The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00305 # The Island of Greece

# Island of Greece (5)

“If you were a commander, would your rank be the same as it is now? Or Captain?"

The curious Yura did not see the greed.

“You'll get a promotion. ”

The answer of winter, Yura wondered.

“Is that really necessary? I'm a Independent now, so I'm a lot stronger than a regular squadron, but after the Independence, I'll be one of the many squadrons below... Why is that special? I mean, I just thought it would be okay to keep the lieutenant in charge. ”

It was undisclosed, but it was considerate of the truth. Even if Yura himself becomes a commander, if his rank remains the same, he will be able to reduce his opposition a little because he is still a promotional motivator to Jin. Even Yu knows how he feels about Jinsuk. But winter was not acceptable.

“No. This squadron needs to stay strong. ”


“You said that for a reason. It's important to get along well when your nationalities become a multitude of refugees. ”

“Yes, I did.... ”

“I think it's important to keep it quiet in advance. to make sure that you are in position as a senior commander. From the point of view of the other commanders, wouldn't it be easier for the same rank to postpone the difference and get caught? ”

Of course, it is unlikely. They are at their disposal. However, even if the position is disadvantageous and silent, the size of the complaint will vary depending on the rank of the opposing Pokémon. If so, Lieutenant. and What can be done. The difference in rank is gangsters. "

Especially for Chinese people who care deeply about their faces.

I was worried that refugee officers from other countries would be less inclined if they were to develop a unique sentiment about the U.S. military. However, less than a year into the service interval, it will be difficult to anticipate for lieutenants selected by necessity alone. It would be helpful if the Ministry of Defense could extract resources that were familiar with the language of the second generation of immigrant officers born on the mainland, but this was also unrealistic.

Winter connects horses.

“And just in case. ”

“What if? ”

“For example, Commander Yugo. ”

“ ……. ”

“Don't make that face. I'm just setting an example. If I'm still out of control because I'm dead or injured, and the mainframe evaporates or my comms are down, the senior commander has to take over immediately. I think it's best to have an upper and lower relationship. ”

“You're right."

Yura sighs.

“It's hard……. And your little commander's successor?...... This seems a bit strange, successor? Part 2?... I think it will make a strong impression. ”

Since it was handed over to the squadron under the command of winter, many people would accept it that way.

Yura proposed a new one.

“How can you promote Lieutenant Park Jin-seok and me together? ”


“Yes. I want the commander to be given a position to Jin-Seok, and to have a different role for me... Hmm, less important than the commander, but if something happens, I want it to be a proper position to dry or reconcile." Is there such a thing? ”

“I don't know. The Grand Chamberlain's crew is set. ”

The chief of staff for Captain Singh was those who had been considering the composition of the Great Command from the beginning. However, I was wondering if it would be suitable for Yura, who has not yet been assigned to the headquarters, such as an HR or a Quartermaster but has no administrative experience. It is also vague to give a promotion.

As a matter of fact, the Independent Corps is required to cover Fort Roberts. After winter, the management system had to be left to the skilled person. I was going to send people up there.

You want me to split up the squadron? ’

Given the reduced workforce burden and the ability to create more troops that are only filled with the Korean community, it is worth considering how to divide the original troops into two unfinished troops. The troops won't be deployed immediately anyway.

Of course, it's a separate question of whether the boss accepts the proposal, and even if he accepts the proposal, it will disgrace him in battle. Winter nods slowly.

“Anyway, we heard your opinion. I have to think about this more. ”

Yura sighs again.

“I don't want to. We're the reason you're bothering. ”

“That's all it is. We have to wash up before we eat. ”

Winter when you check the time and put the captain down. Restaurants and showers are common in many units, so it's a little difficult if you break the specified hours. Officers shouldn't be able to wash and eat, but it's best to avoid awkward situations among those who face to face. Even if they don't hate it.

‘Some broadcasts are not to be missed. ’

A press conference was scheduled for a Republican candidate this morning. I don't know if I'm going to end up flaking my skin this time, or exposing something. Winter awaits the latter. It is a reverse effect even if you raise your expectations too much. It took some time for the violence to continue to reach the election.

Yura, who was walking side by side, suddenly brought up a story.

“But, sir. ”


“What happened to Somin and Lieutenant Sun Wu while I was gone? ”

It was like I noticed a strange airflow in the 1st platoon, through my big sister with skills and kindness in the platoon. It must be strange not to know when it looks like that. Winter recalled the two platoon commanders who were being evacuated every day. I didn't break anything that Jinsuk said he wouldn't go for this matter, but just by looking at the usual things, I became like that.

After winter's silence, Yura carefully added.

“Lt. Park Jin-seok is giving them a headache. Well, I used to be scared, but now I have to say it's too much... He doesn't talk to me like he used to. What's even weirder is that Lieutenant Park Jin-seok seems to know what's going on. Every time I see Somin, I get very angry when I see her face like a crumpled paper...... But it doesn't bother me! I just avoid asking questions. ”

“ ……. ”

“Let me know if there's anything else, okay? Commander, I feel sorry for Lieutenant Sun Wu, but I've been carrying him from the very beginning, and I'm sorry to see him like that. ”

You know, I was worried that there might be an accident. Winter, when I hesitated for a while, decided to listen without hiding anything. If Yura is compassionate, she will be able to gently mediate between the two successors....

Yura's reaction when she found out about the crisis was much cooler than she expected.


“…… Lieutenant, is that why? ”


“I'm telling you this because I don't want you to go wrong. May I?”

“Of course. I'll make sure you don't have to worry about those two... wools anymore. ”

“That sounds very serious……. ”

Jinseok used to criticize Yura as a furious Hoin, but if she were here now, she would have thought differently.

Yura smiled and said with a slight look.

“Rest assured. I won't let you down. ”

“Are you angry? ”

“Of course.”

Yura sighed for the third time.

“It's so absurd. No matter how nervous you are, how dare you look at the little commander like that? Lieutenant Seonwoo, Jin-seok raised me, so I may not know things, but I'm really...... angry, ashamed, and sorry to the commander. ”

“The lieutenant apologizes for the reason. ”

“I voted for you. You got the wrong guy. If I had known this, I would have just ordered Hanbyol. ”

Yura frowns and mutters to himself. Even if everyone escaped without me during the chores, I wasn't this angry. "Yura, who was angry all the way to the front of the encampment, carefully opened his mouth just before they split.

“But……. ”

As winter approaches, Yura, who is slightly darker, wriggles his fingers.

“You're still with us, right? ”

When I heard the story of Seonwoo Joseph and Seolmin, I thought I might like it. Winter nods and puts aside a joke.

“I'm not leaving. I know it sounds strange, but until the end of the world, ”

“Hehe. What is it? ”

Yura smiles brightly as she regains her usual temperature.

The winter after her departure, she went to her quarters and unwrapped herself and packed some sanitary supplies. It was basic to carry weapons even on the way to the shower. Other officers and soldiers carried handguns, and each compartment in the shower had a separate weapons locker. Despite the slightest chance of an infection occurring within the unit, I was concerned to shoot it immediately.

So this doesn't seem like a joke.

"Sneak peek and kill: ("

Someone pasted it to the women's quadrant shower today. One of the male soldiers, who laughed at this, raised his arms toward the female soldiers who put towels on their arms and went into a light outfit.

“Ladies! I'll stake my life on it! ”

The female soldiers stopped and responded.

“Fuck you! ”

“Come with me if you don't want to die! Let me see your face! ”

Later, he looked at the pistol in his waist and the butt once, then grabbed his fist and broke his thumb down. A month ago, they were exhausted and sharp soldiers.

After a brief conversation with some of the chief of staff after a brief wash and meal, the TV was about to release its last commercial 10 minutes early on time.

Shortly after, an announcer appeared in the center of the screen.

"Dear viewers of America, Starting shortly after 9: 00, a press conference for Republican candidate Edgar Kramer will take place at the Young Inn of Kramer Square Hotel. Candidate Kramer has revealed that he knows the secret meaning of the current regime and that he is going to reveal it to the citizens soon, and that the presidency will soon be revealed today, 56 days from now. We're not just going to hold press conferences and raise doubts again. If there's another reason, it's time to go ahead with what the host said. That's two hours. I don't think it's going to be just a quick announcement. We will connect you to the site as soon as the candidate appears in the phase.

Winter sits in a chair with her chin bent and waiting.

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# Q&A

Q. Unlimited One: You're two platoon commanders, if you just mix and divide. More importantly, Ranger Azo, taunting and playing chicken...

A. Then cut the real stone and Yura in half... Hmm... It would be inappropriate for King Solomon's wisdom./The Alliance has actually recruited more troops than they currently have. The troops are very large compared to the population./Rangers are proud too.:)

Q. Ljugiana: It looks like Dec 6th is a transcript notification date. Are you ready...

A. I will keep my promise. Qvex is looking forward to bringing you a good report card.

Q. Carpies: @ Winter is t.S. Become Queen of the Winter Kingdom. Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!

A. No Winter Kingdom. Because His Majesty Elsa is great.

Q. LunarKarma: @ umm... close... I look forward to a follow-up! Everyone's asking for more Ossuaries...

A. Thank you. However, the completion is not close enough to fly in a few months. even though I'm slow.

Q. Starlight: @ Full Metal Jacket Soldier!

A. No. Heh heh. "Good for you and good for me" is the same thing, but it's actually a different military.

Q. NeoGGM: When will the 3 volumes of the Ossuary come out, not the @ Nanseo textbook...?

A. It said it was published in December on the official blog. I think so.

Q. Guaiak: But has there been a policy since the beginning of post-security that prevents users below the S grade from meeting each other? If so, why? For the quick suicides of low-level users?/I think the reason people are dissatisfied with virtual reality is because of the lack of relationships, but if you have online capabilities, they can solve it. Most of the scaffolds at the Ossuary are probably in the sixties and seventies with normal social life experience, so it's no problem. I don't think it's going to consume any more computational abilities.

A. It's been there since the beginning./I'm not sure I can confirm why./Generally, you're right.

Q. Bug: Not chapter 3... I'm not happy to say you still have chapter 3... Please reintroduce it twice or three times a week for the next two years.

A. Two years is too long... and I'm guessing a year from now.

Q. QGEGEGQE: @ is full of rice... and I'm doing it again in a black circular full set with umbrellas and pillows. Huhu.

A. Why Start a Mabinogi… Migrate Nexon games to steam like me. Luxury games enrich your library.

Q. Munin: Thank you for your happiness and joy in meeting the Little Prince of the Ossuary this year. I wish you happiness and tranquility in winter and in other readers. And my favorite audience dialogue is about to begin. Are we getting close?

A. The writer enjoys watching you. We will strive for the happiness of all readers. I think I'll come out once this chapter is over, maybe.

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: Since the United States has confirmed its defensive perimeter, should I actually consider it clear?

A. Users under Grade B have never reached such a good situation.

Q. FNLSHSK: I don't know if it came from the old days, but I'm curious./1. Special variants, especially those that are structurally distinct from humans, such as Grumble, are produced/2. Systems have come out frequently in the early days, but they don't come out these days/3. When will I escape in the middle of winter….

A. 1. Commonly mutated at the fetal stage/2. No, it's not coming out. This is different from why the journal doesn't come out. And, of course, it's different from the reason why there are no missions./3. Does it matter?

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