# Continuity

"Member A: Before we begin the meeting in earnest, I would like to introduce you today. I've been watching your back for a long time. As many of you already know, it would be a courtesy to formally introduce you here. Afternoon, say hello.

"Member G: Hello, The future of the Korean People's Party...

Member A: Huh. I told you not to mention your name here. All the information that could identify an individual. What if I made this mistake in the first place?

Member G: Oh, sorry. He was nervous in front of people who were usually very fascinated.

Member E: It's okay, it's okay. Keeping your identity a secret, even though it's a post-insurance line, is an insurance policy just in case. irrelevant, in case the control personality gets hacked.

Member F: For the same reason, it is uncomfortable to only communicate in text or altered voices…… but you better be safe.

Member D: It's for the country. because if they were exposed, there would be people who would have no choice but to criticize. State management needs a firm philosophy and a strong philosophy, which is difficult to keep in public view. When you're scared and swamped by public opinion, your personal beliefs don't have to be unreasonable.

Member A: Yes. It's a bureaucratic operation.

Member C: But sometimes I want to worry too much. since the postmortem policy was created, and we haven't allowed hacking from outside. except for artificially created cases to highlight security threats.

Member B: Even what you are saying is a big accident when you leak it out. I think it's a good idea. Haha. I'm satisfied just the way I am. It has a classic feel. Sometimes when I say something wrong, I feel as secure as I can be.

Member G: Thank you for your generosity. I will work hard in the future.

"Commissioner E: I'll do the same for you. Always consult if you have any difficulties. If you're" A "'s favorite, you're not" A "'s favorite.

Commissioner C: I don't mean to frighten you, but it's not going to be easy for you to actually run your country. It's very difficult to sustain democracy in the unseen. We have to deal with capitalist monsters like Gogol.

Member G: Yes. I'm getting ready.Please make it easier for me to speak.

Member D: I can't do that. He's a comrade who stands on the front lines of state management while he's here. Minimal respect is required.

"Member G: Ah……. I see. I'll keep that in mind.

Member A: As it looks like you've been briefly introduced, let's begin the meeting in earnest. Today is the day to review the National Vision 2070. It is time to check that existing goals are still valid, and how well they have been achieved, and discuss new initiatives. Well, I guess this would actually be more of a liberal debate on national vision.

Member B: It's a very good plan.

Commissioner C: I'd like to start by looking at research and development cooperation with the United States in the field of defense. What was that, functional enhancement of the human body?

Member D: Yes. The Joint Development Plan of the Reinforced Soldier. When we analyzed the validity of the control personality, we had nothing to lose, so we entered into a contract. And we are paid a fair wage.

Commissioner C: I don't know about you because I care about other areas, but was D in charge?

Member D: Yes, well. I worked with Commissioner F.

"Committee C: How is it going?

Member D: I don't know from which point of view to tell you first…….

Member E: Perspective?

Committee D: It would be appropriate to talk about technical intentions, or a technological level comparison between the United States and us, and if it is genuine behind the project, I should let you know how the interest you see in follow-up insurance is manifesting. We also tried to explore the bioweapons technology that we have.

Member F: There's no hurry, so let's take it slow. I've learned a lot in the process.

Member G: Yes? Can you give me an example?

"Member F: Huh, yea……. It's actually my story. Maybe there was some kind of fantasy about America. I thought it was rotten, but it's not really technological. We're much better at strengthening the human body.

Member D: Not long after we started working together, I met a representative from the United States in real life, and I couldn't keep up my face. Hey, I can think of a laugh right now.

Member G: Is that it?

Member D: Absolutely. It was biomechanics, and the DARPA was the latest technology, and they took out a fifth generation implant. In order to connect the nerves, you need to insert a sensor directly into the head.

Member A: Isn't performance really important?

Member D: Performance is……. It's a good level, but the way to achieve that performance... … is it crude? It's just like implanting a reinforcement system into the human body. It's a paradigm that's already passed on in our country, where we change the structure and composition of our bodies.

Member B: Implementation is fine as long as you achieve the ROC required by the military. I don't know if it's low productivity, difficult maintenance, or any other issue that's not seen in the document specs…… but isn't it impossible for the United States to be that sloppy?

"Commissioner C: That's right. The rich are going to be three generations, and the United States is still a technologically advanced country.

"Member D: Hahaha. The problem is not performance.

Member E: So?

Member D: Coordination with the body to be transplanted. There's a limit to the human body, right? It's normal to leave the base on and hang on to crazy accessories. If you implant a total of 100 pieces of equipment, you're actually only getting 50 or less. And at the same time, there's a limit to the number of implantable reinforcement systems.

Member E: Hmm.

Member F: The United States is taking a step in the field. You can't ignore the old ethics of life. At best, it's just a passive genetic manipulation... The body itself is more optimized as a weapon than us...

Member A: Yes. It's a disadvantage compared to us changing the fundamental design of the human body. It's easier for us to apply to other areas.

Member D: Exactly. It's a technique that you have to actually accumulate. The afterlife policy is overwhelmingly advantageous in research-based terms.

Member A: But it's hard to see that our skills are just superior. When you increase your physical performance, you often get visually distressed if you cross a certain threshold. It doesn't look human at all. The rate of mental illness is high.

Member C: That's right, people. Identity is influenced by sensation and appearance.

Member F: Well, it's also respectful of the traditional human identity, if you interpret it nicely. I'm fine with a whole body, but rebuilding the brain completely...... is a little uncomfortable with the condition that it remains conscious. You mean like not being me? Compared to this, the removable arms and legs of the United States are less repulsive.

Member E: It's a new technology that we've just begun working on in conceptual research. I see it positively. Depending on how you look at it, it's part of the same family of brain maintenance techniques that have always been universal. because your mind continues to be unbroken, and parts of your brain are artificially regenerated, implanted, or implanted to maintain its original function, even beyond its lifespan.

"Member F: So if the continuity of the incident is maintained, does the hardware matter at all?

Member E: (Laughter) I am a more progressive position. I think it's okay to have one disconnect between the continuity of thinking and the continuity of the body. The body and the spirit vouch for each other. You can't explain either one of them. It's a body plus spirit. Oh, of course, the core of the body that we're talking about is the brain. Brains. Accidents happen there.

"Member A: How did you get rid of this profound talk? I feel like I'm on a tech ethics committee. Every committee and every member is the same.

Member E: You don't have to think hard. We're actually starting to get a little bit new every second. These old, dead cells are constantly being replaced. Neither do I, nor do you, and the age of the cells that make up the body is less than 10 years, even if it's the oldest. The average is half a year. All the previous components are gone. It's exfoliated in time, in the dead skin, in the feces.

Member D: Hmm. Double-sided continuity. Interesting. In other words, human beings are an ongoing event and a phenomenon.

"Commissioner E: Yes. I know there are scholars who would like to add a connection to this.

Member F: What is the relationship?

Member A: I can tell just by the words. You mean with human socialite. in such a way that his identity is the relationship he has with his surroundings. I mean, isn't it logical that the relationship is connected to him?

Member E: That's correct. There's a reasonable explanation for that argument. We don't consider someone else who's sustained permanent brain damage.

Member G: Well, I find that hard to agree with. After all, that's what I see in other people's eyes. You lose a part of your brain, you lose a part of me. People are not promises.

"Member B: That's a good rhythm. Part of the brain, part of me. Hahaha."

In terms of committee D: E, the situation they take for example is the disconnection of both the body and the mind at the same time?

Member E: Hmm…… It's a little ambiguous?

Member D: Is it ambiguous?

Member E: Yes. It's not like the whole brain is crushed. I wonder if that part is a physical identity that continues from the past....

"Commissioner C: Let's just say there's only a part of him left. Legally, you can still admit you're the same person.

Member A: This feels like the discussion is going off the rails…….

"Member B: A. There's plenty of time anyway, and national vision covers a wide range, so it's okay to have this conversation. Isn't that right, Chairman?

"Member A: Huh…….

Member G: I admire your depth. Intellectually delightful. He is the iron man who leads this country. You seem to have a very different bloodline than most people who know how to rip people apart.

Member F: Thank you. It feels good to be complimented by a young man.

Member G: I'm serious.

Member D: Huh. You're a good social worker.

Member B: So you're going to partially acknowledge your fully computerized personality.

Member E: I want to make it clear that politics is separate.

Member B: Absolutely.

Member E: If so, yes. If it's the way to copy personality information and dispose of brains, it's a copy and it's disconnected both physically and mentally, I won't admit it……. If the brain continues to be partially replaced and fully mechanicalized while the accident is sustained…… we can recognize that the system is functionally less than the original brain, assuming there is nothing, not even the slightest. Well, the continuity of thinking is obvious.

Member C: You should be proud to call yourself progressive.

Member F: Well, from what I've heard, I don't think it's bad enough to have an artificial bioneural network. that completely replaces the intracerebral nervous system.

Member E: F There's only one way to embrace the future in us.

"Commissioner A; let's get back to business. What you're discussing is that we've just come to a fundamental stage.

Member B: Complete replacement, or mechanization of the intracerebral nervous system……. Decades from now? Or in a hundred years?

Member A: It's a long story. Even if the country's vision has to be centuries-old, it's prehistoric now.

Member E: What do you think? We'll still be there in a hundred years.

Artwork Reviews

# Body Combat Season 2

It's still creepy after a few days. Everything's a nuisance...

For those of you who are about to graduate, please pay special attention to your health care.

# Spoiler

As I've mentioned several times, we're unable to answer any questions about future developments, about a person's life or use of a particular material.

"Not being able to answer means going to that development!" There are readers who say, "This is a misunderstanding. It means no positivity, no denial.

# Q&A

Q. Karphis: I feel... the energy of the sheep... Eurazzin?

A. Relax. I'm Tunguska. I'll leave it to your readers to interpret.:)

Q. Antichrist: Based on the fearful earthquake that @ ancient was proclaiming the Mastery Degree, we have received intel that an old man who feared the greatness of his readers was wielding tentacles from underground to avoid the engagement.

A. Comment on a previous post. Making jokes about earthquakes can be unpleasant for someone who's actually been hit. You might want to avoid that.

Q. Unlimited One: You have a lot of sympathy with @ Yura! (...)/I have rediscovered the meaning of the mission. Are there fewer and fewer computational paragraphs, suggesting that one grows from the personality in which the star child is created to the independent personality?/It seems to have a very warm meaning:)

A. Now's not the time to tell you if it's right or wrong. If you have any comments, after the completion... heh...

Q. Ljugiana: A couple of people from @ Eura and Jinsegae...

A. I see your readers' favorite Christmas is coming up... hmm...

Q. Bug: How about canned food since you've been postponed? Long live the canned potato dumplings! When will the trigger be active?

A. Canned products of a qualified panel of candidates are worth reviewing./I don't know, I can't answer.

Q. Noble Funny: Can @ Starlight bring their acquaintances to life in winter? You put a memory on the prosthetic body. Who said anything about happy endings? I'd like to come out.

A. Again, it is difficult to answer. There is no positivity or denial in questions about future developments. T

Q. Qgegegqe: It's time for the viewers' bulletin board!

A. Sorry! They were capable politicians!

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: Be careful of all the old things. I was training for the Reserve this week, and I had a mysterious experience of struggling with my body before and after I left.

A. I agree. Everyone needs to be healthy.

Q. Wood sora bread: I am a reader who stopped at @ 170. I wanted to read it in a paper book, but I couldn't finish my second book. Has the publishing of the paper been suspended until completion?

A. No. It was postponed for editing. He'll be out soon... I'm sure....

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