# of Nations (8)

“Fortunately, the wired network is still alive. ”

Agent Tucker put the data on the screen. It was a new directive from the White House.

“Especially the emergency line of the emergency shelter has a separate network. Look for an external terminal box that looks like it's on the screen. Here, if you connect the four Warrior terminals or laptops to the highlighted areas in the red circle, you'll be able to access the Internet and landlines. And if it's close enough to counteract the effects of radio interference... Oh, we don't need this. ”

Like he said, they were meaningless to the winter when they jumped into battle against the Trickster.

“The White House Command Room will try to assess the situation by adding road traffic cameras and exterior surveillance cameras for each evacuation facility. There are limits, but it's better than nothing. Additionally, you may be able to use a pay phone for command delivery and situation reporting, so please answer as soon as possible if the phone rings on the go. It's not a compulsion.”

Tucker also wrote down the number of the White House Command Room and tips for connecting military communications. Verifying the identity of the reporter on the phone is a substitute for voice recognition. This was common to all troops directly controlled by the White House.

“Are these all pre-prepared systems? ”

He answered the question of winter with a question.

“Otherwise, would you be able to respond so quickly? ”

I almost knew there was a monster called Trickster, but it was strange without any wireless disability measures. Tucker handed the connection cable out of the cabinet to Winter.

“Good luck, Commander. ”

Winter greeted Anne for the last time and then left the safe house.

The landscape of the hotel lobby has changed a lot. Armed security guards are holding their position. It was a time when the reputation of hotels increased, depending on how many measures it took to protect guests in USSR. It's worth knowing why the Bureau of Investigation has a safe house here.

You hear gunfire long before you even make it through the gate. You can see dozens of clouds of smoke rising through the transparent door.

Will we be able to end this chaos quickly? Imagine the worst winter. The miniature captain you retrieved contains only one portion of the battle rations. Almost the remaining weight was taken up by munitions. This disproportionate distribution was because the supply system was not clearly equipped. Even if we fight for a day or two, we can't run out of ammo.

Winter made its way back to the safe house, past the first accident site, abandoned bulletproof vehicles. The coordinates Anne gave me pointed to the heart of the National Mall and towards the Washington Monument. An open space to view the Lincoln Memorial to the west and the White Dome of the Capitol to the far east. The White House was hidden in a tree, but the austerity of countless people gave me a sense of the situation.

Winter stripped the dorsal surface. There are still no signs of toxins spreading.

A robust black man approaches.

“Commander in the middle of winter? ”

Even with a small star badge on the jacket, Winter was as discreet as possible.

“I'm in a hurry, but can you show me your ID first? ”

Agent Eulsea looks around and shows her ID. Secret Service, Jerome M. Franklin, the nodding winter approaches him. The wind blows the collar away.

“You chose a place like this despite your sniper concerns. ”

The agent replied confidently.

“There's no place that isn't dangerous right now. ”

It's hard to see that the bureau is safe, and it's hard to make contact somewhere in the city block at every intersection. It might be better to be open everywhere, like the National Mall.

“Take this first. ”

Agent Franklin gave me a device that resembles a PDA.

“The authentication and piano identification module (IFF) for white cells. Commander's fingerprint is already registered. ”

It looks like it has a rustic military grade. Fingerprint recognition was required for operation and manipulation. The interface was so intuitive that I could learn all the functions if I touched it a little. Pressing roughly also noticeable network scalability. Wherever I connected it was an automatic response.

However, the device itself had a lot of functional constraints.

The agent explained.

“If there are other white cell agents nearby, the identification will be done automatically. ”

“That's a lot less effective. ”

“Yes, but I've been told it will work within forty meters. There's some resistance to interference. Compatible with existing formal identifiers. At least we won't get misunderstood by the White House's current troops. with minimal information, and there are people out there who are in charge of contact. ”

Thirty meters, considering the urban environment, is not just a short distance.

“Next. If you have this, you don't have to spend time sequencing your command. because you can see it when you see it. If the wireless environment is unstable, connect it to the wired network frequently. Each time, the last known coordinates of the crew will be updated. ”

He also said that data exchanges were made automatically when he was close to other members. It searches for the latest information.

The sequence of command, by the way. Winter asked.

“How many people do I have comforted? Or the regional head.”

“Not many in the workforce. You're less likely to run into them. ”

“Is that it? Even though I don't know anything about White Cells? ”

“It's similar for existing agents. Because the White Cells themselves were confidential, and even if there were spies inside the White House or cells, they had to minimize the damage, and when the command system was paralyzed, it was an organization created with the intent of entrusting everything to individual members' abilities and judgment. It's a systematically independent restorer. First of all, you're a winter commander. ”

“ ……. ”

You're a winter commander, Rani. It feels strange to say it in a dry tone.

“The President highly appraises his judgment. ”


“It was decisive. That's why I decided to put you in. ”

It was an indication that there had been doubt until now.

Winter ties the module received to the armored shoulder strap and connects it to the radio with a wire. Sometimes it feels a little awkward. I wish I could make it smaller, but I like the fact that it looks sturdy. We may not have enough budget and time for the government.

“I just have one more question. Do you have any plans to evacuate? ”

D.C. is under attack. The road is blocked, but the path of heaven is open. Why isn't the president moving to a private plane? In response to Winter's question, the Secret Service agent shakes his head.


“Why? It's too dangerous to have underground bunkers, isn't it? ”

As long as the bunker is strong, the White House itself is a place of refuge for time. If we don't have outside support, there could be irregularities in the well-being of President Child.

Agent Franklin's face shows for the first time. It was a little fatigue.

“Number one, there should be no brief command-and-control space, and number two, I can't believe the conspirators left the sky empty." Number three, the president said, citizens' trust in the government should not be further removed from here. We need to show that we're with the citizens, even at the risk. ”

“…… I see. ”

Winter hesitated for a moment and said:

“Tell the President. The commander thinks we should disclose information about Necrotoxin to the citizens. ”

The agent accepts it at random.

“Coming soon. I have to save time, so if you have nothing else important to do, I'll leave now. Do your best. Our enemies have only just begun to move. ”

This is the end of the business. This is the winter I summon him to be a little embarrassed. It was only three minutes after we met.

“Wait. There are no specific instructions? No matter how much they value autonomous judgment.... ”

“You don't understand. ”

“ ……. ”

“You'll have to get used to it right from there. May God bless you. ”

Only after hearing this did Winter fully understand the role given to him.

It was said to be a policy of maintaining contact by a variety of means, but it was a bit stumped to see Agent Franklin's back from afar. However, in the beginning, only those who were able to overcome this stumbling block would have been chosen. If you stay still, it is not standard enough.

What will the enemy do when he's still hiding behind the veil? What should we do first to force them to reveal themselves? I wonder how the military and other agents are moving....

Whew, and out of breath, winter determined the priority of action.

Twenty minutes from that.

The biggest obstacle to the mission was the angry or frightened citizens.

“Thank you for your help. Ugh, thank you. ”

An agent of White Cell, who had just been beaten up by Lynch, gives thanks, panting in winter. I can't even open my eyes properly enough. Winter swallowed a sigh. He and his colleagues were from the Bondi local police, were still wearing the uniform, and both had bad luck being white. The other one was unconscious.

And here in Hill East was a densely populated area for black people.

“Citizens! ”

Winter, when her face was full, cried out to the circles of those who murmured.

“Please! Return to your homes or evacuation facilities!" Please wait for the situation to resolve! This chaos is exactly what terrorists want! They could do even worse things in these gaps! ”

A hesitant crowd bursts into delayed fury.

“But! The police attacked us first! We have unfair government power! We must protect ourselves from the dead! Gentlemen, isn't that right? ”

The rest responded roughly. Yes! Black lives are precious too! Citizens poured out into the streets wearing masks and armed with all sorts of firearms and blunts. Even those wearing body armor or homemade protective gear stand out. If they turn into riots right now, even winter will be hard to bear. He even suggested that he would kill the Trickster from an unknown angle.

Before the resonance of anger grows again, winter raises an empty hand to gather their attention.

“I am here to protect you! ”

The appearance of people listening to the high voices. Inside the windows of the buildings on either side of the road, there were hands holding a smartphone and gazes.

Winter kept shouting.

“Those who do wrong! You will definitely be responsible for this later! I promise to help you then! But if you don't help me now! Later may not come at all! A lot of people may be gone tomorrow! ”

“ ……. ”

“Go back! There are no hidden monsters in this city! Replicated signals are being emitted! These agents! They're searching for and destroying that beacon! The government announcement is not a lie to protect white people first! ”

The crowd is silent, but there is no complete silence. A long echo of gunfire echoes through the streets, and someone's screams and shouts stagger in different directions.

The time flowed as opposed to one second increased by one minute.

“Please, please. ”

More people pondered, frowned, and sighed at the plea of winter.

You can see their voices gradually drifting to one side of the conversation in silence. In any group, there was always someone who led the atmosphere. Here, he is a tall and glaring man. I had as many muscles as I had weight. The wrinkles on his forehead looked like they had been stabbed in poor, rough years.

At last, when everyone else is silent, he grunts.

“Damn it.”

I lost strength from my thick shoulders.

“No matter how furious I get, I can't fight a winter commander.... ”

I was in a hurry, but the winter was calmly baptized.

“Thank you."

The man waves his hand in a choked manner.

“No more gratitude, and you must keep your promise. If I'm disappointed in you, I'm afraid I'll lose my life. ”

In his words, the rest of us are in harmony with the unpleasant atmosphere. Perhaps we have acted together before. Survivors' groups, such as online communities and SNS, were in many times.

The crowd turns around, one by one, in an awkward atmosphere.

Like the Secret Service agent said, the president announced that there is weaponized necrotoxin in the hands of traitors through various channels. This news spread surprisingly quickly, despite the fact that radio waves had become futile. As with all information going through people, distortion and misunderstanding are increasingly increasing.

Since then, the city's chaos has worsened every minute of every second.

Winter asked the agent who was still awake.

“Can you stand up? ”

“Yes, for now……. Just leave it. You know what to do. ”

He said, and the spit was diluted blood that was hard to stand up and spit on.

Covered in the shadow of a nearby building, other agents appear ready to engage. The numbers were four. The first to merge with winter. Identification signals attract each other like magnets. The four agents crouch around the injured and watch their every move. The next superior says with winter behind his back.

“I was lucky, though. ”

“Sergeant Sanchez. ”

“Without you, the result would have been one of two. You either let these people die, or you fire on the citizens. Either way, it was the worst. ”

Sergeant Sanchez, this agent from the mountain division has been in Washington, D.C. for half a year after his cover. He speaks calmly.

“Let's go. You've saved enough lives." 170 meters to the nearest jamming site. ”

“ ……. ”

The short pondering winter puts a hand on the injured officer's shoulder.

“Hide well. ”

You say good-bye and nod slightly to the waiting agents.

The movement that was blocked by the crowd resumed. With many obstacles such as off-road vehicles, the crew's movements did not go beyond the level of slow running. 170 meters in a straight line, over 300 meters down the road. Given the delay, Sergeant Sanchez was instructed in winter.

“I'll go first, I'll be there, so if there's a fight, judge for yourself and support me. ”

“… OK. ”

The answer was a stain of pride impaired by the roughened breathing, but I couldn't care less now. Winter alone sped up.

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