# Sacramento (11)

Since then, the situation outside the body has steadily improved. A week before Labor Day, the leader of the boar hunters finally crossed the Old Mexico border. The first photo of the 89th cavalry to reach the Tijuana River on that day decorated the front page of various newspapers.

Three of the 89th received the Meritorious Unit Commendation for this. It is a notion like a medal given as a unit, an honor for all members to add to the Decoration. Similar to the medal for homosexuality in winter, on a personal note.

Though it was less intense than the symbolism of restoration, it should be considered a generous reward compared to the difficulty of Boar Hunting. The higher the reward, the other troops will be disappointed.

Among other things, there are still battles going on in many cities.

Civil society is a festive atmosphere, while soldiers stationed in Sacramento sighed noticeably.

If there was any comfort, it was the end of the coming summer with Labor Day. Good morning and evening weather. There was no cloud in the sky that you could see out the window, but it didn't feel as white as before. The blue blush that deepened each day reminded me of my sister in winter.

However, it was not long enough to allow me to miss.

From the hallway, the sound of your feet echoes. The time reported in advance. Independent Squad commanders 3 and 4 requested an interview with lifespan. Winter wondered what was the business of the two people who were having difficulty with themselves compared to Yurana Jin.

A pair of lieutenants, both men and women, entered the commander's quarters and bowed down in reverence. Winter welcomed him gently.

“Welcome, Lieutenant Sun Wu. And Lieutenant Thousand. Well done on your mission today. ”

“Yes!” “Yes! ”

Two people who answer almost simultaneously as if they were breathing. I heard that I am quite close to him personally. It seems that Yura and Jinsuk were treated separately, so there would be no one to rely on. Major Song Jeong-hoon's position in Yura is relatively recent.

“I'm sorry for the injuries, but you should be happy that there are still no deaths in both platoons since you acquired the Capitol. I'm satisfied. You're both doing great. ”

Winter did not spare a compliment. Even a prosecutor with a history of officers would feel bad in their own backyard complaining of the burden. Lt. Cheon, however, was one of the earliest members of the Yura platoon and would have been more difficult to adapt than Lt. Sun Wu, who served as a soldier in South Korea.

‘Personally, I think Mr. Hanbyol is more suitable. ’

However, even though it was later confirmed, Hanbyol strongly rejected it. Heave-ho, that's what I said with my face.

“Well, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not so good at directing others……. No, I'm not saying I don't want to! If I shoot, I'm too immersed! Even what he tells me sometimes I'm not sure I can take care of others by fighting for what I miss.... Hahaha... Hahaha! ”

Somewhat persuasive The nickname Miss Trigger Happy, or Witch. There was a soldier who had named her a gun and even begun to avoid her. However, in winter, compassion is an attachment.

Winter didn't give up on persuasion right away.

“It's hard to find someone as bold as you because of lieutenant Park Jin-seok or reason when fighting. Sergeant Jang is one of the hardest to find. Judgment can be supplemented by education and training, right? ”

Then Hanbyol slowly wipes out the awkward smile and takes it seriously.

“I don't mean to overstep the Little Commander's point, but I think I'm the one who knows me best. Why wouldn't I be greedy? If you go back with an officer rank, you'll be treated differently. It's better for the future. ”

“ ……. ”

“But I don't want to be irresponsible. We can make it to the squad commander, but the platoon commander is frankly outrageous. I can't believe I'm responsible for the lives of thirty people... It's too much. I'm barely having nightmares anymore, but I'm sure you'll get some sleep again. ”

“How are you sleeping these days? ”

When asked, Hanbyol raises his gun in a gentle atmosphere.

“I'm with him in my dreams. ”

“… yes. ”

“Anyway, I'm only responsible for one of them. If you put too many ranks on it, it breaks down, it's irresponsible, it's either that or both... I'm sure you will. I'm sorry. I just want to fight hard and be okay. You'll need a deputy like me in the future. ”

“I understand.”


“ ……? ”

“If no one is really, really, really going to do it, ask me to do it. I'll do whatever the little commander says. ”

“You said it would be hard. ”

When winter asked, Hanbyol smiled like Yura.

“The hardest man is the commander. I'm sorry, but I can't be the only one comfortable. It's usually hard to tell, but at your age, you're my brother. That's how people do it. That's how far a person can go... I think about this a lot. ”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, thank you. Obviously, it's embarrassing. ”

I'm sure Yura would have done the same. Hanbyol who hit the handrail changed the atmosphere.

“Now that you mention it, can you please take care of Yura? ”

Then, as winter turned its head, Hanbyol quickly added an explanation.

“Oh, no offense, but I feel like you're overreacting every time. No matter what you do, you're a small-time commander and you don't know how satisfied you are? Are you comparing directly with the commander or drawing a line that you like...? He always says he's okay, and when he asks, he's just being sarcastic, so I don't know exactly. ”

“I think I do. I'll keep that in mind. Is there anything else you'd like to say? ”

“No, thank you for listening. ”

That day's conversation ended like this.

When the Independent squadron was founded, it was Jinjeong and Yura, who were former platoon commanders, who recommended the new platoon commanders because winter had been vacated on the San Francisco case.

3rd Platoon Commander Seonwoo Yusuf was recommended by Jin, and 4th Platoon Commander Seo Minmin was each selected by Yura's recommendation to pass a much more rigorous test than during the winter months.

In fact, I heard that Yura considered Hanbyol first. However, I did not like it, and at first I thought I was suffering, and the two people who were chosen also did their part well. Except for a few minor issues.

Winter said at the end of the recollection.

“Relax, both of you. Why are you so stiff? ”

The compliment didn't work at all. Both platoon captains should remain frostbitten.

“If it's going to be a long story, let's sit down and talk. ”

First Lieutenant Yusuf responded immediately to the winter proposal.

“No, I'm staying. ”

“Well……. Well, make yourself at home. So, what's the deal? ”

This time the answer is too late. I wanted to tell you how hard it was because I brought you a story, but winter took the time to spare. Among the so-called people who exchanged their gazes with each other, the one who opened his mouth was also Seonwoo Joseph.

“Sir. Please promise me one thing first. ”

“Promise? What? ”

“No matter how crazy I am from now on, will you listen to me? ”

“…… What the hell happened? ”

“I don't think you can help but be angry. I'm ready to be disciplined. But first, I want you to hear enough. ”

Turns out there is also fear in the tension between the two of you. Winter with moxa accepted.

“Sure, I promise. ”

Once you nod and stare, the lieutenant gets to the point.

“You may know that there is a bank in our task force's area. right next to the pit where the baller 3 came out. ”

“Is there a problem with that bank? ”

“I want you to rob the vault. ”

What the……. Winter felt genuinely overwhelmed.

“I made a promise. Let's start with an explanation. Why would you say that? ”

“Because we need money. ”

“ ……. ”

“As you can see from the news and the newspapers, isolatism is expanding in this country. Once we've restored the mainland, we won't have to fight anymore. I get it. Everyone's tired. We need to get to Panama, but it's hard to be sure after that. ”


“Then the refugees will be in worse shape than they are now." ”

It was a horse, clearing the throat of the so-called lock.

“It's gonna get worse. You eat too much after you finish the job. Some people expect to use refugees in the reconstruction business, and they don't. How many American citizens have become immigrants, and it sounds so peaceful? ”

“Do you know about the Refugee Leader Support Policy? ”

“Of course. That's the idea of reducing the budget for refugees in the end. that the Western aid budget is tight. And now, as I said before, we have to budget for reconstruction. It means that there are realistic limits to good election results. ”

“Leader support will be reduced gradually, right? ”


The lieutenant hesitated a little before saying the following.

“You'll be fine for a few years. But that's what people do. How long will your popularity last? How long will a person in the middle of winter be able to justify a large budget? Man's natural hunger is more important than starving to death. And nominally, the refugee leader's budget doesn't actually say not to be used in the wrong way. I've seen that in Korea too many times, a barracks that don't come in with seven trillion won. Commander... I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're either the best man... or you're going to be the pants manager. ”

“What if there is a shareholder? ”

On the face of it, it was because the presidential election was now almost at a publicized level. It's also in the press, so if you're sensitive to the situation, you can't know. I also nodded that I know the lieutenant.

“That's uncertain, too. There's no guarantee that it's going to work. I put a fence in the middle of nowhere near the border, like the last Indian Reserve, so I might ask you to live on your own. guarding the borders. ”

It was a difficult forecast to say that it was completely wrong.

‘According to the results of the election. ’

Winter glances away. The cloth lieutenant with the glare flickers. Lieutenant Sunwoo didn't come alone to show that there was someone working with him.

“Maybe I'm just being too pessimistic. In fact, there's a much better chance. ”

Lieutenant Sunwoo's forehead was shiny. The sweaty eyes are quite distressing. It was still said while maintaining a floating position.

“But I think we should prepare for the worst. ”

Winter sighed.

“So we rob a bank? ”

“Whether you're in business or buying agricultural machinery, you have money, you can do anything. At least I won't be kicked out of the United States. It's kind of insurance. ”

“ ……. ”

“Above all…… I heard it's happening publicly in other units. like stealing valuables from abandoned buildings. We all know it and we accept it. Rather, our troops are clean with the exception of being Commander in Chief. ”

I can't say there are no US military accusations. Even in Iraq, there were bastards who enjoyed hunting people, but I wonder if there were fewer misdemeanors. If I got caught, I was punished, but if I didn't get caught, that was it.

“Let's say it's all true. ”

Winter when you shake your head.

“How long do you think you'll be in the fucking bank? ”

Then Lieutenant Sheung grabs him by the shoulder just about to open his mouth. I meant to say it myself.

“Eunhyuk... Hehe. I know there's usually no big money in the bank vault. But this is downtown. Lots of government offices, lots of companies, lots of shopping malls. It's a lot of money. The infection spread abruptly. So at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, right? Many millions of dollars…"

“Only millions of dollars. ”

One word of winter puzzled the two Envoys.

Artwork Reviews

# 295Pm

Last year, Devgro will edit what he electrocutes. Maybe today or tomorrow. It's because I've received feedback from an audience member.

At the time of writing, I thought it would be natural to get wet or leaky unless the combat boots were new, and that a flood of ankle height wasn't enough... but I thought it would be better to just erase them, rather than add an explanation.

# Engagement

When I answered Qvex's comment to cheer me on my qualifications, I said I would join you if you were a qualified candidate.

Leave a comment in @ I'm watching./I feel it every time I see it, but the writer's engagement promises are meaningless... Excellence... As was Lee Young's work last time... Is there any viable engagement promises? (I'm sorry that I made one person's probability zero.)

(Well, actually, I don't expect a lot, but I write it down by a writer who makes a ridiculous pledge of pledge.)


It's unfair.

If you were the reader of this novel, you would have studied for at least 40,000 years... An inferior test for humans who walk on two legs, which may be difficult for high life like readers, but if you've been prepared for 40,000 years, you might get a high score...

But I'm not happy about it.

If you taunt me like this, I won't stand for it. Hmph.

Let's change the conditions.

0. Once per year if QVEX's total ranks are less than or equal to 6

1. Achieve all three grades, such as Ann, Su, and others, twice a year

2. Grade 1 for both exploratory and second languages, 3 times a year

3. 5 times per year if you have a qualification score

4. If you qualify for university in any of the above conditions, you will be asked to send an additional Federation + short copy of Volume 1 and 2 Signature Books.

5. If you certify that you have passed the administrative notice, I will join you again.

Qvex has been consistently commenting, so we'll do that.

It's a condition for you to have a good look at your qualifications, so it's a little hard to put up below item zero.

You can do this by taking your transcript with you in the background and sending it to the email in the message or announcement.

However, given the speed at which I write, I would like to remind you that a minimum of ten days to up to a month of preparation time is required. You don't want to read flying writings.:)

Great readers of old. We would now like to wish Qvex all the best for her success.

# Q&A... I tried to skip...

Q. NO NAME: I'm having fun and I'm joining next Monday. A little greedy, but I'll see to it before I get in on Monday.

A. I'm sorry... I saw your comment too late. You won't see it right now, but I'll answer it later.../But the comment wasn't originally like this... I think it was just a number 1...

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