# Sacramento (7)

Two steps to the side. The winter, which secured the square, caused a group of mutants to be annoyed by a target like an overwhelming shot. I'm not gonna shoot you where I see you. Reduces the density of enemies and frees allies. The worst thing right now is that the number of variants surpasses the resistance of allies at the moment.

Attempt transmission simultaneously.

“David Actual at the moment! Focus on the front of each fleet! ”

He squeezes his gun, blows an empty magazine, and emphasizes it again with a new magazine.

“Repeat! Focus on the front only! Mind over here! ”

The harsh talk is a shout that must pierce the fierce gunfire. It was also because the situation was so urgent. While troops stationed at the perimeter were preoccupied by commanding forces, as well as some of them shrunk from defensive fire here, the tactical detection of crisis and combat senses tied together pose threats from outside the perimeter.

Shake both inside and out simultaneously to knock it down. It would have been the most cunning monster battle opponent. It was also possible that the plague group had learned of the Trickster Elimination Operation, Preventive Scalping. The tactical concept of eliminating a controlling entity first.

“Close the door! ”

Due to winter's resolute command, the communication officer who was in the car pressed the close button. Rear opening and closing vent of the glove car beginning to climb with the sound of the motor closing the chain.

“Control the perimeter! Stay where you are! And connect with the top squad! When the air support arrives, turn off the artillery! ”

The communications officer barely nodded.

The poster misses a magazine while loading. The operations officer immediately drops his rifle and switches to handgun fire. Ta-da! Two to the trunk, one to the head. The instincts engraved on your body emerge mechanically through training.

If it were human, it would have worked. However, special variants of small height, perhaps transformed children, were not in surprising pain. Much more than other variants. Even though it's small, it's a special variant. Therefore, even the shrapnel that broke in the body was powerless. In the preliminary review, they were the ones who were limping even though half of their bodies were crumpled. The bullet hit him in the head, but he wasn't fatal. However, weakened breathing grabs the foot as it penetrates below the diaphragm.

A sharpened longsword falls over it. The man who cut the cervical vertebrae of the blade finally rolled in blood. Splitting in asphalt, slipping with inertia to the Operations Officer's feet. He rolls his remaining eyes and grabs his teeth, but does not move under his neck. The poster is bored and shoots two more in the head. It was an emotionally unavoidable waste.

The key was the mass. The weight on the skilled blade was significantly better than the resistance of the bullet. The rushing force and weight are intertwined into sophisticated techniques, and even one who splits up and down one consensus cut. An open small intestine and a beating torso on its colon trunk twists.

“2nd platoon! Stay where you are! ”

[But if you put a Medic in there....]

“Orders! First platoon, third platoon, defend! Cover the rear!" Make sure they don't hit the rear of 2nd platoon from here! ”

Sharp winter orders that don't stop shooting. The hostages are hostages, too. We can't lose Trickster. It was primarily for taunt that he went up to the upper floors where retreat was easy, but at the same time he was confident of getting out.

“Frag out! ”

Intelligence officers have warned you of grenade launchers. The shout of the moment that I threw gave me no time to hold on.


Instead of waiting for the wick to shorten, the grenade was a good target for mutants. The palm of the hand that wants to bounce off and hit the grenade. At that moment, my wrist was torn. It was two shots fired by winter. The next moment, a monster falls past the peak of a leap and catches a grenade with one hand. One time it was a sham, and the second time it was a success. He knows it's too late to throw and hugs him just before it explodes. Phew! A special variant crouches in the air. My lightened body makes my countrymen annoyed.

The reason we couldn't stop this was because we had more urgent targets in winter. They were wearing body armor or carrying babies. I think a baby needs to be thrown down a narrow street. That way they won't explode overhead.

The sound of the engine is different from the armored car. It was a Humvee escorting a commander armored car from the start.


Swearing from the Battery. The heavy machine gun has malfunctioned. Chop-chop! Forcibly discharge chewed live ammunition and fire again. Every time a gunshot like saturation goes off, the strains exposed to the trajectory are torn into pieces that will not fit.

But one death at a time.

A group of variants scattered from side to side to side to disperse the firepower suddenly didn't notice. It crawls back and forth from the dark smoke of the long cracked road. It looks like demons crawling out of hell. Specialized variants alone filled in the numbers of general variants. Among them were a lot of guys with doors ripped off cars overhead.

Inside minimum range, mortars are impossible to fire.

‘I would have told you not to shoot if you could. ’

Even on a windy day, mortar shells had a minimal error range. It's winter, but if you're unlucky, you fall on a chariot in the pit. What if we get hit by an engine grill with a weak defensive force behind the body and the fuel ignites? The crew can't escape.

‘Could it have been that far.... ’

The idea of using the Chariot as a shield to limit direct attacks against cracks.

However, even if this assumption is true, there are no restrictions on the shooting of grenades.

Another humvee protrudes from the left of the commander's armored car and fires a grenade into the air. It was a rain of steel fragments pouring down on the mutants. Those guys with shields can't hold out much longer. However, there were more numbers that fell instead of crawling out.

The battle is raging even at the perimeter. The first sensory correction was correct.


Winter pushes the poster over the armored car. He's having a hard time breathing. It was easy to be swarmed if the variety was allowed access.

Suddenly, a gust of gusts comes from this moment.

[Guns, Guns, Guns.]

An assault helicopter turns into a miraculous landslide in the top floor of an abandoned hotel. The machine shell explodes in a different straight line several times. It was not the power to block the car door or anything. Whether Evans communicates the situation accurately, the pit in which the tram will be held is out of attack range each time.

I wish I could send the rest of the team into the armored car now, but the winter commander's armored car was not yet acid-resistant. Being beaten by a pregnant baby puts everyone in danger. There was also a need to stop a group of mutants from going to the Treasury building.

Captain Singh let go of the knife. It was because I couldn't pull it out no matter how hard I pulled it against the bone. Winter gives him time to reload. Almost out of ammo.

“Give me a mag! ”

The preliminary officer and the captain each throw an extra magazine.

However, smoke was rising from the blazing heat. It was not a situation to control the firing speed. If I shoot like this, I won't last much longer.

Bend, rupture.

The latter may kill winter. It was hot from the start. The hottest time has passed, but it was still summer. It was also close to the survival senses.

Fortunately, the split ground no longer spits out the living corpse. Did the falling remains block the way or did they consider this raid to be a failure...?


The sound of groaning metal is mixed between the sounds of the blast. It was a clear tremor for the winter to be missed, though no one else could. Winter, when I checked its existence, felt a fleeting sensation.

After a gradual scattering of smoke, a variant is dragging a burning gas canister.

No matter how many gas containers were left in the abandoned city.... Though it may be a small pressure vessel for a camper or a small variety, the weight is overwhelming. One arm falls from the body, trying to get caught in the machine gun blast. I feel like my face is going to rub off. I don't care if my other hand burns.

Winter was a wild fire.


Specialty mutants were instantly killed by bullets that broke their eyes. Gas can rolls the ground at will. The barrel blows open with a bullet that you don't know who shot.

Unlike common sense, pressure vessels do not explode easily. A heavy machine gun would have to be used to fire a shot.

‘But if it's already on fire...'

The lower the pressure, the greater the risk of explosion. It's hard to tell if it was a full barrel in the first place. It was a time bomb.

Winter grips the sack of knives that the captain placed. You rush forward, using your strength to push beyond the limits of the humans, piercing the path. Knife for exclusion, not destruction. And evasion was more important than killing. The surviving mutants rushed forward, but they were unstoppable.

Phew! Winter's body wobbles. Body armor picked up an ally's shot. The user rolls around the center and recovers. The hot drops of sweat fell. A lump of filthy flesh is crushed under the palm of the hand that pushes the ground away.

Finally, the winter, when I reached the side of the gas barrel with the sliding left and right, closed the valve without any fire. Thick gloves and new battle clothes will last for a while, I think. Nevertheless, the pain of ripening flesh was severe. Despite the risk of shock, it was winter's choice to set the pain back to reality. I still feel the same way. Grip and endure it.

However, the fire did not go out.

Gas continued to leak from the valve loosened by heating.

Winter decided to trust the anterior defense of the chariot and threw the pressure vessel into the pit. Given the weight, it is close to the steel ball. Then I hurriedly took off my gloves and pressed the radio button.

“Balor 13! David Actual! Notice to never leave the vehicle! ”

A streetcar equipped with heavy armor protects its occupants from heavy artillery fire. Only the chariot itself is disabled. The wait for the crew can be longer than expected since we don't know when it will explode. It may not explode at all, but it was the best that was unexpected.

[David Actual! Prisoner David 21! We're dealing with Trickster! There's no way out of here!]

Is that so?

Between Poster and the 2nd platoon, Winter, when the sword was retrieved, turned and slapped on both sides. Two straightforward generalized variants split into diagonal lines. The heart that revealed the ribcage was a lump of muscle that was deformed like a tumor. Wounded lungs cause convulsions.

The rest of it was almost done. Not only in the direction of winter, there are some left.

“You shouldn't have done that. ”

The fighter protested with a stern expression. Though it sounded like a tree, Sergeant Merriweather, the best deputy officer in the unit, deserved this.

“I'm sorry, Sergeant. It was too urgent.”

“ ……. ”

“Lieutenant, where's Trickster? Are you still with the hostages? ”

A poster crouching down from the armored car reported with a vague expression.

“There's been an anomaly. ”

“Abnormal behavior? ”

“Yes, other threats have been eliminated and I think you should see them for yourself. ”

Winter leans in. What the hell are you doing?

Woohoo! Woohoo! Whoaaahhhh!

The Trickster, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers, screams and wiggles the collar of a hostage child. But... There was a reason that the poster was an anomaly.

‘Is this...... blowing my heart out? ’

Such is the cry of the beast. The kick that kicked the ground broke the bones due to excessive force, and one arm was covered in blood, which was deformed like a whip in a barrel that hit the wall like crazy.

The class was just as dense as it was cold in winter. As a mutant, it would have been a slight and light attack.

Even so, it seems like an individual who is interferingly hypertensive. It's true that there are individual differences between variants, just as there are different people... ….

I don't know when to electrocute the child, but I can't shoot him quietly, and now I'm stuck with my head on a pebble. Blood and bone fragments splatter from the start during a merciless beating. The 2nd platoon soldiers don't seem to think they can shoot, either.

Eventually, the creature sags with a broken head.

“ ……. ”

It was the first time in winter that I saw a suicidal variant in anger.

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: You've made such a bad friend. Then you don't eat wasabi, you inhale it, snore.

A. I'm just gonna breathe through my mouth...

Q. Third_Wing: @ You are cruel. It's better to be involved! When Tunguska asks for tribute, he kidnaps and supplies compassion like a duck!

A. Engagement... is nothing! Bring Lee Young Do's new novel! (Properties)

Q. Karphis: @ he was a good soldier... I have a cold too, but if you try Wasabi and let me know, I'll be damned. Hehe

A. I tried to find a reason to be angry with my friends, but the dizziness won't work and it won't last long. Rather, don't do it because it's too hot and unfair.

Q. Guaaaaak: In the next 40,000 years, the flu virus has had a terrible strain. I can't believe the great old writer is getting fat. I've heard from other people that it's better to be involved.

A. It's not a partnership... If you're a good reader in the first place, shouldn't you give the writer a break when he's old? Not the 40,000 year break that goes by with a recommendation...

Q. Sunshine nap: It's nice to see the ethics and benefits of @ superpeople at the same time... but I'm afraid of the devastation of ordinary people watching and following them.

A. The human world is other people. Wouldn't it be hard to change the world without the help of ordinary people?:)

Q. Bug: @ Starlight Child's Control..... Even if a scientist comes in and uses his patent, he'll roll back... Hiroin! I see a jandere.

A. Misunderstanding. It's an operating policy unrelated to the child's doctor.

Q. Deathandeath: @ bad friend! Wasabi can only be clever and not pierce the nose. I highly recommend Carolina Reaper! I've been cold for a month, so I don't look like Namil. I hope you get better soon!

A. Carolina Reaper... right. I understand your deep intent to leave this world and seek eternal rest.

Q. Qgegegqe: @ Hmmm I can see that Captain Singh is struggling, but he's just getting in the way... people around him are not in winter and that's not who they are.

A. Captain Singh is still a human top class, by the way. Please look at him beautiful.He's a bearded man.

Q. 2E2: @ TRAFFIC KICK! How many of you are ordinary soldiers in winter?

A. No. Girls in the last year are stronger than they are now. 1 Girls are about five winters old. Official settings.

Q. benihilc: It looks like you're craving a new piece from the owner of the @ orchard, and you're looking for sympathy from the couple. not the new owner of the orchard, but I recommend PierCleven's Doubloons to sympathize with the cold. Personal bright and fun versions of the song Ice and Fire. Or Polaris Rapsody. Unfortunately, it's not in the area and it's in BX, which is run by a golden eggplant publisher, so I'd like you to go take it and get well.

A. I'm afraid that's not my style... but thank you for recommending it.:)

Q. Cloury: I've come from @ Naver/It seems it took me over a week to catch up/Thanks to you, Novelis has been screaming for 3 months and coupons have been talking to the writer/Good luck in the future/Write

A. Thank you for reading it wherever you are. I hope you are satisfied with the completion.

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