# Return (12)

The commander's call has changed several times. I felt like I was getting promoted. It's because the commander who spoke comfortably a few times later had a formality. On the other hand, there were occasional silences, but secretive tasks were unmatched reactions for those exposed. Winter assumed that the officials on the job had a scenario ready for the same situation.

‘Yes, we need to assume there's a manual. As the matter is a matter... ’

At first, I thought it was strange that the gospel church remained in Port Roberts. If it was a government-led bioexperiment, it would be normal to change the location of the experiment at the point of winter's arrival as the next station leader. It's best to do different jobs in winter at all.

It has the potential of a simple oil settlement. Collaboration of different institutions is easy to be inefficient. However, in that case, it is natural to delay troop movements and side time as a suboption. Suddenly, even giving orders to train becomes uncertain. It would be a priority to drop him off at the scene of the experiment in some way. However, no action was taken by the authorities. It wasn't possible, but it was inefficient to be cautious.

However, it was even more crowded to draw in even winter. It doesn't make sense that authorities don't know the tendency of winter. In the meantime, there will be numerous reports, including reports from FBI special supervisors documenting activities in San Francisco. Recruit a person who has suffered in relation to a biological experiment as a participant in a biological experiment? It didn't make any sense.

However, there were many other uses for winter. It means it's too burdensome to put away when something's wrong, even if it's not your influence. The eggs were not in one basket.

Winter assumed the worst.

‘If the subject who conducted the experiment didn't know in advance who I was……. ’

In other words, the remnants of true patriots or any equivalent organization conducted secret experiments without the government knowing. At this point, Captain Laplin will also become one of them. Maybe there's a pre-arranged signal in the conversation I just got on the phone that a heavily armed strike team may be coming soon instead of the head of health services. It is a burden to kill winter, but we can hold them off until measures are in place. We'll figure it out later.

So winter had some insurance. The same context as intentionally irritating the commander. Whether he reached the same conclusion through his own analogy, General Laplin smiled bitterly.

“That's a cautious gesture. From your point of view, do you suspect the existence of private organizations inside the military... …. Followers, there have been some minor concerns in the army lately. As the scale grew so large that there were few paradoxically usable officers, there was also a sign of resurrection of officer sponsorship practices during World War II……. ”

He shakes his head and grumbles.

“This is it. I'm under suspicion, too. I understand, but I'm a little disappointed... Wait a minute. Major Campbell said he'd be here in 20 minutes. ”

It's a subtle time to think of flying. Winter asked.

“Is he inside the base? ”

“I haven't left in a month. So is the Homeland Security guy who's coming with us. Quite the hostess, actually. The specific number is unknown, but based on the quantity of supplies entered, there is an approximation. Is it more than forty if I can't?...... I didn't eat any heat and serve. ”

I was interested enough to understand even the slightest diet, but it was always my responsibility as a base commander and I avoided my deep involvement.

Winter asked again.

“Sir, have you ever thought about what's going on in there? You must have been under a lot of pressure. ”

The hesitant commander sighs.

“Like I said before, I wanted to hang stars. I just put the stars on, and I didn't want to get undressed for no reason. This was out of my job, anyway. I've been asked to cooperate through normal procedures……. If it were up to you, you'd know why I came all this way. ”

In his words, the general was a political position, and in his view, the political value of winter would feel more than just one.

On the other hand, he also explained that he did not use unfair connections to promote himself as a general.

A new track flows through the audio as the conversation breaks. Although Song Yeong-kyung's guitar has no technique for doing this, the warm sound of the classical guitar blends gently with her song. The monotonous tearing of Nylon string created a lonely atmosphere.

While you're waiting, General Laplin opens his mouth as if he was staring at your jaw.

“You know what? The summit of Mt. Everest is full of all kinds of garbage. with food and tents and other mountain products that have been abandoned by mountaineers around the world for decades. Oh, there's poop. It's too cold in there for something to rot away. ”

Winter replied with a slight twist.

“Yes, I remember hearing that. ”

“If you climb the highest peak in the world, it seems like a very noble challenge to others.... In fact, it's like climbing up to that pile of filth. Once you're up there, you throw things away that are unnecessary or burdensome. And yet, they come down here and pretend to be decent, and they even act like heroes. You've overcome human limits. ”

“…… I see. ”

“The peak not only gets dirty every time a person goes up, but it also gets a little higher. Because there's 10,000 years of snow on garbage, and garbage on garbage again. We get paid to clean it up, and more people sneak up on us this time...... and people die climbing up there. I don't think this is the kind of world people live in. ”

“ …… ”

“People still want to go up. ”

“Sir. There are some people bringing garbage down from the top. ”

“Of course. It's relatively rare. ”

The commander smiled nervously.

After a few tracks of music again, one of the engine vents stops nearby. Winter soon heard the sound of overlapping boots. It was more uncomfortable for General Laplin as he reached the corridor. The chief of staff who connected the extension delivered their identity.

After a gentle knock, two men enter the room. Outside the door, there are two armed guards waiting.

‘You don't know me. ’

Campbell remembers, but Homeland Security officials were strangers to the winter. If it was Brock Hunt we met at Carpine 5, we'd have a positive ID.

After saluting each other, he presented his ID and introduced himself.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander. Head of the Central California Military Office of the Department of Defense and Security, Ashton C. West.”

General Laplin said he was in charge of Campbell, but the West feels empowered by security concerns. Campbell flinches at him, but he hasn't opened his mouth.

The West, sitting in the frontal left of winter, cut to the chase.

“You're questioning a bio experiment in a giant sphere? ”

“…… we have determined that there is a possibility. You have a precedent for" True Patriots ", right? ”

“Fair enough. We've been tracking them all this way, too. ”

Officially nodding, he pulls some form out of the carrying bag. It turned out to be a confidentiality agreement, but it wasn't a chapter. General Laplin is coughing.

“Station Chief, I think you'd better step aside." ”

“No. It was a signature I should have received before the General left anyway. because it's more dangerous than not knowing that something was there. ”

“…… Less dangerous if you know more? You're that proud of yourself? ”

“Yes, I did my research two days ago, but at least it's not our fault. ”

The West Branch Director paused. The gaze stays on the pledge. He knew how far to tell before he got his signature, and how far to go to get his signature.

Finally, he adds an explanation.

“The ultimate responsibility for the actions of true patriots lies with the government. You failed to manage the organization. But those psychopaths were also just indirect aides in this. They were just helping the Cultists spread their faith and disease together and researching them. although, of course, that was very unethical. ”

“Spreading faith and disease together? Are you saying that there's some kind of Mogelon thing going on between them? ”

“Something like that."

A simple positive. Commander Raflin's impression distorted in a few seconds.

“That's more than I can say for you. because you're going to feel uncomfortable signing something without knowing it. Now, I want you both to agree to secrecy. Since this is strictly confidential in relation to national security, refusal to sign may result in penalties. ”

He said, as he tapped the format on the table with his fingertips. The gentle gaze hanging over the rim is towards the winter.

“You weren't expecting this, either? ”

It was pointless to ask if I could guarantee what I had said so far. If there were any serious angles, there would have been compulsory detainment attempts by now.

‘I'm sure we'll see more.... You'll have to convince me. Truth or falsehood. ’

Taking an oath doesn't make it perfectly safe. Winter when I took out the pen, I signed the papers. Commander Laplin, who had narrowed his glabella to the sound of a scratching pen, eventually signed a pledge of his own. After West's signature was confirmed, he took a picture and hung it in his bag. He also doesn't even look at me.

“Dr. Campbell. Now you can tell me. You'd better be an expert on the details. ”

As if the Campbell described above had waited.

“Don't be surprised. We found a partial immunity to Mogelons. ”

He looks at General Laplin and the look on his winter face. Like a child ripping out a gift wrapper. However, neither the lieutenant, winter nor winter reactions satisfied him. I was surprised because of the sense of partiality. It had to be different from the professional perspective.

West Branch Head pointed out:

“Don't stall. There are no busy people here, including you. ”

“…… Ah, yes. ”

Winter asks Campbell, who narrows her eyes.

“Is that part immune to Pastor Park Tae-sun? ”

“That's right, Pastor Park. How did you know?”

“I've been suspicious for a long time. ”

Since Lieutenant Laplin didn't tell him all the words of winter on the phone, Campbell was curious about what was suspicious. But now his explanation comes first. Winter asked again.

“What specifically does partial immunity mean? ”

“Umm... Can you take a look at this first? Please understand the slightest bit of disgust. ”

Understanding Campbell pulls out his tablet and opens a photo tray of a specific path. Inside, the skin was filled with various decaying people. They were categorized by numbers rather than names. Sadly, there was a herald Esther among them. There are only two-thirds of the old faces left.

“When I found these patients in isolated environments following the trajectory of true patriots, the Health Services Department considered this condition a form of necrotizing fasciitis. In other words, the soft tissue of the infected area...... is a disease that rots like a corpse from the rest of the living, except for the muscles, which usually has a very high mortality rate, whereas low transmission. It's a bacterial infection. It usually presents as a side effect of streptococcus infection. ”

Campbell pushes the screen of the tablet hard. New photographs continue to pass by.

“But I realized it wasn't at the time that I got the research records left by my true patriots and examined the tissue samples of my patients. It turns out that this was an immunorejection by Mogellons. It was hard to notice that patients were being rational, and there were differences in their behavior. ”

It was the winter I thought it was the same case I saw on the April Pacific for a moment, but I wouldn't have used the expression "partial immunity." It was different from what Campbell said.

General Laplin frowns.

“Are you sure? Nothing resembles the mutants... ”

Campbell confirms.

“That's because it's not normal Mogelons to infect them. ”

“Isn't Mogellons normal? ”

“Yes, these are the partially infected immunes…… Pastor Park, the cult leader that one of the commanders mentioned earlier. He was indirectly infected by the holy water and the pooling of his blood by diluting it in water. Pastor Parks has antibodies to one of the pathogens that make up the Mogelon complex. ”

“ ……. ”

“This man was a pathetic fool to receive such a statement. She was bitten by a mutant on her way out of her home country. But the wound healed surprisingly quickly, and instead of turning into a monster, she became energetic over time, and eventually believed that she had been chosen by God. Later, my body started to rot and hurt, but I was so scared that I woke up.... ”

Campbell kicks his tongue.

“…… Now the congregation is full of pride because they are afraid of realizing the truth. I don't want to die anyway, so I'm trying hard to pretend to come a second time. Rotting flesh is a sign of stiffness and hardship. It's pathetic.”

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