The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00316 # Unread Messages

# Unread Messages (15)

[SALHAE has given you 10,000 stars.]

[BigBuffetBoy86 has given you 351 stars.]

"BigBuffetBoy86: Proud America! God Bless America! Patriotism Recharges!"

"Hell Saal: Yay……. What the hell is that President? Is it Grade 15 of Politics?

Wilma: Politics? I know there is no such technology in the world after the Apocalypse. That's just a goop stat.

Hellzal Egg: Stub fuck blah blah

Eek Ta: Hmmy, Murderer, isn't it too big these days? Do me a favor.

"Number: 10,000 stars……. Are you okay, Mr. Murderer? You said you weren't feeling well. Every time you spend this much money, it feels ominous....

SWITMOKA: Isn't he like that? There are people who just pay their debts and shoot stars.

"A loan of 100 million won: Yes. There are crazy people who really do that blah blah"

"A loan of 100 million won: But that's me.

Σ (´ д ❗65344;;)!!!

"Mi-young Kim: I will lend you your organs as collateral in the first financial institution ^ ^ 01008282 * * * *"

"Hard Gay: Screw all the time. These things don't change.

Old Spice: We're homesteaders.

Lifetime imprisonment: persistence? Let's not use difficult words on a stupid subject.

"Lemonade: Sorry.

Lifetime sentence: …… why are you apologizing?

"Doom Tooth Tooth: Being an idiot.

"Blackcat: A steamed cat that lacks the self-esteem to kill, I think. A cat that was so desperate to say he was nothing. I want to feel like I've just spent my money on something like this. And because you're not confident in being loved by someone, you're dependent on other people's love. So in those cases, euthanasia is the answer for you. I'll die on my own, but I can't help you with this kind of fun.

"Black Hyung Frequently: I think you're right, but you might get sued."

"Blackcat: Your Honor. The above article was written by my cat.

New Spring: Crazy blah blah The concept of throwing away the timing blah blah blah

"Blackcat: It's real.

SALHAE: I have nothing to say to you. I hope you don't mind what I do.

"Extremity: blah blah blah Sticky Realuda Cutie Yours"

Linen sheet Hazard Hye: All the needles are wrong. Murder is a pressure tactic. Because winter completely ignores our demands, it gives us a psychological burden by beating the money silently. If you have a conscience, ask me to fuck you for a reason. You'll see the money coming, even if you don't read the message. I can't help but be an example of a man. Shall we kill? "

"What if we run out of money?

"Geum-ryun-hye duvet: You have to die like a man.

Extremity: blah blah


"Grape of Fury: I know that feeling a little bit, a little bit, and the reason is increasingly attractive. Being human rather than looking. Of course I like Anne better. ㅇ

HEL: Oh, by the way, I'm really good at it. I still am. I can't see anything stopping me. It's relaxing. I'm sure you've prepared for it, but it's also a great relief.

"Don't drip with Nick: With abilities, you'll be the match for our politicians.

"Eek Euk Pay: Why the heck is chewing blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah My country is relatively Haven Shipbuilding is almost 100% postmortem insurance? Politicians only put spoons on the trend.

"Don't drip with Nick: Our government is right. I just don't work for the people.

Red October: no incompetent politician in that sense. They took their place because there's something there. That President McMillen is a rare case of talent and personality.

"The retired youth: Can't the president be reinstated? Then you'll be relieved of the uneasy situation somewhere.

Red October: No. I have to amend the Constitution to do that. I don't know if it was a crazy level of support, but it's hard to reform now because there were bad things, including bad ones, even if they died. There could be a full-scale civil war.

You mean Yang Yong-bin?

"Red October: Who else?

"Storm224: His civil war……. I just believed it was going to be a practical ending soon, but there's a strange story about coup.... Me! Why! You can't even be happy after someone else's death, right?

Encourage me: Uh, guys. I heard that one of the presidents of the United States had a three-line man....

"Blair: Yes, my friend, in World War II Roosevelt crossed the three lines to the four. As far as I'm concerned, this is the only case in American history that goes beyond two lines.

"BigBuffetBoy86: Oh, really?

Blair: What if you're American and you don't know it?

"BigBuffetBoy86: You might not know. >. < >

"Ezekiel: Hmm. Was that exceptional because it was a national emergency? If that's the case, shouldn't it be possible in this worldview? It's a bigger crisis than the Great War.

AngryNeeson55: Misunderstanding No exceptions. It wasn't illegal back then.

"Resistant Claws: Why not someone other than Roosevelt when it's legal? You didn't do it because you didn't have the skills?

"AngryNeeson55: It wasn't illegal, but it wasn't legal.

"Jessica full-time job: What is this nonsense? Do they play dumb, too?

Blair: Nope. It was not illegal means that there was no law prohibiting the three lines, and it was not legal means that it was a law that everyone kept on their own, even though there was no law. Roosevelt ignored the implied promise and tradition.

"Jessica full-time job: ow…….

Blair: Roosevelt was responsible for the three-line injustice to the U.S. Constitution.

"Retired Boy: Anyway, that McMillan can't be in love. It's a shame."

Atomic Energy: Empathy. Honestly, isn't the President's Hard Carry the United States of America has come this far?

"Red October: I acknowledge and acknowledge it, but I can't guarantee what would have happened if it hadn't been for the first winter. Think about why Anne's so busy right now. Don't you feel that social anxiety has been suppressed in a few short lines over the years? Like a pot just before it overflows.

Atomic Energy: Is it?

Red October: I think I saved a lot of money on social security due to winter. He blew the whistle at the right time. The Press Office doesn't love winter for nothing.

"Lodge ROCK: Oh my……. I liked the channel because there were so many things that weren't real, but now I'm anxious because the angle resembles reality. I can feel the world's malice. Will this show ever end?

"Boom boom boom: That's what worries me too.

Tunguska: You don't have to worry…….

"Müllüllüllüller: But no matter what the situation, it's good that our winter is more relaxed than before. Do you feel lighthearted? Something good happened. ♪ (* ´ ∀ )

Anti-Home: What do you mean? She's always the same in the middle of winter.

We're talking about real emotions. instead of showing it to the outside.

SP: How do you know that?

"Squeeze through": Can't you feel it?

"What kind of energy is that?

"Number: Yes.

"App Soon: Proud……. I'm not sure. What are you talking about?

"Storm224: Ordinary Koreans like us should not try to understand superior martming. There seems to be something only a pervert like that can see.

Email: (9580; 3232; ⑤ 3232;)!! Excuse me! I may be a pervert, but I'm not a pervert!

Magna Carta: Here's a Japanese person making a compelling argument

ACTIVE X Dick: What if the post-mortem organization distributes ACTIVE X to convey the host's feelings?

Владимир: Shut up.

"groseillier noir: calm down, vodka.

Владимир: Is this something to calm down?

"Hell Saal: I hope winter finally solves this world view. He is now my posthumous role model.... If this worldview turns into a shithole, I'll be devastated. If I die, it won't be any worse than this.

Resistant Claws: If this level of talent is a bad game despite your efforts, you don't even want me to dream about it, do you? What difference does it make?

"Don't drip with a nick: no matter how hard an individual tries, it can be bad if he starts to fall from out of reach. Just as the fish in the reservoir dried up. People who act selfishly are scarier than droughts. A person's limit is a person.

"Nuclear power: literacy is also…….

"Resistant Claws: I mean, the more I watch this show, the more my expectations for post-insurance are broken…….

"Nitrogen packaging: to the extent that bullshit. You see a kid who's struggling with his life without a DLC? Break your expectations for post-mortem insurance? It's not funny because it's ridiculous. They always whine that Korea is a country with low happiness.

"Nitrogen packaging: raise your after-insurance contributions, you idiot. A few Class A perks and your afterlife will be fucking happy.

"FamiliarityOUT: Why are you suddenly firing again? You look a little upset that he said what he liked.

"Extremity: That's right. Post-insurance is always right. One decent perk after death, and if you don't have a usable DLC, how long do you think you've been slacking off while you're alive? I'm not trying.

HELL ZALL: You're all right. Right, but don't you think once you start writing DLCs, you're not going to be satisfied with what you're seeing on this channel?

"Beast Spoon: One cup of cider, he'll eat it deliciously and swallow a box of sweet potatoes back and forth.

YNH: Yeah, well, there's no reason to die and have fun in life after death. Don't you think this broadcast looks fun because I'm not doing it myself? It would feel completely different to do it yourself.

"Hell yeah: That's it…….

"Red October: Done, and this worldview will not fall so easily. Just like in the middle of winter when I was on television, I didn't seem to be worried about Captain Shredder in the first place. The United States has never seen a military uprising before.

"Lee Geun-hye from the duvet: I'm thinking about teletyping, but what was that American emotion? The right to defy an unjust government by force? What does this have to do with the rebellion?

Red October: I don't know all about flour. Maybe the Mainlanders know something.

BigBuffetBoy86: I don't know.

"Slow Wagon: Let me…… explain….

"Blair: 86 What does Yankee really know?

"BigBuffetBoy86: I know Fish and Chips is your national dish.

Blair: ….

"BigBuffetBoy86: And tasteless.

"groseillier noir: XD"

Blair: Don't laugh, Baguette.

Slow Wagon: Traditional opposition to the…… federal government in the Southern region with a large agricultural population is due to a hierarchy reversal…… during the industrialization process in the United States…… and the collapse of the U.K. holdings defined by the Civil War……

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