# Boar Hunting (10)

After hesitating, the Constable replied.

“It's true that some of the top performers used aggressive language about Major Juwei…… Our mission, however, is to ensure the safety of those escorted. There's no room for intervention unless it's physical or physical. ”

It seems that the man who insulted Joo-way is not the only one who got hit. How many of the stars on the street were in tune? In front of the slow winter, there were some gazes that were avoiding. They must have sensed the full force and stepped down.

There were some eyes that didn't like this situation. But I wouldn't have stopped him. A violent guitarist seems to be the only one who has been beaten by the Empire.

It was hard to hold the infectious soldiers accountable as long as there was profanity and contempt.

‘Freedom of expression. ’

There is no offense in America.

The reason why the lieutenant of the Militia was not accepted, however, was because he had a conscience that he had neglected harassment of the weak.

How to persuade them. It was a short time to worry. I don't think you should discriminate because you are Chinese. It's useless to try. The same was true of the appeal against conscience.

We should speak only of the interests of the United States military.

Half the winter opened its mouth calmly to show everyone.


“Yes sir! ”

“Juwei Sogyo is cooperating on an operation to divert hostile Chinese military residuals. Her success is the safety and life of the first-line soldiers. Am I wrong? ”


I gave the lieutenant some time and continued on with the rest of the winter.

“If one sniper surrenders, at least one ally survives. Air Force burden is reduced each time you collect a single anti-aircraft missile. If I pick up a mortar cannon, I won't have to worry about dropping a cannonball at the Garrison. If a landmine is identified, it is not a matter of one or two lives. ”

“ ……. ”

“No one is better suited for this mission than Juwei. But can I seriously advise surrender while feeling contempt like this...? What does he think of you? ”

A nervous lieutenant swallowed a dry saliva.

“I think it will be... difficult." ”

“I think so, too. They treat me like this even though I'm on the same side. Good thing you didn't kill yourself. I wonder how effective a complaint that is just a mindless shell would be to the remnants of Yang Yong-bin's list. ”

In retrospect, Juwei was also isolated from the sea in San Francisco and from the fleet of Sierra Leone Navy commanders. There will still be no one close to me. It was a good thing he didn't kill himself.

Winter has now postponed its limp rigidity.

“There is nothing wrong with you. But I hope that you and the Military Constabulary will be escorted by the mind that you will protect the mission skills of the minority, as well as the lives of those who do not know their faces or names. Is that too much to ask?”



The sturdy Constabulary officer was relieved by major's smile in the middle of winter. Even the shoulders of the Militia are weak. The parties who fought were no longer in a violent mood. Particularly, the man whose lips became more radiant under night light was severely confused with makeup and expression. He was like a dreamy child, sighing as if the guitarist across the street was absurd. The guitar rested on its shoulders like a club.

I don't think we should send these people all at once now that emotions are still burning. At least send the guitarist and Juwei alone. Winter looks at them and says softly.

“Lieutenant, can you take these men alone? ”

The caller nodded more reassuringly for the winter when he returned to his usual gentleness.

“Yes, I can. I'll page more vehicles and personnel. ”

“No, don't do that. I don't want to disturb you with this. ”

You know, you can't even add annoyance to bad feelings. I'm about to loose the order I just sent you. Soldiers who haven't kept Independence Day alive since they sped up their boar hunting. Not only did they not engage directly, but the Military Constabulary was busy.

The winter bear decided.

“I'm responsible for your escort here. We should be able to borrow people from our troops. They know where to stay, and it's no matter how far you walk. ”

“Are you sure? David's task force has told me it's been a while. ”

“The union will be over soon anyway. Just get back on the road. ”

“Then…… I see. Thank you for your consideration."

A civilian shouldn't wander around inside the military, even if it's close. It must be controlled by an executive or the infected soldier. The Constabulary bowed down before leaving.

“You were very good at what you said earlier. ”

The voice that walked belonged to the guitarist. Winter was humbled.

“You're welcome. I'm impressed. I bet it wasn't easy to get out on your own when you were watching. ”

Joo-way, standing still, leans back quietly.

“Thank you both so much for your help. ”

The guitarist looked strange.

“Damn it. Don't thank me. Honestly, I don't like the Chinese very much. ”

Juwei blinked her eyes quietly and asked.

“Then why did you help me? ”

“I didn't help because I wanted to help. I only made excuses for men in this country. That wasn't even a man back there. I'd rather cut my dick off than pretend I didn't see a chick get scared. ”

“…… Is that right? ”

“It makes me uncomfortable to feel like you did a good job. If you understand, don't talk to me anymore. I hope you don't know each other later. ”

“ ……. ”

The venom of his anger and indignation touched him. Then there was grief and determination. It was a strange feeling like a habit, but enough for winter to read.

On the other hand, it was an impressive conversation. Although it's a perverted virtue, many people don't have the guitarist level of restraint. It would have a social reputation and influence, so it seemed like a good person to know when thinking about the future. Winter asked him his name.

“Excuse me, what's your name? ”

The guitarist who received the question did not conceal the shock.

“You… don't know me……. ”

And he popped the guitar string like he was hanging out somewhere.

“What do you think? I don't know, but this melody is familiar. Our band's greatest hit song, Fight with your mom! .”

Winter was silent. Every time a song that existed was unfamiliar after the time the past began to be reorganized.

In the meantime, the guitarist who played the highlights of several songs in order was depressed.

“Do you really not know anything...?... about my songs in the middle of winter.... ”

“…… Sorry. ”

Eventually, he didn't tell me his name. Instead, I raised my thick eyebrows and made a commitment.

“You'll see. The Major will know my name naturally. This is a problem with my pride as a singer. So don't try and find out on purpose! ”

“Yes……. ”

“You promised me! ”

“Yes……. ”

After awkward moments, the four warrior terminals of the winter tremble. It was Captain Singh.

[Event is over. Where are you?]

“Outside. I need you to lead the troops. ”

Soon, the officers and soldiers rushed out. They were a little embarrassed to see the two civilians who were with them in the winter. The Operations Officer is looking around.

“W-where is the Military Constabulary?" ”

“I spent it first with other gastroenterologists for a reason. ”

“So should we let these people go? ”

“That's how it happened. I wonder if only one of the soldiers will be supported. ”

“One person…? Are you going to accompany me in person? ”


In fact, I could go alone in the winter, but there was a separate instruction for escorting the group. They also had to consider issues that were beyond the guidelines. Eyes should be open in case.

Hm. Captain Singh, who was touching his beard, said.

“Maybe something bad happened. ”

The Constabulary left first, the two remaining members of the gastric theater, and Winter insists that they should accompany others. There were enough clues to get noticed.

Winter confirmed briefly.

“We'll discuss the details later. Can you see if you can find anyone to apply for? ”

“I understand.”

Captain gives a brief overview of the situation to his unit. Despite the inconvenience of late hours, volunteers were overwhelmed. It was more popular in winter than the popularity of escorts.

Finally, Corporal Alejandro catches up. The fate of the cavalry who rode on horseback was that they were one of those attached with Schulz when recruiting skilled Independents.

“Let's all go in first. It won't take long. ”

The first winter of the squadron walked in a different direction from the mission camp. As the officers preceded and the soldiers followed, there was no conversation between the escorts. The whole garrison is a bitch because it's a controlled time to move. Even if the facility was repaired, there were traces of neglect somewhere in every direction. Intermittently, you hear a distant gunshot.

The rookies guarding the civilian dwellings were not surprised or surprised to hear the story. Quickly clear obstacles after saluting. Inside are celebrities, and I'm fairly vigilant because the regime is going to fall apart after a reckless accident.

Guitarists greet you at the door of your home.

“Thank you. It's an honor to meet you. Finally, I'm sorry that a hero like you got into such a troublesome mess. ”

“I hope to see you again. ”

“At that time.... ”

“Yes. I'll know your name by then. ”

The guitarist burst into laughter.

After he entered, Juwei remained looking up at the sky. It was about time Alejandro saw what this woman was up to.

“Major, would you mind giving us a moment?" ”

“What do you want? ”

“I wanted to thank you. ”

“That's enough for now. ”

He stares at winter and asks.

“Isn't there something else I should be thanking you for? ”

“ ……. ”

“It'll only take a minute. ”

I also know. It's harder not to know unless you're stupid. What do we do now? There are no cameras. In the winter, she decided to listen to what she had to say.

“Ale, can you step aside, please? ”

“Well, can we wait at the checkpoint? ”

“Let's go there after. I'm burning a cigarette. ”

One cigarette was also an indication of time to enjoy. The Latino corporal left his post and did not conceal his curiosity to the end.

With only a pair of shadows left on the lamp at the front of the house and a bright oval below, Juwei bowed her head politely towards winter.

“Now you say hello. Thank you so much.I would have died in that sea if I wasn't a savior. ”

She used to be fluent in English but now speaks Chinese. If you have ears to eavesdrop on, you will not understand.

However, it is still early to be relieved. Zhuwei notices the boundaries of winter and looks at himself.

“Relax. There's no such thing as a recorder. If you don't like it, you can search for it yourself. ”

Skilled acting corresponds to technical deception. However, Joo-way's depth was shallow compared to personality monsters like Chadwick, the CIA team leader. It didn't seem like a lie, but winter still decided to consider the possibility of this conversation leaking.

‘Unless you mention something sensitive. ’

Only if Juwei doesn't intend to sell the trap will she avoid dangerous materials. Finally a nodding winter.

“How did you know? ”

Despite simple positives, there was no fluctuation in Juwei. It meant I was sure.

“There won't be two of you. ”

“Just like that? ”

“It was the U.S. Military and Intelligence that acquired me from the sea. I realized the very nature of the organization that you were protecting and that you were protecting me from. And later, through the news, I learned that there was a winter lieutenant in the sea. ”


“The day before she handed me over to the silver man, the man you saved came to see me. He was a fool to me. ”

I remember. Commander Sierra changed his teeth on the way over to Juway. You dare to stir up trouble, even for my son. So if he came to clear his mind before he left, there was nothing strange about it.

Juwei continued to avoid specific naming or naming references.

“He told me a lot about Silver Man's actions. In a city full of corpses and more powerful bodies, he saved himself and protected himself to the end with incredible abilities. And he asked me to do what's best for you. ”

“You have no reason to care about that now, do you? ”

“Yes, I don't. ”

A small chunk of laughter touches Joo-way's buyer.

“What was important was the ability of the Silver Man. superhuman judgment, coolness, and that much fighting power. I thought there was just a certain kind of bluff about him, but I found out later. A winter lieutenant was there. There can't be two of you. And……. ”


“I looked at the silver man every chance I got in that sea. So my body size is familiar to me. Maybe it's too coincidental that you think you're a different person? ”

Her guess was a natural flow. It would have been quick to reach a conclusion.

Artwork Reviews

# The end of the holidays

I'm sure the holidays ended last week, but somehow I feel like I'm done again.

I offer my condolences to my readers who suffer from holiday aftermath.

I'm sorry to hear that, but if you were here all holiday, you wouldn't have any sequelae...

# Q&A

Q. Unlimited One: There's a reason @ flamethrowers are buried. But I'm guessing something like a M202 FLASH or a 66mm thermostat for an M72 has been removed from the burial site... and the Special Forces are already firing. Or maybe they just think MGL is more efficient.

A. Thermal pressure ammunition is actively used as a variety of calibres. The M202 is inefficient, as you said, in terms of portability, firepower and responsiveness to a variety of situations.

Q. Asadal Guarmir2: I know what happiness is based on the social notions of @ writer.. Happy pig! Honey

A. That... was... just a joke...

Q. KOP90: I finished reading it in a few days!!! But I have a question. Is this the @ B52 bomber? They bombed 25,000 rugs during the war with Iraq, so why didn't the United States bombard the jungle?

A. The Air Force is bombing hard. to block the way for South American variants to mainland. It's a different environment from the U.S. mainland that requires precision bombing, so it's also a good place for bombers to work.

Q. Qgegegqe: @ I've always admired Tung's thorough testimony, but recently I realized something terrible about reading Salve. You emphasized the absence of Cokes when describing Halqueginia's steel skills, and the blacksmiths complain about the lack of Cokes in the scenes where Mennuvir grills Trolls! It is obvious that you are aware of this as you are referring to that part of the thermal bomb description!! In fact, you had to endure an original transformation to play the protagonist! Aren't you afraid, Tungmen?

A. I may have enhanced the setting that says Tristan's skills are behind him... but I have nothing more to say. This can be seen as an error.

Q. Pournus: It's so nice to buy a Noble for Thanksgiving. You don't happen to have a Hurricane on the mainland, do you? If there's a flood, it'll be a bigger disaster for the Americans than for the zombies.

A. The typhoon mentioned in the evening episode on the lake is also a hurricane. But I haven't mentioned a hurricane that happened off the Atlantic coast like it did in the United States lately.

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