The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00353 # Fancy Invitations (5)

# Fancy Invitations (5)

The next interviewee was Rieling. Due to the intense screaming of winter, she arrived early and left the blacksmith's office and encountered three white ships. I paused for a moment, but the two other people passed by with a tight necklace.

“ ……. ”

Eyeing with open door view of winter. He has a weak sense of rejection and embarrassment. It was a sight I could imagine my usual relationship.

Unlike the previous three who were conquered, the new Iring was dressed in battle clothes with weapons. The saluting fingertips are trembling. It's the same with deep breaths. The intense desire melted in both eyes. Winter greets you comfortably.

“It's been a long time since we've had a formal conversation. How have you been? ”

“Yes. Thank you for your concern. ”

Your tone is stiff. You feel a strong sense of intentional military behavior. It was also an attitude that defined his relationship with winter. Standing in front of you is not the fragrance of the abominable Triad, but the so-called Rieling of the Army.

She said while moaning.

“I'm glad you're back in one piece. ”

“Well, I got lucky. ”

There were many near-death crises. When I was stranded on Alameda Island, when I was trapped on the secret deck of Lake Piquad, when a myriad of ships collided and monsters escaped under the waves across the night sea, when I was back there repairing the defeated soldiers…….

Beyond all that, it was surprising enough that the aftermath of winter was still ongoing.

In the past, I was just tired of caring for the living. However, these days, crises that have already been overcome seem to come to a new meaning, thinking that a longer time with the starlight child would not be bad.

Winter came again and again.

“I was really lucky. ”

“ ……. ”

“Enough with the formal greetings, let's get down to business. Lieutenant Liaring.”


“I don't know if you've heard from HQ in advance, but your reinforcement squad will be joining 2nd Braavo Squad in Independence 201 today. You're the platoon commander. ”

There is no way he could have been informed in advance about the change in employment. Because winter controlled delivery.

“I leave the platoon organization to you primarily. Except for the ones you want out, the ones you want out. Get the payment from Captain Murray. If it's not a big problem, it's going to be approved. ”

Murray, an intelligence officer, was ultimately responsible for the shortage of chronized officers. There is no way he can challenge the organization of a Chinese platoon he does not know well.

In other words, winter was an opportunity for Iring to weed out people. Just that she has the authority to organize the platoon to be in the permanent unit, she has a considerable advantage.

Iring asked.

“Then Changlong...... No, what about Lt. Pei? ”

This question is important.

“This organization is not included. ”

Winter did not come to the next.

‘Clearly there's a temperature differential. ’

Your first question reveals your deception. The first three were aware of Rieling, the fragrance of the Triad, but Iring was more aware of Fei, the man of his father than the three. Psychologically, there was such a gap. Just like Min-wan said.

The next question of Iring did not fall outside the expected sequence.

“Who's in charge of the commander? ”

“I'll be joining you shortly. ”

“You mean he's not who he used to be. ”

“That's it. ”

Winter recited the new second-in-command statue. Emphasize the superior officer with hands-on experience, and be more specific than when asked. It was because I wanted to see one response, but Iring did not change her face. I don't know how to resist disappointment, not desire.

Winter, when I was still trying to figure it out, called Iring.



“I'll give you a chance. Be my person. ”

This is what General Sierra once said to winter. Contextless suggestions really embarrassed Iring this time.

“I don't know what you mean... ”

“I mean, literally, as a soldier, you have to start fresh with me. ”

“ ……. ”

You must have wanted to hear it. Winter came to mind.

“When I went to San Francisco, I met an elder in the sea. I can't tell you the exact rank and name...... but he told me an impressive story. Why Chinese emphasize personal loyalty and faith. ”

That was the limit of what General Sierra thought.

“They say it was a means of self-relief. ”

“ ……. ”

“Since China is so huge, the order in it cannot be delicate enough to take care of one person. Even if it were a minor confusion in other countries, it would be much more overwhelming in China. The number of people who are victimized by chaos is never small, but only minor nationally. If you rely on society without a will, you will drown in the sea of people. So, not for any benefit, but to survive, we had to create a fence of private relationships. This is how I understood. It's a little bit different. ”

It was the same Chinese word. Visions may seem strange, but concepts are familiar. Iring receives a message.

He said, "I think you're talking about Josie. ”

“To be precise, it was an explanation of why it was necessary. ”

“You gave it to me because.... ”

“You know. Be sure to come out of the original fence. ”

If you want to get inside my fence.

It was more effective not to say anything after swallowing.

“If your position was the same, I would not have offered you this. ”

A word that follows winter to Iring to avoid answering if her intentions were suspicious.

“I would have just appointed it quietly. In the middle of winter, the commander signals that he doesn't block his true nationality or affiliation when using men. We need to deliver that message to the refugees here.... But that's exactly where I would have ended up. Your career as an American soldier would have been over. ”

“…… and now you think differently? ”

“I heard. What happened while I was gone. ”

Iring hesitated and asked again.

“Would you believe me if I told you I was coming out? ”

“I said, I'll give you a chance." ”

“ ……. ”

“I heard in China that a deal without a contract is a real deal. I heard that the long-term relationship built on faith is not just about exchanging and ending exactly the amount of commitments.... I don't know if I know it right. ”

Winter looked straight at Iring.

“Anyway, the important thing is that I'm going to do it now. But wouldn't a promise like this take all the worries and conflicts out of the way? There's a lot of work to be done in the future. ”

Allies are not the only good people gathered. There will be gardens, and there will be parlors. It will be awkward even with the white line tribesmen who are always pulling up the day from the beginning, but it cannot be an emotionally comfortable relationship with the early stages of the organization, the Japanese colony.

Sealing all those conflicts was the only and powerful winter point.

‘There is no alternative. ’

There was a reason to pay attention to organized work. I inevitably have to leave for a long time again, seeing if there's someone in between who can't stand it and explodes.

You'll know how it works when you get back from D.C.

The selection of platoon members was entirely in Iring's hands, which meant that they would eventually have to build a new fence. For now, there should be a small fence inside the Alliance's big fence. Otherwise, it would be hard to endure even being lonely.

“Thank you… ”

Iring said slowly.

“I will do my best... to repay my faith." ”

Winter nods.

“Yes, that will be all. ”

Right now is enough to be committed. As much as she wants to get away from herself anyway.

After interviewing, winter did not worry much about the Japanese world. It was enough to check the atmosphere of the people who were being fierce because of the human incident. No matter what he felt, he showed a tendency to follow his superiors' instructions thoroughly. The trainers were very satisfied with the overall performance, and Major Xing also positively rated it.

Private Cushing and Setsuna changed a lot. He slammed his head in, got a little scar on his face. She said she was satisfied with who she is. I check weapons from time to time in the commander's office. A gesture of unconsciousness.

It was a pity.

The following day, on the dawn of the last day of September, winter was on a large transport aircraft (C130). After a personnel check, the Independent squadrons were split into two military vessels. It was due to the lack of transportation personnel compared to the port of the people. There were also those scholars who were polite.

“Aigoo, why are you crying on such a good day? Just go study hard! Knng!”

Yura is comforting a scholarship student who is sniffing thanks. However, no matter how much I wiped, tears were just pouring down new ones without rest.

Eggs! The barking of the dog is added. This is a request from the Publication Office. Maybe you'll need it for the choreography. As long as it's not classified, the Winter solstice has been revealed to the smallest extent. There must have been some citizens who wanted to see the Short Bridge King of Spain.

“Well……. Do you like candy? You guys want one of each? ”

Even gentle horses grow in size while piercing the roaring turboprop engine. Yura pulls out fruity, colorful candies from her pocket. I have a handful left to distribute to all the students sitting next to me.

Expectations, excitement, and fear of the future were on the faces of scholars. The last burial of the so-called civilization, the eastern United States, should be something to rejoice in. However, if you think about staying away from your family for a long time, you cannot just enjoy it. How many years ago, there was an uprising based on Chinese hatred.

Meanwhile, most of the students went through the winter. Same age, but completely different social standing. I can't help but notice. From the placement of the seat, I followed the hopes of the students.

“Hey! Can I ask you for an autograph? ”

Winter accepted a request from a male student.

“Yes, where would you like me to do it? ”

“Here, on my notebook.... ”

The student handed out a notebook that the hardcover was camouflaged. It's not a strange thing to do. Military supplies were common in the refugee area.

I thought winter was a luxury.

‘If you put it on an auction site...... will it help if the money is in a hurry? ’

For students who wanted to sign, there was actually another greed, more than pure kindness. It's natural to take a closer look at Church. It would help as a proposition even in early relationships, and it would be able to pay for living when things aren't going well.

Unlike the previous solicitor, there were guidelines set by the Bureau of Public Affairs.

The students who saw this raised their hands as well.

“Me too! Do me a favor! ”

“Commander! You look great! I'm a fan!”

“My little commander! Marry me and I'll make you happy forever! ”

Laughter spreads in the final shout. Yura still managed to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand and smiled.

After landing, I took a group photo before leaving the aircraft.

Yura, who took the picture, smiled, returning the four warrior terminals.

“Captain, now you have to do SNS for real. Put it on top.”

“Well……. I try to get them to do it, but it's a bit unfamiliar. ”

Please write at least one article in a day, preferably after today. Winter was the guide, and even a separate salary was set out here. The criterion is the number of posts, the integrity of the content, and how much people care. In other words, it was a military promotion.

“Haha. Don't struggle. Hello, commander! How many tens of thousands of people are there in one word? ”

“That's too burdensome.... ”

“Isn't that a real burden? ”

After descending the sloped hoistway of the transport, Yura pointed at the sky across the city. There was a commercial aircraft with a huge banner hanging there.

"Welcome to the Winter Commander, the greatest hero of the Civil War.

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