The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00349 # Fancy Invitation (1)

# Fancy invitations (1)

Fort Roberts' slow afternoon, winter was invited by Senator Talton Brannon of the State of California. It was already mentioned on the first day of returning to the site that they wanted to talk about things that would benefit each other. The recovery of the recovered contaminated area is in rapid succession, so it will be too late after winter in D.C. It meant that he would offer a kind of interest.

Winter, when she hesitated to dress up, eventually chose to conquer the army. It was awkward for me to go to dinner dressed in battle clothes. Relationships with the senator are shallow. I didn't want to make a bad impression.

The weapon was carried only by a handgun and a machete. The need to maintain firepower was not so high. Since the Sanctuary's demolition, there hasn't been any potential threat. As a concern about Silent One, two devils were still searching for radio coverage near the base, but only a small number of varieties were individually missing.

I still have plenty of ammo. All you have to do is put it in there so it doesn't ruin the songbird.

When I left the room with the concierge, I heard the dog bark. As you can see, Yura was playing with the king of Spain wearing his own armor. She claps her partner and shouts.

“Your Majesty! Prepare for battle! ”


“Your Majesty! Grenades in the lake! ”

Broken grain!

Daxhund jumps to his feet with the sound of death. What really freaks me out is the reaction of a grenade actually rolling around. Winter felt a bit overwhelming.

“Good boy, good boy……. Huh? Little boss? ”

Yura, who found her closest supervisor, bows down with her feet. She smells like cold sweat. There were traces of dirt on the suit. The venerated winter asks.

“You're back early. Tactical training ended a little early, huh? ”

“Yes, my platoon. Joseph's platoon and Somin's platoon are probably still rolling. Captain Park is cutting in grades. ”

“Well……. ”

“Don't worry. I don't think I want to go back to what happened before.... Maybe.”

“Well, there's a clue that I'm nervous about. ”

Yura smiled.

“It's the mood, sir. ”

It was half-joking, but it was true that even Yura, who had a wealth of so-called Seonwoosef and Celestial Citizens, lost his score. If you want to restore your old trust, you'll have to work hard.

‘It's not just the two of them.... ’

Similar allegations have been made throughout the U.S. military. Medicine and other valuables such as watches, rings, necklaces, etc. are taken from the original first-generation variants. It was a public secret that soldiers playing cigars would take the loot. Cash is ridiculous, and small and valuable things like smartphones were preferred. If you get caught, you will be punished. However, there were many commanders who closed their eyes on the right ship.

In a sense, there is a way to communicate with Captain Shredder's concerns.

A dog with a tail hovers wild and wild around the winter. Carefully stroke the clothing to prevent it from getting furry, revealing the belly of the ballad and saying it's good.

Yura looks at the color of winter.

“It's been a long time since you've been conquered. Where are you going? ”

“I have an important appointment. ”

“Hmm, I see. ”

Immediately, a chill struck Yura's face. The next was a brief embarrassment. I feel like I failed to manage my face. Winter asked.

“You don't look so good, is there something wrong? ”

“Uh, no, I don't mean, the problem...... Hahaha. Never mind. It's the mood again. It's the mood again. ”

“That's a lie, apparently. Tell me, were you disappointed you couldn't run for commander? ”

“No way!”

Yura, who is straightforward.

“You can't be sorry for the decision that the little commander has been making for so long. You don't have to really care about that. I also see Captain Park being cautious when he treats me. He's never yelled at me since he became a commander. When I propose to you, I try to listen to what's going on. So much so that it's uncomfortable... ”

“Then why? ”

“ ……. ”

I thought I'd be sorry to hear about the appointment of Senior Commander of the Independence Squad, but the atmosphere suggests that you really aren't. Yura was not good at lying. She hesitates, wanting to avoid her position, but is finally ashamed and reveals her words.

“Since I've been moving around without the commander these days, I think I can feel a vacancy... …. I feel empty and distant... But it's not just me. ”

“Are you in a bad mood? ”

“Not at all. The kids are fine. Mark likes the newly created troops, and training is intense, but he also expects to head east soon.... It's just, sometimes there's something missing. ”

The Distinctive unit insignia, which Yura mentioned, contained a fractal-shaped snowflower blueprint in a light shield, which was very different from the Alliance's symbol of the snow knot. The idea was generated by the team but actually by the publication.

‘Qualified. ’

Promotion to the Independence Battalion meant more than just an increase in troop size. If the Company team was strong as a temporary knight, the Separate battalion was a permanent knight. Unit numbers and names will also be formally assigned.

As a result, Winter was the commander of the 201 Independent infantry.

“What can I do?”

Yura shrugs.

“The commander will continue to climb, but we have no choice but to adapt. ”

“I'm sorry about that. ”

“Don't be sorry. I always say, we're all here because of you. ”

And she embraced the king of Spain.

“Go before it's too late. You said you had an appointment.”

“…… Yes. I'll talk to you later. ”

I wasn't just saying that. Even though I didn't have time to make a gap right now, after crossing the old blockade, I had a lot of time left. Yura smiled in homage.

Winter is upon us. Senator Brannon's civic district is within walking distance. Some of the refugees now have civil rights holders, but there is no reason to change the name of the civil parish.

On the move, winter was able to rejuvenate the conversation with the starlight child. I didn't mean to, I just didn't stop it from happening subconsciously.

The child affirmed the sensation of the limit that humans could feel. Pleasure that will never end as long as post-insurance is maintained. It's an area that can't even be imitated by the dizziness of drugs.

It's not bad to leave the end of a man to his choice. You've already tried to give up your life since winter. Because the world outside the limit is always taking something away, and the stone rolling in my heart is getting too heavy.

However, after the deep starlight of a child seeking a heart in his own darkness, winter thought about living again.

The choice to walk on one of the many paths and the choice not to walk on one of the forced paths is completely different in nature.

It was a checkpoint while walking.

The dual wire fences in the civic district are the same as before, but they are not as heavily guarded as before. At least the possibility of insufficient supplies and discriminatory distribution almost disappeared now.

Inside the compartment, an empty building stands out. After the local cleanup was complete, some of the migrants who lived here returned to their homes. Of course, there may be a hidden variant somewhere in the vast land, but it won't be a big problem for the armed and nervous citizens.

Some said it was the dawn of a pioneering age.

Winter arrived at my destination and knocked on the door of my residential trailer.

Shortly after, Congressman Brannon himself had wintered.

“Oh, Colonel. You're a little early. ”

“Yes, thank you for inviting me. ”

“You've been treated before. Anyway, come on in. I've been expecting you. ”

The congressman led the winter inward, rejoicing in the sheep he had met for a decade.

The camping trailer was filled with warm lights, air, and an appetizing smell. The interior was not very spacious, but the interior was luxurious and tidy, and it felt like hundreds of thousands of dollars of light in the price of the car.

The congressman's wife welcomed winter in her modest appearance with apron.

“Oh my God, I can't believe I'm meeting you like this……. I'm really happy today. ”

“It's an honor, ma'am. ”

A lightweight hug and introduction that continues. Her name was Stacy. Stacy C. Brannon.

“Sit down. I'll get you something to eat. If you want to do something important, first you have to be confident. I hope it suits your taste. ”

The last word was a playful whisper with a wink. When winter and her husband were seated, she disappeared into the kitchen beyond a wall.

Just as the TV in front of the table was streaming out, there was a taxpayer for Democratic candidates. I thought winter was a luxury.

Does this have anything to do with what we're going to talk about today? ’

If it was set on purpose in time for winter, it could be relevant.

Or it could be a way of just opening up the conversation spontaneously. After all, I had no choice but to be interested in the senator or the winter or the impending election.

Senator Brannon is returning the favor.

“Well, he hasn't had much of an impact yet. I think I can come up with a new strategy. I think I'm just going to be too stable.... Isn't that right, Commander? ”

“Well…. ”

“A Marine should have a strong taste. ”

Democratic candidate Gerald Burns was a Marine major in the Gulf War. However, Republican candidate Edgar Kramer was also a Marine. The only difference is that this is from the military. Both have veteran experience.

This can't just be a coincidence. Citizens want a president that strong.

As a democrat of an oil policy structure, that image would have been more desperate.

Towards the cheerful supporters, candidate Burns paradoxed.

At any time! Humanity has never been more united. As a combined force, we must face the end. The power of America, the power of England, the power of France, South Korea and Japan! We're not using each other against each other! It means we must be reborn by the power of one human being! The United Nations has failed, the United Nations has failed, but I, and we will succeed! I, Gerald Burns, promise you the future of the United Nations!

This was the most dramatically fragmented treaty of American citizens. Contrary to the aggressive support of progressive citizens, conservative citizens pointed out that they are far too idealistic and unclear in reality. This, of course, included the treatment of refugees.

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