The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00337 # Shadowed Parchment (4)

# Shadowed Parchment (4)

September 20. As the departure from D.C. 's multi-state circuit approached ten days earlier, the winter days became increasingly marginal in time. I didn't do much light work to take advantage of time acceleration. It would be nice if it were the last hurrah for a long vacation. Winter would have been tough if he hadn't served as an Independent Captain separate from the base commander.

“Too bad. I wish you could come with me. ”

In the comfort of winter, the faithful Sikh smiled clearly over his beard.

“I envy you, to be honest, but someone has to stay and take charge of the generations. We can't just abandon three squadrons that are important for training camp operations and facility management, and they're just as important for recruits. ”

“Yes, but…. I didn't know the Eastern schedule was going to be that long. No matter how many cities you visit, I expected a month or so until Thanksgiving. ”

The final schedule was a two-month long sabbatical. Technically, it wasn't a holiday for winter, but soldiers are different places. Thanks to this, the former Independent Squadron members became even more desperate to train. The Grand Chamberlain did not know the details, but knew that there was a simple trick.

“Anyway, I'm going to finish what I need to do before I leave. Bravo, Charlie, Delta Force. You said you had something to check on. ”

“Yes, I want to accommodate officers and existing reinforcements in Fort Roberts for generations, but I've followed the commander's instructions, because there seems to be inappropriate personnel." Also, please take a look at the list of the new officers assisted on the mainland. ”

Sitting in the corner of the desk with the sunlight slanted, Winter received the tablet delivered by Major Sing. The detail of the officers and soldiers needed to be examined reached twice the size of the Great Garden, but it did not take long. Maybe there's a reason why you can't see it only in the light winter in the period in the refugee zone. That's all the major's expectations were.

“You received a primary inspection from the military commissioners, right? ”

The major immediately replied to winter, just in case.

“Of course, we've been very helpful in identifying inappropriate candidates. A little... Humanly... I heard there are quite a few friends who are short. ”

The expression was only polite because the person was polite, and Major Xing's tone was stricter than usual.

‘Director Jang must have done something right. ’

Winter, as always, entrusted the two commanders with their assistance. Assisting major Sing in filtering out inappropriate troop resources, regardless of nationality. There were more hard work here. It is because people are wider than Min-won.

Yura flattered him like this. He's like a good, honest student council president. It's just, I try to get along with my subordinates, but sometimes that effort seems like an unnatural kindergarten. It was a metaphor that matched Yura's age. If it was a normal world, I would have just graduated from college.

Winter's swift handover of the electronized pages indicated a number of so-called people.

“Here... I'll meet these six once and decide. ”

Major Sing looking at the picture in the liquid crystal.

“Tsk, tsh, Ryu, King, Lee, Fei……. It's all Chinese.”

The pronunciation of the major was relatively accurate. The last names were not hard for Americans to say.

The identity of the first lieutenant, Xun Xien, was the white line of waxing commissioned early in winter. The same is true of Shijin Lung and Ryusenzhenchao.

Wang Keoqi, as a Chinese, had a rare background.

The last two, Lee and Pei, were each Rieling, and one of her former subordinates, but are now Pai Chang Lung, the so-called class leader. This promotion was actually part of the Duke of Min-won.

‘From Richingen's point of view, she said it was a provocative horse because she started to rebel. ’

That was to make things decisively worse between the women. However, on the surface, he would have accepted the request of Licingen as a failure.

Licingen was also a Licingen, who deliberately appointed a low-ranking officer to insult his daughter. It may have been a way of showing off his or her abilities within the organization, but it was frankly too petty and crude.

Min-wan testified with a unique cynicism.

“That's exactly what he said. I'm going to tame the headless daughter. ”

Although it provided a monopoly, the heat of the conflict and the stupidity that caused it were always there. Winter reminded me of Kang Young-soon's assessment of Rieling. There will be angry, unfair children inside. Even though he would have been involved in some messy matters as the fragrance of the Triad, the evidence was that Liaring was easily crying the other day.

“Well, there's one thing you should know. ”

The winter that wakes from thought tilts its head.

“What is it, major? ”

“The Chief of Staff is expressing concern about receiving Chinese or Japanese soldiers. ”

None of the staff, including the posters, are extremely prone. I leaned into it for a moment and asked if I could guess what winter meant.

“I don't think it's a matter of national discrimination.... There must be a reason, right? ”

“Yes, if the members of each group are clearly distinguished by their country of origin, it is an opinion that the atmosphere within the unit would be extremely severe. The training facilities that initiated the expansion are also clearly dividing the reinforcements according to their origin. ”

“I see. Though I did expect something. ”

“A little intense competitive consciousness is in the confused forces, so you won't mind, but you won't have anxious levels of hatred in case a fight breaks out. It is only quiet in front of officers or instructors, and in the actual battlefield, it is said that we need to worry about killing allies beyond deliberate uncooperation. ”

“You don't think you can get over it even by looking at him? ”

The major replied with a blurry expression.

“…… I don't know. It's too different from what I imagined in the refugee zone. ”

“What did you imagine? ”

“In the meantime, I had a vague good image. You're from here, too. It was hard to lose, but there were good people there. ”

Winter came to a standstill.

“Am I supposed to say thank you, or am I supposed to say sorry for making you mistaken? ”

“Both. ”

Xing, who smiled at me briefly, added the opinion of Meriweather, a preliminary practitioner.

“Back to business, preliminaries say we can do it. Some of the trainers did. It's the deputy commander's job to turn trinket trash into honorable soldiers. I'll turn it into a human being by acting like a dog, and I'll do it again until I can't... But only if the commander allows me the time and resources I need until then. ”

“That means the power outage will be longer? ”

“Yes. In lieutenant Diesel's words... Well, let me tell you this... ”

“It's okay, go ahead. ”

Sing said he didn't want to say anything, but winter asked and he couldn't answer.

“According to her... … I've heard stories from all the deputies, but she said there are lots of people with mental illnesses like X, so I'll have to make enough money for a year. ”

It was an expression like Deputy Inspector.

“What do you want me to do? ”

“As a unit commander, I want my members to have strong ties. Our generation did well during the Independence Squad, because our unique ties would have influenced Nissei's superior combat strength. ”

“If it's the Nisei Squad...... Was it commanded by Colonel Kim Young-ok? ”

“That's right, Colonel Kim. There are more and more people in the media who know more about what you're talking about. Supporters of refugee relief systems are straightforward examples. ”

In World War II, Nisei's troops consisted of two generations of Japanese immigrants, all but the commanders.

“In short, you want to unify the nationalities of the entire generation? ”

“Yes. I know it's a lot to ask, but it's best to run the unit. ”

As Major Xing, an innocent soldier, it was embarrassing to have another opinion. He raises his head, replenishing his position.

“If it is difficult to fill the Korean generation, it is not bad to choose either Chinese or Japanese to cover the rest of the troops. ”

“What about Vietnamese?"

“Well, the Southeast Men here in Port Roberts are so short of numbers... In the guerrillas of the Military Office... No, no, no, no. Oh, my God. That name is so hard. ”

“Isn't that Nguyen? ”

“Oh, yeah. The committee came to see me. How did you hear that I was in the middle of a task of organizing troops? However, only two squads per person who passed the fitness test. If you want to fill your troops, you have to hire people from other refugee camps, isn't that too complicated? ”

“Another camp……. It's worth looking into. ”

However, if there is a difference in the local military, it should be seen as almost impossible. Sing shrugs his shoulders and unravels the rest of the story.

“They get along well with Korean soldiers, but the Chinese treat them almost like enemies. I'd rather keep the Japanese together. I don't know why we're so bad together. ”

“Historically... there were a lot of awkward stories. There was a lot of border conflicts after that. ”

“Sir, do you have feelings for someone like yourself? ”

“Not at all. I don't think it's as bad as that. ”

“Wrong flow…… ”

“It's been a long time coming. It keeps the newborns swept over, it keeps more people swept over, and it keeps passing on to the next generation. Too few people try to get out of it. It's no use trying by myself. I often wish I could just go away and start all over again. ”

It was Honor who most clearly reconfirmed the fact. She said there was a bone.

Major Singh responded negatively.

“I like that sometimes, but those who do not seek the right and wrong things, the name of God, love and morality, will eventually walk the same path. unless there's someone who can teach us the right path. If there was someone like the commander back then, it might be possible. ”

Winter laughed freshly.

Turning to the tablet page, a stranger stands out in the data of the soldiers leading up to the officer.

‘Kushinada Setsuna... Private First Class?

It was a gift from the Multi-Regulation Society, under the pseudonym Imsoo, and a stranger.

I shaved my head and almost couldn't recognize the picture, but I remembered the name. Strength records are slightly below average. The instructor who was in charge of training had a dark personality and bad interpersonal relationships. Participation and understanding in training were not bad.

The fart was one of the past tumors that had to be cut off as soon as I became a base commander. The reason for postponing the penalty was that if you raise a concern now, you will leave during the course of processing. One warning about the white coral....

The thought of continuing a little longer suddenly broke. It was due to line sensory correction on the day that stimulated the nerve endings. The winter when I found out who it was, I felt a little awkward.

‘Crisis Detection'? All of a sudden?

Immediately came gunfire. The direction was towards the sacred hall of residence. The siren didn't ring as long as the place was a place. All emergency measures were going down quietly. I don't really care about Major Sing. It seemed to be considered an ordinary marksmanship exercise.

I feel a vibration in the water. Four Warrior Terminations. Winter turns and sings, checking for liquid crystals to be unseen at your side.

“Major, I have urgent business to attend to. ”

“Is that so?”

“Assemble the Alpha squadron, perhaps there will be a battle to be fought. ”

The relaxed Sing finally looks at the winter's complexion and tenses the whole body.

“I don't mind summoning the troops, but what's going on?" ”

“I'm not sure yet. I'll call you when I know something. I need you to wait in a ready-state until then. ”

Orders from the Big Apple. Captain Singh was a little confused. But there was no more explanation, no more time to draw. Winter instructed the waiting driver to get off, then he sat down and started the Humvee himself.

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