The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00366 # Already Read Messages (17)

# Already Read Messages (17)

Bald 47: Somehow it's getting late. It's never acceptable in a professional world.

Eek Ta: It might be a purposeful roast

"Nitrogen packaging: Was there something worth burning?

"Eek Ta: You want to know what will explode. There are a lot of anxiety factors as if winter had floated to Teletype. It could explode, or it could not explode. Heh"

"Don't drip with Nick: It's like an abstract novel. Not everyone has an alibi, everyone's suspicious and they don't know who did it. Turns out the entire character was an accomplice.

"Extremity: Novel? Is there anyone who reads books these days?

"Nuclear power: artificial documents selling medicines, but if it's technical, it's consistent.

"Blackcat: A cat with some surprisingly classic tastes. Even though it's a rare animal, there are broadcast channels that only read books all day long to attract such people.

"Beast Master: Is there a demand?

Blackcat: I've heard that money is low, but the value is good, so it can be maintained somehow.

Spring: Well. Then I guess we got a lot of people trying to fuck us up.

Blackcat: Not necessarily a cat. I didn't have much money in the first place, so I had to spend all day trying to earn a living. That's not something anyone can do. A cat that can only read a book for 14 hours a day, 365 days a year?

"Spring: Oh shit;;;; That's a hell of a job;;; You have to do that to yourself;;;"

"Resistant Claws: That means it can only be done by psychopaths who enjoy it?"

"Blackcat: Adulation of yes.

"Excellent payment: Oh no, why not start the broadcast?

"Duch: Isn't it just a blank page? I'm good at that.

Black Cat: Non Cat. Because sometimes I have to interpret it for puppies who are as understanding as you are. A cat who debates with it.

Wilma: I feel nauseous just hearing it. blah "

Joel: No matter how much I think about it, I don't think the people on that channel are crazy.

"Old Spice: I know one type of thing, but I'm really tired of dealing with it; I feel like I'm underestimating people; I feel like I'm pretending to be a snob; whatever."

Storm224: Why fight?

Old Spice: Because I'm a worker

"Storm224: It's a rush.

STOP Mummy: Books are supposed to be pretending to be classy.

"Excelsior: Ah, damn it, one winter"


"Umbilical: Are you resting today? You should at least look back on the past. ('ω ω')"

"Dodo Public Co., Ltd. 52152; Kwon: Matzing. Do you have any personal favorites from your recent sessions? I particularly liked this timeline, like this.

Incidentally, of course! Urinate in front of Mr. Winter! This was the best!

"Degree public 52152; *: …… huh?

"Lifetime imprisonment: urine? Was there such a scene?

IMATHELL: You didn't synchronize with the Axel, did you?

Number one: Why not? Correct! "

"BigBuffetBoy86: Oh.

Joel: Joel.

"Tsathoggua: God.

"Czech Republic": Hehehe. That feeling of liberation when you run around pissing in front of Mr. Winter! And that embarrassing look in winter when you look at me! Ah, I'm ashamed just thinking about it! It's so exciting! It's also the most unnatural thing to synchronize with a horse! Matzming, you're no longer human! Ho-e-ee! "

Владимир: ….

"Boom, boom, boom, boom: I highly recommend it to you! Matzming can fight 10 more years with this!

Magna Carta: 10 years? Ten years with a woman peeing her balls off?

"Yes! (1)"

"Black Hyung Frequency: Hoo. Japan is a great nation, after all. No matter how hard you try, you can't win. I'd rather raise my post-insurance rating to Class S.

"Excellent payment: Oh, no wonder Joseon got spammed by his young. Those bastards who come across the sea have been horribly obscene. How do decent sunbaes cope with things that they've already given up being human? blah blah"

: Shut up! Don't insult the proud history of the Great Japanese Empire!

"Hell Saal: It's a compliment, why are you sticking around?

Nitrogen packaging: Yes. You guys Won? "

TRUMAN: The United States humbly recognizes defeat.

Dammit. Everyone here is crazy...

"You must give up, Mr. Cyntharo. I understand, but when I thought something was wrong and I needed to get out of here, it was too late. (nbsp; = 809; = 9581; = 9582; = 809; = 9581; = 809; = 9582; = 809; = 809; = 9581; = 809)

: Don't you say it! Shame on the people!

"Banquet Home: You smell dirty too.

"Thick Dog: This place is always chaotic.

Nyarlathotep: That's why I like it better. I love post-mortem insurance.:)


"Gran Ferrol: Yaya. Begin."

SWITMOKA: Oh, thank God. I was worried that winter was about to end the broadcast. T

"Eek Ta: It's not like the world is falling apart, but if you fold it in the middle, it's a man cub.

Linen sheet Hazard Hye: Huh? Someone I know is dead. Who is it? Did I miss something?

Ephraim: Strange. I mean, there's been a lot of talk about danger, but isn't there something about people dying? At least on the surface, it's been peaceful.

Spring: Well, didn't we go a little private?

Magna Carta: No. No time gaps in the world view.

"Müllüllüllüller: Maybe someone in physical reality died.

Absooey: I guess he's not family, seeing that he wasn't that close.

"Have you ever been to Dolce: What the heck? I wouldn't be so depressed if my family died, but could it be that low pressure that someone I didn't know died?

Hardgay: What if I was expecting a legacy but didn't receive it? What if I didn't meet my postmortem requirement and I wanted to die, and I ended up paying back and forth and didn't get a dime?

"Have you ever been to Dolce: admit it in that case?"

"Mr.Winter is not like that!

Have you ever been to Dolce: next fast.

BLACK CAT: In my view, a cat that is being pinched for a winter. Elevation, a plan to show weakness and stimulate Joanna's maternal love. I didn't see it that way, but it turns out he's a very wicked cat. Emotional acting is really great. Look at Joanna's sad reaction.

"Wilma: Oh, fuck. I can't wait to have a simple hug.

Blair: Asshole? I feel so comfortable.

"Morning dew: Wow……. Joanna smells nice. I want to bite my neck. I want to leave teeth marks that have fallen into white flesh. I want to see you whimpering in tears. I want you to lick the place you bit. It looks fucking delicious.

"Nuclear cutie: pervert.

"Boom boom boom: Do you see that smoke? I can feel it. Mr. Winter is really feeling down right now.

"Unity with anxiety: How can you be so sure? Can you write laws of interest?

Number:? What's your interest? "

"Extremity:" It's so sweet. I feel like it's important to set the mood. ㅋ ㅋ Many times I've told you, it's worth eating the slow-ass sweet potatoes. But I'm not willing to eat again blah blah blah "

"Don't drip with Nick: Maybe this is the taste of true love.

"Resistant Claws: True Love is Fuck Blah blah"

"Hell, if it's ever the same fake, it doesn't matter. All I need is to be able to deceive me.

Doom Tooth Tooth: Hiic Tooth Tooth

Encourage me: It's true love, and suddenly I think of the murderer. Is there now? "

"Vutura: I can't seem to find the list of contacts.

Nuclear Adorability: Why shouldn't she subscribe to this channel now? In the middle of the winter, she was completely hooked on Ann, and she kicked the crap out of her.

Semi-homed: Huh? When? "

Linen sheet Hazard Hye: Did that happen?

"Duch: What are you talking about? When did Yura confess?

Nuclear cute: Even inferior men's cubs are really slow. You don't remember Yura asked if anyone could rely on winter? It was a confession asking me to rely on me when it was hard. I can't believe you didn't notice the subtle atmosphere. Are you guys still halfway through the broadcast? -

Duch: No, if I say it in a fucking girl's language, who understands?

Atomic Energy: It's a problem to understand That's not what I meant later! It's women's specialty.

"Have you ever been to Dolce: What a bunch of idiots.

Mummy: I had no idea……. Apparently so. Am I abnormal? "

HEL: I knew it.

Dew Crocodile: Me too. It's like those guys who didn't know are idiots. ㅇ

"Don't drip with Nick: You might not know. You've never been in a real relationship.

"Excellent payment: this chewing fee is a fucking rich blah blah blah blah blah I heard about real love earlier blah blah blah blah"

"Number One: But isn't it SALHAE who said he was dead?

"Old Spice: Yes?

"A person who was not close to you. He said he had been to visit, so he is an acquaintance of the physical reality, and at the same time relied on Mr. Winter. Winter has refused you, Yura, and you've suffered a loss, and you've given me an unusual amount of stars before, right? Maybe it was a sign of suicide?

Château: Oh, my God…….

"Eckhee: Kitchen blah blah blah If he really is dead, it's dog jam? Blah blah blah"

"Blackcat: A catfish that sounds plausible to me. The behavior of idiots often goes beyond the expectations of normal people like us. Murder is a fool's errand, so maybe not a person in the world by now. Cats are careful around here, too. We're not supposed to be idiots.

"Baldness 47: Creepy.

"Twenties: Yes. It's creepy if he's dead. How could you be so crazy?

Morning dew: I'm glad I got on the train to Anne. Heh heh "

"Baldness 47: I meant that whatever the reason was, you were creepy when you laughed at the dead.

"20 retirees:??

Wilma: Oh, that's too bad. Reason is more my preference than Anne... Not to mention Joo-way. I'm not saying it's bad right now, but what's he doing on the Anne Route in the middle of winter? Can't we just change it now? Especially when he writes me so much. Instead of using the name, I just sprayed perfume to remind me of myself. "

"Excellent: She must still be in the same hotel, but if she knocks on the door, can she play a game?

Doom Tooth: Polyamori DLC is the answer. A good woman accepts whatever she wants.

"Wilma: Anne Eeyouiere Juwei Etc……. It's thrilling to imagine. blah"


Joel: But I don't understand. Is the United States really that mined? I can't believe religious organizations became armed.

Red October: The United States is a country in which the original militia organization is legal. Organizations that are hostile to the federal government are classified as terrorist organizations, but how often do they proactively expose their tendencies? Psychopaths who insist on Southern independence are also officially registered as pro-government groups.

Dew Crocodile: That's amazing.

Red October: Once upon a time, when a black man became president, the number of anti-government militias increased tremendously. Now in the United States of America, well, President McMillan tried to control himself, but there were constraints on administrative capacity, traditional emotions, obstacles.

"Slow Wagon: Let me…… explain….

SP: Oh, I don't need you.

"Morning dew: Oh, when do you sleep with Anne? Will that day ever come? T.

I'm more excited to clear the world view than that.

Владимир: Hmm.

[Владимир has given you 17,507,473 stars.]

Poop Poop: Most likely…… what?


"Eek Ta:?!

Nitrogen packaging:?!

Blackcat: Why Meow?!

"Mr. Russia?! ∑ (*)

"BigBuffetBoy86: Rusky, are you crazy?!

ACTIVE X Cocksucker: Maybe I messed with something wrong?

Imatl: Holy shit, wait a minute. How much is that?

"Encourage: 17 million stars?!


Groseillier noir: Oh, my God. That's roughly 100 million rubles. Rusky, you idiot! If you've eaten vodka and made a mistake, contact the post-mortem services immediately!

Владимир: It is not a mistake.

"groseillier noir: No?

Владимир: Yes.

"groseillier noir: you're just sponsoring that huge amount of money for no reason?

Владимир: Let's say for now.

"groseillier noir: for now……"?

Владимир: Never mind. It's none of your business.


Slow Wagon: Anti-Federal politics in the Southern United States, represented by the NeoConfederate, is…… creating an environment as a soil…… that cultivates more extreme beliefs…… as a result…… even though the anti-government militia……… has become publicly……… tolerated…… and I don't need…… damn… ---.

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