# Return (6)

The next day, winter came with two deputies for an early breakfast. The restaurant that opened from dawn was filled with people who ordered a white plate. They were mostly Korean refugees, but occasionally had different hair and skin colors. Those chopsticks are awkward, although they are armed but do not look like soldiers.

“These are civilian carriers with military contracts. ”

Min-won, who was emptying the bowl, said with a spoonful.

“I heard you only run to the blockade line, but since Boar Hunt started earning big, you've only reached the pollution area for volunteers. The Fort Roberts were already classified as safe zones before the repatriation was completed. They give you a hedge fund. ”

Naturally, the current U.S. military has a high proportion of combat troops, so the capabilities of military nations alone have limited supply. Just as the Air Force sent civilian pilots to search for missing persons after Yang Yong-bin's nuclear attack, the Army also used civilian personnel for military supply.

“Well, you're eating hard even when you don't look comfortable. Does it suit your taste?”

At the end of winter, I smile this time.

“Shouldn't it be cultural rather than tasty? In the end, it's all thanks to you. ”

Even though it seemed like such a nice atmosphere, from the moment we sat down, the two leaders have treated each other like people without each other. Because you have to look like you're still in a bad relationship.

The other day, Min Wangi said that he deliberately split up to bring back winter. To make the weary people yearn for winter when it comes to conflict.

In the end, this place was also used to show half of it. The interior has been drawn to this side since the dawn of time.

“Are you going to see Commander Laplin after supper? ”

Winter nodded at the question of the season.

“We should. We don't have all day. ”

“Do you have any plans for the new squadrons? ”

It's time to share the pre-set questions. Winter shakes its head.

“No, but I have a personal idea. ”

“Oh, I'm curious. As you know, we have very high expectations within our alliance. The commander will make you a seat. because there's no better way to be a soldier than there is here. ”

“Well, maybe things will be different from now on. ”

“What do you mean different? ”

“Workforce means it might be better to send men to the rebuilding business, especially if you have them. ”

“Why is that? ”

“Director Jang, look at the configuration of my troops right now. Even if you try to recruit fighters, you still have a high proportion of male volunteers. Even the lieutenant's platoon can't do it for a reason... The problem is there are more men with the skills needed for the reconstruction business. electrician, builder, special welder, license for heavy equipment, shelving technology. ”

“Ah……. ”

“I know what it's like to want to join the military because of civil rights. But we have to look away. The California rebuilding business is money, but it's also an opportunity to build a career in the United States. If you don't want to get involved in the landscape later on, you might want to get a seat in each industry now. ”

“Absolutely. You've been thinking a lot.”

It was a little unfamiliar. Couldn't have expected it to be smoked.

Min Wangi confirmed the words of winter. You still haven't even looked at her.

“It's like seeing old America. ”

“Old America? ”

A senior scholar smiles at the revolting winter.

“Yes. Once upon a time, the holdings were the uppermost in the country. British immigrants who are descendants of power and who have large farms. ”


“While they were satisfied with their existing interests, the poor people who landed in the United States, whether they liked it or not, became commercial. I didn't have a choice. But in turn, it led to a reversal of social excellence. I mean, bad Irish immigrants stepped on the heads of farmers. Depending on the perspective, we see it as one of the causes of the Civil War. The fallen landscape was treated like Southern villagers today. ”

“Red neck. ”

“That's right.”

It was an unexpected story, but it was easy to understand the intentions.

“There's definitely something in common. that it's better to be prepared later than obsessed with looking good and stable right now. Economics is important. ”

The nodded winter heard another argument.

“Honestly, you have to worry about the rain. We still don't have enough men, right? ”

Jang-cheol intercepted the answer.

“Yes, this was a problem before the alliance was formed, but recently it's gotten worse with refugees from other places joining it. In particular, there are very few young people who escaped from Korea late. ”

“It must have been spent on the escape route. I don't think a person of the summoned age would even give a ride to the ship.... Some of them may still be active. ”

The South Korean government is currently in a position to give up its mainland and wait for U.S. asylum approval. Therefore, the remaining troops would also be tied to some secure library areas.

Therefore, the sex ratio between the late teens and the early 30s sloped to a malformed level.


Winter has changed the tone.

“Right now, it's hard to recruit only one unit from the Korean community. We have to fill it with other nationalities. If there are enough women in the combat unit to apply, I'll review them again. ”

That was the end of the conversation I prepared.

If the horses that came back here spread knowledge, there would be less noise later when organizing other nationalities' troops. The opposition of being taken away by refugees from other nationalities. At least there are no complaints about rash judgments, or even small sounds.

For some, the age of winter was still a weakness. It could be a lack of years.

“I'll get up from here. I still have some appointments left, but I have some work to do as a commander. ”

At the end of winter, the two chiefs stood up together. I opened my wallet to do the calculations, but the old master refused. It's enough that the little commander is here. But winter paid for the pole. Last year would have been purely favorable, but now it was a different position. At least not to the average person. The owner who received the money looked sad.

Then, 9: 30 in the morning.

General Laplin, who I met in the Oval Office, said:

“I thought about this last night. I'm leaving soon anyway, so why don't I carry a gun around? ”

Winter leans in.

“I'm not sure what that means. ”

“The Chinese. I can't help it, but I want to cancel the summons as much as the reinforcements. As a result, the officers will be relieved of their duties once the force to command is gone. Hmm. Will you be on permanent appointments, nominally? ”

“ ……. ”

“Of course, it's going to be frustrating. But it won't explode. If you start a riot in this city, you'll know it's only your own loss. Don't you have any expectations for your return? If the commander of the base becomes head of Winter, he may be able to get it back to its original state. Let's just wait until then. ”

“You mean take advantage of that expectation? ”

“Exactly. You'll be thankful enough to restore your original position. In fact, there's nothing different from now... Isn't it a good way to erase a debt from the beginning, without actually paying anything extra? A little help in running the base, too. ”

It was an offer in the same context as the conversation between Winter and Kathleen, no doubt. It's just more active. Black colonel reveals white teeth.

“Well, if you don't want to go then, you can just leave it alone. We have no place to send them. An unbelievable ally is the worst enemy. ”

“Do you think they're dangerous? ”

“Of course.”

It was the decisiveness that was broken.

“Let's just say they were originally gangsters. An ex-con can be a cop. But they're practically foreign. You... you disagree with me by looking at my face. Let's cut to the chase.Generally speaking, yes. Anyway, even if they hold a grudge against a country called the United States, what do they believe in, put it on a defense line? ”

Due to the nature of the plague, even a small crack cannot be ignored. The lieutenant suggested that one squadron blind to revenge, or a squadron, might become a second Yang Yong-bin. Even if it's an extremely rare chance, it's hard to ignore as long as there are countless lives at stake. Even if you fail to send a convoy escort, your treachery concerns will be raised. Stab an ally in the back, or become a carrier of plague.

‘If we divide the Chinese soldiers into individual units...'... We can't do that. ’

Winter, when I thought of a light alternative for a moment, I realized that I couldn't do it anymore. Refusal of the Chinese is common among first-line soldiers. Bullying and cruelty were inevitable. The death of Private Danny Chen, whom the President mentioned the other day, was also the cause.

Oh, I see.

It's only now winter that I understand Geoffrey's decision. When I heard that he had refused Chinese refugee soldiers, I was frankly curious, but I did not scold them for long. Following the spill. At this point, there was a good reason to think back.

Even though I am a humble and common commander, I am reluctant to accept recruits that most of my subordinates hate. We don't know what kind of violence is being inflicted in the unseen. He should also consider the propensity of his line manager or senior commander as he is not an Independent commander.

It was a friendly interpretation, but enhanced insights confirmed the winter intuition.

In that regard, the request made by Commander Capston is new and impressive. He would have had the confidence to take control of the troops. I guess that didn't work out for Captain Laplin.

Unfortunately, the commander pointed out the same thing.

“The biggest problem is that I'm not the only one with feelings like this. I wonder how I ended up like this, but the relatively less responsible soldiers would be dead. The other commanders. Will they be okay? Officers passing through this base often disliked it outright. ”

“I see. You can't send Chinese soldiers into any army for yourself. ”

“Yes. If you send them away, they will die, and if you send them with you, they will explode. Very high probability. ”

Therefore, the concerns that the lieutenant mentioned first are illuminated from a new angle. It means that if wrongful treatment accumulates, there will be madness. It was persuasive.

He smiles brightly, momentarily silent.

“I feel like I've turned up the heat for no reason. I felt like it was a good plan. A plausible gift for the commander who will take charge of this troublesome base. ”

“No, thanks to you, I realized there was something I didn't realize. ”

“Hm. You? Really?"

The grumpy commander shrugs.

“This is fine.... So is the commander a yes or a no? Seeing their faces so far, they don't want to bury them at all, but it will help. ”

“I disagree. ”

“Why, it's a trick, isn't it? ”

“No. Sometimes I think we need these tools for good results. People have limits. We just found out that we're more likely to detect their intentions. ”

“Are you speaking from experience? ”


“I see……. ”

Commander Laplin, whose words are clouded, gave up on a sad face somewhere.

“If that's the case with you, that's the case. I'm sorry.”

“Thank you for your consideration. ”

“No thanks. Useless. Never mind. Let's talk about real work from now on. Before you go to D.C., you have to experience the agency before you get back. If we stay here one more day than we're supposed to, we'll suffocate. ”

Winter glanced at the innocent truth from the disgusting commander.

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