The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00284 # Unread Messages

# Unread Messages (14)

"Duty of Soup Bread: Winter. Listen to your brother. A very nice woman asked for you.

Spring: Rrrrgh!

"Souk Bread Duty: You said you'd pay for everything for the rest of your life. Of course you should accept such a good offer. Don't you feel sorry for yourself? You feel sorry for him, too.

"Jinhan Dog: It was really Joanna's confession earlier."

Spring: I was sorry that his iron wall didn't go anywhere……. But it was good...

Duty of Soup Bread: It's not too late now. The world is the fastest way to think you're late. So I'm asking you to turn around and go to her right now. Okay? "

"Morning dew: I was Joanna's disciple, but I admit that I was shaken honestly.

"Excelsior: I've felt it before, but Chinese Chang bitch mind is pretty nasty.

"Hell Saal: Which one is better compared to Liaring?

"Duty of Soup Bread: Winter. Why don't you change the direction you walk? Are you listening to me? I can't get a sign that I've read it before.... This brother is sad...

Storm224: Ya blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah The gangster girl is the opponent? blah blah blah blah

CS: Well, objectively, Rieling is great, but this time it's bad. Even if you are a national sphere, your opponent is meaningless as a space sphere....

"Excellent payment: did the world class skip? ㅋ ㅋ But I agree with Goku ㅋ ㅋ

Lemonade: But I was more attracted to Woodbury than a shitty sheep.

"Eek Ta: You have no chance.

Lemonade: Who might be on this channel? The FBI agent won't show you the rest of it.

"Ep-soon: That's right. If you can imagine the odds, I wish winter were hot with Captain Sing. Heehee."

Counterclockhome: Huff-puff.

"Nunchymous: Who is the ball and who is the man? Is winter okay with that couple?

Grade 9 Public Officials: Fuck! Don't make me imagine that!

"Ap-soon: Wouldn't winter be okay with a ball? The unbalance of the small pushes the big side and the intense smell of it. It's good to be attracted to the unpleasant side.

Duchi: Holy shit…… gay broadcasting extremes. Just listen to what I have to say. -

"Storm224: Female Comrades. You can find that on a shit channel or on a women's channel.

"Nunchuck: Don't you know how to respect your taste?

Duch: You are a minority here, so you should respect our taste

"Don't drip with Nick: It's not like that....

"Nitrogen packaging: Shut up.

"Jessica Full-time: Yes. Don't break this sacred channel. I'm a godly man now.

"A loan of 100 million won: What is divinity and what is godliness?"

Loans KRW 100 million: Anyway, this channel feels good because the virtual personality ambassadors are pretty blah blah blah blah blah It's a problem to have sex, but now I just feel like it doesn't matter blah blah blah.

"Unrest and unity: Oh, finally a middleman is freed from the cycle of affliction. Congratulations, Buddha, you are now on the list.

"Blackcat: The concept of catching up with nonsense again.

With national slaves: Unfortunately,

Resistant Claws: What?

With a national slave: Because it's the middle of winter, sex is against it…….

Wilma: It's the middle of winter, so he gave up.

Shenziel: Slave boasting. No matter how dark the reality, one must never give up hope.

"With the National Slaver: Shut up, isn't this worldview practically clear?

"Thick Dog: What are you talking about? Except for North America, the rest of the country's gonna be crawling with mutants.

Red October: Well, that's a different story. Slaves are right.

Thick Dog: Huh? This is more of an ending?

Red October: No, not the ending. I told you she was practically clear.

"National Slaver: That's what it means. She understands me.

Red October: If we converge on the 0% probability of humanity's extinction in the next decade, this madness will certainly not be met. It converges at 0%, not exactly 0%, so I think it might actually come to an end when it's about 0.1% or 0.01% or even 0.001%, but this is a suspicious condition.

Cthulu: Yes, there's a 0.1 percent chance that an undersea city could suddenly rise.

This is a great old concept.

"Cthulu: I'm real.

Tunguska: I have ten legs!

"Bottleneck Gold: Crazy people.

"With the national slaves: I mean, what are the chances of the United States collapsing in the middle of winter?

"Thick dog: Hmm…….

"AngryNeeson55: That's right, even if it's hard to get to 0%, the odds aren't high.

"With national slaves: Right? If you hold the risk so high that it's 20%, and you don't have an 80% chance of destroying it, wouldn't it be okay to call it an approximately 80% chance of ending it? I don't know if it's a result of the next presidential election.

Atomic Energy: A normal end to a piece of dirt that doesn't come with a special reward. That's why the groundskeepers were running out of money to buy the DLC and ran off into the desert with no exception.

"Proofreader: Really? I haven't seen Goran.

Atomic Energy: Fair enough. Hardly any more. Since it was an early trend in the broadcast since the end of the world.

"Cashmere: What can I do when I go to the uninhabited?

"Nuclear: There is no way……. Phew, so annoying. Describe the Inscription."

Cashmere: Oh, come on

"Red October: Once isolated areas like uninhabited terrain have never been cleared out, or it's relatively easy to clear out.

"Cashmere: Early infections were caused by Chinese fishing boats. How many fishing boats? Besides fishing boats, there would have been other boats tightening boats in other countries, wouldn't there have been islands?

Red October: If you have survivors, you can avoid them, join them, join them, fight them, and even if there are mutants, it's easier to kill them than on land.

"Ephraim: Is there no recruitment in other areas?

Have you ever been to Dolce: A. Isn't that right? I don't know. Asleep them if they're short on food? Suspension Status? What did he say "

How amazing is Moo Gu Jung: Unni. Metabolism Inhibition. "

Have you ever been to Dolce: Oh, right. Metabolism, by the way. If the numbers increase, you get special variants at a certain rate, right?

"With national slaves: I know that's not true.

"Have you ever been to Dolce: Bullshit - to watch the same broadcast as me?

Ephraim: Did the presenter think that there would be a quarter for special variants as well?

Red October: neat.

With national slaves: different circumstances.

Red October: After the Apocalypse, variants of the world view continue to change and become stronger to overcome the resistance of humanity. There is no motive for the emergence of special varieties in isolated areas like islands, or areas where humanity's systematic resistance ends early.

"Cashmere: Oh…….

"Don't drip with Nick: their goal is just to spread the infection and increase the population. In some sense, we are fighting the war faction to eliminate the possibility of extinction from the face of the plague. At the point of reproduction, infection became a secondary objective.

"groseillier noir: Oh. It feels new to hear that again!

Helzal egg: It feels so strange blah blah blah blah blah to keep the plague from going extinct

"Double-back Hazard Hye: That's right blah blah blah Humans are combat species blah blah blah"

Chulpapa: Does it mean you don't have to be strong if you don't have to fight Humans……. Sounds reasonable, but is this the official setting after the end of the world?

Tunguska: Yes, it is!

"Nuclear power: I told you, I'm getting a headache. It's a passing trend. That is, the fact that it has been confirmed through the broadcasting of several stars is facts.

It may have changed as the worldview was updated.

Nuclear power: past trends, but there are still stars broadcasting over the long term with that concept. Those old men are proof.

"Extremity: The temples are also hard to adapt to change, so blah blah blah blah, old age just wants the fleshy world to suit them blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

Atomic Energy: So once we got to the island, clearing the World Tube would drop a second chance of dying, so we built a base there and filled the broadcast with survivors and gathering supplies and food.

Number: and. That would have been fun, too.

With national slaves: It was fun only at first. I get bored.It's not a passing trend.

Number: Yes? Why? "

"Extremity: Obviously blah blah When you enter an island, sometimes you procure supplies, run communities, and have infinite repetition of sex blah blah blah blah Given the ability of empathy of old people, the status of virtual personalities will be chewed away blah blah blah blah blah With no extra charge or package of characters, blah blah blah blah blah"

"Number: Ah…….

Excellent: If the generation traits remain well enough, then I'll follow them. ㅋㅋ It's a business and a generation of idiots who have been shrinking things like chicken house convenience stores food trucks. ㅋ ㅋ If there was only one such broadcast, it would still be fascinating. ㅋㅋ Nobody gives stars to a show without personality. ㅋ No DLC can buy DLC, so it's not competitive and we're all screwed.

"Red October: Veech. Stop blabbing. Why is the tension so high today? I know you hate it, and it looks less distant.

Incredible: Really. I hope you make it pretty, too.

"With national slaves: It's also a matter of content that I say I'm sorry.

"Pro Baek Su: Just like now, the content is fine, right?

"With the national slave: I'm not complaining, I'm just sad.

"Proofreader: Because of sex?

With national slaves: I can't deny it, but it's not necessarily because of that…….

"Grape of Fury: Yes, there is no denying our hope to give up. T.

HELSALL: I highly appraise the presenter with a thoughtful proceeding. But, you know, isn't it about time we sold our eyes? I would like the facilitator to read this message.

"Mustafa: It didn't happen.

"Frank Sausage: I don't want to read it because I'm a sex star."

"With a national slave: By the way, it's nice to live a rich and luxurious life in a world close to clearing, right? People get jealous, build up their pride, and eat as much food as they want because it's more expensive than because it's delicious. A surrogate like this is as hungry as sex.

"Red October: This is acknowledged.

Atomic Energy: Acknowledgment.

Thick dog: ㅇ To chew with all your patriotism.

Lemonade: Why patriotism comes out of it

"Hell Saal: Acknowledgment. That's my new goal. You wouldn't have this immersion if you only thought about sex.

HELLALL: Until I subscribed to this channel, I was going to use only solitary sex services after death, regardless of the world view. Until the end of the brain maintenance warranty period. But not anymore.

Banquet home: Ya blah blah blah So it was only supposed to be sex for 140 years?

"Hanmi Alliance: Huh? If it wasn't grade A or higher, it would have been 120 years fixed.

"Goodbye: No. Recently increased.

"Lodge ROCK: Again?

Sweetmaker: Yes. Most unrestrained seniors go bankrupt early anyway. It won't be a loss for the post-insurance corporation. I think it's some kind of lip service.

Twentieth Anniversary: It's vague whether it was 120 or 140 years in the beginning.

"Helzaal: Now my afterlife dream is to capture the right concept and feel fulfilled like the middle of winter. I've come to realize that status, sex, love, the rewards of hard work are even cooler. It's a natural story, but I don't know why it's new.

"Don't drip with Nick: It would be strange to live to receive all the rewards after death.

Don't drip into Nick: I think many people go bankrupt looking for immediate pleasure after death and don't know how to live right.

"Extremity: Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing as love in the world." "Unless you're a brain addict, there's no consensus on sex."

"Extremity: bankruptcy blah blah blah Just because the shells are unresectable and stupid, 44280; blah blah blah blah blah Strange children do not proliferate."

"What are you: Love is a fantasy, of course, but after all, it's 46512;? The afterlife isn't over, is it? In paradise, as I wish, you can enjoy what isn't there.

"Chili bean sprouts: You are a real sage.

D: It's an unfinished dream. Oh, that's romantic. "

Hector Pascal Kick: I don't want to feel frustrated like winter or suffer like winter, but I want to have the result. Honestly, I'm ignorant.

"Withholding: agreement. I am willing to buy this worldview as it is today if I only sell it.

Lifetime sentence: Aren't you the one who blasphemed in the beginning? blah "

"Beast Master: I still think the Winter Mind is wrong. Still, producers and goods are separate. I don't think of my sister when I buy silk.

"Female ROCK: This broadcast, the more it looks, the more it tickles something. I know it's not in the real world, but I hope it is. It reminds me of something I used to think about a long time ago.

Encourage me: I know what it feels like. Just Santa Claus.

"Umbilisation: Et……. Santa Claus is really here.

"Nitrogen packaging: Matzming, the old man was gunned down in the old days. Right now, his brain is pulled out and he's in the Ossuary.

"Müllüllüllüllüllüller: The afterlife insurance is so bad... …. Give me back my sympathy.

Artwork Reviews

# Communication

Other platforms, typically Naver readers, want to have a conversation with me, but they're not sure how to do it.

That's why I've included the answers I gave you in the Q&A. If you're curious about Joara's readers, I think you're curious about Naver readers. Well, it was a setup to include in the novel anyway.

# Q&A

Q. Unlimited One: It's always good to know that @ is a limited resource. because it's also the most important part of interpersonal relationships.

A. Yes. I feel desperate too. The sister's compassion is a limited resource. If your readers become good readers, your compassion will recover faster.

Q. Bug: @ I see... It would be better to use Haluo point-blank ammunition (so you can directly cast crosshairs on Illvin ammunition) than to make reverse combustion ammunition. Are you using napalm? I think you said you didn't want to take a leak last time. And, again, the sniffer who blows up the chat window... looks like he's in deep trauma... Is he only getting close to a woman who actively makes a physical assault...

A. The soybeans used by the U.S. military are different from the napalm used in the past. The new soybean compound is sometimes referred to as napalm B, so you can use it in some sense. Situation is more important in winter than land assault. Joanna hasn't accepted it yet.:)

Q. Sigyun: @ you had in mind what I said I love you! I know everything.

A. No. I liked it first.

Q. QGEGEGQE: This is it! Sun-nyeo, you're a one-sided person!! I don't like Harems. I love them even if I lose an eye like the boundary of justice. Ah, you can count on a happy ending today.

A. How about today?... Can't you just always trust me...

Q. Karen: Honestly, winter is the worst disadvantage. What kind of joke is this?

A. But you're better than Uncle Reggie. Hehe.

Q. MikuHatsune: @ Whenever I want to order a book on the internet, the Little Prince of the Charnel House appeared. There are up to 2 books, but they will be finished. Writer?? Where do I go for the autograph?

A. The cause of death... uh... I told you I was going to sign off on it under the circumstances, but I feel like I'm being publicly executed. I don't know how to get it by courier or return it to you.

Q. SJ8077: @ Outer Gods' attention is a disaster for mortals...

A. Yes? 40,000 years of readers are mortal?

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: @ Let me tell you a secret. I love your work. If you can, you can hit it back and forth with a bunch of cash. It's true.

A. Let me tell you another secret. I get a bunch of cash and I die when I get hit back and forth. It's true.

Q. Shortstreet: I wonder who @ wrote it in conjunction with the actual Chinese actor. (approx.)

A. Uh... I'm not very good at describing looks because I really don't think about them. Characters believe they should think and act more than they should. But the article referenced panning and Angelababy in validating data on the level of Chinese celebrity property.

Q. GreenTurtle: How strong is @ Grumble's baby? Does Bradley even work?

A. Bradley has aluminum gloves, which is not very good for him. But the latest specifications with acid-resistant coatings don't even work.

Q. Burnwood: Is the time ratio between the end of the @ and reality 1: 1? Then you won't be able to broadcast the game 24 hours a day, so winter wonders what time to play the game (broadcast).

A. One to one, but not the perfect one because the sleep inside the world is going fast, and the long, monotonous movements of time are going fast again.

There is no official setting for the winter broadcast time from when to when. But in the writer's mind, we have an average of 15 hours a day at this point in time. There is a day off in the state. Viewers are distributed across different time zones because some broadcasters are only gathering in foreign countries.

Due to the long duration of the broadcast, very few live viewers watch all of the broadcasts in full, and often they use the auto-editing feature, as mentioned briefly in their work. Operation AI collects viewers' reactions and preferences and reorganizes them like a movie with sensory synchronization. You can also add or remove event slots yourself. New viewers also use the same approach.

The presence of the same viewer is, in part, a compromise for convenience. Otherwise, it was hard to give viewers character.

Q. Elizium: @ (Strategy) Would you be willing to paint this worldview again in the distant future? I think it's a world that's been made so beautifully. Depending on who's playing what game, you might be able to solve countless stories, but it's a little awkward just to end with stories after winter and the end of the world… (approximate) And I was wondering if this game could offer you a save slot with clear perks or DLC? (approx.)

A. As I said before, there is a concept for the next book, "The Way to Happiness," which inherits the worldview of the Ossuary. But there's a time gap, and it's a little bit of a distance from the world of the Ossuary. even though virtual reality is still an important material.

The problem is, I'm not so sure I can use this.:)

Clear perk is not a save slot. That's a feature that subscribers under Class B can only get with additional charges.

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