The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00301 # The Island of Greece

# Greek Islands (1)

When an old boy from the outside world sought a fragrance other than that of the world, the world that was delayed was entering a full-blown hepatic ice machine.

Warfare was still ongoing in Sacramento City, but Winter's task force was done. They received a shift and standby order. Apart from that, most of the troops who have been in the war since the beginning of the Civil War, and most of the troops assembled in the Olema FOB, have been assigned to the successors who have been deployed before and after a clear liberation operation. Considering combat fatigue. He seems to have judged that he can no longer ignore the restoration of the mainland.

Reached out to regional command officers at the International Airport, Rear Adm. Rogers.

“Our joint task force will be disbanded to its current time unit. ”

There's a lot of buzz, which is unexpected, except for some.

But the time has come. A base of 240 dead ends was created for the selection of Bondi Stragglers. Even though he had chosen relatively healthy soldiers, he was among those who had been severely destroyed. Winter still holds the silver cross. A Soldier's gift for talking to himself.

The questioner is out.

“So what happens to us? ”

“I am more likely to be rearranged. Some will be rested, some will undergo low-intensity missions such as borders and transportation, and will be re-energized for quite some time. Wait in your current position until policy is confirmed. Orders will come down directly from the blockade ship command. The same goes for supply and administration. Take care of your troop commanders. ”

Covering up soldiers who can no longer expect combat strength, writing targets for judging. It was a job, but if you've been delayed by a mission, it means you have to do it now. so as not to be upset, damage or unfair. Without a commander, there is no one to take care of the soldiers.

There was another questioner.

“Did this decision have any impact on civilian damage?" ”

I can see the media's resentment on my face. It meant that the order to ignore civilian damage caused a political uprising.

“I don't know.”

The general replied mechanically.

“But even if it did, it wouldn't be that great. Watching me and the Attorney General not being demoted. ”

“So where are you off to now? ”

“As Chief of Staff. ”

This answer softened the mood. At least it wasn't left-handed.

“Gentlemen, I owe you one. ”

It was an unexpected greeting for a dry general.

“I fought well under difficult conditions. The United States of America today is thanks to the soldiers who overcome adversity and the military compassion of your people. I salute you."

He salutes. The room is noisy for a moment with a chair pulling and a clothesline grabbing. In return for the officers, including the winter, the general lowers his hand and looks back.

“I'll see you later. ”

At the end of this one sentence, the general turns around. The path of separation was not different from usual.

Sing, who was accompanied, left the briefing room and remained quiet for a long time.

“Our troops are grateful to you. ”

“Because of me? ”

Captain nodding at the Winter Rumor.

“The Independents themselves are not yet in the rear. ”

“It could be an exception. ”

“No way. ”

The captain's beard is moving. Beyond that would be a bland smile.

Winter got a lot of attention while walking through the terminal. Soldiers sitting on the floor with roughly a row of cucumbers stood up. The percentage of newcomers that had just come out of the postponed training camp was high. It is also remarkable that the percentage of female fighters has increased compared to the past. Nevertheless, many are still male soldiers.

Captain Singh proposes.

“Why don't we wait for this lieutenant and then go? ”

Today is Yura's return day. The transport from Karl Vinson was scheduled to arrive shortly.

“Well, yeah. I didn't expect it to end so soon. ”

It was winter when I expected a new mission to be announced to the briefing room. Lieutenant Murray was worried about the Panamanian vacuum, but the fight to retake this city was still ongoing.

“Call your squadron. I'll take it from here.”

Captain Singh dealt with his smartphone in winter positivity. Knock, knock, knock. When I press the keyboard with one thumb, the writing is slow. I'd rather make a quick phone call.

The commotion in the collapse draws attention around you. A soldier distracted by watching the winter poured out a shipment of water. A hundred-unit rectangular shield from the fallen cart is pushed out in sections to the feet of this side. Winter grips his hand and asks the squinting soldier.

“Are you hurt, Private? ”

“No problem, sir! ”

A soldier who quickly removes a sore aura in a controlled manner. There was no bleeding or swelling on sight. However, I can see the flesh with red blood. Must have been pinned to the cart handle and the shield pile.

“I'll help you.”

“No! You can do this alone! ”

The soldier is terrified on his knees that winter will repair his shield. I tried to grab him for a second. However, he could not actually touch it. The embarrassed soldier resigns at the end of Heman for a moment and starts collecting his shield.

These were cargo from New York. NYPD on reinforced plastic surfaces. Captain Botan Singh is missing a hand.

“You're early. ”

Winter continued.

“There are times like this. ”

It was an administrative inefficiency that could be sufficient for a large organization such as the current U.S. military. It's even more surprising that this hasn't happened in a while. Be competent or desperate.

Two minutes were enough to tie the recovered shield back to the cart.

“Well, thank you for your help. ”

The soldier who gained weight on the cart, leaving a salute, was of a small size. I've seen a lot of thick muscles before, so I feel a little satiated.

‘By the way, the recruits I saw earlier...... ’

I think the number with glasses is quite old. Captain Singh asks as he looks back at winter.

“What's the matter? ”

“I have a feeling the quality of the troop resources is a little low. ”

Hearing this, the captain, who was thinking for a moment, confirmed the possibility.

“It could be. because there were so many casualties. ”

“How much have you lost so far? ”

“Well, the biggest was also the recent apparent failure of the liberation operation, but moreover at least half of the foreign troops lost at the beginning of the Mogelons Outbreak……. There was no small loss when the West Coast infection spread.... ”

Surprisingly accurate cumulative figures were not known. This is due to the huge impact of nuclear attacks.

If you hold it at roughly two million lines, it means that 10% of the young adults of the right age evaporated. It was a guess, but it would not be a big error, as it was a winter conjecture that experienced many times the total power struggle in the United States. Even the damage in California, a densely populated area, could increase its percentage.

‘One out of ten people seem to be less, but it is consumed from the top first. ’

The size of the army broke through 10 million before the explicit liberation. One of the two young men in their 20s was already in the army, but the quality would definitely decrease if they elected a new recruit to compensate for the losses.

This was America. Although obesity rates are declining rapidly, the proportion of people who are not fit for military service is never low. In the beginning, American obesity was a social disease, so there was a limit to overcoming it with individual effort. If the only food to be eaten is hamburgers, fries, and fried chicken, and only cola to drink, it is difficult to lose weight in a busy effort.

Sergeant Wolf, who I met in San Francisco on the Fiquad, said he had never seen an apology as real since he joined the military. It was a dark section of a reconstructed past.

Obese patients are socially treated as free riders.

From the perspective, even in this situation, it would be the majesty of the world's largest agricultural nation, which is perfectly capable of providing food supply and providing foreign aid.

Winter outside felt a breeze of sunlight. Warmth and coolness intersect like waves. On the other side of the runway, there was a season with the same name as the sister. It is still hot, but it is mild compared to the murderous summer.

The runway was frail with new supplies and troops, even while the Humvees were on standby. There are tons of boots buzzing from all around, and vehicles running at slow speeds continue to pass by. The impression alone was in the middle of a crowded city.

“There he is. ”

Captain Singh has diverted his attention into the air. You see a transport approaching the runway as it lowers altitude. It was a precisely scheduled time. It was easy to recognize because it was smaller than the aircraft that was mainly rising and falling. Because aircraft carriers do not operate large aircraft carriers.

The hoistway for the aircraft that landed has opened. Humans are rare. It was because very few people would send it from the aircraft carrier to a land operating station. Thanks to this, the transport is not well organized, and Eura's return is that much slower.

“Lieutenant! Over here! ”

Yura was wandering around in the voice of winter! and I reacted. After carrying my luggage around, I salute him with a bright look.

“Lieutenant! You're back now!”

“Welcome. It's been a long time. Are you sure it's over? ”

“Yes! Don't worry about it! ”

She answered, looking healthier than ever.

“But what's with all the baggage? I bet it was light when I left. ”

When winter came, Yura was a little embarrassed. Yura's duffel bag is tightly packed and tied. What's so breathtaking?

“Oh, this? Ah-ha-ha... I get a lot of gifts. Should I throw it away?”

“Don't throw it away. We're in the middle of an operation, so if there's any restrictions on transporting personal belongings... Just take it and get it tested according to the rules. What are you doing? Ask him to send you to the back. ”

“Yes, I understand! ”

Yura laughs again in Bangkok. I thought it would be popular with the Americans because it was famous enough to appear in cartoons and because it was really smiling at jokes in the middle of the empire. The gift must have been the real deal.

“Just get in. ”

Winter points to the Humvee. Yura, who was carrying the luggage, sat in the back seat.

The road is not far. David's current outpost was near the airport. Yura, who put the power on the phone that was turned off in the plane, looked outside the car window and asked questions.

“You're not going to the city? I heard the kids are in the Capitol. ”

The winter of the passenger seat turns around.

“It's over.”

“Eh……. What?”

“Another unit took over. Commander Rogers, the Joint Task Force has been disbanded today, and the 240 will be disbanded, reorganized or otherwise disbanded. ”

“So what do we do now? ”

“I don't know, not yet. ”

Yura lets out a sigh of pain.

“Somehow, I'm sorry I came so late……. ”

“What are you sorry about? I fought harder than anyone else, but I was healed because I got hurt. ”

“Even so……. ”

Yura, who is slightly disheveled, touches Purpleheart, a medal on her chest. Winter struck the fighter as he thought about it.

“That's cool, Lieutenant. It looks good on you.”

“Ugh. I guess I shouldn't have. ”

“I'm not teasing you. ”

“Well……. You got the little boss, too, right? ”

“I'm not there yet. ”

Yura's eyes widened to see if the words of winter were unexpected.

“Huh? Why? ”

“Some of them have been pushed around, some of them are reassessing, and they're going to teach me a lesson later on all at once. You're going to Washington to get it. ”

“I see……. How's your hand? Did you get hurt a lot? ”

“I have a scar, but it's not big. ”

“Really? Show me. You said it was no big deal when you were stabbed in the back with a shovel. ”

Winter, when one glove is removed for Yura, looks up on the chair. Yura, who holds hands, squints and looks closely. And I made a sick face.

“It's better than I expected……. I was so surprised to see your hand on the news. The commander shouldn't get hurt. ”

Winter, with her hands closed, made me laugh.

“Can anyone get hurt? ”

“No, but you're the commander. ”

Captain Singh has been silently watching from the beginning. If he was strict in front of his usual subordinates, he would have been clear-headed by now, too. Seeing Yura for a long time, I felt like I was taking a little look at him.

Artwork Reviews

# Vote for Proficiency

I wished my readers well for their mastery, and then I realized something was wrong.

The Tribute readers will be underage, not unlucky.

How do you see a 19-gold Novelis?!

That's why I lost weight... the curse of Podoli...

# Q&A

Q. UNLIMITED ONE: Well, then, how could that lousy chairman miss the meeting.../Will he break his expectations and find his own answers when he sees the outside of winter?

A. I can't answer that question. Anyway, you can trust that this novel will end in a happy ending.

Q. Ljugia: The answer is "winter." Except for the shit.

A. If you went to the original Bad Half Happy End, you would have punctured your stomach with Bedsin, but now it's a happy ending.:)

Q. Bug: @ Xcomb's pulse is scary... it cuts through the body and leaves the body... but it runs in the plastics...../Autumn! Hooray!!! Are you marrying Autumn?

A. Autumn! Long live the question of positivity and deniability!

Q. I want to sleep: @ I'm getting curious about the ending. I need you to keep going.

A. Now, in the second half, hopefully within 400 dollars, I don't really know what that's going to look like.

Q. Pornography Devil F: @ It's called a secret room meeting, but they can't sell each other first. blah blah blah

A. Not necessarily, but someone who was blind to the greater good.

Q. jinmatient: Congratulations @ 300 times/Today? Yesterday, an Italian surgeon told me that he was successful in implanting a Russian brain brain into a brain dead body with myasthenia... and I think he's looking into the progress, but is there any part of your tentacle involved?

A. I heard it was canceled due to lack of funding for the surgery... but I guess I did. Amazing./But I also saw the article that the person who had been in a coma for more than 20 years actually had a consciousness... felt something...

Q. Third_Wing: Congratulations @ 300. Is it true that Happily Ending, the jealous Chairman of Goku Iron, was so intense as to watch the winter stream that winter restored itself to the starlight child's support (copying and overlapping the electrical signals) and became the ruler of the new Helicopter Ship with autumn's help? The last line of winter says, "Be a billionaire vs. a snitch. I'm attacking Japan!" I heard...

A. I'm also unable to answer your question./I once said that the end of this novel is a word of winter

You remember I said it was meant to be an ambassador. The ambassador's suggestion has already come out. We're going to come out again. And of course, the readers won't notice. Hahaha.

Q. Qgegegqe: You make me wonder how many megatons you can hold on to./And that you still have administrative authority... Pastry is so blatant!

A. It was originally reported that there was still time until administrative privileges were suspended. # I like chickens will be suspended within a year,

Q. Nyar: In response to this question, Minhee Jeonminhee... I love her so much, but I'm always sorry she's such a spacious writer. How about a 400,000-year contract? Four hundred million years. Haha.

A. 400 million years is invalid because it is inaccurate. (strict)

Q. Juicy Yummy Yummy: I love your writing, but I can't get enough of it to hold on to two copies. Hired to... Tears and tears and Noble Ziller in Jowara... But you're really good at writing. You don't need to read 300 songs... It's like the best novel I've ever read.

A. I finished reviewing the PDF files for the 3 volumes sent by the Editorial Department today. Stay tuned.:)

Q. Hyung-ju: Congratulations on the great old thing, 300 times. And thanks to the old days, even if you read it for tens of thousands of years, it never ends.

A. You read the wind and the stars. You will be blessed.

Q. Guaaaaak: Congratulations on @ 300! Isn't there anything to celebrate? Fellowship... is that too much to ask for?

A. How about a 300th Anniversary Break? I didn't even get a break in Thanksgiving.

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