The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00359 # Fancy Invitations 11)

# Fancy Invitations (11)

The next day, the last day in Las Vegas, the marathon was held.

The marathon was organized by a private foundation that supports soldiers. It was the same organization where Captain Pamela Pelletier's hometown friend was the chief pilot of Alamo 3. This festival was fine because winter sought the Publication Ministry's cooperation in advance, and the Publication Ministry validated the civil society and carefully screened applicants before granting permission.

The full marathon was the first and last, but each city visited was scheduled to have a half or quarter marathon. Each time, there is a different side to participating. Seeing war heroes running around with citizens was a lot to suggest to those who were divided in their hearts. People who enjoy an event, regardless of race, political beliefs, or religious differences. Winter is also a policy destination for the Baiza government.

Winter completed 42.195 kilometers wearing its own armor and carrying weapons and ammunition. It covers up to 40 pounds (about 18 kilograms) of extra weight throughout the run. This was often one of the challenges faced by members of the U.S. military. I shortened my existing peak record here, and it will also help me to uncover doubts about the winter that are constantly being raised.

Jinjeon, who had been scorching away from alcohol since the day before, passed the finish line on the same conditions as winter in 6 hours and 19 minutes. And then I changed my frustration. It was about an hour and a half behind the target record holder. The completion alone, however, was sufficient to enhance the image of the 201 Independence Battalion and, furthermore, refugee troop resources.

After the marathon was a tactical shooting demonstration on a civilian shooting range. First, war heroes demonstrate and teach against citizens and nouns. Winter's Teaching was also positive. The noun who thought it was just an excuse to meet winter felt surprisingly loyal.

Consequently, the Ministry of Public Affairs also expressed its satisfaction.

“If word gets out, you'll be able to get more expensive tickets. I should have saved you the reservation. ”

Major Maguire says it's been a long time.

“Do I get paid for my performance? ”

The major was lost in the questions of winter.

“There's no such thing. I'm just happy that things are going well. ”

And he added serious predictions.

“You have to do well. because this is actually the last chance to sell the bonds. ”

“Last chance? ”


Maguire tours the shooting range to finish the event. It was hard to find shadows on people's faces, from heroes and participants to employees.

“I don't feel at risk anymore. Most people think that they've actually overcome the apocalypse crisis……. In fact, it is. So the amount of bonds sold leaning against the desperation of citizens is also going to be reduced. So this is your last chance. ”

“From what I hear, yes. ”

“Yes, so I'll take good care of you for a while. ”

The major smiles towards winter. The opposition to the reversed ranks was not at all uncovered.

“By the way.... ”

Major Changing the tone.

“Isn't your schedule a bit hectic? ”

“I'll tell you right away if you want to be overwhelmed by your stamina. ”

The demonstration of the shooting after the marathon was also an opportunity to demonstrate your skills in maintaining your fighting strength while running like that. However, there were many people who were concerned that winter wouldn't be the only loss of money, even if there were no personal ties.

“Hmm……. ”

Maguire, one of them, glanced at the sliding winter and lightly nodded.

“If you get a chance to visit this city again in the future. You're going to have a great time. ”

This means that records of marathons, shooting ranges, etc. will be made from one tourism commodity. Challenge the Winter Commander's record! There might be a phrase like this on the shooting range.

“I hate it when I think about it. ”

The slight frown of winter's answer made the Press Officers laugh.

The plane left the city of delight after sunset. The plan was to board a civilian aircraft, not a military vessel. After being assigned first class with war heroes, winter excused those who wanted to have a conversation and looked out the window for a moment.

Among the deserts that have become pale with faint moonlight, the glittering branches sink along with the land that is lowering. The landscape made winter wet with strange emotions. It was a glassy feeling, sometimes similar to when familiar letters looked unfamiliar.

What is unfamiliar now is the world of the twenty-seventh apocalypse. It was a result of the quiet atmosphere of the outdoors and isolated aircraft, distant lands, and the impressions that winter had begun to engulf.

‘If it goes well to the end.... And then, what, we're just gonna live here? Once old, once dead, for the rest of your life? ’

Although living is a conventional expression of those who exist postmortem, winter's hectic outlook would have been what most low-grade post-mortem beneficiaries would have wanted.

Winter imagined that time.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I used to live to be the will of my sister. No one could rely on winter. But it's different now. It was such a deep comfort for a star child. Anne…… is still hesitant, but she really meant what she said she wanted to be able to love.

At one time, I wanted to be angry at things that resembled people but were not people, but at this point, the anger was also greatly abated. It was hard to tell whether this was a time spent or whether it had given up meaningless emotions.

It's just... I feel unexplained sadness.

Due to this sadness, it did not touch the skin that it was just a life of peace after death, a rest that I had only just glimpsed the possibilities.

What a pity.

I've been looking for a long time, and the conversation I had with the child in the winter reaches me.

‘Fish out of the water? ’

I don't know why I came up with this. The unclear incident was more like a momentary inspiration. And somehow, I didn't want to know. I don't know if it's okay. It was also vague as to why.

Winter sighs consciously and stops thinking like a swamp.

The ground that has begun to be scarcely covered by scattered clouds is still a dangerous world. How many fireworks do we have to put to sleep? Concerns will be fine to postpone after the end of the iceberg is fixed.

So now we see the stars above the clouds. As always, something beautiful, regardless of nature, was of value to itself. Winter was a good time to clear out the rest and leave only starlight.

A squadron of heroes traveled through Salt Lake City through major cities in the Southern Bible Belt region, finally entered the U.S. capital on October 15.

With so many winners, the prestige award ceremony hosted by the President was held over a week. Every single person is a protagonist. The intent was great, of course, but Winter worried that President McMillen's work would be too burdensome. It was because the day and night improvement ceremony was taken away, but I would not neglect my own work.

The president, who handed the second honor medal and the rest of the medals to the winter, handed him a bright smile and said,

“You asked me to have a beer on the phone before, right? I've made time for the end of the month, so I'll see you that day. ”

“I've been informed... but, Mr. President, you're welcome to postpone that appointment for later. ”

Strictly speaking, it is also a vague promise. It was the president's favor to the war hero. The president who met like this was an exemplar of someone who was overwhelmed with fatigue. I didn't want to take my time away from small things.

“Oh, dear. Are you even talking like those nags? ”

This is how the president sneaks up on his aides. The advisors shake their heads as if each one had made a fat look, put their foreheads down, or given up. They looked just as tired.

“Don't worry. ”

The president trembled with a good personality.

“It's already halfway through this month, and I'm going into the handover process at the beginning of next month. I'm going to be sad when I think of this trouble for a little while. Compared to the days when every day was dark, it's hard to see the work as heavy. ”

“ ……. ”

“Above all, it's not going to be easy to have this opportunity after leaving school. Do you know how much my grandson expects? So if you don't like me, don't thank me anymore. That's an order."

“I understand.”

“More importantly, what about your feelings in the East? ”

“…… I felt very different from the south. He's much more stable. ”

In response to the winter, the president expressed difficulty.

“This is it. You skipped the original Western Wire and immediately compared it to the South. ”

“Wouldn't that be more important? ”

“It's important. But you don't have to worry. ”

He just wanted to hear the sound of him coming from a long way behind the front. Winter reactions are also more natural expectations.

“Well, anyway. ”

The president has decided to:

“I've got to go today. I have other business to attend to. ”


“I'll see you then. I'm sure you'll like the beer. ”

The other day, it was a craft beer I had made myself. I thought I had time to make liquor while I was busy, but like someone said, people couldn't live without fun. The President's hobby of brewing is somewhat understandable. No matter how strong a man may be, there's a limit to how many days he can work.

A day later, a joint ceremony of those who received the Medal of Honor was held after death. The venue is an amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery. The classical outdoor theater was built next to the Tomb of Unknown Soldier.

This was the first ceremony in American history at the National Cemetery. This is why there have never been so many people who received medals after death.

In front of it was a flag with thirteen stars painted on the blue foundation as well as an ancestor. The stars of this flag, each given one by one, represented the first 13 states of the United States.

Arlington Old Guard, the National Cemetery Guard, fires his weapon in a solemn manner.

On the stage, the president recited the names and majors of all the heroes who died before the eulogy. What they fought for, who they devoted themselves to, and what they sacrificed themselves in. who he loved, who he loved, and how valuable and valuable he had lived before he became a soldier.

So the speech had to be long.

Like the Old Guards in uniform, the president's posture was consistent.

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