews

# 40,000 years

40,000 years have passed. Thanksgiving's over. You may feel like it's only been two days, but you're mistaken. It's usually a quick day off.

I hope this novel helped you overcome your monthly illness.:)


Q. Powwow: @ I'm the person who posted the last testimony, and I want everyone to see it. @ One of the advantages of novels is interactive communication between authors. If the author is shaken by the reader or disoriented by the pressure of the reader, it is a problem for the reader to comment, advise, and so on. I didn't command you, I didn't use aggressive tone, I just gave you my opinion as a reader. It may seem like an intellectual exhibition, but it's not a similar situation, because I was told by readers to use the Eastern Sea/Japanese Sea weapons in the context of the theatrical tones and the thugs of the Constitutional Writer's Dungeon Defense, and I'm just worried.

I was suggesting that you reduce the amount of time you spend on your testimony, so why don't you spend it as a free time reviewing your writer's competencies, reviewing your scenarios, or not? And I want to end with a few readers. I'm sorry if my comments seem overwhelming or off-topic, but moving away from being right or wrong and overly aggressively interpreting and pushing requests that readers can make to you, and creating an atmosphere where opinions can be difficult can have a detrimental impact on you or other readers, and can also contribute to your future development. Anyway, I look forward to watching your novel and wishing you good luck!

A. While this is what I've told my readers, we'll post it for others to see as you've requested. I'm sure he was upset.

I still find it unfamiliar to see an enhanced competency and scenario review from a point of view. But vision can be different.

Feeling intellectually exposed is a similar context. Feelings are emotions before they're rational. It means I don't feel that way on purpose. We can't just blame them for asking why they feel that way and talking to them.

You should not be blamed for thinking differently as long as you are polite and as long as the conversation is established.

Q. Pow wow: @ and proof does not necessarily determine the quality of the work. Above all, the Ossuary is not a military book, it's a novel.

I don't mean it's unnecessary or bad behavior at all, but I might not take it unless it hurts your immersion too much. There is also a hyperanomaly in the great military novels of the Tomb Clancion. However, it is not largely pointed out. because Tomclancy Ong doesn't write academic books, he doesn't write defense whitepapers. There are many dramas, films, and novel masterpieces of the time. But the Ossuary is a game. I'm not disparaging your efforts. But there are those who say that shrinking the testimony is a huge disruption to the completeness of the work, immersion, probability, etc.

A. Well… Reduction of exacerbation is right to degrade the completeness of the work. It depends on whether there are many readers who will notice it or not.

As you said, there can be no higher-ups. This novel will be full of errors I don't know about. But if you're a writer, it's right to try as hard as possible, as realistically possible. It's a work ethic, not a compulsory virtue. That's what I think.

This is the case with the high anomaly of the Tom Clancy novel you just took. It's not just errors that arise from trying hard to be as a writer to be easy to write about. It's either a lack of time, a lack of ability, or other realistic limitations, or it's an intentional device for the development of the work, as in October red.

As a result, you can't avoid the error, so you can afford the error from the beginning, which I think is a consequence of the ulcer. That's a good excuse for a poor writer like me. In the extreme analogy, the logic of war is that it's okay to take a certain level of damage because you have to take the damage of civilians. Even if you can't eliminate it, you have to try to minimize it. to be less ashamed.

Finally, the proof of this novel reflects the degree and accuracy of Operation AI's understanding of reality. It's hard to accept that it's a game, so you can be a little looser. "We appreciate your understanding.

# I hope there are no further arguments on this matter.

When the comment window is lit, the author becomes blurry. Oh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to comment on a novel today.

I like most comments, except for those that are basically like Scalochen or Wonbin, but most of all, I like watching comments.

I know you're not good readers. But I still trust my readers with my faith in the integrity of the first president. Please:)

# Your review is longer, so we'll be omitting your response to other comments. Luckily, I didn't have any important questions.

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