# Sacramento (5)

The day changed twice. For two days, the Winter mission troops have never experienced combat like this. In fact, all the other troops that entered the city were the same. Roger's plan to attract the mutants from a disadvantage seemed to have failed completely at the moment.

But if he wasn't nervous, he wasn't.

There was a terrible cry on the radio.


Winter was able to hear this through the flesh. The crying child hangs upside down in the air. Holding onto that ankle is the hand of a deformed, thick, long monster. It was also this monster who was broadcasting a young cry live across multiple frequencies.

A group of other unknown variants made up of a Trickster was boldly approaching the Capitol to occupy a building and provoking the human army. It feels like ridicule, so the faces of the chieftains who saw and heard the same things in winter rotted badly.

[Commander, we're ready.]

Hanbyol's report on the main channel. His voice is hard and unusual. With the exception of winter, she is the best sniper in the company of a series of elite marksmen. The sniper rifle she loves to name must be targeting the creature's life right now.

Winter felt strange.

“Stand by. Only shoot if you have permission. ”


I can't fire right now. As soon as Trickster's head is smashed open, the kid will fall to his death. Building heights are low, but it's hard to hope for a miracle if you fall from your head.

Even if the child goes inside, he can't shoot. The death of the sly leads to the outrage of the sly. A swarm of plagues will bite the child as soon as it is resolved. Given the delicate appearance of the child and the hunger of the mutants, it was more likely to be food than the host. I was wondering if my child's bones would still have flesh on them if I climbed as quickly as I could.

‘I can't shoot everyone who approaches the child out of the window...' ’

You can shoot through the wall with a big-gun, but there's nothing you can do about it.

The communications officer communicating with the Union Mission Control makes a difficult face.

“Sir. The child's identity has been confirmed. One of 17 civilians has been kidnapped. ”

“Yes... ”

Winter was also listening. Enhanced hearing did not miss the whole transmission, nor the cries of its background. Apparently, there was a child's parent among the civilians in the control room.

The Operations Officer then announced with a stronger look.

“There's smoke in the room. ”

His tablet was showing inside an old Treasury building currently occupied by mutants.

The U.S. military did not have the capacity to keep all buildings in the city occupied, so it was compromised that during the day, they would install surveillance equipment for each vacant building or restore closed circuit. Intent to know the enemy's movements and strike the maneuver.

However, how many buildings and how many points are there. The number of cameras that have been installed so far is small, and the buildings that have been installed do not illuminate every corner. The method for supplying power was limited.

“Give it to me. ”

Winter when the tactical information tablet is handed over by hand. Like Lieutenant Foster said, there was smoke rising from the stairs to the basement. The smoke in the extinguished room was as dark as the dark clouds you see at night. It was another monster of its own. I don't know what's hidden in the opacity.

‘Acryd's smoke or real fire. ’

The Institute for Defence Strategy warned of systematic firefighting of variants. If a group is prepared to die, there is a chance that they will burn the entire city at the last minute.

On the contrary, it was now a means of seduction, not destruction. Just as Warden Rogers tried to lure the mutants, a clever monster is also trying to lure armed humans into the closed darkness.

Captain Singh told winter that he was reviewing the building blueprints.

“It's a trap. You can't let it get in the way. ”

The one who is touching the hilt with his beard is spitting. I felt more like myself than giving an opinion. A full-body lion with a prey in front of its eyes. The overpowered hand turned white for a long time.

Winter created a short sigh.

“I know... Leave it and we'll burn it to the ground as an example. ”

If you ignore it as a scavenger, the sly mutant will burn the child to death. It's the only way we'll be able to see the effects of the hostages afterwards.

The scream of a child who will be burned alive will also be sprinkled live as it is now.

“Any more information on the underground structure around here? ”

Lt. Murray was embarrassed when winter came.

“It's only been two days. We need more time to find all the routes. I wanted to find out if there are any plans left in the Library of Congress... … but seeing that there is still no news, I think it's hard to expect. ”

Why the Library of Congress is because it houses all reports on public works, whether originals or copies. The Federal Department of Urban Development, which the military first requested cooperation, sent a reply that there is no current data on Sacramento's underground structure.

‘It must have been kept by the state. ’

It was largely due to the evaporation of data centers in California. Trickster's self-destruct wave has exploded nearby. Recovery agents have been able to retrieve the facility.

I'm searching state buildings, but I have no income at this time.

Therefore, the underground map that winter can now see was old information for up to 20 years. It means there is a path only monsters know.

“Sir, this is a mandatory reconnaissance. Bring in the Medic Troops... ”

Lieutenant Evans communicates with you and sees what Captain Singh sees. It's because the bearded Sikh is stumbling with anger. There was a reason for that anger to become stronger.

“Commander, I doubt this is a reasonable decision. You must request stock. ”

This is not a mistrust of the individual, General Rogers.

“Does that mean the command must be under external pressure? ”

“Why not? His war party is the problem. ”

“ ……. ”

“It's too late to control it. This scream is a specialty, and it's probably on its way. ”

The child is still hanging out the window crying. The radio waves of the Trickster relaying the crying would reach at least a few kilometers. We don't even use interference.

This taunt has already been there since yesterday. It was last night that one of the war crews received it.

As a result, when the day was bright, the atmosphere completely changed.

‘The press release is not what it used to be. ’

The fierce election competition was affecting the front. How many undead in power support of Republicans? Information agencies, investigators, and the Ministry of Defense will, of course. Therefore, the special material that will bite down on the current regime is easier to leak than before.

Now you have to come and put on a press release to face the public refusal. For Edgar Kramer, a Republican candidate who blames the current president fiercely, that would also be an opportunity.

I don't know about the cunning creature itself, but the human condition has made the creature's craftsmanship more effective.

“Let me in. ”

The statement of truth draws the attention of the chiefs. The most aggressive lieutenant in the platoon was already fully prepared.

“Take the armoured car to the lobby on the first floor and you can step back and charge it alternately at any time. Catalog spec gloves are also limited to fire-resistant. And monsters can crush any trick unless the armor power runs out. That's what I've been trained to do. Trust my kids. ”

The armored car he was talking about was a convertible with a generator in the squad car. There is an external connection terminal that connects the power cables of heavyweight soldiers.

However, since it's an armored car with a turret attached, the fire support mission is also digested.

Winter read about solidarity and desperation from Jinseok.

‘According to the blueprint...... It is difficult to enter a vehicle other than an armored car. ’

pushing the armored car through the door that was designed to get people in the first place. If several armored vehicles went into the lobby, there was not enough room to move. If you lose maneuverability due to increased firepower, you will be assigned to a fixed target.

“Captain, your request for reconsideration won't help. ”

Winter was about reviewing the nature of Warden Rogers. Captain Xing closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes. Operations Officer Foster says:

“The child is out of sight. He's on the move. If it's in that position, it's quick to the stairwell. ”

If you want to hit it, you have to hit it when the child's location is clear. It's time to make a decision. Winter nods.

“Deliver it to the chariot platoon. Blow out the front wall around the entrance of the first floor. Secure an access road at least 30 meters wide. Tell him I'll leave the ammo and gunfire to the platoon commander. ”

“Aye sir! ”

“As soon as the passageway is established, Lt. Park is to enter with a squadron of Medic Soldiers. First platoon, third platoon will cover you. Snyder Mission Battalion remains at the Node, 4th Battalion reserves and Grey Mission Battalion block nearby roads. Troops 3 and 4 will be stationed at intersections east and west. Let the Situation Room know how long we can maintain air support and fire protection. ”

Winter also determined the placement of other task forces that were temporarily in command. Each of you has a commander, so it should be enough to give you a rough assignment. Unless the exception is foolishly exceptional, the abilities of American officers are reliable.

Winter stared into the front of the main Treasury building while the communications officer was on the radio. Above the ten rows, which mimicked the Greek temple but meant nothing more than decoration, a single verse was shaded under the blunt triangle roof.

Give me the men who fit my mountain range. Bring me men to match my mountains.)

Unfortunately, it was a poem encountered once in winter. In the past, not in the present world, it was thanks to a friendly air marshal who told me of a troubled childhood that was tied to this poem. He used to memorize it like a mouthpiece.

Give me the men who fit my mountain range. Give me men who fit my bill. Every man dreams of a great country, giving men a new age in his head...

The poem was called The Coming American.

Winter felt strange.

The Americans who have arrived at the lost territory are about to hit and hit a cannonball.


The gate explodes. A cannonball aimed at the porthole on the left and right. If you had shot at the door, you would have just broken through. You hear debris splatter and a sudden collapse. Continuous firing in the background. Every time the streetcar stops flashing, the ground around it shakes like a haystack.

The aftermath of the explosion pushes the wind back to the far distant winter. I had to narrow my eyes with warm sand.

‘The whole front of the building won't collapse……. ’

It was a vague sensation to hold a width of 30 meters. Wider is better, but if you drill too hard, you really have to worry about collapse.

Winter signals as the shooting subsides.

“2nd and 3rd platoons, move in! ”

The mediums and armored vehicles rush forward, overwhelming the concrete debris. If you take control of the first floor, the monsters' retreat will be cut off, and you can block further reinforcements.

Heave-ho. Captain Sing asks winter to inspect the weapons.

“Are you planning on engaging yourself? ”

“Depends on the situation. ”

Winter shakes its head at Sing, wanting to say more.

“I'm still a commander. ”

“…… Yes. I see what you mean. ”

Although he is a practical commander, he is also a commander in situations where he shouldn't be able to observe the inside, and can't only be on the outside. The video transmitted from the helmet camera was also about to be blocked by granite, and the sensitivity dropped. Trickster may have even prepared the bodies of his own kind. It is also difficult to completely trust EMP resistance for infantry equipment.

A murmur of gunfire and horror echoes through the darkened interior beyond the collapsed walls.

Artwork Reviews

# Winds and Stars

In my last review, I told you that the worldview of the Ossuary is a maritime terror thriller. The wind and the stars are marine horror "food" thrillers. When the captain meets K'Tulu, he eats K'Tulu, and when he meets Tunguska, he eats Tunguska...

I hope you don't misunderstand the world view.:)

# Q&A

Q. Karphis: What a lucky place to be in @ 1! And let's buy three volumes to help Zakat make a living. All hail Scaloven! (By the way, where's Qualan?)

A. Summoning demons is prohibited in the comments pane.

Q. Eeiko: @ Orchard Attack Party Recruitment @ @

A. Be successful...

Q. Unlimited One: Was it because Warden @ wanted me to leave my dreams and see the reality, or was it just a glimpse of hope?/That's it, and even with the focus of Node Defense... the gloves are starting to feel sorry for the mutants. I wonder how frightening it is to keep the government...

A. Interpretation is the reader's domain./As shown in this section, it can also be used for limited attack purposes. Governments that remain normal are really powerful.

Q. Bug: Battle of @ Winter!! Oh, is it possible to accumulate talent figures? If I become a reader, I think I can play systematically, scientifically, to develop weapons. With future knowledge, I think we can make things better with contextual suit... internet browsing, theories, basic technology... some patents.

A. Money is all you need! However, unpacking future knowledge and skills without the associated DLC penalty would constitute a situation of miscalculation or infringement of intellectual property rights (patents).

Q. KIMTW9742: @ Isn't that the rose repair?

A. I can't answer questions like this...

Q. Yun Il-yeon: Honestly, @, tell me you can't join. You can't light a garden on fire. Isn't this the advisor of hope you can't see until you're done...?

A. Don't think it's impossible... Lee Young Do will definitely follow up with you... me

For the same poor old thing...

Q. Qgegegqe: How long has it been since winter began broadcasting?

A. Secret!

Q. Capture Pope: @ Reinforced Battlewear is said to be an outdated paradigm in the outside world, so what's the latest weapon on the outside? Iron Man??

A. It will be mentioned soon in the work, but it is the strengthening of the human body itself and the synthesis of the machine and the human body. The latter is biomechanics, if you will.

Q. Karstein: @ Writer, can you tell us if you have any books or weapons references in your post?

A. In the book, the description of the American military... takes priority over the manuals. Other than that, it's a way of finding or verifying new information based on the original...

Q. Blue Crystal: Have a good one. It's been a while since I've seen you in Green Town. I'm sorry I can't see your comments these days. This novel is interesting to hear from you, and I've been wondering what you might have commented on in Green Town. It's been a long time since I've seen your comments. I'll see you next time you pay. Until then, save your comments.

A. Knuckle... Did you pay Nobles to see this lame review... I'll have to pile up the gadgets until next time you come.

Q. WNSDLMH: @ oh that question was asked! Thank you for answering without forgetting. I haven't seen a fox in a long time.

A. Yes, it hasn't come up for a long time. But it will come out again. because it's necessary for a happy ending.:)

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